Read Evan's Addiction Online

Authors: Sara Hess

Evan's Addiction (67 page)

BOOK: Evan's Addiction
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     My gaze clouded with unbelievable tears and I gripped the forearm
attached to the fingers stroking my face. “No ones loved me.” I whispered. Not
in twenty years. All anybody did was throw me away, hand me over to the next
family, ignore me, use me, or harass me.

     His brows pinched in anger. “That’s not true. David loves you.
Carrie loves you. Sam loves you. You’ve worked your way into Nic’s and everyone
else’s heart, even Dan’s. Given more time and your willingness to open up more,
they too will love you. However, none of them will love you as much as I do,
and I have a feeling its the kind of love that gets worse; digging itself so
deep it will be impossible to get rid of.” Evan tenderly kissed my nose, each
cheek, and than lastly my lips; teasing them softly. “Just thinking about it is
making me look forward to it.”

     My nails dug into his flesh weakly and tears trickled from my eyes
as my heart cracked open to the possibility. “I don’t have anything special to
hold you so I was just trying to enjoy the time I had with you. I wanted to be
able to look back and have at least some good memories.” I drew in a sobbing
breath. “God, for the last week I’ve been so afraid you were going to tell me
time was up.”

     He frowned and resting his head on the pillow next to mine he
combed my hair away from my face. “Is that why I felt like you were distancing
yourself lately…and why you walked away from me at the courthouse?”

     “You said everything was a struggle with me from beginning to end
and when I heard the word ‘end’ that was all I could focus on.” I sniffed.

     “That’s not what I meant at all.” Evan protested with a regretful
expression. “I was angry that the judge had me paying Ford’s medical expenses,
and I knew you were feeling guilty about it and that made me angrier. I got
pissy with you because I wanted my way but you were being stubborn, and you
know how spoiled I am.” His lip hitched up. “That asshole should be giving you
money for all the grief he’s put you through. You work hard for what you earn and
I know that what you’ve saved you view as a means to a new chapter in your life.”
I had never told him that and I was only slightly surprised that he figured it
out. “I don’t want him taking anymore from you.” His expression had gone a
little hard talking about Ford, but now it softened. “As for the struggle I’ve
had with you; every single moment has been entirely worth the effort, because
you’re worth it, and what’s more, I enjoyed all of it. You’re a treasure Shaw
and I would go through the fires of hell to win you and thank the Lord for
every pain and burn.”

     I tried swallowing the bucket of tears welling up inside me but I
couldn’t contain them all because a small waterfall gushed down my cheeks. This
was better than any of my dreams making it difficult to believe. All I’d wanted
was for Evan to care for me, want me, keep me.  

     An unexpected huge yawn hit me and I brought my hand up to cover
it because with how nasty the inside of my mouth tasted my breath had to stink.

     “I can’t believe I still feel tired…and oh god, my mouth feels so
gross.” I sniffed, wiping at my wet face.

     With a kiss to my soggy face Evan reached over my body and brought
back a cup of water with a straw. I sipped from it thirstily. After I was done
he returned it and rested his head back down next to mine.

     “Go ahead and go back to sleep if your tired.”

     I frowned groggily. “I don’t want to close my eyes. I’m afraid you
might disappear. I almost lost you. When I was in that cage I was more distressed
at not seeing you again then I was at the thought of the fat pervert who might
buy me.” I wondered distantly if I would be this open if I wasn’t so tired.
“Hey, are they giving me pain medicine?”

     He inched closer caressing my mouth softly with his and when he
pulled back the amber of his eyes was sizzling with all sorts of emotions.
“Yes, you probably just got another computerized dose. And Shaw, I’m not going
anywhere. I’ll be here when you wake up again. I promise. You need your rest to
get better. The quicker you get better the sooner I can jump your bones.” His
grin looked as tired as I felt.

     My lids drooped and a loopy grin tugged at my lips. “I hurt.”

     Evan’s expression instantly turned alarmed. “Where? I’ll call the

     He started to get off the bed but I grabbed at his arm weakly,
blinking through the drowsiness that was hitting me hard. “It’s my lip. I have
an owie on it…can you kiss it and make it better?”    

     He stared at me flabbergasted for a moment before flopping back
down next to me with a sigh “I’m going to get you back for that later.” But he
grinned in relief.

     “Not my fault…I’m pretty sure it’s the pain meds.” I couldn’t hold
my eyes open any longer.

     Firm lips brushed over mine. “I love you, Shaw.”

     I fell asleep clutching his hand hoping this wasn’t all a dream.


∞                    ∞


     When I blinked my eyes open I was confused for a moment, but as drowsiness
receded memories inundated me; kidnapped, Elizabeth, rescued, Evan, hospital,
Evan said he loved me…
Evan said he loved me!
Did I dream that? Where was
he? I could smell him faintly on the pillow but he wasn’t here. He said he’d be
here. Unless it had all been a dream.

     I looked around frantically but instead of Evan I found Elizabeth, completely clothed this time in jeans and a hoodie, her blonde hair pulled back
in a ponytail. She was sitting in the chair Evan had been sitting in last night
before crawling into bed with me…at least, I think he had.

     “How are you feeling?” She asked, her eyes somber.    

     “Where’s Evan?” I asked, my gaze flickering around agitatedly.                               

     “He’s in the bathroom.” She pointed to a closed door to my left. I
heard water running and my anxiety calmed. “I don’t think he’s left your side
the entire time you’ve been here, but he said you woke up last night and he
wanted to jump in the shower real quick so he wasn’t stanky when you woke
again.” She grinned faintly. “I think you might have downplayed his feelings
for you.”

      My muscles unwound at the knowledge he was truly here. Searching for
the remote to the bed I inclined the upper half so I wasn’t lying flat. “Evan
told me you stopped by twice already. Thank you, but you didn’t have to; I’m
fine. I’m sure you have lots of other people you want to be with. I’m just the
girl you got stuck with for a few hours.” Elizabeth had been gone for a month.
Her friends and family must want to smother her with joy that she was back home

     She shrugged and several emotions crossed her face, but mostly she
looked sad, and weirdly guilty. “I needed to make certain you are going to be
okay. We may have only been together for a short while, but it was an intense
short time; a shared horror-filled captivity.” She whispered, eyes inward.

     I held out my hand and watched as she shook herself out of her
thoughts to take it. “Are you doing okay?” I asked. After all that time with
that psycho she was probably going to need a little therapy.

     A tear slipped down her cheek. “I still can’t believe I’m out of
there; that we were rescued. They told me the reason we were was because a
friend of yours hid a tracking device in a necklace he gave you, and for a
whole different threat against you. It all seems so incredible.”       

     Evan had mentioned that last night; something about the necklace
David had given me. I was going to have to find out more about that later.

     “Evan thinks it was fate.” I murmured.

     Libby squeezed my hand and her expression turned tearfully guilty
again. “I’m sorry you were taken, but at the same time I’m so very glad you
were, because I know I would have been shipped off as some sex slave. That
probably makes me seem so selfish…”

     I shook my head stopping her. “If I had to go through all that
again so you and other women would be safe from that disgusting, crucky
asshole, than I would.” Elizabeth gave a tearful grin at my reference to her
swear word. “Evan told me that they may be able to find…” The sound of high-speed
clicking had my head swiveling towards the door to find some guy taking
pictures of Elizabeth and me. “What the hell…” I uttered.

     “Oh god…” Elizabeth moaned covering her face.

     Neither of us finished what we were saying because suddenly the
camera was snatched from his hand and then Blake appeared holding the guy by
the scruff his coat.

     “Let me the hell go!” The guy screamed. “Give me my camera or I
will sue your fucking ass.”

     “You can try after the hospital, cops, and these girls get done
with you.” Blake growled angrily, shaking him slightly. Blake was twice the
guy’s weight and height so I could see it wasn’t difficult for him to do. “You’re
not supposed to be up here. Get some security up here.” He yelled out into the

     I stared at Blake and the other guy having no idea what was going
when all of a sudden the door to the bathroom swung open hitting the wall with
a ‘
. I jumped and felt Elizabeth start next to me. Evan marched out
with a towel wrapped around his waist and shaving crème covering half his
glowering face.

     My gaze locked on him like steel to a magnet. God, he was
gorgeous. Please let what he said to me be real.

     “What the hell is going on?” Evan glanced around the room and
noticing I was awake his gaze lit up. Seeing him relaxed something inside of me
I didn’t even know was coiled tight.

     “This guy snuck up here and was taking pictures of Shaw and Elizabeth.”
I couldn’t help noticing that Blake’s intent gaze fixed on Libby and that it didn’t
waiver as he explained the situation.

     A scowling Evan took the bulky camera out of Blake’s hand. It
looked like he was examining the pictures.

     “Come on, dude. It’s just a few pictures.” The guy bleated. “No
harm was done. I’m just doing my job; paying the bills.”

     Evan hit some buttons on the camera and then shoved it in the
guy’s stomach. “You’re lucky I don’t smash this thing to dust, as well as you,
assbag.  You know you’re not supposed to be up here. However, I’m going to let
the cops deal with you.”

     Just then two guys in uniforms sprinted into the room breathing heavily.
With disgusted looks they hauled camera guy away while he complained the whole

     Evan spun and strode over to me. His expression was anxious as his
knuckles stroked my face. “You okay? How are you feeling?”

     I wanted to just melt into his touch but…“I’m good, but what was
that? Why was that guy taking pictures of us?”    

     Blake walked over to the end of the bed as Evan sighed. “There are
a horde of journalists and paparazzi outside biting at each others ankles in
the hopes of getting yours and Elizabeth’s story. A few others have tried
getting in here like that douche-bag but they were caught before they could get
to the room. Fucking scum think their rights to a fucking story are more
important than your healing and privacy.”

     “Evan, go cover yourself up and finish your face. You’re making Elizabeth uncomfortable.” Blake blurted out with a grunt.

     I glanced at Libby to find her face flushed and her gaze
flickering over Evan and then moving to Blake, and staying there. Her
discomfort was obvious, but I could see that she appreciated the view of Blake
over Evan. I don’t know why but that was her prerogative, and it’s not like I
wanted her drooling over Evan anyway.  

     Evan shook his head with a grin. Bending down he gave me a soft
kiss. “Be right back,” he whispered before striding back into the bathroom.

     I might have pouted at his absence. “Is what he said for real?” I
turned to Blake and Elizabeth.

     “Yes.” Elizabeth sighed and wrapped her arms around herself
looking pained. “It’s awful. They’re camped out at my house too. I had to hide
in the trunk of our cook’s car just to come see you. I nearly passed out each
time being stuck in that enclosed space. It seems I’ve become claustrophobic.”
She laughed self-derisively her face pale.

     I reached for her hand again and she clutched at it almost

     “Damn vultures.” Blake growled angrily. “Don’t you have somewhere
else you could stay to get away from them; a friend or relative?” His gaze was
fixed intently on her.

     Elizabeth inhaled a shuddery breath. “After everything I just
wanted to be back in my old room; around things familiar, but I don’t know now…everything
is just so…” She swallowed back what looked liked more tears and let the rest
of whatever she might have said trail off; either unable or uncertain how to

     I squeezed her hand in comfort. “I’d invite you to come stay with
me but it looks like my place isn’t going to be much better.” Hell, where was I
going to go to get away from all this? I certainly didn’t want all the

     Her lips twisted up in a not so humorous smile. “My parent’s would
let me anyway. They’re mad I slipped away and right now they’re on their way
here to pick me up…but can I…can I get your number so that maybe we could

     The desperate yearning in her tone was impossible to say no to.
After what we went through I wouldn’t have anyway. “Of course.” I ticked off my
number and watched her load it into her phone. She also wrote down hers and
handed it to me. “Unfortunately, I don’t have a phone at the moment. Jerk-off
probably destroyed it.”

     “I’ll get you a new one today.” Evan said walking back into the
room in jeans and a long-sleeved dark blue thermal shirt; his face clean shaven
and his hair styled. My heart lifted with the fact that he was back in the room.

BOOK: Evan's Addiction
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