Evan's Addiction (49 page)

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Authors: Sara Hess

BOOK: Evan's Addiction
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     “No, no, no…please.” Frustration washed over me and I pushed
against his hold trying to turn over so I could get him back inside me.

     Wrapping his arm around my waist he hauled me up further and
plunged back into me from behind. I gave a cry of satisfaction at having him
back inside me, stretching me, and if my mind wasn’t so consumed with reaching
my orgasm I might have been anxious at the new position.

     “God, Shaw, I’ve been dreaming about all the ways I want to take
you, all the ways I want to make you come.” His hands smoothed down my back to
my butt molding both cheeks, and then down to where we were connected, rubbing
the lips of my sex and clit.

     “You’re taking your time with the coming part.” Panting, I
clenched around him and began rocking since he didn’t seem inclined to move.

     I got two breath-stealing deep stabs in before Evan groaned out a
chuckle, and then his hard body blanketed my back making it difficult for me to
get any substantial plunging depth.

     “This is my rodeo, Red.” 

     Oh, he was so funny. “I’m so going to kill you.” I moaned, but it
had to wait until he gave me my orgasm. 

     He was barely thrusting, and his finger rubbed lightly over my
clit stimulating me just enough to bring me back to the edge but not over.

     “How about I give you a choice; I will give you one big orgasm in
about ten minutes, or I can give you three at your demand.”

     This seemed like a trick question but I was having a really
difficult time thinking. The only thing my brains cells could latch onto was
the part where I could have an orgasm now if I demanded it.

     “The three…now, please now.” I pleaded, reaching back to grip his
thick thigh.

     “You’re going to have to let go my leg and use both your arms to
hold yourself up then.” He growled in my ear.  

     Nodding my head frantically I did what he said and clutched at my
bedspread. Evan lifted off my back, grasped my hips, and began hammering into
me. My body rocked violently with each drive and it was painfully glorious.

     “Am I hurting you?” Evan grunted.

     I could only shake my head frantically because words were beyond
me, and when his fingers stroked my clit forcefully thoughts vanished as well.
My groin pulsed, my body clenched, and I saw stars behind my closed lids as my
orgasm crashed over me.

Oh god, it was so, so good.

     As the intense contractions diminished my arms shook and folded
under me causing my face and chest to smash to the bed. All I wanted to do was
lay there and not move…because there was no way I could. I felt drained.

     Evan shifted us so we were laying side by side, his hot, hard
front to my back. One of his hands moved to my breast, pinching and rolling my
nipple, and his other hand moved down my abdomen to where we were still joined.
He touched my clit and I jerked at how agonizingly sensitive I was.

     My hand covered his. “Oh god, it almost hurts to touch me there.”
I whimpered breathlessly. His fingers pulled at my nipple and his hips began
thrusting. I moaned and shuddered at the overload of sensations. “Auhhh,
Evan…what are you doing?”

     His lips sucked at my earlobe. “You chose, Red, and now you have
to suffer the consequences.” Those torturous lips traveled down my neck.

     The deal I made smacked me in the face. “There is no way you are
going to be able to wring two more orgasms out of me.” I wheezed.

     Evan didn’t stop and his touch was nearly painful at first, but
soon I started to pant at the unexpected rush of pleasure. The combination of
his fingers on my nipple and those on my clit, as well as the rhythm of his
driving cock had electric shocks coursing through me, building my need all over

     With one hand I reached back and latched onto his hair, and dug my
nails of the other into the arm connected to my breast. “I’m going to…again.” I
gasped in shock.

     “Yeah, Red, let it come. I want to feel you squeeze my cock so
fucking hard.” He snarled into my neck.

     The excruciating tension inside me was coiling even tighter this
time and I curled in on myself as it finally exploded sending white-hot ecstasy
through me. I let out a long high mewl as the incredible release shattered my

     I was still pulsing devastatingly and trembling uncontrollably as
Evan turned me over to my back. His face was flushed and his eyes wild as he
stared down at me breathing heavily. God, he was brutally handsome, I thought

     “Last one.” He uttered gutturally, and settling his hips between
my thighs he slid back into me.

     “I can’t.” I protested weakly. I was extremely tight and sensitive
from back to back orgasms, but I was also very wet from them, as well as from
him coming in me earlier, because of that he didn’t have difficulty in
stretching me open.

     Amber eyes smoldered down into mine. “Can’t back out now, baby.”
His eyes closed with a groan as he settled his body on top of mine. He didn’t
put all his weight on me, just enough to where I could feel every hot, hard,
wonderful part of him. “You feel so fucking amazing. I could live in your cunt
forever.” He mumbled into my neck.

     Any other time I would have taken offense at that word, but right
now I just wrapped my quaking arms and legs around his frame. His hands
tunneled under me to grasp my ass, and then he resumed his thrusting. He gave
me all of himself this time, slamming into me to the hilt, grinding into my
clit, and then did it again…and again…and again. He wasn’t playing this time.

     His fingers tangled in my hair, and my hands held tightly to his
rigid shoulders. He let out a deep grunt after each hard shove, and I was
practically sobbing as the pressure twisting inside me reached an entirely new,
and mind-boggling level.

     How something could hurt and feel so good and the same time I
didn’t know, but I needed more of it. “Harder, Evan…harder.” I cried, arching
into each of his thrusts. I’d thought the vibrator play was torture, but this…

     “Oh Fuuckkk, Red.” Raising his head he stared down at me and the
inferno in his eyes had my breath catching, but he drove into me harder like I
asked, forcing it out.

     Our eyes stayed locked as my orgasm approached like an ominous
huge wave. Right before it hit Evan closed his eyes and let out a long guttural
groan and I could feel him expanding and pulsing within me, stretching me even
more. That was all I needed…the wave smashed into me and I might have pulled
some of his hair out as my entire body spasmed violently.

     Could someone die from too much pleasure? I clutched at him helplessly
as I was turned inside-out.

     My contractions gradually weakened, but my muscles continued to
quiver from the tsunami of sensations that Evan had brought forth from me.

     My wits slowly returned and I could only lay there dumbfounded and
terrified at what I’d just experienced, because that did not seem normal. I
wanted to ask him if what he’d done to me was an average night of sex for him
but I didn’t have the nerve. I also didn’t want to know.

     I thought our first night together had been really, really
good…and thinking about that night had my thoughts zinging to places I didn’t
want to go…Was he going to say or do something hurtful to me like last
time…ruining everything?

     Evan had collapsed heavily on top of me, chest heaving and
breathing deeply, and didn’t seem inclined to chatter so maybe we’d just fall
asleep and I wouldn’t have to worry about that.

     But what if he was staying silent because he was trying to figure
out how to jam now that the deed was done? Was Evan a sleep over type of guy or
did he go home soon after? He’d stuck around after those times we’d fooled
around, but we’d moved onto the ‘climax’—so to speak—and this could be the
point in time things changed. 

     I’d initiated sex because I had to find out if they would, but now
I was afraid. I thought getting this ‘relationship’ moving forward and
concluded quicker would leave my heart less destroyed but I think I had been
fooling myself. No…I know I had.

     God…I needed someone to cane me for how pathetic I was being;
worrying and whining.   

     Evan disengaged himself from me with a short deep grunt and I
quaked softly at the separation.

     “Are you okay?” He moved to my side and stared down at me with
dilated, solemn eyes and flushed cheeks.

God, he was gorgeous

     Swallowing, I answered robotically. “I’m fine. Why?”

     Feeling suddenly exposed, and not just physically, I grabbed the
edge of my comforter and pulled it over me while looking for my clothes…any
clothes. My sleep shirt was under my pillow and I grabbed for it like a life
jacket, tugging it over my head.

     There was a minute pause before he pressed forward. “Shaw, you
went from completely relaxed to rigid, and instead of your breathing slowing in
relaxation it started to get erratic again.”

     “I was just having a difficult time breathing because you weigh a
ton, that’s all.” I forced a laugh and made to climb from the bed but Evan’s
hand stopped me.

     He gave me a firm, but gentle tug, and then I was under him
again…caged. His penetrating amber stare examined me and I tried my best not to
squirm. His nakedness wasn’t helping.

     “What’s with the eye avoiding?”

     Swallowing my cowardice I made myself meet his gaze, and tried not
to melt at how the amber intensity of it affected me. “I don’t know what you’re
talking about.”

     Eyes hooded, he silently scrutinized me. “I fucked up again.”

     I frowned in confusion and rising anxiety. “What…what do you mean?”

     “I forgot the damn condom again. That’s fucking twice now with
you. It’s never skipped my mind before, but every time my dick gets near your…”
He cleared his throat and shook his head. “There’s no fucking excuse for my irresponsibility.”

     My gaze shifted down to his perfect Roman nose. “I’m the one that
made the move so the fault would lie with me. I figured since I was on the pill
you would be fine with going without one. I’m sorry if I overstepped...”

     He leaned down to nip at my lips. “Believe me, if you’re fine with
it I’m fine with it, and I’m clean, but I swore to myself I would…I just want
you to trust that my first thought is to keep you safe.”

     I did trust him to keep me safe from diseases, but my heart was a different

     “Well, since that’s cleared up. I need to get to the bathroom and
take care of myself, because no condom means…” Going red I left it at that and
tapped at his arm to move.

     Mercifully, he did after one last concentrated stare and I
jack-knifed up out of the bed rushing to the bathroom on jello legs. I sent up
a prayer that the fluid dripping from me wasn’t leaving a trail behind me.
Closing the bathroom door I grabbed a washcloth and moistened it. I was still
sensitive and wiping myself sent a shudder of aftershocks through me. 

     That man was dangerously incredible at the sex thing, and that
thought was both shiver inducing and grating.

     After cleaning myself I was not in a hurry to leave the bathroom,
so I ended up washing my face and brushing my teeth to waste some time.
Witnessing my reflection in the mirror had me freezing and gaping for an
instant. My face was still flushed, my eyes dazed, and my lips swollen bearing
witness to the typhoon I just lived through. Instead of gathering my wild hair
up and out of the way I used it to hide behind as I took a deep breath and
opened the door. 

     I was expecting Evan to be fully dressed when I stepped out but
instead he was standing against the wall waiting for me in only his boxers. I
couldn’t stop my gaze from drinking him in, and my core clenched with renewed desire.

     Like I said…dangerous.

     I shuffled to the side nervously. “I’m sorry. I didn’t even think
that you might need to use the bathroom.”

     His head cocked to the side like he was trying to figure something
out, and then he stepped up to me. Tilting my chin up, he brushed his lips over
mine softly. “No problem.”

     He stepped into the bathroom, closing the door, and I stared at it
for a moment exhaling a shuddery breath. Shit, I was so screwed. Hurrying into
my bedroom I pulled on some clean underwear and pajama pants. Plopping down in
my computer chair I booted up my computer and was just opening up a window to
some pseudo work when Evan walked back in the bedroom.

     “What are you doing?” He asked.

     Even through my own freak out I could see that he was looking
slightly on edge as well. Was that because he couldn’t wait to leave?

     “I’ve got course work I wasn’t able to get to because of my
undercover work tonight. I don’t want to be up until midnight trying to get it
done.” Was that enough of a hint to let him know I had no problem with him

     I tapped a few keys and peeked out the corner of my eye to find
him staring at me. Was that a frown? Was he mad?

     Three Mississippi’s later he moved into my room and I heard him
dressing. Thank god! Thirteen Mississippi’s later I heard and felt him move up
behind me.

     “Should I leave so you can finish?”

     “Uhm…I guess…I mean, I don’t know how much fun I’m going to be…and
you have work in the morning…and it’s close to that time you normally leave
anyway.” Shit, my monkey brain couldn’t seem to form complete sentences, and my
throat was starting to form this thick ball making it hard to swallow.

     He didn’t answer right away. “Well, I don’t want to be the cause
of you getting bad grades.” His hands clapped onto my shoulders and he spun my
chair around so that I faced him.

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