Empress Dowager Cixi: The Concubine Who Launched Modern China (72 page)

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278 ‘
simply fled

: Archives of Ming and Qing Dynasties (ed.) 1979a, vol. 1, p. 469;
‘quite a few traitors’
: Sheng Xuanhuai, vol. 2, p. 656;
Eunuchs remembered
: Xin Xiuming, p. 37;
Lishan in 1898
: Mao Haijian 2005, p. 38;
200 carriages
: Chen Kuilong, pp. 57–9
early morning of 15 August
: Natong, vol. 1, p. 350; Pujia, Pujie et al., pp. 90–1;
Pearl drowned
: Pujia, Pujie et al., pp. 187–8; Xin Xiuming, pp. 24–5
Chapter 24 Flight (1900–1)
beginning of flight
: Pujia, Pujie et al., pp. 90–3; Cen Chunxuan, in Cen Chunxuan, Yun Yuding et al., pp. 14–15; Wu (Woo) Yong, p. 51; Xin Xiuming, pp. 33–4; Wang Zhao, p. 100
with County Chief Woo
: Wu (Woo) Yong
first time in Han attire
: Pujia, Pujie et al., p. 93
Eye-witnesses seeing her
: Pujia, Pujie et al., p. 90;
orders to provinces
: Archives of Ming and Qing Dynasties (ed.) 1979a, vol. 1, p. 489,
; First Historical Archives of China (ed.) 2003, vol. 2,
six million taels
: First Historical Archives of China (ed.) 2005, vol. 1, p. 37;
2,000 carts
: Wu (Woo) Yong, p. 95;
Sir Yinhuan execution
: First Historical Archives of China (ed.) 1996, vol. 26, no. 662; Ma Zhongwen 1996, no. 4;
Liu Kunyi to Zhang
: Liu Kunyi, vol. 6, p. 2586
285 ‘
thousand times urgent

: Kong Xiangji 2008, pp. 162–3;
lobby Western powers to protect Cixi
: Royal Archives, Windsor, VIC/MAIN/Q/16, nos 592, 806;
‘There is great danger’
: Royal Archives, Windsor, VIC/MAIN/Q/16, no. 843;
‘ranged themselves solidly’
: Morse, vol. 3, pp. 330, 342
Zhang to Cixi re audience
: Zhang Zhidong, vol. 2, pp. 1453–4; vol. 3, pp. 1526, 1580; Li Xizhu, pp. 116–17;
silent audience
: Gao Shu, p. 148
Poems of Gratitude
: Zhang Zhidong, vol. 12, pp. 10566–8;
Junglu as decoy
: Archives of Ming and Qing Dynasties (ed.) 1979a, vol. 1, p. 484;
Chongqi and family
: Archives of Ming and Qing Dynasties (ed.) 1979a, vol. 1, pp. 484, 532; First Historical Archives of China (ed.) 2003, vol. 3, pp. 891–2; Qing History Institute, Renmin University (ed.), vol. 12, p. 226; Yun Yuding, vol. 2, p. 789
: Natong, vol. 1, p. 352; Yun Yuding, vol. 2, p. 789;
assassination squad
: Yang Tianshi 2011, no. 5; Sang Bing, pp. 334–5; Yang Tianshi, pp. 157–61;
Warren cabled Salisbury
: National Archives, London, P.O. 17/1718, p. 372;
‘Peace of Yang-tsze’
: Royal Archives, Windsor, VIC/MAIN/Q/16, no. 859;
: Liu Bannong et al., p. 31
289 ‘
found a Republic

: Tang Zhijun 1997, p. 337;
burst into tears
: Wu (Woo) Yong, pp. 50, 89; Cen Chunxuan, Yun Yuding et al., p. 18; Xu Che, p. 486
290 ‘
In the middle of a sentence

: Wu (Woo) Yong, p. 83;
‘Your Majesty’
: Wu (Woo) Yong, p. 74
throne set up for herself
: Wu (Woo) Yong, p. 81; Roosevelt Longworth, p. 99; Carl, p. 71; Townley, p. 89
Chapter 25 Remorse (1900–1)
The last thing Cixi did
: interview with Prof. Wang Daocheng, who has seen the note, 21 October 2010;
‘politely requested’
: Smith, pp. 529–30;
guardians informed Cixi
: Archives of Ming and Qing Dynasties (ed.) 1979a, vol. 1, pp. 496–7, 551–2; vol. 2, pp. 1152, 1214, 1321, 1328–9, 1340–1; cf. Zhang Zhidong, vol. 3, p. 2168
Millions of taels seized
: Morse, vol. 3, p. 367; Chen Kuilong, p. 44; First Historical Archives of China (ed.) 2003, vol. 8, p. 604; Zhang Zhidong, vol. 2, p. 1451;
losses from homes
: Natong, vol. 1, p. 350; Archives of Ming and Qing Dynasties (ed.) 1979a, vol. 1, p. 498;
Hart helped stop looting
: Archives of Ming and Qing Dynasties (ed.) 1979a, vol. 1, pp. 496–7;
‘For decades’
: Archives of Ming and Qing Dynasties (ed.) 1979a, vol. 1, p. 513;
‘The place was’
: Weale, p. 342
294 ‘
there was no slaughtering

: Archives of Ming and Qing Dynasties (ed.) 1979a, vol. 1, p. 552;
hygiene in the streets
: Liu Bannong et al., p. 36;
‘return home as the Conqueror’
: Von Waldersee, p. 205;
‘deserved their fate’
: Von Waldersee, pp. 252–3;
‘I believe I may say’
: Von Waldersee, pp. 216–21;
: Archives of Ming and Qing Dynasties (ed.) 1979a, vol. 2, pp. 1155–6
295 ‘
Yesterday evening

: Von Waldersee, pp. 241–2;
‘the bedroom’
: Von Waldersee, p. 221;
Prettier Than Golden Flower
: Qi Rushan, in Liu Bannong et al., pp. 253–63
296 ‘
should be within the ability

: Morse, vol. 3, pp. 346–7, 350;
: Chang & Halliday, Chapter 56
German demands
: Morse, vol. 3, p. 350; Von Waldersee, p. 210;
America’s claim excessive
: Hunt;
Chinese population at that time
: Jiang Tao 1993, pp. 78–9;
arguments over indemnity
: Von Waldersee, pp. 224, 233, 239–40; People’s Bank of China (ed.), pp. 888–98
298 ‘
I have much sympathy

: Conger, pp. 188–9;
raising customs tariffs
: Boxer Protocol of 1901, in National People’s Congress Standing Committee Secretariat (ed.), p. 205; People’s Bank of China (ed.), p. 892;
up to eighteen million
: Morse, vol. 3, p. 351;
Cixi on new source
: Archives of Ming and Qing Dynasties (ed.) 1979a, vol. 2, p. 1075;
raising customs tariffs Beijing’s goal
: Morse, vol. 3, pp. 103–4; Sun Ruiqin (tr.), vol. 1, p. 116;
Cixi on payment terms
: Archives of Ming and Qing Dynasties (ed.) 1979a, vol. 2, p. 1075;
: Hart,
, vol. 2, p. 1282; Morse, vol. 3, p. 351
299 ‘
I have been of some use

: Fairbank et al., p. 167;
Cixi bestowed on Hart
: First Historical Archives of China (ed.), 1996, vol. 27, no. 751; Hart,
, vol. 2, p. 1294; Morse, vol. 3, p. 470;
500,000 taels
: Morse, vol. 3, p. 367;
‘overcome with’
: Archives of Ming and Qing Dynasties (ed.) 1979a, vol. 2, p. 853
300 ‘
as I am the one responsible

: Wu (Woo) Yong, p. 89;
‘the Decree of Self-reproach’
: Archives of Ming and Qing Dynasties (ed.) 1979a, vol. 2, pp. 944–7;
‘before’ or ‘after’
: Carl, p. 269;
29 January 1901 decree
: Archives of Ming and Qing Dynasties (ed.) 1979a, vol. 2, pp. 914–16;
‘Making these changes’
: Archives of Ming and Qing Dynasties (ed.) 1979a, vol. 2, p. 1328
Tianjin provisional government
Procès-verbaux des Séances du Gouvernement Provisoire de Tientsin
, vol. 1, Introduction, pp. 1–16;
2,758,651 taels
: Morse, vol. 3, p. 365;
‘Unlike 30 years ago’
: Zhang Zhidong, vol. 2, p. 1428
302 ‘
the spirit of reform

: Martin 2005, p. 198;
‘ranks with Catherine’
: Roosevelt Longworth, p. 95;
‘real revolution’
: Reynolds, p. 1
Chapter 26 Return to Beijing (1901–2)
305 ‘
some uneasiness

: Hart,
, vol. 2, p. 1299;
departure from Xian
: Wu (Woo) Yong, pp. 95–6
306 ‘
Long Live

: Xin Xiuming, p. 30;
not even sacked
: First Historical Archives of China (ed.) 2003, vol. 8, p. 532; Wu (Woo) Yong, pp. 95–7
307 ‘
appreciated and trusted

: Wang Yanwei (ed.), vol. 4, pp. 4275–6;
Cixi on Earl Li
: Wang Yanwei (ed.), vol. 4, p. 4276;
‘in magnitude’
: Conger, pp. 212–15;
heaping further honours
: Wang Yanwei (ed.), vol. 4, p. 4283
Yuan Shikai cable
: ibid.;
heir-apparent’s title
: First Historical Archives of China (ed.), 1996, vol. 27, no. 712; Wu (Woo) Yong, pp. 80, 121; Zhang Zhidong, vol. 10, p. 8654;
farewell to Woo
: Wu (Woo) Yong, pp. 123–4
309 ‘
extraordinarily smooth

: First Historical Archives of China (ed.), 1996, nos 768–9;
to Beijing by train
: Wang Yanwei (ed.), vol. 4, p. 4287; First Historical Archives of China (ed.) 2003, vol. 8, pp. 536–7; Conger, pp. 215–16;
stopped short
: cf. First Historical Archives of China (ed.) 2003, vol. 8, p. 618; Shan Shiyuan 1997, pp. 452–3
pet monkey
: Gao Shu, p. 130;
honoured Pearl
: First Historical Archives of China (ed.), 1996, vol. 27, no. 824
Chapter 27 Making Friends with Westerners (1902–7)
foreigners welcome to watch
: First Historical Archives of China (ed.) 2003, vol. 8, p. 586; Conger, pp. 215–16;
: Conger, p. 217;
‘The Court’
: Hart,
, vol. 2, p. 1301;
reception for diplomatic ladies
: Conger, pp. 217–23
Lady Townley
: Townley, pp. 80–1, 100–2; Headland, p. 100
313 ‘
These foreigners

: Der Ling 2004, p. 286;
‘The Audiences’
: Hart,
, vol. 2, p. 1303;
‘to wheedle’
: Carl, p. 232
Other goodwill gestures
: Sarah Conger’s Diary, the Jewell Collection, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 19 March 1904, 14–15 June 1904; Conger, p. 315; Carl, p. 209; First Historical Archives of China (ed.) 2005, vol. 2, p. 1261; Rongling, p. 23; Der Ling 2004, p. 148;
further relationship with Conger
: Sarah Conger’s Diary, the Jewell Collection, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1902–4,
; Conger, p. 223ff.
315 ‘
While there is

: Conger, pp. 236, 290;
dinner at American Legation
: Conger, pp. 226–9;
‘plain in appearance’
: Headland, p. 206;
Before long
: Conger, p. 232ff.
Conger and Cixi met often
: Conger, p. 236ff.
317 ‘
Through Mrs Conger’s

Boston Daily Globe
, 1 January 1905;
‘China’s Woman Ruler’
Chicago Daily Tribune
, 23 October 1904;
‘She orders women’s feet’
Chicago Daily Tribune
, 23 October 1904;
‘we were seated’
: Conger, pp. 352–3;
The Congers continued to receive
: Sarah Conger interview, in
Washington Post
, 17 November 1908;
Katharine Carl with Cixi
: Carl
321 ‘
: Headland, p. 32;
In the Blue Room
New York Times
, 19 February 1905;
The Washington Post
, 19 February 1905
Louisa Pierson’s parents
: Hart,
, vol. 2, pp. 1200, 1328; Zheng Xiaoxu, vol. 1, p. 505;
‘a Chinese girl kept by me’
: Hart,
, p. 363;
Hart’s three children
: ibid.;
Pierson and Yu Keng, promotion
: Zheng Xiaoxu, vol. 1, p. 505; Hart,
, vol. 2, pp. 1200, 1328

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