Empress Dowager Cixi: The Concubine Who Launched Modern China (67 page)

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Binchun diaries to Cixi
: Qing Government (ed.),
, pp. 4443–5
Binchun promotion
: Hart,
, p. 360; Weng Tonghe 2006, vol. 2, p. 684;
Weng mentioned him
: Kong Xiangji 2008, p. 31; Weng Tonghe 2006, vol. 2, p. 684;
Gong to Cixi on Burlingame
: Qing Government (ed.),
, pp. 4899–917
The conservatives
: Weng Tonghe 2006, vol. 1, p. 568;
‘Mr Hart’s brain’
: Morse: vol. 2, pp. 188–9;
In fact, Hart
: Morse: vol. 2, pp. 190, 194, 203;
Queen Victoria diary
: Royal Archives, Windsor, VIC/MAIN/QVJ/1868
78 ‘
the citizens of New York

: Burlingame speech in Schrecker; in Shore, p. 408–9
79 ‘
It affords me

: Schrecker
80 ‘
it is of utmost importance

: Qing Government (ed.),
, p. 6640; Zhigang, p. 361;
Zhigang quotes and audience:
Zhigang, pp. 244–380
Madame Tussaud’s commission
: 1845 edition of Madame Tussaud’s catalogue, in Arthur, p. 11;
diaries presented to Cixi
: Li Hongzhang, vol. 4, pp. 363–5
Cixi told Li not to come
: Li Hongzhang, vol. 5, p. 183;
: Association of Chinese Historians (ed.),
The Movement to Learn from the West
, vol. 8, p. 270
Chapter 7 Love Doomed (1869)
Emperors against eunuchs
: Li Guorong, p. 184
84 ‘
indulgence in seeking pleasures

: Weng Tonghe 2005, vol. 1, p. 1; Weng Tonghe 2006, vol. 2, p. 703;
‘depressing’ place
: Carl, p. 203;
Weng comments
: Weng Tonghe 2006, vol. 2, pp. 705, 711
Prince Chun insistent on execution
: Xue Fucheng 2004, vol. 1, p. 42; Xue Fucheng 1983, p. 83;
‘Can he be spared’
: Xue Fucheng 2004, vol. 1, p. 42;
‘must not be allowed’
: First Historical Archives of China (ed.) 1998, vol. 19, no. 526;
corpse exposed for days
: Woqiu Zhongzi, p. 52; Xue Fucheng 1897;
An’s belongings
: First Historical Archives of China (ed.) 1998, vol. 19, no. 548; Tang Yinian, p. 153
friend of An strangulated
: First Historical Archives of China (ed.) 1998, vol. 19, no. 632; Woqiu Zhongzi, p. 52; Yuan Xieming;
‘taking out her anger’
: Xue Fucheng 2004, vol. 1, p. 43;
women allowed to be seen
: Ding Baozhen, vol. 2, pp. 801–2; First Historical Archives of China (ed.) 1998, vol. 19, no. 631;
‘a boom’
: Xue Fucheng 1897;
Cixi collapsed
: Weng Tonghe 2006, vol. 2, pp. 721–30
operas put on daily
: Ding Ruqin, pp. 231–2
Chapter 8 A Vendetta against the West (1869–71)
Chun memorandum
: Qing Government (ed.),
, pp. 5927–41; Weng Tonghe 2006, vol. 2, p. 671
89 ‘
Even if we do not

: Zeng Jize, p. 334;
grandees’ reaction
: Qing Government (ed.),
, pp. 5941–50;
‘If it were otherwise’
: Freeman-Mitford, pp. xii–xiii
Isabella Bird observed
: Bird, p. 257;
‘swearing that the charge’
: Freeman-Mitford, pp. xlii–xliii
91 ‘
Stories of child eating

: Bird, p. 346;
1870 Tianjin riot
: Daily communications, including Cixi’s detailed instructions, in First Historical Archives of China & History Department of Fujian Normal University (eds), vol. 1, pp. 775ff.; Weng Tonghe 2006, vol. 2, pp. 776ff.; Morse, vol. 2, p. 246.
92 ‘
deal with them fairly

: First Historical Archives of China & History Department of Fujian Normal University (eds), vol. 1, pp. 778–9; First Historical Archives of China (ed.) 1998, vol. 11, no. 1538
Chun held sway
: Weng Tonghe 2006, vol. 2, pp. 784–5;
screen removed
: Weng Tonghe 2006, vol. 2, p. 784
Ma Xinyi
: Weng Tonghe 2006, vol. 2, p. 793; First Historical Archives of China & History Department of Fujian Normal University (eds), vol. 1, pp. 814–17;
‘excessive executions’
: Li Hongzhang, vol. 4, p. 76
Chun to Cixi
: Qing Government (ed.),
, pp. 7285–336; Wu Xiangxiang, vol. 1, pp. 121–7; Weng Tonghe 2006, vol. 2, p. 824
Chapter 9 Life and Death of Emperor Tongzhi (1861–75)
Tongzhi starts schooling
: First Historical Archives of China (ed.) 1998, vol. 11, no. 343;
his education and life
: Weng Tonghe 2006, vol. 2,
Cixi–son relationship
: Weng Tonghe 2006, vol. 2, pp. 839, 849–50, 862, 882, 1068; Yu Bingkun et al., p. 240;
Wang Qingqi
: Wu Xiangxiang, vol. 1, pp. 218–25; Weng Tonghe 2006, vol. 2, pp. 1067, 1073; Gao Shu, p. 156
Miss Alute
: Xue Fucheng 1983, pp. 26–7
the bride’s route and procession
: Simpson, Chapter XV; Morse, vol. 2, pp. 265–6
Foreign legations
: Morse, vol. 2, p. 266;
the wedding
: Zhang Shiyun
No. 2 consort
: Zhang Shiyun;
After the wedding
: Xue Fucheng 1983, pp. 26–7;
seals no longer used
: Yu Bingkun et al., p. 116;
‘not be lazy’
: Weng Tonghe 2006, vol. 2, p. 849;
Tongzhi’s rule
: Wu Xiangxiang, vol. 1, pp. 214–25; Qing Government (ed.),
arguments over kowtow
: Qing Government (ed.),
, pp. 8226–353
Cixi had already made her decision
: Qing Government (ed.),
, pp. 8287–8;
Weng troubled
: Weng Tonghe 2006, vol. 2, pp. 983–4
Over Old Summer Palace: Wu
Xiangxiang, vol. 1, pp. 206–25;
Chun: Tongzhi duty to avenge father
: Qing Government (ed.),
, pp. 8527–32;
Tongzhi against opposition
: Weng Tonghe 2006, vol. 2, pp. 1059, 1062; Wu Xiangxiang, vol. 1, pp. 208–9, 219–26; Wu Rulun, vol. 1, p. 314;
Cixi intervenes
: Weng Tonghe 2005, vol. 1, p. 2; Tonghe 2006, vol. 2, p. 1063; Wu Rulun, vol. 1, p. 314
Tongzhi’s medical records, his illness
Tongzhi jinyaobu
, in Archives of Ming and Qing Dynasties (ed.) 1979, vol. 7, pp. 265–92; Weng Tonghe 2006, vol. 2, pp. 1073–86
Cixi stands in for son
: Weng Tonghe 2006, vol. 2, pp. 1076–7; Weng Tonghe 2005, vol. 1, p. 3;
Wang Qingqi banished
: First Historical Archives of China (ed.) 1998, vol. 24, no. 1119; Weng Tonghe 2006, vol. 2, p. 1089
Grand Princess, died
: Weng Tonghe 2006, vol. 2, pp. 1092–3;
Miss Alute’s death
: Xin Xiuming, p. 26; Xue Fucheng 1983, p. 27;
family deaths
: First Historical Archives of China (ed.) 2003, vol. 3, pp. 891–2; Qing History Institute, Renmin University (ed.), vol. 12, p. 226; Yun Yuding, vol. 2, p. 789
burying her son
: Weng Tonghe 2006, vol. 3, pp. 1096–112; Li Yin, pp. 238–52; Qu Chunhai, pp. 39–40, 79–81
110 ‘
You have a good heart

: Carl, p. 243
Chapter 10 A Three-year-old is Made Emperor (1875)
Cixi after son died
: Weng Tonghe 2006, vol. 2, pp. 1086–7; Chen Kuilong, p. 100
Chun terrified
: Weng Tonghe 2006, vol. 2, p. 1087;
only son at the time
: Aisin-Gioro Puyi, p. 29;
‘he lay in a corner’
: Chen Kuilong, p. 100;
: Chen Kuilong, p. 100
Guangxu into palace
: Weng Tonghe 2006, vol. 2, p. 1087; Zhu Shoupeng, vol. 1, p. 2;
Chun resignation
: Weng Tonghe 2006, vol. 2, pp. 1088–9; Zhu Shoupeng, vol. 1, p. 3
Chun’s more personal tragedy
: Aisin-Gioro Puyi, pp. 29–30;
Cixi favours and Chun grateful
: Pujia, Pujie et al., pp. 209–14; Zhu Shoupeng (ed.), vol. 2, p. 1470; Zhu Jiajin, 1982, no. 4;
10,000 taels
: Chen Kuilong, p. 197, cf. pp. 120–1
newspapers available to the court
: Qing Government (ed.),
, pp. 4549–56
Chapter 11 Modernisation Accelerates (1875–89)
Earl Li meetings
: Li Hongzhang, vol. 31, p. 166;
US President Grant
: Packard, p. 711;
‘Physically he was’
: Richard, p. 298;
: Carl, p. 256;
‘From now on’
: Zhu Shoupeng (ed.), vol. 1, p. 336
Guo minister to London
: Tang Jiaxuan (ed.), p. 780; Guo Songtao,
: Kong Xiangji 2008, p. 32;
Guo’s three audiences with Cixi
: Guo Songtao, pp. 2–21;
‘a good man’
: Zeng Jize, p. 335
Hung Jun
: Liu Bannong et al., pp. 11–14, 71–2;
‘no foot-dragging’
: First Historical Archives of China (ed.), 1996, nos 1020, 1021;
officials to travel
: Wang Xiaoqiu & Yang Jiguo, pp. 1–34
commission to Cuba report
: Cuba Commission, p. 3;
‘You must find ways’
: Li Hongzhang, vol. 6, pp. 327–8;
banned slave trade
: Tang Jiaxuan (ed.), pp. 75, 277, 439;
Chen Lanbin
: Cuba Commission, p. 5; Zhu Shoupeng (ed.), vol. 1, p. 85
122 ‘
biggest permanent threat

: Li Hongzhang, vol. 4, pp. 216–17;
build up the navy
: Zhu Shoupeng (ed.), vol. 1, p. 74; vol. 2, p. 1977; Wang Daocheng 1994, no. 4;
endorsing first national flag
: First Historical Archives of China (ed.), 1996, vol. 14, no. 848; Zhang Xia et al. (eds), pp. 470–505; Palace Museum (ed.) 2002, vol. 11, pp. 16–17;
‘China proudly took’
: Morse, vol. 2, p. 393;
‘he must bear in mind’
: Morse, vol. 2, Appendix D
123 ‘
Great Dragons

: Palace Museum (ed.) 2002, vol. 12, p. 379;
‘China’s weakness’
: Mi Rucheng (ed.), vol. 1, p. 78, cf. p. 7;
installation of telegraph
: Association of Chinese Historians (ed.),
The Movement to Learn from the West
, vol. 6, p. 325ff.; Sheng Xuanhuai, vol. 1, p. 107;
modern coal-mining
: Association of Chinese Historians (ed.),
The Movement to Learn from the West
, vol. 1, pp. 153–5; vol. 7, pp. 20, 23–4, 26, 103, 128, 138,
; Sun Yutang (ed.), vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 612–47;
: Huang Xi, pp. 33–4; Huang Xing, 2009, vol. 38, no. 3
Beijing’s first tram
: Huang Xi, p. 35;
replacing outdated currency
: Weng Tonghe 2006, vol. 4, p. 2032; Association of Chinese Historians (ed.),
The Movement to Learn from the West
, vol. 7, p. 540;
‘We would have to borrow’
: Li Hongzhang, vol. 9, p. 259
the Wusong line
: Mi Rucheng (ed.), vol. 1, p. 39ff.; Sun Yutang (ed.), vol. 1, no. 2, p. 612;
railway in the Sea Palace
: Association of Chinese Historians (ed.),
The Movement to Learn from the West
, vol. 6, pp. 221–2; Yang Naiji; Carl, p. 290; Weng Tonghe 2006, vol. 5, p. 2561; Yu Bingkun et al., p. 173

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