Read Double Your Pleasure Bundle Online

Authors: Jamie Klaire,Marie Carnay,Meg Watson,Kit Tunstall,Bliss Devlin,Connie Cliff,Lana Walch,Auriella Skye,Alyse Zaftig,Cara Wylde,Desirae Grove,Misha Carver,Lily Thorn

Double Your Pleasure Bundle (39 page)

BOOK: Double Your Pleasure Bundle
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“Yes,” I whispered.

“Yes, what?”

“I want you to get me pregnant.”

And with those magic words, Erik slammed his lips against mine while Sebastian tore my heels off and moved his hands beneath my dress to grip my thighs. I moaned into Erik’s mouth, frantically trying to keep up with the bruising pace of his kiss while also squirming around on the couch as Sebastian located my panties and started to tug them down my hips.

The hand Erik had on my chin relaxed, splaying across my face and pulling me closer to him until I was practically in his lap. He growled when I was suddenly torn from our lip lock, Sebastian pulling me down the couch by my thighs and forcefully spreading my knees apart.

“Let me have a taste,” he breathed out as he shoved up my dress and leaned forward to dip his tongue into my folds.

!” I cried when his tongue touched my clitoris and I squirmed helplessly on the couch while trying to grind against his face. The awkward position was giving me a crank in my neck but I couldn't bring myself to move, too caught up in the pleasure Sebastian was giving me as he slowly explored my pussy with his mouth.

I was abruptly yanked sideways and whimpered at the loss of Sebastian's touch. I opened my eyes to watch as Erik lifted me into his lap then turned us on to the side, our legs stretching out across the length of the couch as he propped us into a sitting position by leaning against the armrest.

Sebastian pulled my leg towards him before climbing up and awkwardly positioning himself back between my legs. Or it at least looked awkward to my eyes, but he didn't seem to mind it at all. Then again, I knew that this wasn't their first threesome.

Erik shifted me around in his lap as he tried to tug my dress out from under me and off my body. He somehow managed to do it and threw it across the room, his soft hands immediately going to my chest to tweak my stiff nipples.

I tossed my head back and closed my eyes, pleasure pulsing through my entire body from the combination of the stimulation of my nipples, my clit, and my opening as Sebastian sunk a finger inside of me. As I felt the heat pooling in my stomach I started to roll my hips in time with Sebastian’s movements, gasping when I felt Erik's hard cock pressing firmly against my ass.

He groaned and buried his face against my neck as I continued to grind against him. He started to move his hips with me, bucking up against my ass as he nibbled on my earlobe.

“You want this cock in you?” he whispered in my ear and even though I wasn't able to see it, I could practically
his smirk.

“Yes, Erik! Please.”

His mouth moved lower to gently kiss and bite the tender skin of my neck while Sebastian looked up at me and growled, “I'm going to taste your cum first.”

“Oh my god,
,” I whined after he dove back in, pumping two finger in and out of me rapidly while flicking the tip of his tongue back and forth over my swollen clitoris. I started to writhe in Erik's arms and he groaned when I bucked against him.

“I’m so close… Oh my god, Sebastian!”

“Come for him. Let him taste you, baby,” Erik demanded.

Sebastian's lips puckered around my clit and he sucked gently, sending jolts of white-hot ecstasy pulsing through my veins as I fell over the edge. Erik held me as still as he could while Sebastian's tongue dipped inside my cunt to taste my juices.

I whimpered and jerked my hips as the stimulation became overwhelming. When he sat up on his knees and looked down at me, Sebastian's eyes were almost completely black with lust. I could see his chin glistening where it was covered with my cum and it sent another rush of arousal coursing through me. I was already exhausted but I knew the evening was far from over. I still had to take them both at least once.

God help me if they're marathon men.

Sebastian lifted me off of Erik's lap and started carrying me down a hallway. I looked over his shoulder at Erik who lurking behind us with a dark look of desire in his eyes as he watched me closely.

It's going to be a
long night.

Once we entered the bedroom, whose room it was I had no idea, Sebastian plopped me down on the bed and laid beside me. He crossed his arms behind his head and grinned at me as Erik approached, pulling his t-shirt over his head and whipping it away before crawling up the bed to rest between my legs.

I guess I know who’s going first.

I felt the warmth of his body as he settled on top of me and brought his lips down to mine, kissing me passionately and grinding into me when I wrapped my legs around his slim waist. I could feel Sebastian tugging at my hand and I let him take it, moaning into Erik's mouth as I felt the other man pressing my palm down on the hard length straining beneath his jeans.

His cock is definitely proportionate to the rest of him
, I thought with a shudder, my pussy clenching at the idea of taking that huge length into my tight walls.
Then again, Erik doesn't feel any smaller.

Erik pulled away and sat up on his knees, seemingly towering over my trembling body. I watched with wide eyes as he undid his belt and slid it through the loops, his eyes never once leaving mine. Sebastian pushed my hand away for a moment in order to do the same, the sound of his zipper sliding down drowned out by my shaky breath as I saw Erik's massive cock spring free.

“Oh fuck,” I gasped out in surprise.

The grin he gave me was partial amused, but mostly arrogant. “Like that, do you?”

I nodded mutely as I propped myself up on my elbows to get a better look.

“Touch it,” he commanded, his dick twitching with his words.

I couldn't say I was surprised that Erik seemed to be the dominant one between the two. While Sebastian was the larger of the two, I always had felt that Erik was the darker of them. He just hid his darkness underneath a charming smile and friendly demeanor when it was necessary.

But now? It was written all over his face, clear as day. In his aggressive, wicked smile and the blazing eyes that tracked my every movement while seemingly looking right through me. Then there was the way he so casually commanded the situation. Erik was a total alpha male.


Apparently, he wasn't pleased by my lack of a prompt reaction. His smile melted away as he grasp my wrist and brought it to his dick, curling my fingers around his shaft before releasing my hand.

I began to slowly stroke him, my eyes drifting to the side to watch as Sebastian shimmied his jeans off and let them clatter to the floor, his erection straining towards his abdomen. When he caught me watching him he sent me a saucy wink and wrapped a huge fist around his cock, stroking himself in time with the speed that I was pumping Erik with.

,” Erik ground out, pulling my hand away and pinning it on the side of my head as he leaned over me. “I need to take you.”

“Please. Please fuck me, Erik,” I begged, raising my hips up in an attempt to give him better access.

I wasn't exhausted anymore. By that point I was well past turned on and desperate to come again, preferably while being filled up and stretched by one of their huge cocks.

Erik slid his hands beneath my knees and lifted my ass a few inches off the bed, pushing his cock against my folds and rolling his hips to coat his cock in my wetness. Every time I felt him brush against my clitoris, my hips bucked, desperately looking for more friction in a vain attempt to come.

“You certainly
like you’re ready to take me. Are you?” he asked as his eyes burned into mine.

“Yes, I’m ready,” I said frantically, nodding until I felt him wiggle his hips and push the bulbous head of his cock into my opening. “Please!”

My eyes rolled back into my head as he thrust forward, sliding in easily with the assistance of the slickness from my orgasm. I turned my head to the side and let out a long moan as he slid out then pushed back in, cracking my eyes open when I felt a hand press against my cheek.

I watched through hooded eyes as Sebastian turned on his side to face me, bringing my hand to his cock and interlacing our fingers together around his girth. I was thankful that he was controlling the movement of our joined hands because I was so wrapped up in the delicious pleasure of Erik fucking me that I could barely concentrate on anything else.

“You feel
, Christina. So tight and warm,” Erik whispered as he slowly fucked me. “Feels so perfect wrapped around my cock.”

Dirty talk was a weakness of mine and between his words and the almost reverent tone of his voice, I could feel myself getting close to the edge for the second time that night. Plus the fact that every time he slid inside, he perfectly angled his hips to brush against my g-spot.

“Oh, Erik,
,” I choked out. “

“Tell me what you need.”


Erik let go of my knees and dropped my ass back to the bed before gripping my hips so roughly that I couldn't help but wince. I knew I'd have finger-shaped bruises there tomorrow from the brutal grip he held me with, but as he started to pound into me faster and harder than before, I couldn't bring myself to care.

If anything, the slight pain from his fingers only amplified the incredible pleasure and my back arched on its own violation.

Sebastian's free hand roughly gripped my breast, groping it for a few moments before pulling back to pinch and tug at my nipple. I cried out when he squeezed it a little too hard, surprised by how much the pain was turning me on.

I never knew just how much I would like being dominated like this until falling into bed with the two sexiest men I had ever seen. The fact that they were my bosses somehow made the whole scenario wickedly thrilling.

The fact that they wanted to knock me up made it even
thrilling. As the thought crossed my mind I swore I could feel Erik's cock swell further inside me, hitting me deeper than any man ever had before. I gripped the bedsheet with my free hand and accidentally squeezed Sebastian's cock a little harder than intended.

Surprisingly, he seemed to like it. He hissed and thrust his hips forward, bringing our joined hands down to sweep across the head and gather his precum to use a lubrication.

I couldn’t take it anymore, I felt like I was about to explode.

“I'm gonna come... oh god, Erik.”

Erik was alternating between loud grunts and heavy panting and I could tell by the look on his face that it was taking all of his self-control not to come. He was holding himself back for me.

I untwisted my hand from the bed sheet and snaked it between our bodies and the second I pressed down on my clit with the pad of my index finger, stars exploded behind my vision as I had the biggest orgasm of my entire life.

Erik's hips stilled the second he felt me start to come around his cock, jaw going slack while he let out a long, broken moan as he started to spill his seed into my fertile womb. My walls clenched around him, milking him for every last drop of cum he had.

I whimpered and shook as I felt his warm seed filling my body, vaguely aware of the fact that Sebastian was still moving our hands quickly over his cock. Erik fell forward, catching himself on his forearms so he wouldn't crush me, then his entire body shuddered with satisfaction.

Fucking hell
,” he breathed out.

“Move, Erik,” Sebastian growled. “I need to come.”

Erik looked hesitant to leave my body but did so regardless. As he pulled out, I whimpered at the loss but it was cut short as Sebastian took Erik's vacant spot.

He started to align his length with my entrance before a light bulb seemingly went off in his head, his eyes snapping to mine as he frowned. Just as I was about to ask what was wrong, he leaned forward and captured my lips in a searing kiss.

I framed his face with my hands, holding him to me as we moved our lips together in a softer, sweeter manner than my kisses with Erik had been. After a long moment of kissing me, he pulled back and breathlessly said, “I just realized I had yet to kiss you.”

I laughed softly and smiled at how sweet he was. The sound of my laugh died in my throat as he pressed forward, sliding inside of me for the first time.

girl... you're drenched,” he groaned after he was buried balls deep inside of me. “Although I suppose a lot of that is probably Erik's nut,” he noted with a slight grimace.

I turned my head to watch as Erik grinned and shrugged. “Sorry.”

“You don't look very sorry.”

Erik laughed out loud. “Yeah, no, I'm a liar. I'm not sorry at all.”

“Prick,” Sebastian grunted before turning his face back towards mine and kissing me again as he started to roll his hips, sliding his thick length in and out of me.

It almost felt like Sebastian was making love to me with the way he sensually nipped at my lips and kissed me while running his hands up and down my body, caressing me all over and ghosting over my nipples, bringing them to attention before pinching them between two fingers. I flexed my internal muscles around him, smiling when he broke away from my lips and failed to choke back his moan.

BOOK: Double Your Pleasure Bundle
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