Read Double Your Pleasure Bundle Online

Authors: Jamie Klaire,Marie Carnay,Meg Watson,Kit Tunstall,Bliss Devlin,Connie Cliff,Lana Walch,Auriella Skye,Alyse Zaftig,Cara Wylde,Desirae Grove,Misha Carver,Lily Thorn

Double Your Pleasure Bundle (34 page)

BOOK: Double Your Pleasure Bundle
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“Please make me come again, please do exactly what you were just doing. I’m so close!”

Emily lowered her face back into Abby. She added her index and middle fingers, moving them slowly in and out as she sucked Abby’s clit. Pursing her lips together, she gripped her nub between them and pulled gently.

That pushed Abby over the edge, and the girl bucked her hips and cried out, “Oh my God! Oh my
! Ahhh!”

Emily slowed her mouth and fingers; she didn’t want to overload Abby with too much, too quickly. As Abby gradually came down, Emily gently pulled herself away from her and sat back.

“You’re beautiful when you come,” she smiled.

Abby whimpered in response, clearly still in the midst of pleasure.

“We’ve probably exhausted you by now,” Josh treaded carefully. “Maybe I don’t need to make you come today. Maybe some other day.”

“Giving my virginity to you only makes sense,” Abby whispered. “I’m infatuated with you and Emily; plus, you’re older. You would know how to do it properly.”

“This is a big deal, Abby.” Josh’s desire was betraying his shaky voice. “We can wait till another time.”

Abby spread my legs in response. “Take me, Josh. Take my maidenhood. I’m ready to be a woman. Your woman, and Emily’s.”

Josh couldn’t believe his ears. Quickly, he sidled up between her legs, stroking his rigid cock. “Are you sure, Abby? Are you ready for this?”

“Yes, Josh. I’ve wanted you and Emily all evening. Take me, now.” She closed her eyes and parted her lower lips for him.

He probed his dick at the girl’s slick entrance and pushed it in, slowly and deliberately. Abby’s virginal barrier stopped his advance for a second, then Josh forced through, unable to control his impulses anymore. Emily was sitting next to them on the bed, mesmerized, her fingers knuckles-deep inside her. He sunk his cock into Abby’s tight canal, impaling her, stretching her to the limit. Just when it seemed he was already all the way in, he pushed more, and Abby cried out. The pain must’ve been getting to be too much for her.

She extended her hand and pushed against the front of Josh’s thigh. “Please, stop for a second.”

“Is it hurting, Abby?” He looked concerned, but he didn’t pull out. He couldn’t — he was too turned on.

“Yes, it’s just too much. I don’t know if I can take it.”

“Do you want me to pull out?”

Emily was frantically pumping her fingers in and out of her pussy, as aroused as her husband was. She leaned down and gently kissed Abby on the mouth, stroking her full breasts with her free hand.

“Is the pain going away?” she whispered.

“I’m not a virgin anymore, am I?” Abby voice was a mixture of pain and excitement. She closed her eyes, took a few deep breaths, then looked at Josh. “No, don’t pull out. Fuck me. Take me hard.” Her determination was palpable. “I want you to fuck me as rough as you want, without any regard for my discomfort. It’s gonna go away soon, I know it. Please.”

Josh thrust his cock in and out of Abby’s pussy, while Emily rubbed the girl’s clit with her thumb. Barely a few moments later, it seemed Abby no longer felt any pain. She arched her back and rolled her hips, eager for him to pound her.

“Ah, Josh, right there. Yes, there. Harder, please, harder.” Before long, Abby was thrashing in the waves of the most intense orgasm she’d had, crying out and spasming around Josh’s cock.

Josh couldn’t hold off much longer either. He groaned and grabbed her hips, thrusting his cock into her with force and moaning. “I’m coming, Emily,” he gasped, turning to his wife. “I’m coming inside her.”

As Josh’s seed squirted off inside the girl’s pussy, Abby shuddered all over again, milking his cock.

“If sex is this incredible, why did I try to avoid it for so long?” she finally breathed.

Josh collapsed on top of her, kissing her lips and neck, and Emily joined him, covering Abby’s breasts with her hungry tongue.

“Do you want to stay with us tonight? Our bed is big enough for three,” Emily whispered.

Abby opened her eyes; they were glazed and unfocused. She smiled and nodded, slowly rolling herself from one side to the next, looking at the wife then the husband, as if she were nothing more than liquid.

Josh looked at Emily. “Are you sure, my love?” he asked.

“Ready and waiting,” she responded. “We’ve taken her into our home, and now we’ve taken our sweet Abby into our bed.” She winked at Abby, who was still panting heavily.

“I’m in a complete and utter agreement with anything you say,” he said, and moved to envelope his wife in his embrace.

Continued with Part 2: READY FOR THEM

Chapter 7

Emily and Josh shared a bottle of wine on the patio, their heads nestled close together. The bottle was one they had been saving for this week, a celebration of their coming together as a couple a few years ago and, in addition, a celebration of Emily’s promotion at the hospital. While they drank and toasted, Abby, their live-in maid, was upstairs packing three suitcases, one for each of them, for their vacation to Tulum, Mexico. Josh had surprised Emily with the trip, and after a bit of discussion, they decided it would be a good idea to bring Abby along… for a few reasons.

“Are you excited?” Josh asked Emily, his fingers interlaced through hers, their knees touching.

“You know I am,” Emily said. “I haven’t been to Tulum in years, and it’s an absolute paradise. I can’t wait to kick back and relax on the beach, forget about work and life, and just chill out.”

“Well, it’s not going to be all relaxation, you know,” Josh said and squeezed Emily’s hand. She looked at him with narrowed eyes, teasing, then broke into a grin.

“Depends on what you call relaxing, I guess, right?”

Josh laughed and nodded. “You got me there. I guess the only one of us who can’t depend on relaxation time is Abby.”

“I think she’ll find a fair amount of our activities relaxing,” Emily smiled. “Don’t you?”



Chapter 8

Abby had been the perfect addition to their household and an integral part of their bedroom life. While Emily wasn’t gay, or even officially bi-sexual, there have been certain women in her life she was attracted to; Abby was one of those women. Plus, Abby had now been with them for six months, and they hadn’t had even a single issue.

“Oh, don’t worry, honey; Abby will love doing anything we tell her to do. You’ve seen how she is; she loves being a part of this family.”

As if on cue, Abby walked through the kitchen and came out onto the patio, a pitcher of cucumber water in her hands and a plate of fresh fruit.

“I thought you two might be hungry and maybe need a palate cleanser,” she said, smiling. Her blond hair had gotten a bit darker in the less sunny months, but it still had its glow, as did her beautiful skin. She was both slender and athletically built, and the loose tank top she wore with her shorts today accentuated her breasts as well as her defined arms.

“Thank you, Abby,” Josh said. “That was really thoughtful of you.”

“Abby, you have got to take me to your gym sometime. Your arms are ridiculous,” Emily said enviously.

“I’d be happy to, Emily, but your arms are gorgeous too,” Abby answered without hesitation. “Most of my muscle definition comes from doing laundry and dusting anyway,” she laughed.

“Well, let’s not get crazy here, I’m not going to start doing that!” Emily said. “Sit for a minute; Josh and I were just talking about the trip.”

“Oh, I just have a few more things to pack for you guys.”

“It’s alright. Come on, sit with us,” Josh said, with a tenderness to his tone. Abby dropped into the third chair at the table. Josh poured two glasses of water and handed them to the two women, then poured a third for himself.

“What more do you have to pack?” Emily asked. “It’s only a week-long trip.”

“Almost everything is packed except for the things that you’ll be wearing tomorrow morning. Otherwise, I have bathing suits for both of you, a mix of shorts and tank tops, a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt in case it gets cold, and I put in two nice evening outfits for each of you, with shoes. And some naughty lingerie, of course,” Abby smiled. She was by now used to Josh’s fetish of sexy lingerie — on on Emily and on her. “Emily, the jewelry I thought you would like to wear is in a pouch sitting on top of your suitcase. In case you would want to look over it before I put it in.

“Well done,” Emily said. “I’ll do that.”

“Good work, Abby,” Josh said, and Abby blushed, her eyes dropping to the floor.

“Thank you,” she said.

After their first few forays in the bedroom together, Josh, Emily, and Abby had settled into a sort of a rhythm. Abby was a submissive sort when it came to sex, and Josh found himself very aroused by ordering her around. Not that he was always in his role as a Dom: he decided to be a Dom sometimes and not other times, but Abby was always, always a sub.

Emily, for her part, loved to watch her husband exercise power over another person. Abby’s willingness to comply was such a turn on for Emily that she had found, especially lately, sometimes she just enjoyed sitting back and watching Josh and Abby together. She would masturbate sometimes, watching them, and sometimes she and Josh would make love afterward. The latter was more frequent, as by the time Josh was finished with Abby, Emily was usually so turned on that she needed Josh to give her some attention.

Her own D/s appetites weren’t as deep as her husband’s. She only loved spanking Abby now and again, but other than that, ordering their maid around wasn’t her thing.

“I think that perhaps we should go out to dinner tonight, before our trip. So that you don’t have to cook,” Josh addressed the girl. “You don’t have plans, do you, Abby?”

“No, Sir,” Abby said. It wouldn’t have mattered if she’d had plans or not; when it came to Josh and Emily, she had plans if they told her she needed to be out of the house, which was rare, and did not have plans if they told her she needed to be home, a far more frequent occurrence.

“Excellent. Then, I think we’ll spend some more time out here. Abby, make a reservation for us tonight. Pick someplace nice; we’ll trust your judgment.”

“Of course, Sir. What time would you like the reservation?”

Emily spoke up, “Let’s eat around 7pm; that way we can come back here for dessert.” She touched Josh’s knee, then looked up at Abby and winked at her. “Actually, Josh, would you mind calling for the reservation yourself? I’d like to go to Bleau, and you know how snobbish they can be. It’s better if you call.”

Josh looked from Emily to Abby and back again. He smirked, the right corner of his mouth pulling up to show the finest of laugh lines on his smooth skin.

“Absolutely, honey. I should have done that to begin with.” Josh smiled at Abby. “You’re a vision this morning, you know. I think my wife has some plans for you right now.” He ran his index finger down Abby’s jaw line, and the girl closed her eyes, smiling. Josh walked into the house to make his call and to give the women some time to play.

“Come here and sit on my lap, Abby,” Emily said, pushing herself away from the table. She wore a gauzy white skirt and a light pink shirt that accentuated the rosiness of her skin in a flattering way. Her hair was pulled back into a messy bun, and she hadn’t put on any make up that morning. Abby sat on top of the skirt, her side to Emily, but, before she could get too comfortable, Emily sighed. “Well, how am I supposed to do anything with you like that? Straddle me, c’mon.”

Emily pressed her legs together as Abby stood and faced Emily. She slid one foot through the armrest, then using the back of the chair as support, and putting her breasts square into Emily’s face, put her leg through the other armrest.

“Better?” she asked.

“Much,” Emily whispered, and ran her hand along Abby’s hair.

“I think you’ll really like the jewelry I picked for you. I just…” she trailed off and blushed.

“What is it?” Emily demanded.

“Well,” Abby blushed deeply, “I just didn’t want you to think…”

“That you were overstepping. Yes, I understand, and I’m very excited to see what you picked out for me. I know I’ll love it, since you chose it.” She ran her fingers through Abby’s thick hair and let them settle at the base of her neck as she drew Abby closer to her. When their lips met, Emily felt an instant wetness between her legs, an increased heat and a pressing energy moving into her clit. Over the last six months, Emily’s body had become trained to respond just as quickly to Abby’s as it did to Josh’s, and whether it was excitement from the trip or too many mimosas at breakfast, she knew that she was especially horny this morning.

“Come here,” she growled into Abby’s ear and pulled her close. Abby smelled like rain; Emily made a mental note to ask for her shampoo, then kissed her hungrily.

Maybe it was something in the air, but Abby seemed just as willing — and just as horny — as Emily. She kissed Emily back full force, pressing her tongue into the older woman’s mouth immediately, and dropping her hand to her breast. Emily groaned through the kiss and unconsciously lifted her hips as she dropped her hands to Abby’s hips, bringing them closer to her.

“You taste good,” Emily whispered. “So fucking good.”

“That’s your husband you taste,” Abby said, and she was probably right.

Emily remembered that she woke up to moans coming from their master bathroom, so she tiptoed there and quietly watched as her husband deep-throated their maid with his morning erection, spurting off his abundant seed into her willing mouth. She masturbated looking at them, coming at the same time as her husband, and when Josh saw her, they smiled at each other, their orgasms spreading through them like thick jam.

“I think it’s you, too.” Emily shook her head to bring herself back to the present. “The smell: it’s fresh and sweet and innocent.”

Emily and Josh might have taken advantage of Abby, who was a virgin when she applied for the live-in housekeeping job, but they didn’t think so. Abby was always willing and eager to do anything Emily or Josh had suggested.

Josh cleared his throat as he entered the patio once again. “We have a reservation for 7:15 tonight. Now, it looks like you two ladies started without me. What say we go inside and spend some time practicing for our time in Mexico?”

Emily nodded and Abby slid off of her lap. The two women walked hand in hand into the house, and, as they walked, Josh put his hands on Emily’s shoulders and kissed the top of her head.


BOOK: Double Your Pleasure Bundle
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