Read Double Your Pleasure Bundle Online

Authors: Jamie Klaire,Marie Carnay,Meg Watson,Kit Tunstall,Bliss Devlin,Connie Cliff,Lana Walch,Auriella Skye,Alyse Zaftig,Cara Wylde,Desirae Grove,Misha Carver,Lily Thorn

Double Your Pleasure Bundle (35 page)

BOOK: Double Your Pleasure Bundle
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Chapter 9

As soon as they were inside, Josh kissed his wife, then Abby, and nudged them onto their knees. The sight of them making out on the porch had inflamed his imagination, and he wanted nothing more right now than to have them both suck him dry. Or maybe he’d fuck one of them too, depending on how things go. As Abby knelt next to Emily, Josh freed his engorged member from his sweatpants and grabbed the back of their maid’s head, pushing her onto his length. She was looking at it with awe, trying to swallow his entire cock.

As he thrust himself in her mouth, Emily fondled his balls with her hand. Josh threw his head back in pleasure. Seeing his reaction, Emily squeezed herself next to Abby’s eager mouth and licked his scrotum. This made him groan, and his wife needed no more encouragement.

Slowly, she swallowed his testicles, stuffing one and then the second into her mouth, tugging on them, sucking them in. He moaned even louder as he continued to push Abby’s head onto his member.

Abby was dying to come at this point, after being used in the shower earlier, then teased by Emily on the patio. She quickly stuck three fingers inside her wet pussy and pumped herself, her other hand squeezing her breasts and pinching her nipples.

She seemed completely lost. She was gagging and choking, and her eyes teared. As her fingers found that sensitive spot inside, she felt her orgasm approaching. It came on in slow waves. She lost herself for a moment, and without realizing it, stopped sucking on Josh’s cock.

That’s when he noticed that Abby was masturbating and tugged the back of her head roughly.

“Pull your hand out of your pussy,” he said in a husky voice.

Abby was still coming, so she seemed unable to stop.

“I said, pull it out!” This time he sounded menacing, so she reluctantly obeyed.

He pulled himself away from Emily, still staring at Abby, as his maid looked up at him, her eyes full of tears and loyalty. She was shuddering from her climax.

“I told you before, Abby, I want you to come only when I let you.”

“Sorry, Sir, I was just so aroused.”

He pulled her up to a standing height and kissed her hungrily. “That’s okay, for now. But I wanted to make you come myself.”

Emily sat back on the floor, knowing what would come next. Nothing aroused her more than watching her husband take their maid roughly, and she knew that’s what was going to happen. Her hand went to her sex, and she rubbed herself gently, knowing her climax would soon come, probably at the same time as her husband would spill his seed all over their little maid’s breasts.

He bent Abby over the armchair and entered her from behind, the wetness of her pussy making sloppy noises as he pounded. It didn’t take him long before his thrusts became more erratic, and his grunts — more animalistic. The three of them cried out almost at the same time, Emily — shuddering with her knuckles inside her drenched sex, Josh — spurting off his jizz onto Abby’s face and chest, and Abby — happily receiving her Dom’s sticky juice and shaking on the inside.



Chapter 10

The flight to Cancun was quick, especially considering they left quite early in the morning and slept most of the flight. Emily wondered vaguely what other people thought of the three of them, if they thought if one pair was a couple and the other was a third wheel, or if they were all just friends. Perhaps they wondered if Josh was gay, or if they were all siblings. Who knows. She doubted any of them would guess the truth right off the bat, that only the night before they had done a full fuck circle, with Josh having sex with Abby, then Abby having sex with Emily, and finishing with Emily having sex with Josh. They didn’t know if there was a special name for it, but they called it their chain gang and it was something they did every few days.

They stopped off at a bar in Cancun. Now that they were actually in Mexico, they didn’t need to rush or really be on a schedule. Their resort in Tulum was about two hours from the Cancun airport, and they had booked it for a week. None of them had ever been to that particular resort before, or even to Tulum, though both Emily and Abby had been to Playa del Carmen before… obviously not together.

“Are you going to have another margarita?” Josh asked Emily. He was drinking a Negra Modelo beer and was planning to order another round of chips, salsa, and guac for the table.

“Absolutely,” Emily said. “Not like I’m driving tonight!”

When the server came over, Josh ordered the food and margarita for Emily, then ordered a strawberry daiquiri for Abby, without asking if she wanted another one; she did. Josh knew she didn’t like margaritas because she preferred rum to tequila, and he was happy to honor that request for his favorite plaything.

They drank their way from Cancun to Tulum, and, by sunset that night, they settled into their suite, drunk and happy. The resort manager, Irene, made sure they had everything they needed before letting them know that a late dinner would be served in the dining area within an hour. They explained to Irene that Abby was their maid who travelled everywhere with them, and that she was supposedly sleeping on the sofa in the living room of their suite. Whether or not the manager guessed anything else, they didn’t care.

“Should we go to dinner?” Emily asked Josh once they were in their suite. “I’m a little tired and, honestly, a little loaded.” She laughed and looked at Abby. “Are you hungry?”

“I could eat,” Abby said. “I could also speak with Irene to see if I could get a few plates of food from the dining room and bring them back, and then we could eat in the room.”

“Abby, while you’re here in Tulum with us, you’re not our housekeeper; you’re here on vacation,” Josh said. “I’ll go get order us a dinner at the restaurant for room service; that’s a great idea. Then we can just relax and eat when we’re hungry.”

He put on his flip flops and grabbed his sweatshirt; the air had started to chill and Josh was glad that Abby thought to pack sweatshirts for them. He headed out to talk to Irene.

“You two ladies behave yourselves while I’m gone,” he warned, smiling, fully aware that the warning was futile.

“You’re no fun at all!” Emily pouted with her arms crossed, a mock frown on her face. “Abby and I love to misbehave, don’t we, Abby?”

“That we do,” Abby responded with glee in her voice.

When Josh left, Emily jumped up and grabbed Abby by the hand.

“Okay, I’ve been dying to see what lingerie you packed for me! Let’s go look, and maybe we can give Josh a fun welcome-back surprise when he comes back.”

Abby held her breath while Emily dug through her suitcase, looking though her silky slips and bras. She had packed a couple of corsets, knowing that Josh liked them, both on Emily and on Abby. Now, she hoped that the ones she brought along would please Emily. If she didn’t, Abby would feel terrible.

Emily pulled the boned satin garment out triumphantly and held it up. 

“Mmmmm, this one is nice,” she said to herself. “I completely forgot I had it.” Abby smiled with pride.

Emily set the matching g-string aside and admired her corset, a very expensive custom made item she’d ordered from Paris a few years back: a white and black girdle that looked strikingly like a maid’s costume, simply because it was black and white. It was gorgeous, tasteful, and Emily wondered why she’d forgotten about it for so long. The corset was white mesh with touches of black lace through the center. A black and white lace ruffle on the bottom created the look of an apron. Emily held it up to herself, and then turned to Abby.

“This is perfect, I think,” she cried. “Josh is going to love it.”

Abby felt more relief than she’d imagined; she hadn’t realized she had been as nervous as she was. The lingerie was very important in Josh and Emily’s foreplay, she’d come to learn.

“I’m so glad you like that I packed it!” Abby said. “You should go put it on, surprise Josh when he gets back,” she suggested.

“You’re brilliant.” Emily quickly crossed the floor to Abby and hugged her, then kissed her on the mouth for a few moments. “Thank you so much; this was really thoughtful of you.”

Emily skipped off to the bedroom to change, and Abby checked out the view from their cabana. The resort was rustic; they called it “eco-chic,” which was code for “no television and no internet.” The suite was gorgeous — a huge cabana with a living room, a closet large enough to be considered a room, the main bedroom, and the bathroom. The bathroom had two doors, one to the bedroom and one to the living room. They had gotten an ocean-side view, and Abby lost herself for a few moments in the lull of the waves crashing to the shore. It was a windy day, and there were whitecaps on the water in spite of the shining sun.

Emily came out of the bedroom calling, “Well, what do you think?” at the same time Josh walked through the main door of the cabana. He stopped short when he saw Emily.

“What the hell is that?” he asked, his brow furrowed and his lips pulled back in a sort of a grimace.

“It my old corset that I’d forgotten I had. Abby packed it for me; don’t you like it?” Emily loved it, that much was obvious, and it fit in a way that accentuated her beautiful breasts and her ass that was just plump enough to have something to grab onto and hold tight.

Abby looked from Emily to Josh, and back again. It was obvious that Josh did not think it was absolutely gorgeous, though Abby couldn’t imagine what he was objecting to. The guy loved corsets. Loved fucking his wife and Abby while they were these constricting garments that pushed their breasts out for him to squeeze.

“Isn’t this the corset that your ex had bought for you?” He walked to Emily and touched the bottom ruffle of the corset, then, rubbing his index finger against his thumb as if he was wiping something off, he touched the top line of black lace that ran across the neckline at Emily’s breasts.

Abby paled, wishing she’d known the history of this stupid corset, and Emily swallowed hard as she glanced over at Abby. She apologized through her eyes, and, before Abby could say anything, Emily responded.

“Honey, it’s true, he paid for it. But I had picked the style out myself, and chose all the fabrics. Please don’t be mad about it. And especially not at Abby. She had no way of knowing.”

Josh acted as though he hadn’t heard Emily speak at all. He turned toward Abby.

“Abby, follow me, please. Emily, go change.”

Abby was shaking as she followed Josh to the bathroom, her head down, her chin nearly pressing against her chest. When they got there, Josh closed the door.

He sat on the toilet, the seat down.

“Come here, you little trouble maker,” he rasped. “Get on your knees.”

Abby opened her mouth but didn’t speak. 

“Come on, Abby. Move it.”

She knelt in front of him.

“Put your body across my knees.”

He was going to spank her. It was usually Emily who spanked her, in the heat of passion, but occasionally Josh did it too. Whatever she had done wrong, she was being punished for it. Her pussy juices slowly began to accumulate, and she suppressed a shiver that ran through her. She loved being spanked, especially by Josh — because he did it less frequently, and because it hurt more. She moved quickly and laid her torso over his knees, her ass open and facing him. He had not asked her to remove her clothes, but she knew better, so she lowered her yoga pants and her underwear to her knees.

He put a hand on the back of her neck and pressed down, hard enough that Abby involuntarily tried to fight against it.

“Be still!” Josh seethed through his teeth.

Abby slackened and closed her eyes, waiting for what she knew was coming, her pussy slowly soaking up with her arousal.

Josh raised his hand and brought it down on Abby’s ass. A loud clap filled the bathroom and Abby cried out. He hit her again, and she cried out a second time. For a few moments, they fell into a rhythm: clap, cry, clap, cry, clap, cry. Then Josh stopped.

“Do not pack my wife’s lingerie without showing it to me,” he said in a low voice. They both knew that ultimately Abby’s “mishap” wasn’t that big a deal — Josh would forget about it quickly, he never had a bad temper. But the punishment ritual turned both of them on, and there was no stopping it now.

“Yes, Sir,” Abby said in a voice surprisingly clear. “I’m so sorry, Sir, I didn’t think...”

“You didn’t think. And, because you didn’t think, you’re being punished. Do you understand that?” He smacked her again. “Tell me you understand that.”

“I understand, Sir,” Abby groaned. “Thank you for correcting me and teaching me, Sir,” Abby continued. “It will never happen again.”

“I believe you, Abby, but I think we need to have a few more minutes here to make sure that the lesson sinks in. Do you agree?”

“Yes, Sir.” Oh, she
agreed. Her pussy agreed even more.

“Why do you think you need more time to learn your lesson?”

Abby thought for a moment, her mind racing for words. Josh spanked her again.

“Answer me.”

“Because Emily’s lingerie is for your arousal. And I need to make sure that what I pack for her arouses you.”

“Good girl,” Josh said, his voice softening for a moment. He patted her burning ass cheeks lovingly.

Abby panted; her ass was tingling from the spankings, and she felt wet, aroused, and humiliated all at the same time. In other circumstances, she may have been scared by Josh’s punishments, and she had been at first, a few months ago, but now she could feel his erection under her stomach and she knew he was aroused as well. This was all part of their process, their foreplay.

She wondered, briefly, if the couple had set her up for this… if they had decided to role play without including her in the plan, but including her in the action. In that case, she should play it up a little more. She loved being their plaything more than anything.

“Because you’ve taken your punishment well,” Josh was saying, “I’m going to give you a choice for your next spanking. Do you want to be spanked with my water bottle, or do you want to be spanked with that ridiculous outfit you brought for my wife?”

Josh was being cruel. The choice for most people would be obvious, but it was a trick question. Being spanked with fabric was really not being spanked at all, and, not only would it frustrate Abby’s arousal even more, it was likely Josh would say that she had not taken her punishment correctly if she chose the outfit.

“The water bottle, Sir.”

“Why are you choosing that, Abby?”

“Because it will hurt more, Sir, and it will be more memorable so that I can follow your instructions in the future.” Abby knew that’s what her Dom wanted to hear. And she knew she wanted to say the right words, because it meant more punishment — and more titillation for her. She wanted him to spank her with anything, just as long as he did it soon; she moved her hips slightly, noticing that she could rub her clit against Josh’s leg.

“Stop that!” he commanded. He had caught her trying to pleasure herself on him before, trying to release some of her arousal. “You are acting like a dirty little slut. You can come when I allow you to come, but not now.”

“I’m sorry, sir, I…” she trailed off. She had thought to explain to him that he was bringing her so close to orgasm, that each time he smacked her, she flirted closer and closer with her edge, but she thought the better of it. She was only allowed to orgasm when her Dom allowed it.

“I think we may hold off on that part of your punishment until later, since you’re so impatient,” Josh said. In truth, he couldn’t wait to ram his turgid cock into a pussy, Abby’s or his wife’s, or maybe both of them. “Stand up.”

Abby’s eyes widened. She wasn’t sure she could stand up without having an orgasm, so was so aroused. Her clit was trembling with heat and energy, and she thought even the air around her could trigger it.

“Sir, I…”

“Stand now!” Josh roared at her, and as she stood, her orgasm unexpectedly burst through. She stifled a cry as she reached her hand out for the sink, the wall, anything she could grab. Not finding anything, she staggered to keep her balance.

“Josh,” Emily called from the bedroom. “Josh, please come here, and bring Abby with you?”

Josh watched Abby as she breathed through her orgasm, a smile playing on his lips.

“Clean yourself up and then come into the bedroom.”

BOOK: Double Your Pleasure Bundle
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