Dark Menace MC: Stone (14 page)

Read Dark Menace MC: Stone Online

Authors: Tory Richards

Tags: #erotic, #motorcycles, #erotic romance, #tattoo, #bad boys, #menace, #biker romance, #collateral, #dark menace mc

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I got the reaction I was hoping for.

A laugh burst from Rachel, and she shoved me
away from her. “Don’t flatter yourself, you’re not my type.” She
reached for her panties and jeans and yanked them up. “Besides, I
could never love someone who didn’t put me first.”

I sensed the truth behind her words. I tucked
my dick back into my jeans and zipped up. “You have a fuckin’

“Don’t you?” she fired right back,

“Yeah, anything with a pussy.”

“That’s really sad, Stone.”

Yeah, it really was. We stood looking at each
other for a moment, and it dawned on me that if I were into the
love and relationship shit it would be with someone like her,
someone who from the very beginning had lit a spark in me that was
more than just lust. There wasn’t much about Rachel that didn’t get
me hot.
, I was getting hard again. I let my eyes
travel down to her luscious tits. Thinking about my brothers and
their horny ways, I slid off my cut and held it out to her to put

“Until we get back to my room,” I explained
at her surprised look. Seeing her in my cut with nothing but her
bra was a fucking turn-on, so it was only natural that I’d think of
her with nothing but my cut against her naked tits. Fuck, maybe
some day.

Maybe the reason I wanted it on her now was
to send a message to the club. It occurred to me the significance
that they’d place on seeing her wearing it. Still, most of them
stopped what they were doing and followed us with stunned
expressions when we walked through the bar. A loud feminine gasp
drew my attention to Rita. She was sitting at a table with a couple
of brothers.

Word would travel fast to the others that I’d
made a claim, and though it hadn’t been made verbally, it was
implied with her just wearing my cut. Rachel wasn’t to be messed
with. That took care of one problem, fucking hoped it took care of
Rita once and for all, too. We reached the door to my room.

“Why was everyone looking at us like

She swung around before I got the door
opened. I slammed right into her. My dick was still hard and I
thought the fucking thing was going to break through my zipper to
get to her. Her pupils dilated, but neither of us acknowledged

“Because without saying a word, everyone in
that room knew I’d staked my claim on your pussy.”

She gasped. “How—”She stopped short as she
figured it out for herself how. “And just what exactly does that
mean, Stone?”

“That I’ll be the only one stickin’ his dick
in you.”

Her pretty mouth opened, and the fucking lust
in her eyes went dark with anger. Fuck if that didn’t make me
harder. “Well, I have news for you. I’ll fuck whoever I want to.
I’ll fuck my way through your club.” I laughed, she grew redder
with anger. “If everyone in your club gets to fuck around, then
that means—”

I slammed my mouth down on hers, cutting off
her rant. She tensed against me, but couldn’t do anything while
crushed tight against the door. “Is that what’s got you all fired
up, sweetheart? The thought of me sinking my dick into someone
else?” She clamped her mouth shut, but I could see the answer in
her eyes. “If it makes you feel better, I won’t fuck anyone else
while I’m fucking you.”

I fucking wanted to take my words back as
soon as they left my mouth. Not that I’d wanted anyone else since
she’d come to the clubhouse, but she didn’t need to know that. I
liked variety, and depending what I was in the mood for, I fucked a
particular sweetbutt for their particular talent. Hadn’t missed a
fucking one of them.


I recognized my VP’s voice behind me. “Yeah,

“We just got another fuckin’ message from
Rebel. I’ve already put the word out we’ll hold church in

“Be right there.” I hadn’t taken my eyes off
of Rachel, but I could hear Max walk away. “I need my cut, babe.”
She slipped it off without hesitation and held it out to me,
opening the door at the same time. “I’ll see you at the bar

I pulled the door shut and headed to the

Chapter 13






As soon as Stone shut the door I went to the
bed and sank down on the end of it. Until then I’d managed to keep
it all together. The whole situation had been too intense,
revealing a side of Stone that I had no doubt was the reason he was
the president of the club. He could be ruthless, cold, and uncaring
when he had to be, and it was clear that when he said the club came
first, the club came first.

Once club business was over he went back to
being human. That was the only word I could think of to describe
it. Sex with him was awesome, I shivered just thinking about his
hands and mouth on me. But once he’d reminded me that I was
collateral, I knew it would be crazy to let my feelings get
involved. It would be best if I just kept my mind on surviving
until my asshole brother-in-law paid Dark Menace back.

At least I didn’t have to worry about Maddie,
she would call me once she reached her dad’s place. Meeting the man
who was our father didn’t appeal to me in the least. I’d seen
pictures of him, but he was a stranger to me and would probably
always remain one. After all, he hadn’t cared enough about seeing
me when I was growing up. I didn’t have bad feelings about him, I
just simply didn’t care.

Stone had said that he’d see me later at the
bar, which meant that I’d be working there again tonight. Right now
I wanted to hunt Trudy down. She probably wouldn’t want anything to
do with me after today but I wanted to at least tell her that I was
sorry. I went to the closet and pulled a t-shirt off the hanger,
hoping that I’d find her at the bar.

She wasn’t there when I arrived. Ty was
working though, and the look that he gave me told me that he wasn’t
too happy with me. I walked up to him anyway. “Do you know where I
can find Trudy?”

He barely glanced at me. “Why?”

I couldn’t blame him for his suspicious tone.
“I just wanted to tell her that I’m sorry for sneaking away.” I
paused, waiting for him to restock the shelves with the clean
glasses and turn back toward me. “Did she get into trouble because
of me?”

I heard him release a harsh breath before
saying, “She wasn’t crying because she was in trouble, she was
crying because she was fuckin’ worried about the trouble
were in. Stone left here looking for blood.”

What? I hadn’t expected that.

“Trudy has a soft heart,” he went on to
explain. “She’ll do anything for anyone.”

I just stared at him.

“Animal took her to his room right after you
got back.”

Now it was his turn to stare at me, and then
it dawned on me what “taking Trudy to his room” meant. I frowned.
“Why do you let her go with other men?”

Something flickered in his eyes. His jaw
clenched. “That’s her job.”

“She likes you, Ty.”

“Trudy likes everyone.” A muscle twitched in
his clenched jaw.

“No, she really likes you. Doesn’t it bother
you to know she’s, uh, with other men?”

He shrugged, but I could tell that it did
bother him. Why were men so afraid to show their feelings? I knew
Ty was a patched-in member, but he wasn’t an officer. Still, if he
wanted to claim Trudy, he could. I’d seen them both eyeing each
other when they each thought the other wasn’t looking. They clearly
had a thing for each other, so what was the problem? I kept staring
at him, thinking I’d see the answer in his expression. Then the
truth hit me in an instant.

“You’re married.”

He didn’t deny it. When he glanced past me I
turned to see Trudy entering the room looking a little disheveled,
her cheeks rosy. Animal wasn’t far behind, looking quite happy and
energized. I swung back to Ty.

“Does he know how you feel?”

His chuckle held little humor. “Honey, they
all fuckin’ know.”

“Then why—”

“They also know I won’t claim her until I get
my shit sorted and that’s gonna take me a while. The girls here
don’t have a choice. They want the protection of the club, they
have to earn it.”

Boy, talk about a messed up situation. I felt
bad for them, and in spite of what Ty had said, nothing was going
to make me understand how his brothers could sleep with a woman
that they all knew he wanted. But there was nothing I could do
about it. Seeing Trudy walking up behind me in the mirror on the
wall behind Ty, I swung to face her.

“Trudy, I’m so sorry. I swear I thought you
were giving me a chance to leave on my own when you said that you
had to get your purse. I mis—”

“Honey,” she surprised me with a hug, “I’m
just glad that you made it back okay. Did you find your

She was so sweet. I nodded. “When I came back
and saw you crying—”

She sat down on the stool next to me. “Stone
was livid when he found out you’d gone off alone. And when he’s
angry, he’s scary.”

I couldn’t argue with her. He was scary

“I was worried he was going to, ah—”

“Kill me?” I tried to make light of it, but
for a while I’d been worried that he was going to do exactly that.
“No, he only frightened me half to death with his big, bad,
scary-ass biker attitude.” And then he’d fucked me like he owned
me, only I didn’t tell her that.

All at once the door exploded open, slamming
back against the wall as several bikers burst through into the bar.
The one in front yelled out, “Got a situation outside the gate! The
boys still in church?”

“Yeah,” Ty responded, moving quickly to
retrieve his gun from where he kept it under the bar. He glanced at
us briefly as he rounded the bar. “You girls stay here, and if you
hear gunfire, get your fuckin’ asses in the safe room.”

Safe room? That was the first I’d heard about
it, but Trudy answered him with a nod, watching Ty head to the

The next commotion came when Stone and his
officers rushed through the bar, guns already in their hands.
Seeing that, and the stoic looks on their faces, made my heart
pound with fear. That they were ready to meet whatever head-on was
apparent in their eagerness. I didn’t hesitate, running toward the
window to see what was happening.

I was vaguely aware that Trudy had moved up
beside me. My gaze took in the army of Dark Menace bikers rushing
about, all seeming to be heading in the same direction. Whatever
they were moving toward was just out of sight. I turned toward the

“Rachel, no—”

Ignoring Trudy, I grabbed the doorknob and
pulled the door open, stepping outside. There was a black truck
just outside the gate. It looked like whoever had parked it had
rammed it into the fence on purpose. Stone and his men were still
walking toward it. I knew what I was looking at, but the
significance of it took longer to sink in. Trudy had followed me
outside and I shook off her hand where it was trying to hold me
back. When one of the bikers shifted I was able to make out the
outline of a body slumped over the wheel of the truck, confirming
my worst fears, and then it struck me like lightning that the truck
I was looking at was the same one I’d forced Maddie to take.

No, it can’t be!

I let out a scream and began to run in that
direction. “Maddie!” I didn’t even realize that I’d caught up to
Stone. I felt my heart in my throat. “Maddie!” A strong arm curled
around my waist and hauled me back against a hard, unyielding body.
“Let me go!” I struggled like a trapped animal, panicked to get
free. I was so focused on the shadowy form inside the truck that I
wasn’t even sure who was holding me back.

“Rachel,” Stone growled low in my ear,
holding me easily as I continued to thrash about. “Sweetheart--” He
grabbed my chin with a firm grip and forced me to look at him. I
calmed somewhat, feeding off the intense composure in his eyes.
“Let us check it out first.”

I blinked, trying to decipher his words,
trying to calm my panicked breaths. He wouldn’t let me turn to look
back at the truck, instead holding my teary gaze with his own.
“Stay here, okay?”

Nodding numbly, I sank to my knees when he
released me. By now his men had reached the truck and were crowded
around it, peering inside and commenting in low tones. I held my
breath, waiting for the confirmation that would destroy me. I
sensed a presence next to me but couldn’t tear my gaze off the
scene on the other side of the gate. I watched Stone walk up to the
driver’s side of the truck, look inside, and then glance up in my
direction, giving me the answer I was holding my breath for with a
shake of his head.

It’s isn’t Maddie.

Oh, thank God. The relief rolled off my
shoulders. It wasn’t Maddie, but who was it, then? The sun was
glaring on the windshield, so I wasn’t able to make out the driver.
Where was Maddie? So many questions went through my head as I kept
my eyes glued to Stone, looking for a clue. His cell rang and he
retrieved it from his back pocket. Whatever was being said caused
him to straighten and scan the area.

I automatically mimicked his actions, unsure
of what I was looking for. We were surrounded by mountains and
thick forests. Stone issued some commands to his men and I watched
a few of them scatter. Then his attention came back to me.

“Inside, now!”

His tone warned me that it was dangerous
being out there, and I didn’t hesitate getting to my feet. Trudy
grabbed me by the hand and we turned and rushed back inside.






“You get my fucking message?”

I knew that he wasn’t talking about the
fucking message I’d received from Rebel. As soon as I heard
Wildman’s voice I began to look around, something warning me that
the fucking coward had eyes on us. It wouldn’t be difficult. We had
plenty of surveillance cameras around the grounds, but outside of
that there were plenty of places someone could hide to do their own

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