Dark Menace MC: Stone (5 page)

Read Dark Menace MC: Stone Online

Authors: Tory Richards

Tags: #erotic, #motorcycles, #erotic romance, #tattoo, #bad boys, #menace, #biker romance, #collateral, #dark menace mc

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The serious wannabes came every night of
every weekend, and several times during the week. Friendships were
gradually formed with the brothers, trust came in time, and then
they were mentored. If someone couldn’t get a brother to vouch for
them then they didn’t stand a shot in hell of becoming a member.
The women went through a process too, mostly on their backs with
their legs spread.

As we made our way toward the bar I responded
to several loud greetings from friends of the club who were more
than just regulars out for a fucking good time. Ty was behind the
bar, hopping around like a fucking bunny, trying to fill orders,
keep glasses full and everyone happy. Three of the four stripper
poles had a naked sweetbutt on them, doing their thing, and several
of my brothers were getting lucky with some of the college girls
who only came around on the weekends. College girls were fucking

“Got you some help, Ty.” I opened the side
door and ushered Rachel in. “Rachel will be around to fill in where
we need her for a while.”

Ty’s face lit up like a Christmas tree. “I
hope you can handle fast and non-stop,” he joked, shaking her

“I was a bartender at my last job,” Rachel

“Fuck, I love her all ready,” he grinned,
shooting me an appreciative glance.

“We got lucky.” I caught Rachel’s gaze.

She just shrugged, the smile never leaving
her face. “You never asked.”

“Hey! A little service over here!” someone at
the far end hollered.

“I’ll get that.” Rachel said, rushing off
with a sexy bounce to her ass.

I could watch her ass all night,
thought to myself. Fuck. She was going to be trouble. Ty reached
for my usual bottle of whiskey and a shot glass, and set them on
the bar in front of me. I grabbed them with one hand and turned to
walk to my usual booth in the corner. It was empty. It was always
empty, because everyone knew it was my spot. The minute I sat down
Rita walked over.

“Want some company, honey?”

Fuck, no. I just wanted to sit back, drink,
and watch Rachel serve drinks and make nice with the men at the
bar. Her smile seemed natural, like she wasn’t just putting on a
show for the patrons. Her movements were fluid and sure, and it was
obvious that she knew what she was doing. In just a few minutes she
and Ty had worked out a system that made it look like they’d worked
together for years.


I’d forgotten Rita was there. “Why aren’t you
grinding on the empty pole?”

“I wasn’t sure if you’d need me tonight,

That was her subtle way of reminding me that
I hadn’t gone to her room earlier that afternoon. She knew better
than to fucking ask me why. “I’ll let you know when I fucking need

She ran her fingers through my hair. “I just
want to make you happy,” she cooed. “And I know how you are after
you return from a fight.”

Yeah, usually I was overdosing on an
adrenaline high that a good fuck always took care of, but Lynch had
offered up his girls on the last night we were there and a sweet
little dark-haired beauty had taken care of me. I was about to tell
Rita to fuck off when Rachel glanced over. She’d just served two
brothers and had been about to step away, but something changed
when her gaze fell on me and Rita. All of a sudden she leaned back
across the bar and began talking to Ripper and Boomer again.
Whatever was said caused all three of them to throw their heads
back with laughter.

I narrowed my gaze when Rachel reached up and
ran her palm over the scruff covering Ripper’s jaw as if there were
something between them. Fuck no, she wasn’t going to touch any
brothers, and they sure as fuck weren’t going to touch her. I
needed to set that shit straight at church in the morning. And just
in case she was trying to piss me off by flirting with a brother, I
pulled Rita down onto my lap. Rachel had to learn that I didn’t put
up with that shit. No woman owned me.

I didn’t play games.

Chapter 5






It was two o’clock when the bar closed and Ty
locked up, and I was exhausted. He hadn’t been kidding when he’s
said it was going to be fast and non-stop. Other than a couple of
fifteen minute breaks, I’d worked steady on my feet, both behind
the bar and waiting tables in order to give the waitresses a break.
Music had blared throughout the room most of the night, adding to
the noise of conversations and loud laughter. At any given time I
could glance toward the crowd and be treated to a sex fest. After a
while I grew numb to it.

As long as they left me alone, I was

Staying busy hadn’t kept me from being aware
of Stone (whose name I’d finally learned from Ty) and Rita sitting
in his booth. When he’d first tugged the woman down onto his lap
I’d braced myself to see them having sex, and had thanked God when
it hadn’t happened, though plenty of kissing and touching had gone
on. During the following hours, Stone and I would catch each
other’s eye and then look away quickly and pretend that we hadn’t.
Well, I had, anyway. Stone had been a bastard and glared at me
while fondling Rita. Finally, around midnight, they got up and

“You did good, babe.” I was resting my head
on my folded arms on top of the bar when I felt a light tap on my
shoulder. “The prospects will clean up the place in the morning. Go
on to bed.”

I raised my head and gave Ty a tired smile.
“Is there somewhere I can crash for the night?”

He frowned. “Prez didn’t set you up in one of
the rooms?”

“There are rooms?” Stone had led me to
believe that they were all occupied. I studied Ty for a minute. I
didn’t want to get him into trouble, we had to work together. Plus,
he’d been decent to me, looking out for me when a few of the guys
had gotten too personal. “Well, I’m supposed to stay with him but,
there’s no way I’m sharing a bed with him and Rita.” I could see
that he wasn’t sure what to do.

While he thought about it I glanced around
the room. Several bikers were slumped over tables, others were
sleeping on the various sofas that were placed throughout the room,
and most had a half-naked woman draped over or near him. Some of
the girls had even slumped to the floor. A couple of booths were
occupied, too. Stone’s booth in the corner looked big enough to
sleep in.

“What about the booth in the corner? All I
need is a pillow and a blanket.” I yawned.

Ty was shaking his head before I even
finished. “No fucking way. When my brothers start walking up
they’ll still be drunk as hell. They’ll mistake you for a

He had a point. Fuck.

“I tell you what—you can use my bed

“Where will you sleep?”

“I’ll sleep in the booth.”

“I don’t want to put you out of your room,

He laughed. “Trust me, babe, I’ve slept in
worse places than a booth. Come on.”

I followed him down the same hallway that
Stone’s room was located in. Ty’s room was two doors away. He
opened the door and I entered a space that was little bigger than a
walk-in-closet. It had a single bed and chest of drawers. No

“I don’t live here like some of the others,
plus I’m not an officer of the club. I only use this room when we
go on lockdown or for other, ah, special occasions.”

I smiled in the face of his slight
embarrassment. “Like when you have, ah, company?”

“Yeah.” He walked over to the bed and pulled
back the covers. “I haven’t used it since it was changed last, but
I can’t vouch that no one else has.”

“Don’t worry about it.” I covered another
yawn. “Bathroom?”

“Unless you use the one in Stone’s room
you’ll have to use the public one in the bar. There’s a shower in
there, but I wouldn’t use it unless someone is standing guard.”

I nodded. “Thank you, Ty. Goodnight.”

I closed the door behind him. I’d used the
bathroom before the bar closed, and the shower could wait until
later. I locked the door, slipped my shoes and jeans off, and
crawled between the covers. I wondered what Stone’s reaction would
be when he discovered that I wasn’t in his bed.

I think I fell asleep with a smile on my


A loud noise at the door woke me abruptly. I
wasn’t sure how long I’d been asleep, but it couldn’t have been
long. I tried to open my eyes but gave up after a second. “Ty?”

“No, it’s not fucking Ty, now open the damn

Oh, Stone sounded like an angry bear. All I
could manage was a mumble.

“Rachel, open the fucking door!”

I ignored him and buried my head under the

In the next instant a loud crash had me
sitting up and fully awake. “What the—” Stone had kicked the door
in and was charging toward me, and the look on his face was angry
determination. “Are you crazy?” His tight lipped silence began to
alarm me. “Don’t touch me!”

He ripped the covers from me and then reached
down and pulled me up and over his shoulder. An unlady-like grunt
escaped me, and I started to struggle as he turned and exited Ty’s
room. “Put me down, Stone.” He totally ignored me and kept walking.
“I’m not sleeping in a bed where you’ve just fucked a sweetbutt.” I

I tried to ignore the feel and heat of his
muscled arm across the top of my thighs, right beneath my bottom,
naked skin against naked skin, and then I realized he wasn’t
wearing a shirt. Well, of course not, if he’d been screwing Rita. I
was dangling halfway down his back, and a nice back it was, too,
his defined muscles all tatted up. Nice tight ass...

Wait a minute, what?

The man was naked!

“You’re naked!” I screeched. We entered his
room and he elbowed the door shut. The next thing I knew I was
being thrown onto the bed.

“I sleep naked,” he growled, watching as I
bounced. “And you sleep there.” He pointed toward the side of the
bed he’d dumped me. “Don’t make me hunt you down again.”

I grabbed for the covers. “I—”

“And close your mouth before I put something
in it.”


I know my jaw dropped, because I had to tell
myself to close my mouth. My gaze dropped to his cock, which was
huge and pointing up at me like it was accusing me of something.
His last comment replayed in my mind, and all of a sudden all I
could think about was sucking on that monster. Thank God he wasn’t
a mind reader, but I feared that the intense heat enveloping my
body and spreading over my cheeks would give me away.


He made me hungry.

My bikini panties seemed very inadequate
right now, because I could feel them getting wet. Stone came to the
bed and climbed in next to me. Once he was covered he snapped, “Go
back to sleep.”

Yeah, like that was going to happen while I
lay there all hot and bothered, knowing that he was hard as stone.
I closed my eyes anyway and willed myself to relax. After a few
minutes of listening to us breathing I looked over at Stone. His
eyes were closed, but I couldn’t be sure that he was sleeping. I
wondered if I could reach down, slip my hand into my panties, and
relieve myself without him knowing it. Could I get away with it?
The image of his mouth-watering erection and thinking about that
meaty muscle pounding into me and what it would feel like kept
taunting me.

I released a heavy sigh, inching my hand
beneath the covers. Moving slowly, I made my way to the elastic
band of my underwear. I kept my gaze on Stone as I slowly started
to lift the elastic. Then I caught my breath when in a lightning
fast move Stone turned onto his side, grabbed my wrist, and opened
his eyes. I froze beneath his knowing stare. He couldn’t possibly
know what I’d been about to do.

He knew, damn him.

The steely fingers encircling my wrist slowly
uncurled, releasing me. Then, as he nudged my hand aside, I thought
my heart would jump out of my chest when he lifted the waistband of
my panties and inched beneath the silk. Oh, fuck!
I should stop
I thought to myself, but I didn’t have the strength or the
desire to. I began to tremble when his warm fingers reached my
pelvic bone, then inched further below, lifting the hood that
protected my clit. As soon as his finger brushed over my clit my
hips left the bed.

Sweet Jesus, like the strike of a match I was
sure I was going to incinerate. Nothing else mattered after that
but the relief that I knew was coming. Stone played with my clit
for a while, and then explored my labia before slipping smoothly
inside. It felt so good, even better when he slipped a second
finger inside me.

“Fuck, sweetheart, your cunt is tight.”

Jimmy had always made it sound like a
complaint, but Stone sounded pleased, like he couldn’t wait to fuck
me. I shifted my hips to match his movements, which were slowly
stealing my will from me. I moaned helplessly, so close to
exploding that I knew it wouldn’t take much to push me over the

Stone seemed to sense it. His fingers picked
up speed, his thumb circled and pressed against my sensitive

“Next time I’ll put my tongue in you.”

I bit my bottom lip, my
breathing sounding loud and choppy in the surrounding darkness. But
it wasn’t just mine. I could hear Stone’s harsh breathing too,
could feel his warm breath against my cheek. He leaned closer,
until his cock was against my leg. It was hot and hard, and he was
thrusting as though he were inside me.

“Stone—” He was going in so deep.

“Come on, baby, fucking let it go,” he said
against my ear. “I want to feel your cunt squeeze my fingers when
you’re coming.”

His teeth clamped down onto my neck. I

“Christ, now, Rachel!” he grunted, and I felt
his hot release splashing over my thigh.

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