Dark Menace MC: Stone (24 page)

Read Dark Menace MC: Stone Online

Authors: Tory Richards

Tags: #erotic, #motorcycles, #erotic romance, #tattoo, #bad boys, #menace, #biker romance, #collateral, #dark menace mc

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“It’s a huge building,” my VP began. “We need
to find out what part they’re occupying. We want to take them by
surprise as much as possible because we only get one fuckin’ chance
at this. There will be bloodshed, but we want it to be theirs.”
Murmurs of agreement followed his comment.

“Then there’s the old clubhouse. It’s still
being used as a bar, and they still own the trailer park behind
it,” I added.

“The trailers occupied?”

Laughter came from Ripper. “Yeah, by some of
the Predators and their old ladies. Their women fight back, but
their aim ain’t so good.”

“One of my brother’s took a shot in the ass
last time we were there,” Lynch grinned, directing his remark to

“So then we’ll need to hit both places at the
same time.”

“Give the brother a fucking A.” I downed my
first shot. “Gonna meet up with Rebel later today, he’s gonna
supply us with a map showing the layout of the factory. He’s ready
to get the fuck out.”

“Don’t blame the brother,” Max grumbled,
“Fuckin’ Wildman and his officers aren’t known for treating their
brothers with respect. Keeps them on the edge all the fuckin’

“Heard that was because he thinks it keeps
them on their fuckin’ toes, makes them better warriors,” Lynch
added, taking a hit off a joint that his VP Lenny handed him.

“Fucker uses their women against them.”

Drinks stopped in mid-air, as did joints and
cigarettes, and you could have heard a pin drop. Everyone put their
hard gazes on Hawk.

“Say again?” I’d heard what he said, but
found it hard to believe. Most clubs held their women, both old
ladies and sweethearts, in high regard and protected them with
their lives. Sweetbutts were treated with some form of respect
because they were woman first, whores second.

“He uses their women against them to keep
them on edge. Threatens to kill them first if the men fuck-up.”

“Well, why the fuck would any man who gives a
shit about his woman stay with him?” Ripper snapped angrily.

“Because they’re all fucked-up nut cases like
Wildman. Think they’re invincible.”

We all had our own thoughts on what Bulldog
said. I felt sorry for the women.

“Why don’t they take out their own fuckin’

“Who gives a shit? We’re gonna take the
fucker out!”

“Yeah! We should cut off his dick and feed it
to him!”

Laughter. “And his balls!”

“Okay! Okay, brothers! Calm this shit down.
We don’t get anything accomplished this way. We’re gonna take
Wildman down, and probably most of his original members. That’s why
we’re here. Let’s work this shit out and then all we have to do is
wait to meet Rebel.”

I couldn’t blame the brothers for getting
worked up. Most of them had old ladies or girlfriends, and they
would give their lives for them without thought. We were fiercely
protective of our women, and we didn’t condone abuse of them in any
way. If most of us saw a female or child being abused we would step
in and take care of it, whether we knew them or not. That set MC’s
like ours—Wild Marauders and Phantom Riders—apart.

“Right now we need to make sure our rides are
ready, that you’re packing enough heat, and the van is good.” I
glanced at the twins who were sitting toward the other end of the
table. “You two are in charge of the van this trip. That includes
calling our club nurse. Make sure Ginger is prepared for our
fuckin’ call if we need her.” They nodded without comment. “Who’s
on the run tonight for Covacks?”

Reggie, Boomer, and Shooter raised their
hands. Fuck! Max was the one who spoke, though. “He wants extra
protection tonight due to the fuckin’ contents.”

I frowned. “What the fuck is it?”

Max shrugged. “You know Covacks is private
about the shit he ships. And I can tell you right now, he won’t
take prospects.”

“Fuck.” I looked around the table. I didn’t
want to take prospects into this mess. I’d feel better taking my
fully patched brothers, including my officers. I could count on
them to go in, know what to do, and fucking act on it. I thought
about Stitch, Ralph, Coffee, One Nut, Chopper, and Blue. “Why the
fuck are my officers always pulling these protection runs? What
about some of the brothers who don’t sit at this table?”

“They mostly take care of the muscle needed
at Covacks’ clubs when they can.”

“Well, fuck that shit—” Lynch laughed and I
shot him a scowl. “There’s going to be some fuckin’ changes
tonight.” I swung my gaze to Max. “We need as many patched brothers
with experience as we can get with us tonight. Switch out the club
muscle with all prospects, Covacks will just have to fuckin’ deal
with it.” Then I glanced at Reggie, Boomer, and Shooter. “I want
you with us for this war. Let Chopper and Blue handle the run.”

“Covacks requested three—”

I cut Max off. “Don’t give a flying fuck, he
doesn’t get to change the agreement without him and me sittin’ down
and talking shit out. Are we getting extra for this?”

Max shrugged. “Look, Prez, at the time this
Wildman shit hadn’t come up. Because it was the only time Covacks
requested an extra man, I didn’t see the big deal.”

Max was right. It wouldn’t have been a big
deal, normally. There was just so much tension over the shit that
was coming up. I expelled a long breath. “It’s not, brother.” I
turned my attention to Lynch. “Brother, are you cool with taking
out the Predators bar?”

He gave me a chin lift and for a second I
thought that was going to be his only response. “We taking

“Only ex-Predators who give up and swear
their loyalty to us.”

“How are we gonna know who those fuckers
are?” His VP asked.

Several of my men scoffed right along with
me. “Believe me, you’ll know. And if you can’t figure it out, then
kill them with the rest.”

“We’re just gonna believe those fuckers who
swear?” Shooter inquired sharply, his face twisting.

“Fuck no, brother,” I growled. “They’ll be
put on probation.”

“When are we meeting Rebel?” Hawk asked,
putting us back on track. Never one for chitchat, he liked to cut
right to the chase.

“Three o’clock we meet him behind the old
railroad station. We look over the map of the factory and head the
fuck out from there. We don’t come back here until this shit is
over. Questions?”

“What about the situation with the women and
the debt Ronald owed the club?”

I glared at Pit Bull. “We deal with one thing
at a time brother, that shit can come later.” My look encompassed
everyone in the room. “You have two, three hours before we leave,
brothers. Use it well.” Laughter echoed throughout the room,
because every brother in there knew that meant getting their dicks
wet because it could be their last time. “Make sure our brothers
from Wild Marauders and Phantom Riders are taken care of, church is
over except for Max.”

“Got something to tell you,” I explained when
he locked eyes with me. I hoped his knowing smirk meant what I
thought it did, that he already knew what I was going to say. It
would sure as fuck make the situation a hell of a lot easier.
Otherwise, we could come to blows.

Once the room was empty he crossed his arms
and leveled a look on me. “I hope you’re not going to tell me that
you want me to give up my claim on Rachel, man. Her sweet little
pussy hugs my dick just—”

“Cut the fuckin’ crap,” I snapped. “We both
know you haven’t fucked her. The only reason you claimed her was to
mess with my head. You’re a sick fuck.”

Max’s expression grew serious. “No, brother,
I claimed Rachel because you gave her up too fast. I knew you
hadn’t thought shit through, you were too angry. I also knew your
pride wouldn’t let you take her back if she became a sweetbutt. The
only surprise here is I didn’t expect you to cave so fuckin’ fast.
She must have a tight pussy.”

She did, but he didn’t need to know that. I
sat back in my chair. “Something about her, bro, she’s different.
It goes beyond sex, but she has to learn the rules of the

“Can I have her when you’re done with her?”
Max joked, smiling.

I scowled. “Don’t plan on being done with her
for a long while, if ever.” I think I surprised us both with that
comment. We both knew that I was not the happily ever after

“You saying she’s the one?”

I shrugged. “Is there such a thing?” I didn’t
really expect Max to respond. “All I know is that I can’t seem to
get enough of her. Even when she pisses me off I want her like

“So what are you gonna do about the

I’d been thinking about that. Ronald was the
fucker who’d screwed up. Who would have thought he’d get himself
killed, leaving two innocent women to pay his fucking debt? It
would take them forever to work it off. Maddie was the one who
should be responsible for it, since she’d been married to the
prick, but I knew that Rachel wouldn’t let her face the
consequences alone. She was devoted to her sister, that much was

“You gonna share, bro?” I guess I’d hesitated
too long. “You know the brothers are gonna want to know about that
thirty grand. It’s club money, and they have the right.”

“You don’t have to remind me of that,” I
snapped. “Right now the club has more pressing matters.” I stood
up, eager to see what Rachel was up to. With a little luck she was
still in bed and ready for round two. “Got a few hours before war,
brother, I suggest you find yourself a nice warm pussy.”

Holy fuck. When I opened the door to my room
the first thing my gaze landed on was the naked goddess on my bed.
Rachel was asleep on top of the covers, lying on her belly, that
luscious ass of hers on fucking display. The curvy slopes of her
creamy flesh beckoned my dick until it was awake and fully aware of
where it wanted to be. I hadn’t claimed her there yet, but once I
did, Rachel would have no doubt
that she
belonged to me completely.

I stripped and crawled over her from the
bottom up. Her warm skin was like luxurious velvet against my hard
muscles, the kind of softness a man could fucking lose himself in
and not ever want to surface from, and my hard dick slipped right
into the tight crevice created between her fine ass and the tops of
her thighs. Jesus, it was as if I’d just entered her tight, hot
cunt. As I settled my weight against her, she moaned softly. I
grinned, moved her hair aside with my nose, and nuzzled the back of
her neck.

“Ohhh,” she mumbled against the pillow.

My smile disappeared, and I gave her ass a
hard slap.

“Ouch!” she cried out, fully awake now.

I slapped her again.

She jerked at the pain. “Stone!” she reached
back to caress the reddened cheek.

“Good thing you decided it was me,” I growled
into her ear, following it up with a bite and at her gasp, a lick.
She shuddered beneath me.

“Finished with club business?”

“Never finished with fuckin’ business, baby.”
I began biting, kissing, and licking my way over her neck,
shoulders, and back, all the while thrusting my dick back and forth
between her legs. “I have a few hours to kill.”

She laughed softly. “With me?”

“I’m going to lick, bite, and kiss you all
over, and when I’m done I’m going to fuck you until you can’t
move.” I gave the right cheek of her ass a bite. “Then I’m going to
flip you around and do it all over on your front side. By the time
I’m done fucking you, babe, you won’t be able to climb out of

Her body began to squirm sensuously, her
moans fueling me the fuck on. I moved onto her other rounded cheek,
and then explored the enticing area between them. Christ, the scent
of her sex drifted up to me, making my mouth water with
anticipation. I wanted to fuck Rachel with my tongue and dick, and
couldn’t make up my mind which one to start with.

“Raise your fucking hips, baby.” I helped her
by sliding an arm beneath her, and then I dove in, running my
tongue from the front of her pussy, through the seam protecting her
plump labia, up and over the crack of her ass. It was no gentle
lick either. I fucking consumed her, letting her helpless whimpers
guide my control.

I was so fucking turned-on that I couldn’t
stop myself from reaming the tight ring leading to dark, forbidden
pleasure. As Rachel squirmed and mewed I grabbed hold of her hips
to hold her still and rammed my tongue deep into her anal

“Fuuuck!” she cried out, trying to pull away
from the invasion. I would have let her had I thought it was from
pain, but I knew I’d caught her by surprise. I drew my tongue out
and met her surprised gaze as she turned her head to look at me.
“Do that again.”

With fucking pleasure. “Have you ever been
taken here?” She shook her head, and I went wild. I fucked her with
my tongue, slipping my fingers inside her cunt to satisfy her
there. She came almost immediately, crying out into the pillow
beneath her face. Her body quaked and bucked as it rode out her
orgasm. I was so fucking hard and ready to blow that I flipped her
over and crawled up her body, plunging into her convulsing depths
like a feral animal, claiming what was mine in the most raw and
basic way that I knew.

“Stone—,” Rachel whispered weakly. She pulled
my head down and kissed me. It was a gentle kiss that I wasn’t
accustomed to. “Fuck my ass.”

I grinned through my passion. “I will, baby,
but right now my dick is only going to be happy in your juicy

She lifted her hips to meet my thrusts, her
hands traveling over me wherever she could reach. “Show me, baby,”
I rasped against her lips. “Fuckin’ show me how good you feel.” Her
fingers curled into kitten claws and I felt them leave their mark
against my flesh. “That’s it, babe, make it feel good.” A deep
growl escaped me and the feel of her ripping my flesh spurred me to
pick up speed. I began to slam into her, over and over again,
letting the rise of fucking pleasure overwhelm me.

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