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Authors: Marie Force

Coming Home (19 page)

BOOK: Coming Home
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“Why not? It’s working.” With his hand buried in hair that required chemical assistance to remain blonde these days, he tipped his head and kissed her again, more intently this time.

“Aidan,” she whispered against his lips.


“I’m not done ranting.”

“Yes, you are.”

His hand slipped under her T-shirt, and when he cupped her breast, she decided the ranting could wait. She had something better to do. Her husband was an endlessly creative lover, and tonight was no exception. He took his time driving her to distraction, which she suspected was his goal, before he finally slid into her, making her come the second he was fully seated within her.

“Oh, yeah,” he said as he began to move, riding her climax.

One of the benefits of being married to a younger guy was that he had no idea he was supposed to be getting old, and his stamina was every bit as good as it had been the day she met him. By the time he made her come a second time, she was about to beg for mercy. Luckily, her climax broke his control, and he came, too.

He remained on top of her, absorbing the aftershocks, as Clare ran her hands over his muscular back. Feeling his heartbeat, surrounded by his familiar scent and his overwhelming love, Clare felt centered again for the first time since Maggie had called earlier to give them a heads-up about the video. Clare had taken her youngest daughter’s advice and not looked at it, but the idea that strangers were watching Kate have sex was enough to make her ill.

“What happened?” Aidan asked, raising his head to meet her gaze. His dark brown hair was in need of a trim and had more silver highlights than it used to, which only made him better looking, if that was possible. “I had you all relaxed, but you just got tense again.”

“I was wondering how many perverts are watching my daughter have sex right now.”

“Clare, honey. Don’t do that. Don’t go there.”

“It’s hard not to.”

“I know.” He kissed her and withdrew but remained perched above her. “I wish there was something I could do for you.”

She reached up to caress his handsome face, so dear to her after a decade together. “That was pretty good.”

He raised his eyebrows, as she’d known he would. “Only

Her shrug was like throwing a red cape in front of a bull.

good? I’ll show you pretty good.”

Though she was tired and distressed, being held and kissed and loved by him made everything better.

Much later, as she lay awake next to Aidan, thinking about Kate, Clare hoped that wherever Kate was tonight, the man she loved was taking care of her.

Chapter 9

Reid had no idea what to do for her. He was eaten up with guilt over the whole thing and wishing he could have that half hour on the beach back again. Never in a million years would he have exposed her to something like this. He’d been certain they were totally alone on the beach, or he never would’ve coaxed her into the water to make love.

He wanted to kick something, break things, scream and yell, but none of that would help the situation, and it wasn’t what Kate needed right now. He wished he knew what she
need. After viewing the video in its excruciating entirety, she’d curled up on the sofa on the sunporch and withdrawn into herself, freezing him out. He couldn’t say he blamed her. He wasn’t too happy with himself right now either.

The vibe between them reminded him of the horrible day in Nashville when her dad had caught them together. Jack had disavowed his daughter when she chose to stay in Nashville with Reid. After the blowup with her dad, she’d retreated into herself the way she was now, and it had taken a very long time to coax her back into their relationship.

Reid hoped that wouldn’t happen again this time when they were so newly back together and so very happy. Earlier in the day, they’d been hopeful and excited about their future when they bought the house on the beach. Now he had no idea where they stood, and the uncertainty was killing him. Would she decide to go home without him? Would that be easier for her? He couldn’t lose her again, not after what they’d shared since she’d come to St. Kitts. He wasn’t sure he’d survive it a second time.

His phone rang, jarring him from his disturbing thoughts, and he reluctantly took the call from Ashton. “Hi, son.”

“Well, this is a fine mess you’ve gotten yourself into.”

Reid was relieved that Ashton sounded more bemused than furious, which he would’ve understood. How embarrassing would it be to have your fifty-something father caught
in flagrante delicto
for all the world to see? “I know. Believe me.”

“What were you thinking?”

“I wasn’t thinking. That’s the problem. I always view St. Kitts as removed from the rest of the world. I guess I’ve been shown otherwise.”

“This is a really big deal, Dad. Buddy’s pissed.”

Ashton didn’t have to remind him that Buddy was the CEO of Kate’s record company. “He’s not talking about dropping her, is he?”

“Fortunately, he’s not that stupid, but he’s not happy.”

“Neither are we. Trust me on that.”

“So… You’re back with her.”

A statement, not a question, Reid noted. He glanced at the huddled form on the sofa. “Yes.”

“What about Mari?”

“What about her?”

“You two had a good thing going.”

“Yes, we did, but it wasn’t the same as this. Nothing is the same as this.” After a pause, Reid added, “I know you won’t approve—”

“Dad… I have no desire to go down that road again.”

“What road is that?”

“The one where you and I don’t speak for months because you’re dating a girl who’s younger than me.”

“She’s not a girl anymore.”

“I’d like to think we’ve all grown up since then.”

“So you don’t hate me for being back with her?”

“I guess not.”

“Gee, thanks,” Reid said with a laugh. He adored the boy he’d raised on his own who’d become his best friend as an adult.

“I may have some news of my own to share before too long.”

“What kind of news?”

“I’d rather tell you in person. When will I see you?”

“Before all this happened today, we’d been talking about going back to Nashville for Christmas. Now I don’t know.”

“It might not be a bad idea to hang there for a while. Lay low for a couple of months until it blows over. Kate’s not on tour again until next summer anyway.”

“She’s due back in the studio in January.”

“So she has time.”

“Can I ask you something?”


“Will you be civil to her?”

“I’ll do my best, but I doubt we’ll ever be the best of friends.”

Knowing he couldn’t ask for much more than that, Reid said, “I love you. I don’t say it often enough, but I hope you know how proud I am of you.”

“I know, Dad. You’ve never left me wondering about any of that.”

“I’m sorry to have caused you grief with this video thing.”

“If only you knew the grief you’ve caused me,” he said with a good-natured chuckle. “But I’ll tell you about that when I see you.”

“I’ll hold you to it. Call me if there’s anything we should know.”

“I will.”

“Listen, Ashton, while I have you, I’d be very interested to know the source of that video. Can you to find out who posted it?”

“I’m already working on that for Buddy. Do you have any thoughts on who it might be?”

“I don’t want to think that Mari could be behind it, but she was pretty pissed when I chose to be with Kate.”

“I can’t picture Mari doing something like this.”

“I don’t know if she actually did the filming, but I wouldn’t put it past her to sic the paparazzi on Kate. She was extremely angry with both of us.”

“I’ll look into it and let you know what I find out.”

“Thank you.”

“Try to behave down there, will you? Keep your pants on in public.”

“Very funny. I’ll talk to you soon.” Reid ended the call and tried to think of something he could do for Kate. Before he formed a plan, the phone rang again. This time, his friend Desi was on the line.

“I’m so sorry, Reid,” Desi said without preamble. “I vow to investigate this fully and fire the ass of anyone who invaded your privacy at my place.”

“Thanks, Des.” Not that it would matter, since the damage was done, but he did appreciate the gesture.

“I’d like to offer you and your lady my place in Lovers Beach on Nevis. It has a live-in staff who’ve been with me for years, and they’ll protect your privacy like piranhas. I’ll have all your things moved there right away and have my boat put at your disposal to take you over on your schedule. Of course, Ms. Harrington’s stay at the resort will be comped as well.”

Reid thought about that for a second. They couldn’t stay here because Kate didn’t want to be in the space he’d shared with Mari, which he understood, and they couldn’t go back to the resort where the video had been taken. No doubt the place would be overrun with reporters by morning. “That’s very good of you, Desi, and I’ll take you up on it. Thank you.”

“I hope you’ll accept my apology as a friend. I’m horrified this happened on my property.”

“Of course I accept your apology. It wasn’t your fault. Hopefully it’ll blow over before too long, and Kate can get back to work.”

“That’s my hope as well. Call me when you’re ready, and we’ll pick you up at the location of your choice for the ride to Nevis.”

“I will. Thanks again.”

“It’s the least I can do.”

“I’ll be in touch.” Reid ended the call and contemplated Kate on the sofa, trying to think of something he could do to make her feel better. “Tea,” he said to himself. “I’ll make her some tea. She used to love it. Hopefully, she still does.”

With his offering in hand ten minutes later, Reid stepped onto the sunporch. “You awake, darlin’?”


“I made you some tea.”

She sat up and turned to him, her red eyes and nose tugging at his heart. “That’s nice. Thank you.”

He handed her the mug. “Milk and two sugars, right?”

“You remembered,” she said with a small smile.

“I remember everything.” Returning her smile, he sat next to her. “Desi called from the resort. He’s beside himself over what happened.”

Her face fell at the reminder, and he wanted to shoot himself for mentioning it.

“It wasn’t his fault.”

“That’s what I told him. Still, he feels bad, and he offered us his place on Nevis for as long as we need it.”

She looked over at him with those dazzling eyes, reminding him of the eighteen-year-old he’d fallen so hard for. Her vulnerability tugged at him, making him want to go out and conquer dragons on her behalf. If only he could.

“Do you think we should go there?” she asked.

“I do. It would get us off St. Kitts and away from any media who come sniffing for a story. Desi said his household staff has been with him for years, and they’ll protect our privacy.”

Kate frowned as she contemplated her tea.

“What’re you thinking?”

“There’s no such thing as privacy in my world. People could be looking at us right now, taking pictures.”

Reid glanced through the big windows with the panoramic view of the water. He’d always loved that view, but now he felt exposed and could only imagine how Kate must feel. “How about we check out Desi’s place and see what we think of it. We don’t have to decide anything until we see it.”

She shrugged, as if the effort of contemplating their options was more than she could manage. “Whatever you think. We can’t stay here. People know you live here. They’ll find us here in no time.”

“I’ll call Desi and make a plan to get you out of here.” He leaned in to kiss her forehead. “Don’t worry about anything, darlin’. I’ll take care of it.”


Ninety minutes later, Desi himself drove Reid and Kate across the island of Nevis to his hideaway gated estate. Short and round with light tan skin and dark hair, Desi was a ball of energy who’d been Reid’s friend for almost as long as he’d lived on St. Kitts. The two men had bonded over their shared love of flying and fishing.

Desi slowed the car and punched in a code at the gate, which swung open to admit them. “No one can get on the property,” Desi assured them. “We have round-the-clock security. If anyone steps foot inside the gates, we know about it.”

“Why so much security?” Reid asked. Nevis wasn’t exactly known for its crime.

“My wife was once involved in a home invasion. It gives her peace of mind to know that no one can get to her. Her peace of mind is my peace of mind.”

Listening to Desi, Reid began to relax a bit. Here he could protect Kate for the time being, until the story died down and they were able to return to Nashville. He was consumed with guilt over the damage he’d done to her reputation, not to mention what her family must be thinking of him. That thought didn’t bear further examination.

BOOK: Coming Home
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