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Authors: Marie Force

Coming Home (14 page)

BOOK: Coming Home
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“If you didn’t want to hurt me, maybe you should’ve thought about how I’d feel about her showing up at our house to stake her claim on you.”

“That’s not how it happened, and you know it. I had no idea she was coming, and you’re the one who left.”

“Was I supposed to stick around and watch you pine for her?”

Reid didn’t know what to say to that, so he stayed quiet.

“All I know is that two days ago I was living a life I loved with a man I loved, who I thought maybe loved me, though he’d never said so. Now, my whole world has been turned upside down, and I’m supposed to just accept that and go on like it never happened.”

“I did love you, Mari. I
love you.”

“But not the same way you love her.”

He rested his hands on his hips and shook his head. “No. I’m sorry.”

“Save your apologies. I’m glad we had this conversation. At least I know now what I need to do.”

“And what’s that?” he asked, slightly undone by the malice in her tone. He’d never seen anything remotely like that from her, but he’d also never crushed her before.

“That’s none of your business. You lost the right to know that when you chose her over me. Go have your life with your little girl lover. I hope you’re very happy together.”

Realizing the conversation was over, he said, “Do you want the house?”


“When would you like to get your things?”

“I’ll do it this week.”




“If you say you’re sorry again, I’ll punch you.”

Reid nodded, saddened to end on such an unfriendly note, but he supposed he couldn’t blame her. He’d hate him, too, if he were her. “I was just going to say take care of yourself.”

“Don’t worry, I will.”

A sense of unease settled over him as he walked to his car, wondering what she’d meant by that.


Jill emerged from the shower and toweled her hair dry, reliving the day she’d spent with Ashton. He’d produced a gleaming Harley Davidson motorcycle from the garage that Jill had eyed with trepidation.

“I’ve never been on a motorcycle,” she’d said.


She shook her head.

“You don’t know what you’ve been missing.”

The bike was huge and shiny and daunting. “I’m okay with what I’ve been missing.”

That made him laugh. “Trust me. I’ve been riding bikes since I was a little kid, and I promise you’ll love it.”

“Your father let you do all kinds of crazy things when you were a kid.”

“I didn’t have a mother to tell him not to.”

The statement was made in jest, but Jill sensed the pain behind it. He would’ve liked to have a mother to fret over his safety. What little boy wouldn’t?

He held out a helmet to her. “What do you say? Want to take a walk on the wild side?”

“If you’re sure we’ll be safe.”

He tucked her hair behind her ear and caressed her face. “I’d never endanger you. Not when I have so many plans for you.”

The softly spoken words did something to her insides, making her all fluttery. In all of her life, Jill Harrington had never been fluttery. Maybe it was about time she was. “Okay.”

She couldn’t remember ever having more fun than they’d had cruising through Malibu and along the Pacific Coast Highway, stopping for lunch at an out-of-the-way place that he’d been to before and loved. He’d handled the bike like a true expert, and never once had she felt unsafe. Rather, she’d felt exhilarated and free in a way she hadn’t often experienced.

Anxious to get back to him after hours snuggled against his back on the bike, she brushed her hair and put it up in a ponytail before dressing in the jeans and tank top she’d bought while they were out. She went downstairs to find him tending to the grill on a deck that overlooked the Pacific. After growing up on the coast, Jill was used to exceptional views, but this was better than most.

Ashton’s back was turned, and since he was shirtless, she had an even better view of his broad shoulders and muscular back.

The feelings of exhilaration and freedom from earlier ran through her mind as she stepped outside and clearly surprised him when she rested her hands on his shoulders. Who was this brazen woman who walked up to a man and touched him without being invited to? This was a whole new woman, and Jill rather liked her.

Apparently, he did, too, because his muscles quivered under her hands. She started to withdraw them.

“Don’t,” he said, softly but harshly. “Don’t stop. Touch me.”

Emboldened by his reaction, Jill massaged his shoulders.

His head fell forward, and he shuddered. “Feels so good.”

“What’s for dinner?” she asked, her lips close to his back, so close.

“Shrimp and salad.” His voice sounded strained, which made her smile as she kneaded muscles gone tense under her hands.

“Sounds good.”

A loud click caught her attention as he turned off the grill.

“Is it done?”


He left the skewers of barbequed shrimp on the grill when he closed the lid and turned, his eyes hot with desire that had Jill taking a step back from the almost predatory look he sent her way. His arm hooked around her waist to keep her from escaping.


Whatever she was about to say—and she had no idea what she’d been about to say—was lost when his mouth came down on hers, hard and demanding.

Her arms encircled his neck as he lifted her right off her feet and took her inside. His tongue entered her mouth in questing strokes that made her head spin and her heart pound. She’d never been kissed like this before, and nothing could’ve prepared her for the overwhelming need that had her pressing against him with increasing urgency.

When he lowered them to the sofa, Jill tightened her hold on his neck.

As he came down on top of her, molding his body to hers, he tipped his head and took the kiss deeper. He propped himself on one elbow and his other hand dipped under her top, pushing her bra out of the way. The heat of his hand on her bare breast seared her.

He tore his lips free and gazed down at her, devouring her with his eyes. “Tell me to stop.”

Jill shook her head.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes.” She reached for him. “I’m sure.”

He pushed her top up and focused his attention on her breasts, licking and sucking and even biting gently as he somehow managed to remove her tank top and bra.

Jill had never experienced anything remotely similar to the all-consuming way he loved her as he kissed his way down the front of her. When he unbuttoned her jeans and tugged at them, she raised her hips to help him get them off.

And then he stopped, resting his forehead on her belly. “I didn’t want it to be like this.”

Jill combed her fingers through his thick hair. “Like what?”

“Fast and frantic on the sofa. I wanted to take my time and make you come so many times you wouldn’t know your own name. And
I’d make love to you.”

Her heart beat fast as she realized how much thought he’d put into this. “How about we do that next time?”

He gazed up at her. “Yeah?”

She nodded and held out her arms. “Come here.”

Ashton shifted up, propping himself on his arms. “I’m here.”


Smiling, he lowered himself, bringing his chest into contact with hers. The coarse hair rubbed against her straining nipples, making her crazy. She ran her hands down his back to dip them into his shorts.

“Jill.” This was said through gritted teeth as he pressed his erection against her belly.

She curled her legs around his hips to better align them and moved one of her hands to the front of his shorts.

He dropped his head to her shoulder and seemed to freeze as he waited for her next move.

Jill decided to prolong the pleasure by skimming her fingers over his lower belly in teasing strokes that made him groan.

“Do you want me to beg?”

“I think I do. Yes.”

Half laughing, half groaning, he thrust his hips in an effort to get what he wanted. “I’m begging.”

Jill decided to have mercy on him and wrapped her hand around his straining member. Her mouth went dry as she learned his length and width by stroking him slowly.

“Jesus,” he whispered. “You’re going to finish me right off like a horny teenager.”

Jill laughed at the torture she heard in his voice. “Would that be so bad?”

“Yes, it would be bad. You’ll always remember that I ruined our first time together.”

“You’re not ruining anything.” To prove her point, she tightened her hand around him and stroked him harder, taking the choice away from him.

He pumped his hips, matching the rhythm of her hand. “

She turned her head and kissed him, giving him her tongue in gentle strokes that were in sharp contrast to what she was doing to him with her hand. She’d never been so brazen or forward with a man and discovered she quite liked the reactions she was drawing from him.

The arm he was resting on trembled with the effort to hold himself up as she kissed and stroked him to an explosive finish. He cried out as he spilled into her hand. By the time he’d recovered from the powerful release, she’d freed him from his shorts.

“Condom,” he said. “Need one.”

“Where are they?”

“Bathroom. Upstairs.”

“Let me up.”

“I can do it. Just give me a minute.”

“Take your minute while I get what we need.”

“Okay.” He raised himself up and off her.

Jill got up and headed for the stairs, trying not to think about the fact that he was probably watching her naked ass as she left the room. She found an unopened box of condoms in the master bathroom closet. The fact that it was unopened made her happy, for some strange reason. The idea of him spending time here with another woman didn’t sit well with her.

“You’re already turning into a jealous fool,” she whispered to herself, avoiding the mirror while she was in the bathroom.

Ashton was face down on the sofa when she returned, and she wondered if he was asleep. She took a moment to appreciate his fine form, the muscular arms and shoulders, the narrow waist and perfectly rounded rear. He was an incredibly sexy man, and all his attention was focused on her—for now, anyway.

With that in mind, she straddled him, pressing the heat between her legs to his bottom as she ran her hands over his back.

His mumbled, “Mmmm,” told her he was fully awake and enjoying what she was doing. “I want to turn over.”

“In a minute.” She dropped a trail of kisses down his backbone, pausing as she hovered over his ass before she took a gentle bite of one perfect cheek.

“That’s it! Let me up!”

His reaction startled her as she lifted to let him turn over. “Condom.” He held out his hand.

Jill avoided his hand and tore open the box, taking one out and removing the foil wrapper.


“Don’t be so bossy, Counselor.” She smiled at the look of torture on his face as she took her time rolling the condom over his erection. “There,” she said when the condom was in place.

He surged up, his fingers digging into her hips as he lifted her and headed for the stairs.

Jill let out a squeal of surprise. She gripped his neck when he ran up the stairs as if carrying her was no big deal. His strength was a huge turn-on, as if she could be any more turned on. “Where are we going?”

“I want a bed for this.”

She worried that she’d pushed him too far and would pay for her sins once he got them to a horizontal surface.

In the master bedroom, he remained standing when he lowered her onto the bed and tugged at her hips until she was at the very edge of the mattress. “Did you enjoy making me crazy?” he asked, hovering over her.

Nodding, Jill raised her hands to his face, caressing his smooth jaw. “I really did.”

“I could tell.” He pressed his erection against her, retreating before she could align him to where she wanted him most. “Revenge is a bitch.”

“I’ve heard that, but you wouldn’t be mean to me, would you?”

His smile softened his expression considerably. “Don’t try to charm your way out of this.” He slid into her slowly, torturously.

Jill raised her hips, trying to urge him to hurry, but he wouldn’t be rushed.

He withdrew from her, making her moan. “Patience, my love,” he whispered as he kissed her belly.

His words made her heart flutter. Did he mean that? Was she his love? Did she want to be? The press of his tongue between her legs required her full attention, driving the internal debate from her mind. He exacted his revenge one lick and suck at a time, driving her up to the very edge of orgasm before backing off and doing it all again.

BOOK: Coming Home
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