Colorado Flames WIth A Texas Twist (2 page)

BOOK: Colorado Flames WIth A Texas Twist
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Brody might be
of interest to him, and he sure as heck wanted to learn more about the cute firefighter, but stalking Brody wasn't fair. That kiss had been amazing though. He would need to stay away from town for a few days, maybe even weeks. If he kept coming back for Brody, he might make a mistake, and with the secrets he held, he couldn't afford a mistake.



Chapter Two


Marshal stared at the refrigerator for a good five minutes, wishing someone would come to the kitchen so he didn't have to walk over to the fridge himself. It was only five feet, and he could make it on his own, but he was exhausted. Two weeks ago he thought the end was near. Craig had taken him hostage, almost killing him in an effort to destroy the ranch, but Craig hadn’t succeeded. They were all still alive, and only he’d suffered lasting damage. Billy had been shot, but it had only been a scrape and a little dose of antibiotics along with Tucker’s care had him on the mend.

In reality, Marshal had gotten off fairly easily. He could walk with the help of a cane, but pain and discomfort were his new friends. The doctors said the ache that plagued his bones, muscles, and joints would eventually fade, but he wasn't sure how long he could stand living like this. Actually, it was more than just the pain that was bugging him. He felt useless.

It seemed like everyone had evaporated from the ranch, leaving him to fend for himself. The glass of water he wanted became even more important as he tried to swallow. The dryness of his mouth increased each second and he couldn't stand the lack of water. Marshal pulled himself to standing, his knee on his left leg almost giving out before he braced himself. He was messed up and it freaking sucked.

With two steps left to go before he was at the refrigerator, the door swung open. He turned to see who'd entered, forgetting that he was injured. The room spun, and his legs wobbled. His knee gave out and he started to fall. Roger was there to catch him, helping him back to the table and the chair he’d just vacated.

Zander stepped into the kitchen and halted, their gazes connecting. Marshal hated the pity he saw in Zander's eyes. He wasn't a complete invalid, not really. Roger settled him in the chair and suddenly Zander was right behind him, his hand smoothing over Marshal's back. He bristled and Zander's hand stilled.

Maybe getting involved with Zander had been a huge mistake. Before, when they were on a level playing field, he felt a little superior. Not that he looked down on Zander, but he was stronger. Now, he felt like a helpless baby, unsure of himself in every area. Worse, he had no idea if Zander even wanted him anymore. They hadn't done anything sexual since the attack. Maybe Zander was having some serious second thoughts.

"Can I get you something?" Roger asked.

Marshal's first impulse was to yell and scream, telling them to fuck off, but he took a deep breath, using the few seconds to calm his thoughts. "I just need some water."

"Sure." Roger grabbed a glass out of the cabinet before moving to the refrigerator.

Zander dropped to the chair beside Marshal and tapped the table. "I need some help out in the east pasture today. Want to come?"

He narrowed his gaze and shook his head. "Are you serious?"

Zander leveled him with a stare that cut through his bullshit. His stomach twisted with fear and anger. He didn't like being challenged, but he didn't like being coddled either. Maybe getting out of the house and driving around the ranch was exactly what he needed.

Marshal drank half the glass of water, his gaze staying on Zander. He set the glass on the table and took a few seconds before answering. "Fine, let me hit the can then we can head out."

"Sure, I'll be here waiting for you."

He half expected Zander to get up and help him to the bathroom, but his man didn't move. Anger flashed through him, then he realized he was being ridiculous. He wanted Zander to respect him and yet he wanted to be babied. It sucked being hurt like this. Most of all it sucked because he could have prevented everything. Had he been paying attention, Craig never would have gotten the jump on him.

The bathroom door closed behind him and he shivered. Thoughts of Craig standing above him still plagued Marshal. Eventually he would need to talk about the trauma, but he was already dealing with enough.

After taking a piss, Marshal washed up, refusing to look at himself in the mirror. He hated the way he'd been acting. His insecurities were exposed, leaving him unable to cover his feelings with false bravado. Being stripped of the one thing he could always count on, his strength, had left him hurting.

He exited the bathroom, moving slowly. Zander stood and walked toward him, holding out his arm for Marshal, offering support. The urge to not take it raced through him, but he stuffed his pride and reached for Zander. Slowly, they made their way to the door. His emotions flipped and twisted, making him angry at himself then Zander. It took forever to make it to the truck. Zander hadn't said anything since leaving the house. Fear of rejection filled him. He was half ready to hear Zander tell him he was ending it all. They hadn’t been together for long so it wasn’t like they had formed that big of an attachment, but he would die if Zander left him. God, he loved Zander.

They left the house and headed to the pastures. After a few minutes the truck stopped rolling, and Zander popped the shifter into park. He twisted in his seat and Marshal felt the weight of his gaze. The pain in his body was small compared to the pain in his heart.

"I get that you don't want to be pitied, and I'm trying not to, but I'm sad about the way you were injured."

He had no clue how to respond. Part of Marshal wanted to rip into Zander, but they'd been friends for too long. "I'm afraid you're going to leave me now that I'm not your equal."

Zander said nothing for a long while. After he couldn’t stand the silence any longer, Marshal glanced up. Desire wasn't what he expected to see in Zander's gaze. He sucked in a gasp, shocked when Zander slid across the bench seat, stopping when he was only an inch away.

"What, you don't think you're sexy anymore? Get real Marshal. You're the same guy you were before the incident, just as sexy, and just as pigheaded. I want you. I haven't stopped wanting you."

Marshal pressed his lips tight then shook his head before speaking. "But you haven't even tried."

Zander’s nostrils flared as he blew out a breath. "Dude, you're recovering from some bad injuries. I would have to be a total idiot to try something with you."

Marshal bit his tongue and turned to look out the windshield. "I still want to be desired."

The touch of Zander's fingers under his chin shocked him. He jerked away but settled quickly. Their gazes met and the icy fear that had encapsulated his heart thawed a bit.

"I still want you. Why would I not want you?" Zander asked.

"I'm slow. What if I never recover? Don’t you want a man who is capable?"

"I want you. You're not just any man, you're the smartest and sexiest man I've ever known. Why would I want anyone else? So what if you can't perform on a PT course like you could before Craig attacked? I didn't fall in love with you because you could run a mile in less than five minutes. I fell for you because you're you."

"But doesn't my physical abilities make up who I am? What if I never get that back? What if I can't do anything like I could before? What if I can't shoot, or worse..." He paused, unable to voice his real worries.

"I love you. All that other stuff doesn't matter."

Worry twisted through Marshal. He’d wanted to talk to Zander about his concerns earlier, but he’d been afraid. "What if I can't get it up?" Marshal whispered.

Zander grabbed his face and forced him to turn and look him in the eyes. He wasn't ready for the kiss, but Zander didn't let up. His hands shoved Marshal's shirt out of the way, searching for his nipples. He grunted with pain, but Zander didn't back off. Zander pinched and tugged the little nubs until Marshal gasped, and dropped his head back against the seat, closing his eyes as desire wove through him.

The slide of Zander's hand down his belly to the waistband of his pants got his attention. He tried to sit up, but Zander held him still as he reached into Marshal's shorts, rubbing against the semi-hard erection he was sporting.

"See that?"

Marshal nodded. Dizziness filled him. He blinked and gulped in air as Zander stroked him to full hardness. The smooth slide of Zander's thumb over his flat cockhead made him jerk.

"Shhh, just relax and let me take care of this."

He didn't think he could move. The arousal overwhelmed him, and then Zander's lips were on his cock. It felt so good he thought he would pass out. When Zander slid his fingers over Marshal's balls, his head spun so much he had to fight the blackness overtaking him. He wasn't sure he'd survive, but he sure as hell loved the feeling of Zander's lips bringing him pleasure.

The second between when he knew he was going to come and when he actually did wasn't enough time for him to draw in another breath. The rush of blood from his head was followed by a throbbing so intense he couldn't see or hear anything. Then it all went black.




Zander made sure Marshal could breathe before he wiped the come off his lips. That had been hot, and he'd wanted to suck Marshal for the last week, but he feared exactly what had happened. There wasn't much he could do about it now, and he hoped Marsh wouldn't be angry when he came to. Marshal's breathing evened out and Zander started the truck, taking off for the back pasture. He drove slowly, making sure to avoid the bigger bumps so he didn't wake Marshal.

When he crossed into the east pasture, he saw a few of the mustangs near the fence. They took off, racing away before he could get close and see which ones they were. He didn't really have much to do out here, other than just make sure all of the horses were okay. There were no telltale signs of vultures flying overhead. He stopped the truck by one of the ponds and hopped out, making sure to close the door quietly.

When Marshal had woken up in the hospital, he'd thought they'd grow closer, but now they were farther apart than ever. Maybe the orgasm would help, but he wasn't going to count on it. Somehow he needed to get through to Marshal that he wasn't going to go anywhere.

Maybe it was because Marshal hadn't ever dated a guy, or maybe it was because he hadn't been in a relationship for a very long time, either way, he needed to get Marshal to see reason.

The truck door slammed behind him, and he turned to see Marshal leaning against the side of the truck. Zander started moving to him but Marshal held up his hand.

"I'm sorry," Marshal called out.

Zander stopped walking. "Sorry, why?"

"For doubting you."

"You do know that I love you?" Zander began walking again, closing the distance between them.

Marshal nodded and swiped his hand over his face, his brow bunched and his lips pursed together. Zander was only a foot from Marshal when he stopped walking. They stared at each other, neither moving to touch the other.

He wasn't going to force anything on Marshal. They needed to communicate openly, but Marshal had spent the last two weeks drugged up. It had been difficult. They were dealing with the aftermath of Craig coming onto the ranch to kill them in addition to Marshal’s injuries. Then there were the local boys who'd shown up to fight the fire. Zander wished things were easier, but when had anything been easy for them?

They were at a stalemate until Marshal moved. He put his good hand on Zander's hip. It felt good to be touched. Zander sighed and let the corners of his mouth turn up.

"I don't want to keep pushing you away. I've messed up too many times," Marshal said.

"No, you haven't. Stop being so hard on yourself. There are going to be times when I fuck up, and there'll be times when you screw it up. Give yourself a break."

Marshal closed his eyes, his throat working as he swallowed. "I don't know if I can. I have to be perfect."

"No, you don't."

"Fuck, you're too nice."

Zander gently wrapped his hand around the back of Marshal's neck. "No, I'm not. I've known you long enough to have seen your bad side. Plus, once the doctor clears you for more activity, you're going to treat me to a day of sex, and Buddy, it will be hard work for you."

"Really?" Marshal perked up.

"Yeah, hot and heavy, indulgent and amazing. That's what I want."

"You got it." Marshal laughed and pulled him closer.

Zander kissed Marshal, sliding his mouth across the tender, smooth puffs of lips. They both moaned, Zander wishing they were back at the house and in bed together. He had a feeling that as long as they kept talking about their issues, they could get through anything.



Chapter Three


Duff stared at the computer screen for a full five minutes. James had run off again early this morning, going God only knew where. He could track him, but they all needed a break and James was a solid team member. Everyone had been blowing off steam. The realities of having Craig attack had put a few cracks in their carefully constructed world. He hated what the bastard had done to them.

The job that had arrived via special delivery just minutes ago had been a shock. When he’d opened the envelope containing the URL for a secure website he’d almost tossed it. The stress level was already high, and they didn’t need more strain in their lives. After staring at the sheet of paper for ten minutes, going over all of the possibilities, he’d opened his email, finding the password for the site in his inbox. Once he had the password, he’d opened a secure link and entered the code for the website, his heart sinking as he read the details.

As he scoped out the job, he wondered if they were ready to go again. The timing was off, and life was hectic since Craig had shown up and tried to destroy them. When he looked at the impact the job would have in Brazil and abroad, it would solve so many problems. But with all that had happened, did they really have the resources to deal with this job, or should they allow the government to shut this bastard down?

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