Colorado Flames WIth A Texas Twist (9 page)

BOOK: Colorado Flames WIth A Texas Twist
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“This is crazy.”

“Maybe, but it would be crazier to ignore the threat.”

Brody finished the rest of his cereal. Though he wasn’t happy about the situation, this was what needed to happen. With James living with him, he’d get over his desire faster. Any misplaced longings would be squashed once he saw James up close and personal.

“Fine. You can stay in the guest room.”

“Good. And this is just business. We’ll look intensively at who would want to harm you. Once we figure it out, I can put an end to it.”

A shiver snaked through Brody. He should tell James everything, but he’d been told that no one could know. Oh hell, this was out of control. Before he said anything to James, he would have to think long and hard about trusting the man. “How do you intend to end it?”

“Very carefully.”

James took Brody’s empty bowl and washed it before putting it into the cabinet. Brody watched him clean, all the while thinking he’d made a huge mistake letting James stay. Having this man close would be dangerous. But he wasn’t gay and could handle it.

Maybe he should call Jessica and invite her to spend the night. She’d like that. They could actually have sex. Hell, he didn’t want to have sex with Jessica. James was busy looking in the refrigerator and Brody took the opportunity to stare at him without being seen. His body responded, his dick thickening. The only person he wanted sex with was James, and that was all shades of wrong.



Chapter Nine


Connor Ellison grabbed the kitchen towel from the counter and twisted the cloth tight. He flicked his wrist, popping Mike Jarred on the ass.

“Hey, what the fuck are you doing?” Mike rubbed his white butt cheek, his eyelids narrowed and his lips turned down in a frown.

“Babe, did that really hurt?”

Mike shook his head. “No, well yes, but I’m okay.”

Connor came close and dropped to his knees, Mike’s cock sat at eyelevel. “Turn around and let me kiss it.”

“I’d rather you kiss this.” Mike grabbed his dick and wagged it in Connor’s face.

“Just turn around and let me see how much damage I did.”

Mike slowly turned and revealed his ass. Connor gasped at the dark red circle on Mike’s butt.

“Oh shit, I’m so sorry. That’s bad.”

“No, it’s okay.”

Connor placed his hands on Mike’s thighs and leaned in, brushing his lips over the red spot. He stuck out his tongue and ran it over the raised welt, loving how Mike shivered.

“Do that again,” Mike said.

“Yes, Sir.” Connor licked and kissed Mike’s ass, eventually edging over, moving from licking the hurt spot to sliding his tongue along his hairy crack. Mike moaned and reached around, massaging Connor’s scalp.

They’d come a long way in the year they’d been together. He missed Riley, more than he probably should, but Mike was better. They had a trust that went beyond everything Connor had experienced before. Mike turned to face him, his hard dick standing nearly straight up. Connor eyed him before sliding his lips over Mike’s knob and slicking his rod with his spit.

Mike allowed him the pleasure of sucking him for a while before he grabbed Connor’s ears and held him still. “Get on the bed, face down.”

“Yes, Sir.” Connor smiled as he stood, but Mike grabbed his hand and stopped him.

“Wipe that smile from your face, this is serious.”

Connor nodded. His dick was fully hard, dripping precome. He was ready to blow and Mike being in full ‘Sir mode’ made him that much more excited. They acted out their dark passions on a regular basis, but Mike kept him guessing, never telling him when he was going to spring it on him. Of course Mike was always loving, even when Connor was bratty. Tonight, he would obey fully, doing what Mike said.

He settled and waited for his lover to join him. It didn’t take long for Mike to shuffle into the bedroom. Connor spread his legs, shivering as he imagined the good time they would have. The drawer beside the bed slid open. Connor wanted to look and see what Mike was getting, but he hadn’t been told he could look. The anticipation was getting to him and his leg twitched.

Mike was on him, his lips near Connor’s ear. “Do you want a spanking?”

“No, Sir.”

“Lay still. I’ll tell you when to move.”

That was half the battle. Not wiggling forced him to have discipline. The discipline kept him in line. It gave him comfort to know that Mike would help him and be there to keep him on the right path.

“Now, babe, lift your ass and let me get a look at that hole of yours.”

Connor rose up on his knees and spread his legs wide, arching his back so Mike could get a good look at his pucker. The soft slide of Mike’s finger was followed by a puff of hot breath. The flick of the lube cap made him flinch. Mike stilled, his breathing slowed and silence filled the room. The seconds ticked by and Connor knew he needed to try harder to obey.

“I thought I told you to stay still.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Mike chuckled as he slid a lubed finger over Connor’s ass. “Feel that?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Do you like that?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Do you want me in you?”

Connor shivered and swallowed over the lump in his throat. Anticipation had him nervous as hell. They’d done this so many times over the last few months, but tonight it felt different.

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good. I’m ready.”

Connor felt the tip of Mike’s dick at his ass and he moaned. He wanted to push back against his cock but he held steady as Mike rubbed his hands over Connor’s lower back.

“I love having you like this.”

“I love being like this, Sir.”

Mike pressed in, the pressure a welcome invasion. Connor relaxed and the head of Mike’s dick popped in.

“That’s it.” Mike slowly slid in, stretching Connor. “So fucking good.”

Connor pushed back and Mike popped him on the ass. He smiled, knowing exactly what he was doing. They still were learning each other, but Connor knew just how far to push Mike to get the reaction he wanted.

Mike lowered, his chest pressing against Connor’s back. He wrapped one arm around Connor’s chest and over his shoulder, holding him tight. The other hand reached around to stroke Connor. Protected was how he felt wrapped in Mike’s embrace.

“That’s it, babe,” Mike moaned as he spread his thumb over the head of Connor’s cock. “You’re almost ready to come. I feel it.”

“Yeah, fuck me hard.”

Mike let go of his dick and pushed off his back. He grabbed onto Connor’s hips and started slamming in and pulling out quickly, ramming him hard. Sweat ran down his brow and dripped onto the bed. Nothing else mattered in that moment as Mike pushed into him one more time, tipping him over the edge. He came with a shout. His arms and legs gave out and he slumped to the bed. Mike still pumped into him, his strokes slowing, his body bucking against the control he was wielding.

“Mmm, wish I could last,” Mike growled.

“So good.” Connor squeezed his muscles and Mike slapped his ass. He laughed softly, knowing the torture he was putting Mike through. He squeezed again and Mike stilled for a second before shoving all the way in, his fingers clutching Connor as he came.

They’d learned so much about each other in the last year. The sex kept improving and their lives were better. Mike shifted to lie beside him and smoothed his hand over Connor’s ass.

“I have to leave the country,” Mike whispered.

Those were not the words Connor wanted to hear. He wasn’t going to throw a fit, because he knew exactly what leaving was like. He’d done it enough times in his life, walking out because of duty when all he wanted to do was stay. He sure as shit wasn’t going to give Mike hell, though part of him wanted to scream and tell Mike no.

“Do you know where you’re going?” Connor asked.

“Yeah, but I can’t say.”

“Totally understand. I hope that wherever you end up, you get the bad guy.”

“I need this one. It’s been a rough couple of weeks.”

“I know. I have faith that you and your team can rock this takedown.”

Mike snuggled against him and brushed his lips over Connor’s neck. They were close, probably closer than he and Riley had ever been. Connor was traveling to Houston soon for an event with the guys on the ranch. It was weird going back.

“Hey, why so quiet?” Mike asked.

“I was thinking about Houston and Crazy Hills.”

“You going to be okay going alone?” Mike stood and tugged Connor up with him.

“Yeah, I’ll be fine. Don’t worry about me.”

Mike feathered his hands over Connor’s chest. “I know you miss him.”

“I do. I’ll probably go out and visit his grave.”

“Just know that I love you. Nothing,” Mike grabbed Connor’s chin, holding his head steady, “and I mean nothing, will ever make me stop loving you.”

“Your support is what has held me together.”

“Let’s shower and then grab some food. Do you want to watch a movie tonight?”

“No, I’m tired. Lets eat then snuggle for a while.”

“My kind of night.” Mike leaned in and kissed him before stepping into the shower and turning on the water.

He sighed and stepped in after Mike. This was home, and no matter what else came up, he’d always know that Mike was there for him, just as he was there for Mike.



Chapter Ten


James had been trying to set up a secure connection to the Internet from Brody’s house, but he couldn’t get it to work. He stepped into the guest room and sighed. The room had been a mess with boxes covering the bed. Brody insisted that he could take care of the mess on his own. He’d been working on cleaning the room for more than an hour, and still there were boxes to go through. James took control. He told Brody to sit in his chair and shut up. Reluctantly, Brody sat, his mouth twisted in a frown. James began moving boxes that had been stacked all around the bed, asking Brody what he wanted to do with the contents.

“Fuck, just sleep on the couch,” Brody grumbled.

“You’re kidding me, right? I’m too tall to sleep on your couch. Besides, we’re almost done in here.”

Brody threw up his hands. “I don’t want to have to make these decisions right now.”

“Hey, I’ve moved five boxes up to the attic for you.”

“Okay, I’m disorganized.”

James picked up a box and shook it. “What is all this stuff anyway?”

“Never mind. Really, just let me shove it in the closet.”

“It’s not a big deal. Only a couple more boxes and we’ll be done.”

James picked up a red box near the end of the bed. Brody shot out of his seat and launched himself at James, almost knocking the box out of his hand. James wavered, nearly falling on the bed as he swung the box over the mattress and dropped it. Still off balance he reached for Brody, clutching the front of his shirt.

Brody grabbed him, but neither one of them was sure of their footing. He felt them both start to topple. They hung in the air for maybe a second, their weight shifting. The box was right below Brody. If he fell on it, it would hurt. He did the only think he could think of. James pulled Brody towards him and turned, falling on the bed, taking all of Brody’s weight as he crashed down on top of him. They were all arms and legs twisted together, their faces mashed against each other.

Brody grunted and tried to get up, but James still had a hold of him and didn’t let go. Brody collapsed on him again and James started giggling. Somehow Brody was able to get up on his elbows and stare down at him. His brows were pinched together, a frown turning his lips down. Then his lips started to quiver, and he shook his head.

“You idiot,” Brody whispered before lowering just enough so their lips were almost touching.

James’s heart stalled and he held his breath. Brody didn’t get any closer, he just hung above James his gaze intense. This is what he feared. He wanted to kiss Brody, but he knew it was wrong. The swirl of emotion was so thick the hairs on his arms stood on end as he broke out in goose bumps. Not even five hours after showing up at Brody’s they were in bed about to kiss. But they weren’t really in bed, not on purpose and they hadn’t kissed yet. He could throw sanity into the mix, and stop their current path, or go with the craziness threatening to break out.

Hurting this man would be wrong. He didn’t deserve the type of shit James would bring. This was why having a relationship on the outside was a mistake. He couldn’t control a relationship like this. It would grow, slithering into every part of his life, popping up when he least expected.

James pushed at Brody’s shoulder. At first Brody didn’t move, then he rolled away, stretching out on his back, throwing one arm over his face, hiding his eyes.

“Sorry,” Brody whispered.

James wanted to roll to his side and snuggle with Brody. He looked so inviting lying down stretched out beside him. Instead, James stood up, his heart aching as he stared down at Brody. Everyone on the ranch had someone special, except Mike Willson. Hell, even Grant had Roger now. He wanted someone to wake up next to. Before, it had never been important, but now, it seemed like the most important thing in his life. He craved having a lover he could be himself with. For some stupid reason he felt something just beyond his grasp, almost magical with Brody.

Brody uncovered his face and stared up at him. James wouldn’t last long like this. Activity was the only way to keep his sanity intact.

“Let’s finish up this task then we can go find some food. Maybe instead of a donut we can get you cake. It’s almost as good.”

“Sure.” Brody stood and picked up the red box. “Let me take this to my bedroom then we can put the rest of these boxes in a closet.”

“Sure,” James said.
Because stuffing things in closets is always helpful.

Brody was back, his gaze anywhere but on James. The bond they’d developed earlier was gone. James put the boxes where Brody asked, not opening a single one of their lids. He then stripped the sheets off the bed with Brody’s help. While he started making the bed, Brody hobbled to the utility room to wash the sheets they’d just removed.

He was almost done with the bed when Brody came back in to the room. “Why are you really here?”

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