Colorado Flames WIth A Texas Twist (8 page)

BOOK: Colorado Flames WIth A Texas Twist
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Clothed and awake Brody was okay. Even a sleeping Brody, he could have dealt with, but a naked Brody was almost too much to contemplate. Naked Brody in the shower had him gasping for air. James forced himself to calm. Barging in on Brody with his dick at full staff wouldn’t make the impression he was going for. This wasn't about sex or lust, or even desire. James was here to protect Brody.

The water shut off and he sighed. How the hell was he going to explain being in Brody’s house? The door to the bathroom opened, and he spied Brody naked and hobbling across his room.

The smart thing would have been to silently make his way back to the kitchen and leave. Going to the front door to bang again, getting Brody's attention after he dressed was the best path, but James was rarely smart where Brody was concerned. Instead of leaving, he watched the man grab his underwear before sitting on the side of his bed. Brody dropped to the mattress and adjusted the pillow so it was under his head. The slow slide of his hand down his belly should have been a huge clue to James for what was about to happen, but he didn't get it until Brody grabbed his dick and began stroking.

James’s breath caught in his throat and his heart pounded so hard he wondered if he was going to pass out. He knew he should leave, but he couldn’t look away from the beautiful sight of Brody stroking himself, his thin lips open wide, his eyes closed as he jacked his dick, twisting at the tip before going back down. James took one step forward, then another. Leaving was the best path, but he didn't care about what was best at the moment, he just wanted to watch the show.

Brody rocked his hips as he slowly stroked his cock. It was the most erotic thing James had ever seen. The underwear was abandoned as Brody grabbed his balls, massaging them while he pumped. James watched with rapt attention as Brody slid his hand lower and spread his legs. Brody moaned and bit his lip as he pushed his finger against the tight pucker.

The amount of things James had done wrong in his life couldn’t match this. He shouldn't be watching Brody. Breaking in had been stupid and once he'd known Brody was safe, he should have left, but staying while the man jacked off was a new low that went far beyond anything he’d ever done before.

The moans continued as Brody fingered himself and started moving his hand faster. James backed up, quietly making his way to the door he'd entered through. He was ashamed of the disrespect he'd shown Brody. How the hell could he keep his hands off Brody if he broke in and watched him masturbate?

James snuck out the back door and circled around to the front. He knocked, waiting patiently until the door opened a long moment later. Brody could never know that he'd been inside his house, watching him stroke his impressive cock and finger himself. That would piss Brody off, maybe even enough to go public about the ranch.




Brody arched up into his hand, stroking his cock and sliding the tip of his finger into his hole. It felt so good to touch his ass. He could imagine James touching him there. Fuck, he wanted James in his arms, but the man was bad news. James scared the crap out of him and not much scared Brody. He was almost ready to come when he heard a knock at his door.

“Shit! Are you serious?” He tried to finish off, but his dick was deflating rapidly.

Brody sat up and fisted his underwear, thinking about ignoring the knock, but it could be someone from the station. After pulling on his underwear, he grabbed a pair of cutoff sweats from his drawer and tugged them on. He hobbled down the hall, hoping that whoever it was had brought coffee, or donuts, or both. Both would do just fine. He really wanted something sweet and bad for him. An image of James popped into his mind. Maybe not bad for him, maybe he should stick with scrambled eggs and vegetables, no cheese though because the gooey goodness would have too many calories. James came to mind again as he contemplated his breakfast. Fuck, he couldn’t even think of food without thinking of James.

He pulled open the door, shocked to find James standing on his porch, his face pink, and his gaze shifting from Brody to the bushes. If Brody knew James better, he’d say the guy looked guilty, but he didn’t know him that well, so he’d only be guessing.

“James, what are you doing here?”

“Can I come in?”

Brody pursed his lips together and snorted. “Why didn’t you just break in since you probably plan on forcing your way in anyway?”

James blushed even more, his gaze on the floorboards at Brody’s feet. “I really want to talk to you. Could I just come in?”

“Fine. Did you at least bring donuts?”

“No, but I can get you some soon.” James looked up and lifted his eyebrows. “I really will get you some donuts, or anything else you want.”

“Someone to suck my cock?” The words were out of his mouth and simmering between them. It was what he wanted. Fuck, if only he’d been able to come. He shook his head. “Sorry, it’s the painkillers talking. I didn’t mean that.”

James was staring at the bushes again, his face and neck red. “So are you going to let me in?”

Brody rolled his eyes and hobbled away from the door, leaving it open. “Sure, come in. Do whatever you want.” Having James in his space pushed his buttons. He was angry and hurt. Last night, when the guys had shown up, James had abandoned him. But had James insisted on taking him home, would he have allowed it? Jessica should be his focus, not this sexy cowboy who drove him crazy.

Brody moved slowly to the kitchen, trying not to hobble too much. His leg hurt like crazy so he wasn’t able to walk normal, but he hated being weak in front of this man. James came up beside him and placed his hand on Brody’s shoulder. The touch sent heat through him and he jerked away, but James didn’t give up easily. Brody stilled, afraid he’d stumble and fall if he tried to get away from James again.

“Let me help you. Seriously, you’re in pain.”

Brody tried to push James away. “I can walk on my own.”

“I feel awful.”

“You should.”

James dropped his hold and Brody took off toward the kitchen but turned before he made it. He leaned against the doorjamb, his gaze connecting with James’s.

“What are you doing here?” Brody asked.

“I didn’t want to start off this way. I’m sorry. The person who attacked you last night, they might come back. I can’t let you fight this alone.”

“There’s nothing to fight. They tried to run me off the road and it was probably just a mistake. They won’t try that again. There you can go without guilt. I’m letting you leave owing me nothing.”

James took a step toward him and he held up a hand and shook his head. If James touched him, he’d want things, and he couldn’t have the things he wanted, not with a guy and specifically not with this guy.

“That wasn’t a mistake. They meant to take you out. I would be very angry with myself if I didn’t try to help and something happened.”

His head started to pound. “I can take care of myself.”

James took another step closer. “This is what I do. Let me help you.”

Brody shook his head. “No, I can’t have you around.”


James looked so innocent with his amber eyes staring at Brody through his thick lashes, but he wouldn’t be fooled. Before Brody could answer, a knock sounded at the door.

“I’ll get that,” James said before he turned and took off across the room.

Brody stood still, waiting to see whom it was. He couldn’t move fast enough to beat James to the door and that pissed him off. James was a reminder of his misplaced desires, the object of his lust, and here James was, invading his space and answering his door.

“Hi, is Brody here?” Jessica’s voice hit him and he cringed because he really didn’t want to see her. Facing her meant admitting he didn’t want her. “Can I come in?” She sounded hesitant as she spoke. He pasted on a smile before she stepped inside. The concern on her face was evident. It touched him that she cared enough to come see him, but all the concern in the world wouldn’t stack up against the desire he had for James. Jessica rushed over and wrapped her arms around him. She squeezed her arms tight, her breasts pushing into his chest. No heat shot to his cock, nothing but friendship blossomed in his chest.

“Brody, oh my God, I heard you fell. Are you okay? Can I get you anything?”

He wanted to feel something for Jessica. They’d kissed, though they’d never had sex, and he’d spent time with her, but there was nothing really between them. Brody glanced to James and heat filled him. This was backwards. He was in a relationship with Jessica and he hadn’t thought of her once since the accident. Now that she was in his arms, he knew he’d never really felt anything for her.

“I’m fine. Actually, my friend, James, was about to take me to the doctor’s office.”

“Yes, and we need to get moving if we plan on getting there on time,” James said.

Brody was thankful that James was willing to play along with his ruse. Why he was trying to get rid of Jessica was beyond him. This was his girlfriend, the woman he’d probably end up dating for a few years and marrying, but that’s not what he wanted. He was making everything worse, or maybe better if he really thought he wanted a guy. Actually, he couldn’t tell what he wanted. The hot-blooded, sexy as hell, and built like a brick wall of a man still standing at the door ignited his desire and that freaked Brody out.

“I can drop you at the doctor’s office,” Jessica said.

Lying was difficult, but he didn’t want to hurt her. She had no idea how his desires had changed in the last few weeks. Hell, that was a lie, his desires hadn’t changed at all. Now that James had kissed him, his real desires were awoken. James’s actions had allowed Brody to see the truth and stop living a lie.

“Sorry, but the doctor I’m going to isn’t close. You’ll miss your shift, and James has already agreed to take me.”

Jessica glanced to James, her lips thinned to a tight line. “Do I know you?”

“He’s someone I knew from when I lived in Washington,” Brody lied again. The lies were slipping off his tongue easier and easier.

“Oh,” Jessica said and turned back to him. “I guess I’ll go now. Call and tell me how the appointment goes.”

“Sure thing.”

Jessica stared at him for a moment and he smiled then waved. They hadn’t kissed and he hadn’t shown her any real affection other than just a quick hug. For some strange reason he felt like he was cheating on James by holding Jessica. It should be the other way around. James and he weren’t dating, but he wanted them to be. Jessica moved to leave but turned to stare at him, her eyes narrowing before she sighed and walked out the door.

James pushed the door closed but didn’t turn to face him. Brody slumped against the wall. How could he be so stupid? He pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head. The sound of James’s feet on the carpet drew closer. James was standing in front of him, but he couldn’t look up.

“I have no idea what’s gotten into me,” Brody said.

“What do you mean?”

Finally, he looked up into James’s eyes. “She’s my girlfriend. Why did I just lie to her?”

James shrugged. “Maybe you don’t really want a girlfriend.”

“But—fuck. I don’t know what’s going on.”

“Will she wait around for us to leave?”

Brody shrugged. “Probably not. But I’ve made it so we can’t show our faces in town today.”

“That’s okay, I don’t mind staying in.”

“But you promised me a donut.”

James huffed out a laugh. “I did. I could drive you into Pueblo.”

“That’s kind of far for a donut.”

“It will give us time to talk.”

“About?” Brody asked.

“Everything. Like me living here for a while until we figure out who wanted to hurt you.”

“Oh no, there is no way you can sleep here.” Brody pushed away from the wall and hobbled to the kitchen, thoughts of the donut and trip into Pueblo fled. “You in my house, that’s too much.”

“Could you just listen instead of trying to run away from me?”

“No, no way. There is no freaking way I can have you in my—”

“Your what?” James stood in the doorway to the kitchen, his arms crossed over his chest. “This is business. I’m not going to make a pass at you. You’re virtue is safe with me.”

“Oh. Yeah, I wasn’t...” Brody shook his head and glanced away.

“This guy, the one who tried to run over you, he’s not going to stop. You can’t ignore this. Let me help you figure it out so you’re safe.”

“I don’t know.” He limped over to the sink and leaned against the counter. James strolled over, his hips swaying slightly. Why was he noticing how James moved? The hips of a man were different than the hips of a woman. He’d always liked the slim hips of a guy and the way they walked. James’s hips were even more exceptional than most guys with his broad shoulders stacked over a narrow waist. He could only imagine the way James’s hips would look without clothes covering them.

James stopped in front of Brody and ran his hand down Brody’s arm. The touch caused Brody to shiver. He wanted more. Actually, he wanted it all.

“You look tired. Come sit.”

Brody allowed James to lead him to the kitchen table and pull out a chair for him. Brody dropped into the chair and leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table, propping his head up. He didn’t watch, but he could hear James rummaging through his pantry. A bowl was placed in front of him and cereal poured into the bowl followed by milk.

“Eat. We’ll discuss donuts after you get some food in you.”

He stared down into the bowl and his stomach grumbled. “You’re being too nice.”

“Not really.”

Brody sat up and moved the bowl closer. He took a bite and chewed thoughtfully. After finishing half the bowl he glanced up at James. They stared at each other for a long moment, neither one speaking.

“I think I should live here for a while. See what’s going on with the person who wants to hurt you.”

Brody shook his head then took another bite, wishing he could delay this conversation. He swallowed then leveled his gaze with James. “That is really not a good idea.”

“Why not? You need protection. What happened wasn’t an accident.”

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