Angel and the Assassin (35 page)

Read Angel and the Assassin Online

Authors: Fyn Alexander

Tags: #BDSM LGBT Erotic Contemporary, #General Fiction

BOOK: Angel and the Assassin
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“There are careers in intelligence that don‟t involve going into dangerous situations.” Kael knew Angel was capable of doing the same work and doing it extremely well. “I‟ll teach you how to be observant, how to spot a minute change in an environment, how to scan your environment for possible threats. You‟re already good at it. You have natural talent, and I‟ll help you hone it. I‟ll teach you to defend yourself, just in case you need it.” But he had no intention of letting Angel do anything dangerous ever again.

18Angel raised his slender, undeveloped arms, bent at the elbow, and tightened his biceps while looking at Kael‟s heavily muscled, very lean body. “I doubt I‟ll ever be as tall as you, but I want muscles like you, Daddy. I want to be strong.”

“We‟ll start you at the gym very soon,” Kael said.

Now that he was talking about concrete things that he knew inside out, the tension in Kael‟s body drained and he became animated instead of stiff and nervous.

His mum was right; he made people nervous and gave them the impression he would smack them if they irritated him.

“Daddy, I feel kind of bad that I don‟t feel anything much about killing those dudes in Bosnia. They would have killed me, and they were definitely going to kill you and Dragana. They weren‟t going to just let me go if they didn‟t get the cash they wanted from somebody in exchange for me. That one guy who could speak English told me they were going to kill me if they didn‟t get what they wanted.”

“That‟s true; they would have killed you. When you do a job, you can‟t look back. You have the right attitude, boy. I‟m proud of you. Don‟t lose any sleep over them.”

“I won‟t, Daddy.”

Angel took Kael‟s hand again, playing with the fingers. “Daddy, why is Mr.

Conran so nervous of you?”

“Conran‟s a drama queen.” Kael shrugged. “You read the diary; you know what I did to him when we were at school together. He had it coming. He made fun of my mum. That‟s almost a death wish in my book. Conran‟s problem is he thinks I‟m capable of more than I am.” He paused, chewing on his bottom lip for a second. “No, that‟s not quite what I meant. I‟m capable of anything, but he thinks I‟d do things casually that I wouldn‟t do except in very extreme circumstances, and that‟s good. It keeps him and men like him nervous of me.”

Angel curled up on his side and laid his head in Kael‟s lap, his cheek resting against his flaccid cock. He turned his face into the warm, soft flesh, sniffing. “I love the smell of you, Daddy. I love the taste of you.”

Kael stretched out a hand and stroked Angel‟s cheek. “I love the softness of your skin, boy, and I love the way you laugh.”

“I love the way you spank my ass; it feels so intimate and warm. Daddy, tell me when you knew you loved me.”

With Angel‟s face in his groin rather than looking into his eyes, Kael felt more able to speak. “I don‟t really know the exact moment. You grew on me, but you started the second I met you in the shower. I looked into your beautiful eyes and then you pissed yourself and I thought, how can I kill this lovely boy? I could no more have hurt you than I could hurt Freddie‟s little girls or Conran‟s kids.”

“I was so scared. I can‟t tell you how scared I was when you got in the shower with me, naked and so damn big. I was so scared, and I was so excited at the same time because you were the most smokin‟ dude I had ever seen outside of


They lay quiet, Kael looking down at his boy, thinking how lucky he was.

Angel gazed up at him with unadulterated adoration in his eyes. “Daddy, why did you say those things to Freddie? I know you said it was because you‟re an idiot, but you‟re not an idiot.”

“I was scared.”

“Daddy, I can hardly hear you,” Angel said.

“I was scared. I was scared to love you, so I told myself I was looking after you for a while, keeping you safe until I sorted things out with Conran.”

“Why were you scared, Daddy?”

Kael sighed. “Because the last time I was in love, it hurt too much, so I thought love had to hurt. That it would end in pain. But I was just a kid then. I wasn‟t taking into account that I‟m older now and it‟s different. I‟ve always been rather black-and-white in my thinking.”

“I know; I can tell by the decor,” Angel said.

“Hey!” Kael began to laugh. He grabbed Angel and pulled him up onto his chest, laughing. Angel‟s laughter drew more from Kael, and they rolled on the bed together, hysterical.

When at last their mirth drained slowly from them, they lay still in each other‟s arms. “Time for the dungeon,” Kael said.

Angel‟s eyes opened wider, and a slow smile crossed his face. “Yes, please, Daddy.”

* * *

Angel walked into the dungeon and directly over to where the hoods were lined up, three of them on wooden heads to keep their shape. He leaned down to sniff the soft leather. When he looked up, Daddy was locking the door and putting the key out of reach. His cock hardened just watching.

“Daddy, tell me the rules, your rules, not just for the dungeon, but your house rules.”

Kael stood with his hands on his hips. “The rules are simple, boy. Daddy is in charge. Obey me in everything. I‟ll never lead you astray, and I‟ll never let you down. I‟ll always have your back.” He smiled and winked. “In more ways than one.”

Angel returned his smile.

“On a more detailed note. You have been keeping the flat clean, and I‟m very happy with the job you‟ve been doing. Clean everything within an inch of its life.

Change the bed every day. Do the laundry. I‟ll help with cooking, but you do the dishes. Obey me; you‟ll do just fine.”

Angel stood up straight, his posture perfect. “Yes, Sir, Daddy.”

Kael crossed the room and stroked the leather hoods. “Everyone should have a role in a relationship, whether it‟s parents and children, husbands and wives, gay partners, slaves and masters.”

18“I agree, Daddy. A role makes you feel secure. You know your place and what‟s expected of you.”

“That‟s right.”

“Daddy, you making me wear that hood helped me when those men had me.

They put that black bag over my head and tied it around my neck. I would have panicked and maybe vomited and choked if I hadn‟t had that experience. I knew I could breathe as long as I stayed calm and took it slow.”

Kael tousled his hair. “Good lad. You‟re brave.”

Angel‟s heart soared at the words. “I want to be braver. I want you to be proud of me, Daddy.”

“I‟m already proud of you. Now, aside from the spankings you like so much, what‟s your fantasy?”

Angel sighed. “Sir, I‟m living it. I‟ve got a daddy who‟s drop-dead gorgeous, who loves me, and I get to live with you and be your boy every day for the rest of my life.”

Every time Daddy smiled, Angel found himself smiling in response. He loved to make his daddy happy. He loved the way his beautiful blue eyes narrowed and the way he smiled more with one side of his mouth than the other, as though some sexy, funny thought had just occurred to him. A dimple appeared in that one side, which was an amazing transformation considering that in repose his face could have been chiseled from granite, and it could be frightening despite how handsome he was. But when Daddy smiled, his face became mobile and open.

Angel wrapped his arms around Daddy‟s waist and dropped his head to first one pink nipple, then the other, biting gently, then sucking hard. Daddy moaned from deep down, and Angel felt Daddy‟s cock rise until it stabbed his lower belly.

“All right, boy, I know what you‟ll like.” He pointed at the hoods. “Pick one, your choice.”

The hoods no longer looked scary, but exciting. The one Angel had worn the first time, which left the mouth and nose free, was the first one he picked up. The soft leather melted in his hands while he looked at the next, which covered the head closely with nose, mouth, and eye openings that had snap covers to enclose the head completely. The third hood laced tightly into place over the head with no openings.

“This one, Daddy.” Angel chose the hood he had worn the first time. Daddy took it and pulled it over Angel‟s head where he stood.

“Don‟t move, boy.”

Angel stood completely still and utterly at peace, waiting and trusting. Daddy had saved his life. Daddy had come to rescue him. Daddy would never hurt him, but only give him pleasure, both bearable and sometimes unbearable. Either way, he wanted to experience it.

Unable to see, his acute hearing slightly muffled by the close-fitting leather over his ears, Angel knew Daddy had moved away from him, though he heard 188

nothing. Daddy could walk making no noise at all. In shoes or barefoot, he was as silent as a ghost.

An indescribable emptiness settled over him when Daddy was not beside him.

When he returned on silent feet, Angel knew at once he was there. He felt something cool against his neck, along with Daddy‟s warm hands. A collar was being fitted and buckled in place.

Angel‟s breathing increased its pace. He was not afraid, but he could see nothing and had no idea what was coming next. The anticipation and the tension it created were so stimulating that all his senses were on alert. His cock rose. His mouth became dry, and he licked his lips.

Again Daddy was gone. Like a blind person, Angel stretched his hands out in front and felt the air. He almost laughed when his wrist was grasped.

“I‟m back.”

“Daddy,” he whispered.

He moaned when Daddy‟s strong hand grasped his cock and balls and gently pulled downward. A ring of metallic coldness encircled him, trapping his cock and balls below it. The cold metal cock ring settled into place, squeezing his parts firmly, its upper edge pressing into his flesh. Angel tilted his head back, sighing with pleasure.

Anticipation and a slight but very pleasurable fear set his heart beating faster.

“I‟m going to take you for a little walk on a leash now.”

“Yes, Daddy.”

In an instant, before he could think or know what was happening, a leash was clicked into place and Angel was tugged forward. The leash was not attached to the collar on his neck as he had expected, but to an O-ring on the cock ring. “Surprise!”

Daddy said, tugging him forward. Angel had no choice but to follow. The cock ring was so snug around his cock and balls that had he not walked when he was led, the pain would have been excruciating.

Angel walked, led by his cock and balls. The first few steps he took were tentative, his hands out in front, feeling the way. But still he walked like a dancer, leading with his toes, his breath coming faster. The experience was both disorienting and very arousing.

“Daddy, please speak to me.” The words tumbled out, and he almost regretted them, afraid he had shown weakness when he wanted to be strong. But when Daddy replied, the understanding in his tone brought tears pricking Angel‟s eyes.

“You‟re safe, sweetheart. Daddy will keep you safe. Walk proud. Hands behind your back.”

Angel obeyed, clasping his hands at his tailbone, but even as he spoke, Daddy increased his pace, forcing Angel to walk faster and faster until he ran lightly on the balls of his feet. The more he ran, the more he trusted. Daddy would not let him trip and fall. Round and round the dungeon they went for long minutes.

18At last Daddy said, “Slow down, boy.”

With relief he slowed down and came to a stop, panting, his face and neck hot, wondering if he had looked elegant while running or awkward, which he would hate. Warm hands gripped his cock and balls as the leash was unfastened. “There.

You did well.” Daddy removed the collar from his neck.

Standing still, sweat cooling on his body, he felt Daddy‟s warm hands flatten against his chest, and his strong fingers and thumbs took Angel by the nipples and pinched hard. Streaks of pain shot through his chest. “Oww!”

Daddy laughed, a deep, indulgent laugh. “Brave boy. Follow me.”

Angel reached out his hand, expecting Daddy to take it and lead him, but he did not; he walked away. In a moment of confusion Angel stood still, waiting for help. When none came, he focused his hearing, sniffed the air, and turned sharply to his left. Ten paces and he stopped, reached out a hand, and felt the hard wall of Daddy‟s chest. A little high-pitched laugh escaped him. “I found you.”

The words “clever boy” said with such deep admiration made his heart soar.

“Come with me.”

Erect, proud, Angel followed closely on Daddy‟s heels, paying careful attention to the heat emanating from Daddy‟s body and the movement of air around them to know he followed closely.

“The torture chair.” Daddy‟s hands on his waist guided him between the leg rests, lifting him so that he could position his buttocks on the seat. With relief he rested back comfortably against the leather. “Lift your legs, boy.”

Angel positioned his legs wide on the leg rests. Daddy fastened the buckles around his ankles, securing them in place. Another belt tightened around his waist.

Standing to the side, Daddy fastened his wrists above his head to the steel ring attached to the top of the backrest. Spread-eagled, vulnerable, and excited, Angel‟s breath came in short, sharp bursts.

“Are you frightened, Angel?”

“No, Daddy, I trust you.”

“Good boy. You can ask questions if you want to, talk to me.”

The smell of alcohol permeated the air unexpectedly. It was not booze but the kind used to clean things with. A cold, damp pad pressed against his left nipple, rubbing roughly, then the right. The strong fingers and thumbs of both Daddy‟s hands pinched hard at both tiny pink nipples at once, pulling them until Angel moaned.

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