Angel and the Assassin (15 page)

Read Angel and the Assassin Online

Authors: Fyn Alexander

Tags: #BDSM LGBT Erotic Contemporary, #General Fiction

BOOK: Angel and the Assassin
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“I wouldn‟t hurt you. I‟ll smack your arse if you need it, but I‟ll protect you. I promise you that. No one will hurt you while I‟m alive and kicking.”

“Sir, why would anyone hurt me? You‟re the most dangerous person I know, and you said you‟ll keep me safe.”

Angel had no idea that he was in danger from everyone but Kael. “Do you want to stay with me, boy?” Kael looked intently at him, wanting him to say yes, yet knowing it was both dangerous and impossible.

“Yes, Sir. I want to be your boy. I want to be the one making your breakfast and serving you. I want you to show me how to be an obedient boy and how to take care of you.”

Kael paused as the enormity of the idea settled in. Having someone living with him full-time meant giving up some control, and he was not used to that. The idea of the Dom being in charge at every moment was not as black-and-white as it appeared. If he was going to have a full-time boy and not just a one-night stand or playtime slave, he would have to allow Angel to take some responsibility. He would have to teach him responsibility.

More important, he had to figure out a way to keep Angel safe without keeping him hidden forever.

Kael kept his voice low. “You have to obey me. You cannot lie to me because you think you might get into trouble.”

Angel looked into his eyes earnestly. “Yes, Sir. I won‟t do it again.”

“Why did you lie about your age?”

He dropped his chin. “I thought you might think I was too young and you wouldn‟t want me. I‟m legal. The age of consent is sixteen in England.”

“Go and get in the shower while I do the dishes.”

“Shouldn‟t I do them, Sir? I‟m your houseboy.”

Kael turned him around toward the door and slapped his buttocks, but gently.

“Do exactly as you are told, and you do it at once.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Get cleaned up and join me in the living room.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Eighteen years old. Bloody hell!

Fifteen minutes later Kael sprawled on the leather couch watching Angel, pink and shiny from his shower, walk naked into the living room and up to him. The boy walked very upright, with his shoulders squared. Excellent posture for a submissive.

Kael hated it when slaves looked put-upon. A boy should look confident even when he was licking his master‟s boots. He should be proud but not swaggering or obnoxious the way some masters carried themselves. That kind of swagger portrayed insecurity or overconfidence, which were both dangerous in the dungeon and did not lead to success in interactions with subs.

7Angel pirouetted on the ball of his left foot. The beauty of his bearing made Kael‟s breath catch. He patted his lap. “Come here.”

Angel jumped into it and sat sideways, throwing his arm around Kael‟s neck.

“I had such a good time last night, Sir, even with our abrupt departure.”

Angel kissed Kael‟s cheek sweetly. It was little things like that that Kael liked far more than big displays of subservience. Angel looked into his face. “Sir”—he paused nervously—“Sir, how come you have so many names?”

“I have to. I‟m a secret agent.” Kael grinned.

“You are not.” Angel touched his face, tracing the line of his jaw with one finger. “That guy in the park called you Kael Saunders, and you knew him from when you were at school so that makes me think Kael Saunders is your real name and John Carpe is made up.” Kael was impressed with the deduction. “Last night at the bar, that bouncer called you Stephen Conran.”

Kael chuckled. He deliberately used Conran‟s name on anything to do with his interactions with the leather community. He had signed into private leather clubs all over Europe using Conran‟s name. “It doesn‟t matter to you what my name is because you have to call me Sir at all times,” he said. “That‟s all I can tell you.”

“Actually, Sir, I‟ve figured something out.”

Kael had one arm around the boy‟s slender waist, and his other hand rested lightly over Angel‟s cock and balls. “Tell me what you‟ve figured out.”

“Sir, you work for Greenpeace, don‟t you?”

Confused at the assertion, Kael bit his lower lip to prevent himself from laughing out loud. “Aren‟t they the ones that save the whales?”

“Yes, Sir, but they do other things too. Like trying to make the world a better place. I think they probably want to get rid of guns and stuff.”

Kael raised his eyebrows as if impressed. “You found me out.”

“Really? You work for Greenpeace?”

“Yes, but a lot of what we do is covert. That was why I told Freddie I‟m in security.”

“You‟ve never done it before, have you, Sir? You know, like, killed someone?”

“No, of course not, but some people forfeit their right to live when they do bad things. Lots of people get hurt from arms sales.” Kael watched Angel‟s face carefully to see if Angel believed him.

“Sven wasn‟t a nice man,” Angel said. “I heard him on the phone lots of times when he didn‟t know I was there. If you hadn‟t killed him, someone else would have soon or later. Things were getting really weird around the house and the apartment in Manhattan. There were some nasty guys there recently with foreign accents. I think that was why my mom started looking for another rich man to take care of her.”

“What kind of accents?”

“I don‟t know; a bit like that cleaning lady that was here.”

“You said you didn‟t see her.”

“No, Sir, I didn‟t. I had no idea she was in the bathroom, I was still mostly asleep, but I heard her singing. It was weird; she has a terrible voice. It was going in and out of my dreams.” He laughed. “It was like a nightmare.”

Kael laughed. “Yes, I‟ve heard her sing too. It‟s bloody awful.”

Angel put his hands on Kael‟s cheeks, looking seriously at him. “Sir, I should never have got in touch with Maria-Jesus, not without asking you first, but she was always kind to me. She told me my name is really popular in Mexico and Puerto Rico. She would say
. That‟s the Spanish pronunciation.”

“Is it? Ahn-hel,” Kael repeated. “I like Angel better. But why the maid? Don‟t you have family, grandparents or somebody?”

“No, there‟s no one else. Maria-Jesus was kind to me. She even hugged me sometimes. No one else ever did, especially not Sven, and I wanted him to. I thought he was going to be a real father to me, but I was just my mom‟s extra baggage to him.”

Kael swallowed past the lump in his throat. His own mother had worked endless hours when he was growing up and made questionable choices in men, but she had hugged him every chance she got. She had always told him how great he was. He pulled Angel into his chest and heard him sigh.

“But what do we do now, Sir? Now that the cops are looking for me.”

“You have to lay low for a while. Stay in the flat, do as you‟re told, and be a good little slave.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Right now I‟m going to spank you. Are you ready?”

Kael‟s hand rested over the boy‟s flaccid cock. At the word
, it began to harden. “I‟ve been ready my whole life for a man to take charge and make me his.”

Angel‟s eyes took on a dreamy quality.

Kael gripped the small cock tightly and squeezed. Angel‟s entire body shuddered, and he came in Kael‟s hand almost instantly, and then fell on Kael‟s shoulder, gasping.

“That was quick.” Kael felt vaguely annoyed, but what did he expect? A memory from when he was fourteen flashed through his consciousness. He was sitting on the scruffy old couch in the living room one evening during his summer of love with Shawn. His mum was watching
Coronation Street
, slumped in the chair, worn out from back-to-back shifts at the launderette and the old-age home.

Shawn—who he now saw as nothing but a lazy fucker—walked into the room, winked at him with his cheeky, handsome grin, and Kael spent instantly in his trousers.

If Angel felt about him anything like the way he had felt about Shawn that summer, he should be flattered. But Shawn was a waste of space and not worth all that love. In that moment Kael knew he wanted to be worthy of Angel‟s trust and submission.

7“Sorry, Sir, it just happened.” Angel panted against his neck. “Are you mad at me?”

Overcome with an upwelling of feelings he did not want to analyze, Kael pulled the boy tight against his body again, rubbing his back and thighs. This boy would be the death of him. “It‟s a perfectly natural reaction when you are in the arms of someone as gorgeous as me.” He grinned, and Angel laughed with pure happiness.

“On your knees, boy.”

Angel slid to the floor and knelt before him. “Sir, could we go into the dungeon?”

“No, I want you in here.”

“But I can call you Daddy in there.” The look on Angel‟s face was so impassioned that Kael found himself weakening.

“Look, if you want to call me Daddy so badly, then call me Daddy. Just don‟t expect me to be soft with you. I‟m a master. That‟s who I am.”

Angel wrapped his arms around Kael‟s legs and hugged them. “I think you‟re a marshmallow, Daddy.”

“You do, do you?” Kael sat upright and positioned himself squarely. He took Angel around the waist with both his big hands and lifted him over his lap. He did not imprison his legs as he had the first time, but allowed them to fall freely into a comfortable position.

Angel looked over his shoulder at Kael. “Daddy, this is not an ass whipping, is it, for lying?”

“No, I have forgiven you for that. This is for pleasure—my pleasure—and if you enjoy it, that‟s a bonus. Put your hands behind your back, at your tailbone.”

Angel obeyed. Kael knew the position rendered the slave yet more helpless and added to their enjoyment. It certainly added to his.

“Daddy, what if I start to come again?”

“You‟ll definitely come when I spank you,” Kael said seriously. He couldn‟t expect too much of an inexperienced boy. “It‟s all right. We are just beginning your training. You have a long way to go.”

He raised his hand and watched as Angel‟s buttocks clenched in anticipation.

He looked at the boy. “Stop worrying and enjoy. Give yourself to me, just like you did when you were lying in the sling. Be wide open and ready to receive.”

Angel obeyed, and Kael brought his hand down gently and began a deep massage of the sweet, round buttocks. Using all his strong fingers, he kneaded and massaged until the boy visibly calmed. Only then did he deliver a light slap. Angel issued a long sigh, and Kael could feel the boy‟s erection start to push against his leg. All the tension left Angel‟s body, and he lay completely limp and receptive, waiting for more. “Daddy. I‟m yours,” he said on a breath.

Again Kael rubbed and then slapped the buttocks, increasing the intensity very slightly. He rubbed and slapped alternately for long minutes, and with each spank he increased the heaviness of his hand. Only when he knew Angel was extremely aroused and his own cock bulged against the zipper of his jeans, did he let loose and begin to spank in earnest. Angel‟s buttocks went from pale cream to pink to scarlet beneath his hand as he worked. With one hand he held Angel‟s waist, securing him in place; the other worked furiously, belaboring the boy‟s arse.

For a long time Angel lay completely relaxed, panting hard but unmoving.

Kael watched him carefully for signs that his body was beginning to tense. There it was. The long, slender legs tightened and stretched straight out.

Angel‟s beautiful straight shoulders began to rise as he arched his back. The sound that came from deep in his chest was no longer just panting, but a deep, long moan that seemed to emanate from his pelvis and work its way up and out of his open mouth. Kael continued to spank in great even, hard slaps, his big hand spreading out the pressure and the pain. Focusing only on the buttocks, he spanked in a circle, making sure he covered the entire backside.

Angel‟s legs began to twitch and jerk in spasms, his whole body wracked with a combination of pain and pleasure. The cry that finally erupted from him, simultaneously with a convulsive jerking of his body, made Kael gush in his jeans at the same moment that Angel‟s cum shot from his rigid cock and dripped down Kael‟s leg. “Daddy, Daddy,” he cried over and over.

As the orgasm subsided, Angel‟s body collapsed as if it had metamorphosed from glass to jelly.

Kael flopped panting against the back of the couch, his hand still rubbing the boy‟s backside. “Good boy, good boy,” he said over and over. Angel slid to his knees, lowered his head, and wrapped his arms around Kael ankles, kissing his boots fervently. Kael watched him with the beginnings of love blossoming in his heart. A love he had thought himself incapable of feeling. Of all the slaves who had kissed his boots, none had touched his heart.

“Come to Daddy, Angel.” He opened his arms.

Angel climbed up onto Kael‟s lap, straddling him. He rested his head against Kael‟s chest, looking completely exhausted. “Daddy thank you, thank you.” Little shudders continued to flow through him, and he panted, “Thank you, Daddy.”

Rubbing his back, Kael said in a low voice, “Daddy‟s sweetheart, you‟ve been through so much in the last few days. Look how brave you are. You make me want to keep you and own you forever.”

Kael could hardly believe such words came out of his mouth, that his brain had formed these thoughts. The most he had ever said to a slave who had shown courage and fortitude under pain was, “
Good boy, well done

Angel sat up, smiling, his face pink with exertion, and looked into Kael‟s eyes.

“Daddy, oh my God, I‟ve never had a come like it. It was like the whole universe exploded inside me. A spanking is the thing I always wanted most, and after you whipped my ass, I thought maybe it wasn‟t all it was cracked up to be, but holy cosmic orgasm, that was the best.”

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