Angel and the Assassin (34 page)

Read Angel and the Assassin Online

Authors: Fyn Alexander

Tags: #BDSM LGBT Erotic Contemporary, #General Fiction

BOOK: Angel and the Assassin
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Kael did not feel safe until the small plane was in the air heading west. There were four seats facing each other with a small table between. Dragana sat with her injured foot elevated on a box in the narrow aisle and her eyes closed. They had bound it up as best they could with the small first-aid kit the plane carried.

Angel sat beside Kael, his head resting on Kael‟s shoulder. “Sir, I wet my pants.”

“I know; I can smell it,” Kael said.

“Just so you know, I didn‟t piss myself.” Angel looked very serious. “Those guys wouldn‟t unzip me so I could pee. There‟s a big difference between wetting your 17pants and pissing yourself. I just wanted you to know that I was definitely scared, but not piss scared.”

Kael laughed.

“Don‟t laugh.” Angel grinned. “The only guy who ever made me piss myself with fear is you.”

“A great basis for a relationship,” Conran said, crossing his legs.

“Shall we talk about your relationship with me, Conran, and what that‟s based on?” Kael asked.

Conran looked exhausted. “Haven‟t I done enough for you to stop blackmailing me? You‟ve got your boy back. That‟s all you wanted, him back alive and unharmed.”

He was right; it was time to be fair and back off. “I‟ll get rid of the video. You have my word. And thank you for the part you played in getting my boy back. I‟ll make it up to you.”

Conran licked his upper lip, a blush rising up his cheeks.

“Is there any food, Sir?” Angel said.

“Call me Daddy,” Kael said quietly.

“I thought you didn‟t want that. I thought I was only temporary. You said that to Freddie.”

“I was an idiot,” Kael said. “I was afraid.”

“You? Afraid?” Angel looked skeptical.

Kael leaned in very close so the others could not hear. “I was afraid of what I was feeling for you, but we‟ll talk about that at home.”

“Oh Daddy.” Angel rubbed his cheek against Kael‟s.

“Will you stay with me and be my boy? Will you let me be your daddy?”

A sweet, boyish, almost shy smile transformed Angel‟s face. He was exhausted and he had been through hell, but he looked at peace in Kael‟s arms. “Yes please, Daddy.”

Kael lowered his head until his lips met Angel‟s, and he kissed him long and gently. Then Kael kissed the tip of his nose, and his cheeks, and lastly his forehead.

Angel reached his hand up to rest on Kael‟s neck.

“Aren‟t they sweet,” Dragana said through her pain. Conran had given her several paracetamol, but it had barely made a dent in the pain of shattered bones and she was a bit spacey from the combination of drugs and pain.

“Daddy, you know what I was thinking about when I was in that cowshed freezing my ass off all that time?”

For a moment Kael was afraid of what he was going to hear. “Were you wondering if I was going to come and get you?” He hated the thought that Angel might have felt abandoned. “Were you scared that I wouldn‟t?”


“Actually, it was a bit more basic than that. I couldn‟t stop thinking about a Big Mac and a large fries. I was so hungry.”

Relieved, Kael laughed. “I‟ll get you a Big Mac and a large fries as soon as we land.”

Conran broke in. “We will be taken directly to Vauxhall Cross for debriefing.”

“You can do what you want, Conran. I‟m going to feed my boy; then I‟m taking him home.” Conran looked away and closed his eyes.

“So you weren‟t thinking about me at all?” Kael looked at Angel.

“Yeah, I was thinking about you, Daddy, all the time.”

“Did you think I wasn‟t going to come and get you?”

“I wrote in your journal that I was going to France, so I thought you‟d just think I was there. Anyway, after that fight we had and what you said to Freddie, I didn‟t know what you‟d do.”

“I would never have left you to die. I would never let anyone hurt you if I could possibly prevent it. As soon as I knew you were gone, I went looking for you.”

“Did you sniff me out, Daddy?” He looked deadly serious, making Kael laugh.

“Yes, I did.”

“Daddy, I‟m sorry, but I lost my new rebel cap and my passport when those guys took me off the street. My blankie was in my bag too. I want it back.”

“I found your bag,” Kael said. “Everything is at home. Our home.”

“Daddy, you‟re my hero.” Angel looked across at Conran. “Mr. Conran, you were right about my mom. She didn‟t want me.”

“No, it‟s not true, is it, Conran?” Kael glared at him.

“Daddy, it‟s okay. I know.” Angel looked up at him. “One of those guys told me.

He could speak pretty good English. I told him to get a ransom for me from my mom and Gregoire, and he said they already asked them and they refused. She knew those terrorist dudes had me, and still she wouldn‟t get involved.” Angel looked at Conran. “How did you know that other stuff about her not taking me out of the system even when she was already married to Sven?”

“It‟s my job to know.” He looked out of the window, unable to meet Angel‟s eyes. “But I shouldn‟t have said it; it was cruel.”

“It‟s okay. I knew already. I‟m not stupid. When I finally moved in with them, it was obvious she‟d been there for a while. I just asked the staff a few questions and they told me how long my mom had been there.”

Kael hugged him tighter. “You‟re my boy now.”

Exhausted with pain, Dragana watched them under half-lowered lids.

Attempting to distract her, Kael said, “Tell Conran how fearless Angel was when those blokes had us trapped.”

18She struggled to speak. “He was very professional. He shot them from about twenty feet away. Got them both through the chest. They were going to kill us. That boy saved our lives.”

Conran looked at Angel. “How do you feel about killing those men?”

Angel shrugged. “It was them or us. I don‟t feel anything in particular.” He rested his head on Kael‟s shoulder, his eyes drifting shut.

Kael kissed his forehead, then looked at Conran. “The chest is a big target, but he‟s never fired a gun before, so he showed remarkable precision. His hand never wavered. He‟s good. Firing a gun at a living target is hard under any circumstances, but to have such a good aim when you‟ve never done it before… He‟s not afraid of much, and he‟s got exceptional senses, like me. I don‟t want him in danger ever again, but he would be excellent at espionage or undercover work that does
involve getting shot at.”

“We can assess him at some point. I‟m glad he‟s unharmed,” Conran said.


Chapter Twenty-one

“Daddy, how long did I sleep?”

“Eighteen hours.”

Angel stood in the bathroom, naked, brushing his teeth. He had fallen asleep the moment they got home, still covered in dirt and urine from the cowshed. Kael looked at the bruises coming out on his pale arms from being manhandled by his captors. The welts from his flogging were gone.

“You need a shower, boy.”

Kael took off his dressing gown and threw it over the side of the tub, where it slid to the floor. Angel looked at it. “Daddy, you didn‟t hang it up.”

“I know; what‟s wrong with me?” He grinned and put his arms out to Angel.

The boy walked into them, put his hands on Kael‟s shoulders, and jumped, wrapping his legs around Kael‟s hips.

Kael held him and stepped into the shower. He hit the control allowing hot water to gush over them and stepped up to the wall, pressing Angel‟s back against the tiles.

“Daddy, we met in the shower; do you remember?”

“That‟s right; we did, and not that long ago.”

“It seems like ages.”

“I know.” Covering Angel‟s mouth with his own, he probed his tongue into the boy‟s receptive, wet warmth until his cock grew hard and long and he felt Angel‟s cock pressing into his belly.

“Let‟s soap up my cock; I don‟t want to hurt you until I‟m ready to,” he said against Angel‟s mouth, blindly grabbing the soap from the shelf. Supporting Angel with one hand under his buttocks, he lathered the thick length of his cock until it was slippery.

He slid both hands underneath Angel‟s buttocks, cupping and spreading them at the same time, positioning the tip of his cock against Angel‟s anus. “Lift your hips; help me out, boy.”

Holding on tight to Kael‟s neck, Angel raised his hips. The muscle of his anus gave way, and Angel slid down, releasing a loud cry. “Daddy!”

With Angel‟s back pressed against the wall for support, Kael released his buttocks and took him by the hips, raising him up almost to the tip of his cock and slamming him down hard to the hilt. They fell into a swift, fierce rhythm. The hot 18water pouring over Kael‟s head and down his back added to the pleasure wracking his body. He became one with the water, strong as a waterfall as he reamed his beautiful boy. Angel‟s forehead fell onto Kael‟s shoulder, and Kael turned his head to mouth and suck on Angel‟s neck and bite his shoulder.

“Daddy, Daddy, I have to!” Angel cried as his orgasm flooded him, and his body jerked against Kael‟s. His grip on Kael‟s neck tightened, and his cry became a long, low moan as warm cum shot onto Kael‟s belly and ran off with the rushing water.

Kael grabbed a handful of Angel‟s hair to pull his head back, and covered his mouth, pushing his tongue deep inside. When his orgasm flooded his hips and legs, and his sperm flowed up Angel‟s rectum, he feared for a moment that his legs would collapse beneath him. His knees began to shake, forcing him to brace his feet. The orgasm took a long time to subside while they clung to each other, leaning against the wall.

“I‟ve missed you, Angel,” Kael said against his neck.

“Daddy, I was only gone a couple of days.”

“You stopped being affectionate with me the day we went to Freddie‟s. I‟ve been missing you ever since.”

Slowly he stepped away from the wall, allowing Angel to drop his feet to the floor and stand up. Neither of them spoke. They soaped each other and rinsed off.

Kael turned off the water and stepped out onto the mat. He took a towel and wrapped it around Angel‟s shoulders, and with another rubbed his hair. “We have to talk. In the bedroom.”

He watched Angel walking away, his buttocks red from the hot water and the pressure of Kael‟s hands and cock. “You have a beautiful arse, boy.”

Angel looked over his shoulder, a cheeky grin lighting his face. He winked and wiggled his hips into the bedroom, making Kael laugh out loud.

By the time Kael walked into the bedroom, Angel had changed the white fitted sheet and pillowcases and pulled a fresh, crisp, white cover over the feather duvet.

“Daddy, we really have to get a bit of color in this place.” He threw the duvet onto the bed, straightened it, and leaped into the middle.

Kael lay down on top of the duvet, propped up on his pillows, and stretched out his arms. “Come here, Angel; come to Daddy.”

The boy crawled into his arms and fell against his shoulder. “Daddy, I love you,” he said, his voice suddenly shaky as if he would cry.

“Sweetheart, you may be in a bit of shock from what you went through.” Kael kept his tone gentle. Angel may look fine on the surface, but he had been through a hell of a few days. And he had shot two men.

“Daddy, I don‟t have to be in shock to tell you I love you.” Angel rested his hand on Kael‟s flat belly and slid it down to toy with his pubic hair. “I love you. I wrote it in your diary.”

“Yes, I saw that. You also wrote that I was incredibly fucked-up.”


Angel frowned. “I was mad at you.”

“You must have learned a lot about me from reading that diary.”

“You and your mom. I wish my mom was like yours.”

The words of wisdom Kael‟s mum had offered when he spoke to her about Angel returned. He had to tell the boy how he felt.

The words came out in a whisper. “Angel, I love you.”

“Daddy?” Angel said.

“No, don‟t speak. Listen.” Kael felt almost panicky. Angel fell silent, but he sat up cross-legged to look directly into Kael‟s face. Kael wished he would lie beside him again because he knew his cheeks would go pink and he hated feeling so vulnerable, but he wanted Angel to understand how much he was loved.

Despite the urge to look away, Kael met the trusting young eyes and took in the hopeful expression of the half-parted lips and the boyish tilt of the head as Angel waited expectantly. Angel grasped Kael‟s hand as if encouraging him to speak. Kael took a deep breath as though he was about to jump into the sea without a life jacket. “I love you, Angel.”

The boy‟s straight back and shoulders softened as if he had released a long-held breath. A soft sigh escaped him. He nodded but did not speak.

“I love you because you‟re sweet and loving. I love how affectionate you are, how you hold my hand, the way you put your arms around my waist.” He was afraid that if he stopped, he would not be able to begin again, so he kept speaking, all in one breath. “I love how intelligent you are. The way you trust me so easily makes me feel so responsible, like I have to keep you safe and protect you, and I want to do that. I want to be worthy of your love and trust.”

He stopped, not sure what else to say, knowing there was more but unable to drag it out of himself. His cheeks burned, but he would not back down from this any more than he would back down from a man with a loaded gun in his face. “I want to make you into a man. A man I‟ll be proud of and a man you‟ll be proud to be.”

“Daddy?” Angel whispered, waiting for permission to speak.

Kael nodded.

“You said you have to decide what kind of man you want to be and then become it. I want to be like you, Daddy, strong and certain like you. I know you‟re a good man. I have figured out more or less what you do for a living, and I want to do what you do.”

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