Read An Alpha's Trust Online

Authors: Shannon Duane

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

An Alpha's Trust (9 page)

BOOK: An Alpha's Trust
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Chapter 16


Jake got out of the car, stormed into the house and slammed the door after Shana entered. “What the hell is goin’ on?” He tried to rein in his beast, but he could tell his control was slipping.

“What do you mean? You don’t own me, and you certainly are not entitled to my future plans with

He flinched at her words, his anger diminishing. “I realize that he’s your son Shana, but I’ve offered numerous times to share my life with you. Let me in. What happened? Maybe I can help.” He could hear the pleading in his tone.

“I know you’ve offered, but I haven’t accepted. I’ve taken care of myself, and Trevor before, and I’ll do it again. Anything to keep him safe.” She started towards her room.

“Wait!” He used his Alpha voice.
No more Mr. Nice Wolf.
“I will not stand by and let you make decisions that could harm Trevor. If you want to go off half-cocked and get yourself hurt I have no say. You’re an adult, but you will not get lil’ man involved in something over your head with. Think, if something happened to you, who would take care of Trevor? And do you care anything for me? I would mourn you my entire life. You are my one true mate! My only shot at happiness.”

His chest was heaving and his heart racing. “You hire a security team to help you, and it’ll only hinder because you can’t be forthright.”

She stopped dead in her tracks and listened to everything he said. Let the words sink in. If it weren’t for Jake, Trevor would have been kidnapped, and she’d probably be dead. What should she do?

“Let me help. What happened? If running is the best thing, you better believe I’ll run with you.”

She looked over her shoulder and saw anguish on his face. She already admitted to herself, she trusted him. What could it hurt? Maybe he would come with them. “Ryan went to the school office today to get Trevor’s emergency contact card. It has all of our information on it. Phone numbers, address, place of employment, even email. I’m afraid he’ll come for us.”

“They didn’t give it to him, did they?” He sounded worried.

Hey, this opening up thing wasn’t so painful.

“No, I informed the office staff of our...unique situation when I put Trevor in school. The secretary told me today when we picked him up. I freaked a little.” She admitted to herself, maybe a lot.

“You are still safe, but I understand your worry. We need a new plan. I’ve been thinking, maybe you and Trevor can come stay with me. I have plenty of room and it’d be no trouble. You don’t have to tell anyone; it will be super-secret squirrel.” Great, now he was babbling like an idiot.

Shana tilted her head to the side, considering his words. “Do you have enough room? Would it be safe? Umm, you wouldn’ want...uh...sexual favors in return, would you?” Why was she smiling? She had a shit day and she felt raw from so much emotion.

He smiled, showing bright white straight teeth, for once, his panic and uncertainty falling away. He knew he loved her, from the moment he met her. He would want no other. “No Shana, I won’t make sexual demands, but you have to promise me one thing.”

“What’s that?”

He chuckled. “You leave your torture device at home.” He lifted one eyebrow when she looked at him with confusion.

“What...Oh, yeah, okay. I’ll leave Mr. Happy?” Her poor vibrator would get lonely without her. She wasn’t even embarrassed.

Seriously? “Mr. Happy? I know a way for you to upgrade your...activities. Just say the word.” He gave her a wink and a smile before going to the back door to tell Trevor the news.

Just that easily Jake had calmed her and, more importantly, made her see reason. She was falling for him, fast.
Bloody hell.


* * * * *


“Really, mommy? We get to have a sleep-over at dad’s?” Trevor came barreling into the house.

“Uh, honey, maybe you could call him Jake. Just for a little while. I know you can...ya know...see stuff. But it makes me feel...”

“Sure, mom. I’ll try. Hey Jake, do you have books at your house that you can read to me at bedtime? What kind of sheets do you have? Power Ranger? This is gonna be awesome! Are the others coming to? Ya know, the guys?” He ran to his room without getting any answers and started to pack.

“Sorry, he’s easily excitable.” Shana was emotionally exhausted. She needed to call Katie, see what she was supposed to do if Ryan broke parole or the restraining order. He wasn’t supposed to contact her, but he’d called. Would he go back to jail for that?

Lost in thought, she barely heard Jake’s response of, “We’re all a little excitable these days.”


* * * * *


“Jake, how many rooms are in your house?” Should she offer to sleep on the couch now? What was she getting herself into?

“Enough. Come on, let’s get you packed. I’ll help Trevor. The wolves are gonna come over to pack house when we leave. You still okay with this?”

“Yeah, how much do I bring? We’ll only be staying a day or two, right?” She pulled a small bag out of her closet and began to put her necessities in it when she heard a growl coming from behind her.

“Why are you in my mate’s room?”

She saw Grant moving purposefully into the room.

“Permission to enter, sir?” Grant mocked as he stepped into the room and looked to Shana with his hands in the air. “There is a car parked at the corner, and I’d like to know if you’re familiar with it.” Turning to Jake, he said, “That is if Jake will allow it.”

Jake rolled his eyes. He knew he was being overprotective, but he couldn’t help it. His mate was being stalked and his temper was at Def-con five. “Sorry bro. You’ll have your chance with the mate frenzy. Let’s take a look.”

“It doesn’t matter. Whatever car Ryan would’ve had is probably gone. He’s not stupid. He’d rent a car or buy a new one.” Her voice sounded broken behind him.

“Babe, it’s okay. It’s probably nothing, but we need to check anyhow.” He tried to sound reassuring because he didn’t want her to have to look either.

They met Grant in the living room and he handed the binoculars to Jake first.
Stupid Alpha rule.
Was he going to have to go first during the whole relationship? Because that could get old, really fast. Wait, no, not relationship. They were...what were they? Business associates? No, that would be inappropriate with the kissing and all. Friends? Nah, she didn’t even know his favorite color. It was too complicated to think about right now, so she’d call him friend for lack of a better option.

Jake gave her the binoculars and stepped to the side. He kept contact by rubbing small circles on her back. She could get use to this. She saw the car, but didn’t know the driver. She promptly let them know and went back to her room to pack.

Jake pulled his truck out onto the street and picked them up farther down the road, so that whoever was in the car would believe he was leaving alone. He was nervous, not for himself but for his family. It didn’t take him long to become accustomed to thinking of them that way. After all, he had bought Shana the most gorgeous solitaire diamond engagement ring, with a gold band, after dropping her off at work today. It obviously wasn’t the right time now, but soon.

Pulling into his garage and closing the garage door, he saw that Shana and Trevor had stunned looks on their faces. He became a little uneasy. “Everything alright?”

“Great googalie moogalie! You live here?” came Trevor’s amazed little voice.

Feeling quite shy, he answered, “Yeah, welcome home.” His home was a sprawling mansion. It has twenty rooms, give or take. A large patio in the backyard for the frequent BBQ’s because shifters like their meat. And a gourmet kitchen. All of the rooms were kept clean and ready because, at any given time, he would house random pack members in need.

Shana bit her tongue. “This is all a bit much to take in, Jake. Couldn’t you have told us up front you were rich-instead you had to rub our noses in it.” She was seething. He was going to show Trevor what it was like living it up, and then rip it all away.

“I knowed he had lotssa moneys. It’s okay, mama.”

She could hear the confusion in her son’s voice so she put on her plastic smile and said, “I’m sorry, honey. I was just surprised is all. It’ll only be for a couple days. I’m sure we can endure, right?”

Jake was struck dumb. She was mad at him because he had money. That was a new one. He’d worked his entire life to make himself what he was, and he was damn proud. Damn mate made him feel pensive.

“Don’t go outta your way in a show of appreciation for me.” Jake got out of the car and slammed the door, not forgetting their bags from the trunk. He did leave the door to the house open so they could come in, when she was done brooding.

“I think you maked him feel bad, mama. He just wants to be with us. Happy and accepted and loved.” He unstrapped his car seat and got out of the truck, following Jake in the house.

Great, now she felt like an idiot. It wasn’t his fault he was loaded. Why did she even care? She sat there in the dark wondering what her problem was, when she remembered she had to call Katie. She dialed and it went to voicemail so she left a message updating her situation. She felt alone and lonely. She was inadvertently pushing everyone she loved away.

Resolved, she got out of the car and found her boys in the kitchen, making dinner. “I’m so sorry for freaking out on both of you. I just...dunno. I feel like I’m losing control of our lives; I just want us to be happy and settled. Just when I think we’re close, we get uprooted. Please forgive me.”

They both looked at each other before smiling and looking to her. At the same time, they both said, “Forgiven,” and they all laughed.

She went to them and kissed them both on the cheek. Trevor promptly wiped his off and said, “Eeewwwww,” but Jake closed his eyes and savored the contact, not knowing when it would happen again.

Jake picked up their bags and said, “While dinner is cooking, why don’t you come pick out the rooms you want to use.” He moved toward the stairs.

“I call the one with the Power Ranger sheets!” an excited Trevor yelled as he was bounding up the stairs.

“I doubt he has a room like that, lil’ man,” Shana said in her mother-knows-best voice.

“Wanna bet? Jakie buyed them for me. He knows I was coming.” He ran down the long hall and into a room with blue walls, a desk in the corner, and, sure enough, Power Ranger sheets. It also had a Power Ranger rug and numerous toys. The desk had loads of books they hadn’t read yet.

Shana smiled down at her son as Jake linked their hands. She felt instant heat and the same tingly feeling she got every time they touched.

“Ready to find a room that suits your needs?” He was so giving, and tender, it gave her butterflies in her stomach.

She pulled him down the hall. About three doors down at the end of the hall, she entered what had to be the loveliest room she’d ever seen. The walls were the softest green with a huge four poster bed along the back wall. It had all natural wood furniture that looked as if it was handmade. The door on the left was open and hinted at a beautiful bathroom. She saw a door off to the right and walked into a spacious walk-in closet. Unfortunately, she noted by the closet’s occupant that this room had already been taken. She turned to find Jake had entered the closet behind her; it suddenly felt a lot smaller than she’d originally thought. She noted the wolfish grin on his face and knew instantly whose room this was.

“I think this is perfect for your needs.” He gave a sly smile and was suddenly ravenous for her touch. “It’s your choice. I said I wouldn’t expect your services in return for your stay here. In all truth I’m just happy you walked through the door. I’ll take some of my things and get settled down the hall.” He was trying not to project his feelings of rejection, but it was hard to hide.

“There is no need. I trust you. We can both stay in this room, if you’re willing to share. I do expect you to stick to your promise though. I enjoyed the simple act of sleeping protected next to you and, good golly, your bed is big enough. If you’ll allow...”

“You had me at ‘you trust me.’ I’m honorable and won’t break my word unless it is mutually agreeable; so don’t try and ravage me in my sleep.”

She could see he was pleased, as was she.

“You hungry? We put baked potatoes in the oven, there’s salad in the fridge.” He cringed. “And we have some steaks to grill.”

“You have a thing for meat, huh? How will I ever compare?” She joked as she unpacked her bag.

“You and Trevor are all I’ll ever need. I will gladly give up my home, money and meat, for you in my life.” He smacked her butt. “So shake a leg and I’ll give you the grand tour.”

She blushed but was secretly blooming on the inside. She’d never felt this kind of dedication. What did she do? She could try to flirt.

“I can’t wait to see the firm hard
you have laid in the living area. It looks delightful and I bet it
even better. I love the feel of
natural hard
” She was looking at the bulge in his pants while she made the statement and knew by his groan he got the undertone.

BOOK: An Alpha's Trust
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