An Alpha's Trust (6 page)

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Authors: Shannon Duane

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: An Alpha's Trust
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Chapter 9


“Would you like something to eat, Mr. Calhoun? Or maybe some coffee?” See, she could be nice and professional.

“Please, call me Jake. Coffee sounds great. Thanks.”

“I’m the one that should be thanking you. You brought back my son and I’m truly grateful. There are no words to express…”
No, don’t cry.

He could smell her tears being held back. “You’re welcome, Shana. Can I ask you something? Why were you not upset when I changed into a wolf? Did you know of our existence?”

“No, but I believe in a great many things. It would be hard not to with Trevor’s visions and all. My grandmother had them too.” The coffee was brewing and smelled divine. She felt somewhat uncomfortable, but they could share a coffee and then he could go.

“Are you afraid of me? I would never hurt you.”

“Ya know, you’re not the first to say that to me. So let me just say actions speak louder than words. So far you’ve been nothing but good to Trevor and me.” A sudden thought occurred to her. “It was you the other night. The wolf; you saved Trevor.”

“Yes, Shana, you’re my mate. I’d do anything to keep you, and Trevor, from harm. I know this is sudden but you’re my perfect match; I would never force the bond on you, but I’d ask that you give me a chance.” He looked worried.

“Jake, I’m flattered and I’ll admit that I’m attracted to you, but I don’t really know you. I don’t feel like starting something between us. My life is kind of out of control right now; it’s not safe to be with anyone. That would just anger him.” Shoot, she said too much.

“Who would it anger? Are you married or in a relationship?”

“No, never been married and I’ve only had one relationship. It ended badly.” She poured her coffee and added cream and sugar. “What would you like in your coffee?”

“Black, please.” He got up and walked to her as she held out his coffee mug.

She was suddenly hit with a fierce bit of lust. Why did this man, this animal, make her crazy hot? She could feel her juices spilling onto her panties just watching this man walk. Uh, oh, she was in trouble.

“Jake, uh, you should probably go. Just take the coffee and have a nice night.”

He put the mug down and sniffed.
His eyes widened and he stepped closer. He sniffed and nuzzled her neck.

She was amazed he had this effect on her when his body wasn’t even touching her. He licked her neck and she creamed again as her vaginal walls tightened involuntarily.
Well, damn.
She needed a vibrator. He had leaned down and placed his face right in front of her crotch, and took a big breath.

When he looked at her, his yellow wolf eyes were piercing. “Can I?”

She licked her lips. She had no idea what he was asking. Could he sniff, sure, why not? That’s perfectly normal and not erotic in the least. Right....

“Um, can you what? Go, yes. Yes, you can go. Your friends are probably waiting for you. Uh, bye.”

Why was he just staring at her crotch, sniffing. And why did it make her blood boil. This was by far the weirdest thing that had ever happened to her.

“I know you’re hurt and I’ll be gentle.” He rose to his full height and kissed her smack on the lips.

She didn’t have time to protest. As if she would have anyway. His lips were soft and inviting. She put her hands on his chest to steady herself and, oh boy, that was a firm chest; he moaned. She felt rock hard pecs under her sensitive fingertips.

She needed him to leave because she was not going to let him touch her. Well, any more than he already was.

His kisses were drugging. Before you know it he had picked her up, avoiding all of her injuries, and carried her to her room. Light as a feather, he placed her on her bed. She suddenly became nervous. It had been so long and she didn’t want to have a flashback, or panic attack, while sharing her bed with this hunk. Mate; she wondered if he was just trying to get into her pants.

“I’m not going to have sex with you,” Shana said.

Jake noticed a dimming of her arousal and fear now being her primary scent.

“I don’t want to hurt or scare you, so just tell me if you don’t want my kisses and I’ll walk away. I would never want to harm you. You are my mate. I have a deep need to protect you and keep you safe with me. But if you’re not ready, I understand; I won’t push.” He made himself sound sincere when inside his hormones were raging. His beast wanted to claim his mate.

“Kisses are fun. I’d like to kiss you, Jake.” She wanted more but she wasn’t ready. She leaned forward and took his lips. It was not a gentle kiss but a possessive kiss, from her. She guessed her claiming instincts were coming forward too. Yikes, he was so hot and she forgot he was only in a sheet-toga style. She ran her hands up his chest again and, this time, he growled.

She pulled back, looking worried. “Um, is that supposed to turn me on? Because it did, and I’m a little freaked out.”

He smiled. “Yes, you should like everything I do in bed Shana, whether I’m naked a sheet.” He winked and she melted.

They both reclined down on the bed and put their mouths together again. His tongue slid along her bottom lip asking for an invitation into her mouth. She opened and molded her body to his. She could feel his erection against her thigh. She wanted him so badly, but she would not allow herself to have him. They had only known each other a few days.

He began to kiss down her throat and stopped several times to inhale deeply. He kept placing open mouthed kisses to her chest. As he was distracting her with the kisses, he was unbuttoning her pajama gown.

He bared her breasts and moved back to look his fill. “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met. I want to lick you; may I?”

She was shocked that he was saying these things to her. Even more than that, she longed for him to put his hot wet mouth on her.

“Yes, Jake, please.”

He kissed the bruises to her sides gently and then moved to hover over the soft brown of her nipples. They were puckered and waiting for him, inviting. He lowered his head and her breathing became labored.

Her back came off the bed to deliver her nipple into his mouth. Her moan caused him to release some pre-come. He licked around her nipple, sliding his day worth of stubble over her sensitive skin, but hadn’t yet taken her into his mouth.

“Please,” Shana moaned.

He couldn’t stand the thought of his mate begging, so he took her nipple full in his mouth and sucked on the tender pebbled flesh. She cried out and he saw her squeeze her thighs together. He knew where she needed him. He pulled her nipple farther into his mouth one last time and bit gently, exacting a whimper from her. He then gave the same attention to her other nipple before sliding his hand down her belly.

His hand went under her pajama gown and found her center, hot and wet. She stiffened so he pulled back from her nipple and said, “If you don’t like what I’m doing, you only need to tell me to stop and I’ll back off. I only want to bring you pleasure, Shana.”

He went back to kissing her mouth and she relaxed a little. He had his left hand on her wetness and he used his right hand to tease her nipple. She relaxed and he smelled only their mixed arousal.

Jake began to rub small circles on her clit and opened her up to place one of his fingers at her entrance. “Is this okay, Shana? Do you want me to stop?”

She shook her head no, so he slowly slid one thick finger into her. She was so tight and sopping wet. Her juices had spilled down her thigh and his whole hand was wet and slick. She moaned when he hit her clit with his palm.

“You like what I’m doing, Shana? I love how you respond to me. I want you to feel so much pleasure so tell me when you’re close.” He dipped his head to her nipple and sucked it into his mouth. He was rubbing his hardness up against her outer thigh and she could feel how big he was.

“I, uh, I’m not sure you’ll fit, Jake.” She was getting nervous again.

He could tell that she expected him to just shove himself in there with no regard to how tight she was.

“No Shana, this is for you. I don’t expect anything in return. Just relax and let me show you how good we can be, like this.” He put another finger to her opening and she took it. His little mate would be able to take him, when the time was right. He’d have to prepare her. He could wait.

“Oh God, Jake. I’m close. I don’t know what to do.”

“Just relax and let me take you there.” He pumped his fingers into her hitting her clit with every stroke but she needed more. He put his other hand to join the first and applied constant pressure to her clit. He ran his teeth over her nipple, and she came so hard all the breath was drawn from her lungs.

Jake was so satisfied. He had his mate in his arms and she was happy. He could feel the waves of contentment coming from her. He was happy to be surrounded by her scent. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her forehead. He heard the sounds of her even breathing moments later and knew she was asleep.

Thank God he hadn’t been kicked out.


Chapter 10


Jake left his mate’s bed only for a moment to notify the pack he’d be staying the night inside the house, and they were to remain outside and continue patrolling.

He went to the backyard and saw the wolves in a small group huddled on the porch, sharing the dog bed. He got his cellphone from the counter and snapped a quick picture to show Trevor that he had a good idea. He looked down and saw the dog food was gone too-ick.

The wolf on patrol was Grant. He approached, sniffed and gave a big wolf smile. Jake had Shana’s scent all over him. Unfortunately, it wouldn’t last because they had not completed the bond.

“Grant, I’ll be staying inside and if there is anything you need to communicate just howl. I expect we’ll be safe for tonight. We’ll have to find out what’s going on tomorrow.”

As he turned to walk away, he thought better of it and said, “Thank you for your help keeping them safe.”

Grant nodded his wolf head.

He walked back into the house and checked all the windows and doors. He strode past Trevor’s room, made sure he was in bed and comfortable, before going back to his mate’s room. He took off his sheet and hopped into bed. Shana sighed and snuggled into him.

This feels right.

Shana woke early the next morning and saw Jake in her bed. He was warm as an oven and at some point they had kicked all of the covers off. He was spooned against her back with his arm hanging over her side.

She should have felt embarrassed but she couldn’t work up the energy. She was, however, horny as hell. This man brought out the beast in her. She turned slightly to her back and admired his nude form. Holy shit, there was a naked man in her bed, and ooh he looked delicious. His body was all hard muscle. It should have been intimidating but it was arousing as hell.

She reached out her hand and ran the tip of a finger over his abs and up his chest. His member grew firm against her thigh. She giggled and repeated the gesture, this time stopping to place her fingers to his happy trail. She noticed his cock jerk and wondered if he could still be asleep.

She looked to his face and saw he was fully awake, looking down at her. “Please tell me you wanna make out again.”

Jake looked at his watch. “We have time. It’s only four and the sun’s not even up.” He looked hopeful.

Shana became embarrassed remembering how giving he was last night. He gave her pleasure and took none for himself. She’d have to fix that problem.

“Just don’t move, okay?” At his nod she reached down and ran a fingertip from the base of his shaft to the tip which was moist with pre-come.

“You’re so big. And I’m kinda new at this so you’ll have to tell me if I hurt you.” She gently took the middle of his shaft in hand and moved her hand up and down.

His eyes closed and a small moan slipped out. “More, Shana.” He had no control; it was used up last night. His hips bucked.

Shana took that as a good sign, placing her other hand down to cup his balls. She explored him for a few minutes, finding out what he liked.

Jake said suddenly, “I have to touch you, Shana. Can I touch you? You’re lovely in the morning.”

“Yes, please touch me, Jake.” She longed to be brazen enough to tell him to take her, but she didn’t know how she would respond.

He slipped her gown all the way off realizing he’d slept so well he didn’t know when she’d put it back on. He guided her to lie back to the bed and slid down between her legs. He put his face to her core, inhaled, and licked.

“Oh my God, what are you doing?”
Whatever it was, he better not stop.

“I’ve wanted to taste you ever since we first met, Shana. You smell delicious, and taste even better.” He put his thick finger inside her, and continued to lick her slit. When she began writhing on the bed, he inserted another finger and kept on trucking.

“Am I hurting you, Shana? Do you want me to stop?”

“God no, you better not stop.” She flipped onto her side, reached her hand around and stroked his shaft.

They were now lying sideways in the middle of the bed. She leaned further and licked the head of his cock. It jerked and fluid seeped out the tip. Shana and Jake both groaned.

Jake inserted another finger in Shana, and was amazed she was stretched tight. “Are you okay?” He didn’t want to ruin this for her, but he wanted to fuck her soooo bad. Only if she was okay with it.

“Can we give it a try, Shana? I think you’re ready.” He really wanted to thrust deep into her.

She looked up from her task into his eyes and saw his sincerity. He wouldn’t push, or force her; he was nothing like Ryan.

She just licked her lips and squeezed her thighs together, feeling her swollen sex. “All right, but go slow.”

He tossed her to the head of the bed, climbed up her body and positioned himself at her entrance, and waited. He had no idea what he was waiting for but when she looked up at him, he knew.

She eased her hips up and rubbed his sex through her juices. He groaned and pushed his tip in. She was wet, slick and ready.

“You feel so good babe that I never want to leave you. I want you to be

At his words, she screamed, “S
” as loud as she could, so he flung himself across the room.

“What’s wrong? What did I do? Are you hurt?” He was worried. He didn’t mean to be aggressive with her. It must have been too soon.

Shana was crying. “Please, just go. I don’t want to do this again.”

He tried to approach her, to support her, but she screamed, “
, you said if I said stop, you’d stop. I’m saying stop, please go. Please, just go.”

He wanted to fight, to rage at whatever had put that fear in her voice.

“I’ll go Shana, to prove to you that I’d never hurt you, or make you fearful on purpose. But we’ll talk about this later. I need you. You’re my mate; my other half. I’m willing to wait, but I need to understand. I want to marry you, build a life with you and Trevor. I know you’re drawn to me as well.”

He wanted to mark her, and force her to realize he could be everything to her, but she wasn’t ready. “We’ll talk later.” He turned and strolled from the room naked, like a proud warrior.

He walked out of her room down the hall, and right out of the house. He ran into Conner who was in wolf form on patrol outside.

Jake simply said, “I’m leaving. Stay and protect her, and Trevor. Call me if you need anything, or if there’s trouble.” He got into his truck and drove home. He’d have to take matters into his own hands.

Once home, he showered and had breakfast, but felt unsettled. Who was he kidding? He was annoyed. Why did he need to prove himself? He’d never done anything bad in his life. Shana, however, didn’t know that and she must have had something happen to her that was pretty bad.

He dried off and pulled out his laptop. He googled Shana Dunn. There were a couple of articles to sift through. He pulled up an old article about someone named Shana Dunn; her ex-lover was a stalker. It sounded like the girl was raped. The judge let him out on bail and he had found her and beaten her pretty bad; she spent a week in the hospital. He clicked on the picture link and stared into the face of his mate.

He was furious. His mate had been stalked like prey and then raped. Several times, if the confidential reports he’d pulled were accurate.

He wanted to rage even more when he looked at the police reports she had filed in the last five years. The fucker was sending people after her. Just last month a man named Jerry broke into her home to send her a message, from the stalker ex. According to the report, he ended up trying to take her, instead of warn her. God, he wanted to kill for her.

When he pulled up the case file for her ex and read the trial information, he knew why she freaked. Her ex had told her that she was his, and he wouldn’t share. He’d actually said ‘mine.’

Jake had told Shana she was his when she was in a very vulnerable position.
He had hurt her, not physically, but he took her back to that place she probably never wanted to go again.

Double shit.
How was he going to fix this mess? He needed to talk to Shana.


* * * * *


After Jake left, she took a hot shower. She just stood there and let all of the memories of last night, and the morning, wash over her. She’d messed things up pretty bad. She felt like a crazy lady losing it like that. How was she ever going to face him again? From the way it sounded, he wasn’t going to let things go. But she really didn’t want to have to explain things to him. Maybe he would be so put off, he wouldn’t come back.

There was nothing she could do about it now, so she stood under the spray and listened to ‘Fuckin’ Perfect’ by Pink on the radio. She sang along and understood the song’s meaning. She’d never been perfect, or even close.

After she dried off and dressed in her scrubs, she woke Trevor to get dressed for school. She went to the kitchen and saw the coffee mugs from last night, and began to cry.

Trevor came running down the stairs with bed head and said, “Where’d daddy go?”

Shana’s mouth dropped open.

“Uh, Trevor. I...I don’t understand. Who, uh, what are you talking about?” She was at a loss for words. Did she give the wrong impression to her son?
No way.
He was probably just hopeful for something he’d never had.

“Oh, sorry mom. What’s for breakfast?” He was acting like nothing had happened. Like he hadn’t just rocked her world with a simple, yet complicated, question.
Daddy, indeed.

Trevor ate silently at the table. When he was done, he got up and rinsed his bowl, putting it in the dishwasher. He then went to the back door and opened it. He poked his head out and said, “Jake,” in a small voice.

Conner approached in wolf form and saw Trevor look to him. “Where’s Jake? I thought he was going to stay and be with us. He wanted to stay, I felt it. He loves me, and mama.”

Before Conner could shift back, Trevor was gone. He went up and brushed his hair and teeth. Shana met him at the door and drove him to school in silence.

When they got to school, Shana said, “I’m really sorry, Trevor. I know you want a father because the one you were given wasn’t great, but you just can’t pick the first guy, wolf, that comes along.” She felt like a piece of her heart was ripping out.

“I like Jake. He’s a nice guy and I’d like to get to know him more. You’re just moving too fast for me.”

Trevor just smiled and said, “I love you, ma. I know Jake is the one for us. I’ve seen it. I love him and I think he loves us. If it takes you more time to see it, then we’ll wait. I really want a daddy though so if you could hurry up, there’s a father son breakfast at school…pancakes. I’d like to take him, if it’s okay.” And then he hopped out of the car, turned, blew her a big kiss and ran into his class.

Shana worked her shift in the ER. She was still pretty new and finding her way in a smaller ER. She was use to a larger population, but she treated many a sick child. On her lunch break, she walked down the block and boldly into the sex shop. She bought her first vibrator.

After her shift, she went to pick Trevor up, feeling good about life. She was starting fresh.

Trevor was in the classroom waiting for her to pick him up. He ran to her and said, “Hi mama, I played with Hector today at recess and after school his mom said she wants to have a play date. Can we play with Hector?”

“Sure, I’d love to have Hector over; I’ll talk to his mom tomorrow.” She was glad the heaviness of the morning didn’t carry over ‘til the afternoon.

“What are we going to do now?”

“We need to go home and do your homework. Maybe after dinner we can get some ice cream downtown.” She had a weakness for ice cream.


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