Read An Alpha's Trust Online

Authors: Shannon Duane

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

An Alpha's Trust (5 page)

BOOK: An Alpha's Trust
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Chapter 7


Shana woke with a start. She had been having a dream about Jake, the man, not the wolf. He was hovering over her and Trevor with possessiveness but not like Ryan, the rat bastard, use to. He was giving and kind, but protective. Shana knew in her dream state that he would give his life to keep her and Trevor safe. He looked at them like family and she woke feeling safe.

She laid there sleepily for a few minutes before she heard another sound. Sitting bolt upright in bed she was thinking only of her son’s safety. She ran to his room; empty. His covers a mess on the ground.

Shana called out to him without thinking of the danger. “Trevor!”

She didn’t hear a response and flew into a panic. She ran down the stairs and straight into a solid object. She smelled something foul and immediately knew-they were found.

She was grabbed on her upper arms and flung against the wall as she heard an unfamiliar man’s voice say, “Ryan just wants the kid now, but I’ll be back for you. He said your pussy was great and he’d let me take a turn.” Malice in every word, she wanted to vomit.

“You’re all he could talk about. You must be something special. Will you scream for me too?”

“Noooooo, don’t hurt my mommy!”

Shana heard Trevor’s little voice as she tried to get up. Trevor continued to repeat, “Come on, Jake. Help mommy now.”

Shana heard her son whimpering and wanted very badly to attack this foul man.

She bolted for the sound of her child’s distress. She reached Trevor in time to cover him with her body. She was kicked and hit, but she never released her child from the position under her protective cocoon.

Trevor said, “It’s almost over, mom. Jake is going to come for us.”

Her last conscious thought was:
it’s sad that my son thinks of a wild animal as his only protector.


* * * * *


Jake got the page in the middle of the night from the panic button they had just installed in his mate’s home. He jumped up and got in his truck before he realized he was still naked. No time for clothes now, his protective response wouldn’t allow for him to stop going for her. He got a text from Conner and Grant that they were also on their way.

He was the second person to arrive. Conner must have let himself into Shana’s home because the front door was damn near broken down completely.

Jake bound up the porch steps in a leap and saw Conner crouched next to Shana on the floor. He could smell blood--her blood. He growled at Conner, causing him to back up with a quickness he’d never seen.

Shana’s nightgown had ridden up to her belly. There were forming bruises to her back and both flanks and there was blood in her hair.

Jake bent down to check her cuts and remembered the boy. “Check on Trevor,” he ordered Conner.

Shana moaned and turned to her back. When she saw Jake, she sat up abruptly and yelled, “Trevor, he has Trevor!”

“Who has him, Shana? What happened?”

“Someone took him. Please help him. Please get my son!” She was shivering.

“Do you know where they went, Shana?”

“No...Please, Trevor said Jake would come for us. I thought he meant his wolf friend but you’re here. Please, you have to help.”

Jake could smell her desperation and fear.

“I’ll find him. Don’t worry. Stay with Conner, he’ll keep you safe. Grant is on his way too.” He brushed his lips across her temple and ran to the backyard.

He had to shift to track Trevor fast. He already had his scent in his memory. He changed, only then realizing that Shana had followed him to the yard, and saw everything.

Wide-eyed, she walked up to Wolf Jake and pleaded, “Please, find him for me. I can’t survive without him. Find my baby.”

Jake dropped his head in a nod and ran through the forest.

Holy shit, he was a wolf and she just sent him after her son. Silently she hoped he wasn’t hungry as she watched him sprint into the forest. Deep down she knew Jake wouldn’t hurt Trevor, but the man who took him would. She cursed herself for passing out and being weak. She should have been able to protect one small child. Her legs gave out and she fell to the porch floor.

“It’s not your fault, you know,” Conner’s unfamiliar voice spoke from behind her.

She suddenly turned and realized that she had no idea who this man was. He looked like a surfer with nice features that she was sure held many smiles, but not now.

“Jake will find him and bring him back safely.”

She wished she could be so confident.

“Who are you and what are you doing here?”

Conner was shocked that her first questions weren’t about Jake shifting to an animal.

Shana gave herself only a moment to doubt and be vulnerable, but that moment was gone when she sent Jake into the forest.

Conner turned to her and gently said, “My name is Conner and I work with Jake. When you pushed the silent alarm, it sent out a mass text. Grant is in the house checking for any leads on how the kidnapper got in. The sheriff is out front keeping watch.”

Shana turned and looked at him with rage in her eyes.

“No way, you’re lying. I didn’t trip the alarm. I got caught before I could reach it; everything happened so fast that I forgot. I only wanted to protect Trevor.”

She began to tear up and Conner could tell she was holding the tears at bay with only her strong will.

“I don’t know you and you shouldn’t be here. For all I know you’re with the guy that took my boy.” She turned to him. “Get out!”

“I know you’re upset right now Shana, but Jake wouldn’t want us to leave you unprotected. He’s our Alpha and it’s our job to protect you, when he’s gone.”

“Well, you did a fine job. Wait, why would you need to protect me? I’m nothing to you wolf people, werewolves, whatever. Why? Because I signed up for your security?”

She was so confused. She just wanted Trevor back and then she could think again. As for the werewolf, she was too numb to question it right now.

They heard a howl and, at the sound, Shana went running to the woods. She felt a hand clamp around her arm and shook it off, turning and screaming, “Don’t touch me! Don’t ever touch me!”

Connor calmed his voice because he could feel her anger, fear, shock and pain. Her emotions were rolling off her and it took a lot of focus to stay calm in front of her.

“That was Jake and he was letting us know he’s got your boy and he’s coming back. He remains unharmed.”

Shana was so happy she turned and threw herself at him, into a big hug. Her tears were getting his shirt wet.

Shoot, the Alpha was gonna kick his ass when he came back and Conner was covered in her scent.


* * * * *


Jake easily caught up to the heavy, short and balding man. He was running with Trevor over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. The smelly man didn’t get very far; clearly, he wasn’t in the best shape.

As Jake neared, the man’s steps slowed with fatigue. Trevor’s little head popped up, he looked right at Jake and...Waved. Did he see that right? The kid should be terrified.

Jake growled low in his throat and came up to the smelly man. Smelly turned and noticed the wolf staring him down. Jake took pride in the man’s fear and gave another growl when he backed up.

“Nice doggie, nice doggie; I’m not gonna hurt you. Shoo, go away, dog.”

Trevor piped in, “Hey, that’s the same wolf that we saw eat a whole coyote a couple days ago. And then he took down a deer and eated that too. He must have a very hungry wolf belly. Maybe you should run or he’ll eat us too.”

Trevor was dropped to the ground as the man turned to run.

Jake was quicker and pounced. He landed on the man’s large sweaty back. He enjoyed using his claws on the stinky man’s back.

“No, please kid, run and get help.”
As if.

Trevor simply said, “He’s gonna go night-night; let’s go Jake, mama’s worried.”

Smelly tried to scream but as he drew a breath, he went limp as unconsciousness took him.

Jake howled and ripped a piece off Stinky’s shirt. Jake went down on his haunches so Trevor could hop on.


Chapter 8


Shana couldn’t contain her tears as she saw Trevor bouncing on Jake’s back. He’d done it. He’d brought back the most precious thing in the world to her. She ran to the pair and snatched Trevor off the wolf. She hugged him, crying, and told him never to leave her again.

She caught a glimpse of Jake trotting to a man the others had called sheriff. Wolf Jake dropped a piece of cloth into his hand. The sheriff turned and walked into the woods with Grant leaving Conner, Wolf Jake, mother and child.

Their silence was broken by Trevor saying, “I told you everything was okay, that Jake would come for me. Don’t cry, mama.”

Jake looked sideways at Trevor as Conner said, “How did you know that, little man?”

Oh shit, now they’d know about his visions.
“Um, he didn’t know, he was just hoping is all, right Trevor?” Shana knew she sounded defensive.

“No mama, we can trust ‘em. After all, we know their secret too.”

That’s when it hit her; she was standing in her backyard with a werewolf and a man she didn’t know. She grabbed Trevor’s hand and started for the door.

“Wait,” said Conner as he stepped up on the porch and ran into a water dish.

Noticing the dog food and bed, he asked, “Do you have a dog?”

Jake jumped up on the porch, lay down on the dog bed with his tongue hanging out of his mouth.

Connor looked appalled as Trevor and Shana both couldn’t hold in their giggles. Jake went next to the food dish, sniffed and gagged.

“I guess you were right mama, he doesn’t like the food.”

“Can we come in, Shana? We’d like to talk with you about what happened.” Conner stood on her porch with his arms crossed over his chest, looking stern.

“Please, mommy. They are very nice boys, I promise. Not like the other ones,” Trevor pleaded. “They protect, and play, and love.” He said the last part so quietly she almost couldn’t hear him.

Bottom line, she trusted Trevor. He’d never been wrong; however, her track record wasn’t too great.

“I guess you can come in, but no muddy wolf prints on my floor. Your claws will ruin the tile.” She sounded a lot more confident than she was.

There was a sudden burst of light and a man stood before them. The sexiest man she’d ever seen. The one she was trying not to think about. And he looked just as good naked. She couldn’t help her wandering eyes and flush of heat to her core.
Holy cow!

“That was cool,” Trevor said.

She barely heard because she was staring at the tall yummy hunk of man naked in front of her. Conner ran in to get a blanket for him but she was still mesmerized by his toned and muscled body. She ran her eyes down his chest and lingered at the juncture of his thighs. Oh my God, he was huge, and obviously aroused.

His manhood jumped once before it was covered by Conner. “Uh, maybe we should wait inside while your mom and Jake talk.”

Jake was feeling great. His mate was obviously pleased with his body, and that comforted him. He could smell her arousal. Her cream suddenly glided into her panties, and he could smell it. He took a big whiff,

He noticed her eyes became wide when she looked at his arousal. When she licked her lips, he ached to taste them as well. He wanted to go to her, but he knew she was skittish.

Her scent changed quickly from hot and heated to panicked. Conner suggested they talk and she became fearful.

Jake said, “It’s okay, we can all go in and talk together. It seems that Trevor probably knows a bit about what happened today. He can fill us in.”

That pleased Trevor, who smelled of sunshine, causing Shana to let out a deep breath.

When they were walking in the house, Jake noticed that Conner smelled of his mate. He held Conner back and said simply, “Explain before I gut you where you stand.” Okay, maybe not so simple.

Conner immediately started stammering. “Uh, well, you see...Crap, she was frightened at your howl, and I told her what it meant, and she was happy.” See, that didn’t sound bad.

Until Jake said, “You hugged my mate, and touched her before me. You may leave; we’ll conduct the investigation without you.”

“Oh, no, you don’t,” Shana said from behind him. “He stays.”

Shana assumed her word meant something. In the pack, it didn’t, not until they bonded. With the way things were going, Jake wasn’t sure it would ever happen.

Conner looked seriously to Jake and said, “I’ll patrol the perimeter. Let me know if there is anything else you need of me, Alpha.” He bowed his head and turned to walk out.

Shana stepped forward to protest when Conner turned and explained, “No, he’s right. I’ll be outside and it was nice to meet you, future Alpha mate; be well.” He bowed again, turned and walked out the back door.

“Why did you make him leave? You’re just a big meanie,” Shana said, realizing too late she sounded like a child.

“We’ve got a lot to talk about Shana, so maybe you should put Trevor to bed.” It wasn’t a question.

“Actually, I don’t. He can sleep with me tonight and I’m very tired so say what you need to, then you can go too.”

She wasn’t just tired, she was freaked out. She had never felt this way toward a man, let alone one that turns into a wolf. She hadn’t made great choices and she didn’t want this to be on her long list of bad choices so she tried again. “You really should go, it’s late and you’ve got no clothes.”

Trevor watched his mother but couldn’t figure out what was wrong with her. He’d had a vision of them all being a family, with so much love it was almost suffocating. He wanted that. He wanted Jake as his daddy. After all, he was everything they had ever wanted and needed, and he was safe, mostly. He could become aggressive if his family or Pack was threatened, but best not to tell mom.

“I’m gonna sleep in my own bed, mama. I’m really tired, but you should talk to Jake. He’s a nice fella and he’s my friend.” He went to Jake and gave him a big bear hug which was enthusiastically returned. “Come tuck me in, Jake. You can see my room. Pppllllleeeeaaaasssseeee.”

Jake already loved this kid, and was amazed at the love being returned. “Sure, sport, but only if it’s okay with your mom.”

They both looked to her.

“Whatever you want, Trevor. I’m really sorry about tonight. I wish I could have stopped this from happening to you. I tried not to let him take you. I tried…”

She could feel the aches and pains from being beaten. At least she didn’t need to go to the hospital. “I’m going to go get cleaned up.”

“It’s okay, mom. I knew nothing was gonna hurt me. I knew Jakie would find me and I also know he was gonna help you too. I pressed the tiny button you told me to push if we needed help, right after the vision. I’m sorry it was too late because that stinky man hurt you. I’m sorry, mama.”

He looked so upset at her being hurt and she wanted to take him in her arms and squeeze him tight, but she had truly taken a beating. She was sore everywhere.

“Let’s get you all tucked in, big man.” She turned to Jake. “You comin’?”

Jake followed down the hall as they disappeared into a bedroom on the left. Unconsciously, his nose was drawn to her room which must be at the end of the hall. He inhaled deeply. Oh God, he was hard again. He couldn’t control himself. He was only wearing a blanket so he bunched it up and followed them to what smelled like Trevor’s room.

Shana pulled down the covers for Trevor and winced. Trevor hopped into bed and said goodnight to them both.

Jake stepped up to the bed and took the sheets from Shana and covered Trevor. He tucked the blankets up to his neck and then around his body and said, “Snug as a bug in a rug.”

Shana smiled as Jake bent down and placed a kiss to Trevor’s forehead, and began to cry when Trevor said, “Thank you for savin’ me and makin’ my mommy happy.”

“I haven’t made your mommy happy. She gives me the scrunched up face, and she’s crying again.” Jake could smell her tears but tried to make light of the situation by mimicking her unhappy face to Trevor.

“But you will make her happy and then we’ll all be happy. Night night Jakie, don’t let the bed bugs bite.”

“If they do, hit ‘em with a shoe,” Shana said.

“Until they turn all black and blue,” Jake said.

Something was wrong. This hot sexy man was bonding with her child, and risking his life for him. Was he a pedophile? No, Trevor seems to feel comfortable around him when usually he was reserved, like her.

Trevor had said that Jake would make them both happy. Had he had a vision? Too much to think about now. She walked from Trevor’s room to the kitchen. She needed a stiff drink with a side order of Motrin.

BOOK: An Alpha's Trust
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