Read A Tease - A Castle O Quickie Online

Authors: Faye Hunter

Tags: #erotic romance

A Tease - A Castle O Quickie (5 page)

BOOK: A Tease - A Castle O Quickie
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Looking back and forth between the two men, one she loved more than anything, the other her fantasy hero, she tried to wrap her head around this reality. That she could actually be with two amazing men at the same time.

Once again she wondered at Walker’s amazing ability to read her mind, but somewhere, under the rush of hormones flooding her body and fogging her brain, there was something nagging her. She tried to catch the thought, but it was hard to focus under the influence of so much need and desire, and the distraction caused by the very yummy eye-candy in front of her.

“You’re in charge. If you don’t want to do this, no one’s feelings will be hurt. And what happens will be completely up to you.” Walker turned, closing the door and locking the deadbolt. “We are completely private in here. No one can see what we are doing. What you want to do, and how far you wish to go, will be completely your choice.”

Roman nodded in agreement, and encouragement, at Walker’s words. “Absolutely sweetheart. I am here only to serve in whatever way you wish.”

Walker walked up, placing his finger under her chin so he could look into her eyes. “So, my beautiful. What would you like to do?”

Alyssa looked up at Walker. Shadows made the sharp planes of his face stand out in stark relief, his pale eyes intently focused. Suddenly her chest constricted as the nagging thought took over, blocking out everything else. “But are you sure this okay? I mean, won’t it hurt your feelings or something? I mean it’s kind of cheating.”

“Oh, gorgeous,” he said, as he took both her hands in his. “My love for you grows with every single beat of my heart. Just looking at you, knowing you love me back, makes me so damn happy. I am convinced the world must be crazy to give me the chance to love you.”

Walker took a deep breath. “But never, for one second, will I take you or your love for granted. I want you here with me because you love me and want to be at my side. Not because of a sense of duty or, heaven forbid, due to routine.”

“But I do love you, so much. I don’t want to jeopardize us.” Alyssa tapped her hand to her heart, then his.

Walker smiled. “Don’t you understand? The greatest gift you can give me is the knowledge that you can be with men like Roman, but it’s me you come home with every single time. Knowing that they are your playthings, something to bring you pleasure, but I am your forever. By choice, a choice that you get to make every single day. I want to be your love by choice, forever.”

“You have never been more damn sexy than in this moment. I love you so much.” Alyssa grabbed his shirt, pulling him against her, taking his mouth, devouring him. In that moment she knew with every cell in her body that she wanted to still be kissing this amazing man when she was old and gray.

But right now she had more immediate needs and desires that needed addressing. Desires that had been brought into sharp focus as Walker spoke, giving her the freedom to be herself, to feel and be true without shame or guilt.

Pulling back, Alyssa looked from Walker to Roman, who had watched the whole thing discreetly from beside the fireplace. His arm on the mantel, the light of the fire playing across his muscles, turning him into a piece of art. Hard, hot, statuesque sexy art that she wanted to shape and mold. Her mind burned, possessed with dirty, naughty thoughts. “Roman huh? Like a Roman god? How exceptionally appropriate,” she laughed, her voice deep and throaty as she rode on the wave of power that had overcome her.

Roman smiled, a predator’s smile accompanied by a humming growl as he watched her, his eyes narrowing as he took a step towards her.

“Well, Roman,” she took his hand before turning and taking Walker’s hand, “and Walker, I would love it if both of you would join me on the bed. See, I have this fantasy that involves two hunky men having their way with me.”

With a laugh she dropped their hands, slipped the robe from her shoulders and leapt onto the bed. “Come on boys. Time to play.”

Writhing on the soft bedding she looked up into the mirrored ceiling, admiring the bold, beautiful woman she saw reflected back at her. For the first time in her life she felt confident and amazing. It was so freeing to not feel the need to meet the spoken, and unspoken, expectations of those around her. To not move through life fearful of the judgments of others. In that moment, she didn’t give a damn what anyone thought, because she knew that the true her, the one without shields and protective walls, was loved completely and fully by an amazing man. One who would love her more, the more she loved herself.

The smile reflecting back at her in the mirror turned sensual and hungry as she watched two buff, naked male bodies climbing up beside her. As they started touching her, her eyes fluttered. Her voice husky with desire, “I’m ready. I want both of you. Now.”



Roman knelt between her knees, his fingers tracing a lazy pattern up the inside of her thighs, coaxing them apart. With a groan Alyssa spread her knees and was quickly rewarded as Roman buried his face in her pussy. Exploring. Hard and prodding then soft and sensual. His large fingers slipped inside her, spreading her, filling her. Alyssa glanced up through her fluttering eyelashes, in the mirror she could see Roman’s back muscles clenching and flexing as his mouth worked and his arm pumped his fingers in and out. Beside her Walker sat watching Roman with rapt attention, his face hungry, his large cock hard and standing at attention. Reaching out, Alyssa grasped Walker, pulling on his hard length. His hips shifted to give her better access as his head fell back, then snapped forward as he descended, taking one of her nipples between his teeth, nibbling and nipping. Alyssa’s toes curled, her hand on Walker moving faster, squeezing harder. Arching into Walker’s mouth as he devoured her breasts, she pushed down onto Roman’s exquisite mouth.

The first waves of pleasure came over her, subtle brushes of ecstasy that promised more. She wanted more. “Don’t be a tease. I need you inside me,” she said, her voice tight.

Walker paused, looking up at her. “Do you want me or Roman in you? No guilt, no judgments. This is all about you and your fantasy.”

Alyssa looked between the two faces. There was so much she wanted in that moment, how could she ever chose? She looked down at Walker’s delicious cock and knew exactly what she wanted. “I want you in my mouth, and Roman in my pussy.”

“Turn onto your stomach, beautiful.” Walker sat at the head of the bed, leaning back against the pillows, his lean, muscular legs stretched out. His length was standing tall, waving slightly. Alyssa did as she was told, scrambling on her knees between Walker’s legs, taking his cock in her hand, stroking it with her fingertips, teasing the head. She heard Roman rip open a condom, the bed shifting as he slid it into place and moved behind her.

Roman’s warm hands cupped either side of her eagerly presented ass, massaging in circles closer and closer to the center until he parted her. “You have an amazing rear, my dear.” Alyssa wanted to object, she knew her ass was far from perfect. She spent far too much time sitting on it, and not enough time exercising it, but all thoughts were pushed from her mind as he pushed his cock against her wet pussy.

He slipped the tip in, then paused. Alyssa took Walker in her mouth, sucking and pulling on him as she pushed back against Roman. His cock moved slowly, stretching her as he moved in a bit, then back out, in a bit more, then back a bit. His progress was torture, driving her mad with need. She took it out on Walker’s cock, causing him to growl in a primal way that drove her to the sharp edge.

Desperate with a need to be filled, Alyssa bucked, slamming her hips back into Roman, taking him all the way. Taking what she wanted. Then she sucked hard, pulling Walker to the back of her throat. As she continued to buck, Roman matched her every movement, slamming into her, filling her. The harder she bucked, the harder her he pounded. Her nipples rubbed against the bedding as she moved, hardening them, overloading her sensitive skin with even more sensation.

Then she fell, spinning spectacularly over the edge as the first wave of orgasm started gently, then hit her like a train. Convulsing, she reared back, pulling hard on Walker, then sliding back down, taking him deep into her throat. She could see nothing but bright light as her body took over, riding wave after wave that ripped through her body.

Walker started to convulse in her mouth, his hot liquid pulsing down her throat. Roman pounded faster, all sense of rhythm lost as the power of orgasm gained control.

Collapsing onto the bed, Alyssa’s mind went completely quiet. Nothing but the sweet tingling afterglow, and occasional shudder of an aftershock, to occupy her mind and body.

Walker slid down, stretching out beside her, then she felt Roman’s length stretched out on her other side.

They rested with only their breaths, ragged at first then eventually becoming whispers, breaking the silence.

Roman cleared his throat, “That was so fucking hot. You two are damn amazing.”

Alyssa turned to Roman, giving him a gentle kiss, her tongue slipping up and down his. Pulling back she looked into his perfect face. “Thank you for being part of my evening. You were wonderful.”

“I agree, thank you Roman, you were the perfect sidekick.” Walker said, smiling as he watched them in the mirrored ceiling, arms behind his head, legs stretched out, crossed at the ankle. Perfectly relaxed in his nakedness.

“It has been my pleasure. Alyssa, you are a talented, special woman. Walker is a lucky man. I can tell how much you love each other. You are a very beautiful couple.” He stood up, stretching his arms and showing off his heavily muscled torso. He slipped his pants on, throwing the rest of his clothes over his arm. “Tonight was fantastic, and if you ever need a third again, I would be honored. Good night.”

And with that he undid the deadbolt and slipped out the door. Closing the door with a gentle click behind him.

Alyssa sighed, snuggling up beside Walker, her head on his chest, listening to the subtle thud-thud of his heart as she looked into his eyes through the reflection in the mirror. She smiled, giggling quietly as she noticed her skin was still flushed, and her blond hair spread out like a wild, tangled mane around her face.

“That’s a pretty gorgeous man and woman. Although she could use a comb,” she flirted, sticking her tongue out.

“I was just thinking the same thing. I have wanted you to see how beautiful you are for so long. But you were always so caught up in your beautiful art, creating masterpieces like that sculpture in the hall, that you missed your greatest masterpiece. Yourself.”

Alyssa felt goose-pimples raise along her arms. No one had ever called her art a masterpiece. And definitely no one had ever considered
a masterpiece. She turned, her hair falling in stringy, silky strands that brushed against his chest. She folded her hands over his heart then rested her chin on her hands. “How is it that you can keep making me love you more and more as this evening goes on?”

Walker reached up, catching a strand of her hair and tucking it behind her ear. “My life’s work, that I am dedicating myself to for as long as you will allow me, will be to make you feel like the strong, passionate, beautiful, talented, special woman that you are, every single day. I hope you will let me continue my work for the rest of our lives. If you’ll have me.”

Alyssa raised an eyebrow, looking at Walker, her stomach tightening. “Are you proposing?”

“I don’t need the piece of paper to make my commitment real. If you want it, we can definitely do the big wedding and make things official. But I am saying that I am yours. Completely. For as long as you’ll have me, I want to make you the happiest woman on earth. What do you want?”

Her eyes flickered around the playroom as her mind raced. Did she really want to settle down? Get married? Well, every girl did, didn’t they? But now? But then that wasn’t what Walker said. He said he was devoting himself to her, to them. The paper was only if she wanted it. Looking down she stared into his soft grey eyes, and her mind stopped racing. Reaching up, she brushed his dark hair from his forehead, then leaned in, stopping a breath away from his lips.

“From this moment forward I devote myself to you, to us. I love you more than anything. And I want to grow old knowing that every day we loved each other just a little bit more. I want to become an old woman, with a heart and life overflowing with love because of you. You will always, and forever, be my first, and my last, love.” She touched her lips to his. Gentle, sharing, caressing.

“Do you want the wedding?”

“No. Not yet. It’s a piece of paper. It’s the intentions behind the paper that are important, the paper is just paper. Maybe one day, it might be nice to have, but not now. For now I just want to learn more about us and this new woman we have created. I think she might be pretty darn cool and worth figuring out,” she said with a smile.

Walker reached out, capturing her wrist, turning it over so he could stroke the rose with the tip of his thumb. His touch sent shimmers of pleasure through her body. “I would love to get you another tattoo, if you want one.”

Alyssa smiled, flirting as she traced her own finger down his chest. “Oh, I have this idea for a stylized ‘O’ done as a ring. What do you think?”

“Sounds like the perfect way to commemorate our love and devotion, and an amazing evening. Perhaps we could get matching ones?” Walker wrapped his arm around her body, stroking his fingers up and down her spine. “I assume that means you want to come back to Castle O?”

“Oh, absolutely. Tonight was amazing! I have so many ideas for next time.”

Walker lifted a giggling Alyssa, laying her on top of him. She could feel he was ready to go again which made her giggle more. Taking her face in his hands, he pulled her close until they were nose to nose, his breath warm, voice deep with need as he spoke, “Oh gorgeous, tonight was just a tease. Just wait for what is to come.”




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BOOK: A Tease - A Castle O Quickie
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