Read A Tease - A Castle O Quickie Online

Authors: Faye Hunter

Tags: #erotic romance

A Tease - A Castle O Quickie (4 page)

BOOK: A Tease - A Castle O Quickie
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Kali whispered against her lips, “Can the girls undress you?”

Alyssa felt all her nerves ignite as each touch sent an electrical current racing through her body.

She wanted more. She needed more. Taking a quick breath, she nodded.

Instantly her shoes popped off her feet, then Kali pulled her up into a sitting position, slipping her dress over her head.

For a moment Alyssa was worried that her hair was messed up and then she realized the entire audience had gathered around the stage. They were not looking at her hair. They were staring hungrily at her in her underwear, many couples in the audience watching her as they touched each other. A woman with short cropped dark hair stood in front of her man, grinding against him as his hands explored her breasts, his mouth tasting her neck. Another threesome watched, their eyes never leaving her as the two women stroked the man, their hands slipping under his clothes, exploring his chest and straining bulge. They were sensually rubbing their bodies against him, as he stood with his hands on their shoulders, bracing himself for their explorations. Yet, not once did they look away from the stage.

Alyssa’s whole body seared with heat. Setting her nerve endings aflame like a wildfire. That she could be a turn-on for someone else, that she could be their fantasy, was the greatest aphrodisiac. Walker stood, front and center, watching her, eyes hungry, his pants straining. Always her protector. She locked eyes with him. His mouth pulled up, all heat, need and desire, that encouraged her, begged her, to go on.

Feeling invincible and incredibly desirable, she reached behind her back, undid her bra, and threw it to Walker who deftly caught it with a snap of his hand. The crowd cheered and whistled, feet stomping. With a quick dart of her tongue across her lip, she watched as Walker’s pants became even tighter. She bit her lip, letting herself fall back, pulling one of the women towards her, a stunning brunette with curly hair that accentuated large blue eyes. Leaning in, the brunette came close and laid her lips on Alyssa’s. Hungry for more, Alyssa laced her fingers through the brunette hair, pulling her in, taking the soft, plump candy-flavored lips, then pushing past them. Exploring the lusciousness of her mouth.

Fingers touched and caressed, pinched and teased. Her feet, her legs, her breasts. She felt a tug as someone pulled off her wet panties, exposing her completely.

On her breasts, mouths worshiped her nipples, wetting them, then blowing until they became tight and hard. Then moist, strong, pulsing tongues returned, hungry. Hands cupped the soft under-swells, stroking, caressing, until her back arched, begging for more.

Someone massaged her foot. She had never had a foot massage before, and definitely had never been touched like this. As the woman touched, it was as if parts of her foot were directly linked to her wet and aching pussy. Each touch started her gasping, clenching, becoming wetter and wetter. The touches to her foot were like sexual magic, driving her so fast to the edge she wanted to throw herself over. Sensing she was near the edge, the foot massage stopped. Dragging her along the edge, but not letting her go over.

Delicate fingers brushed along her quivering thighs. Separating her legs as they moved higher and higher. She pulled her legs apart, feeling the cool air on her wet, exposed, delicate flesh. Her belly, taut with expectation, was stroked and teased, lower and lower into the sensitive line from her hips to the point of her triangle. Fingers traced the lines, but never quite touched where she wanted to be touched. She lifted her hips, begging for more. She needed to go over the edge. To fall into the abyss. Her body pulsed and shuddered with need.

Perfumes and musk thickened the air as Alyssa gasped for breath, her fingers clawing through silky strands of long hair that tickled her sensitive skin as their owners stopped and moved away.

Alyssa tried to sit up. “No, don’t stop!”



Kali’s soft hand with its talon-like nails pressed down on her chest. “Oh, don’t worry beautiful, it’s not over yet, but I need to know, is it okay if I use my mouth and fingers on you, or would you prefer to have Walker?”

Her insides clenched at Kali’s words. At the thought of this gorgeous woman’s tongue and fingers down there. Licking, exploring, teasing, penetrating. Licking her lips, unable to get enough air as she felt herself teetering on the edge, Alyssa nodded. Taking Kali’s face in her hand, she stroked her cheek then gently guided Kali between her legs. Alyssa spread her thighs wide, without shame before the crowd of onlookers that had become nothing but background noise in this new reality.

“Is it okay if the girls keep touching?” Kali asked, her smile laced with heat and desire.

“Yes, please. I need to be touched.”

Like magnets the girls immediately gathered around her, resuming their exploration of her skin and curves. Their touches teased and taunted Alyssa, but now she knew what she wanted, and her focus was on Kali who was settling herself at the end of the bed between Alyssa’s legs.

Kali’s dark eyes locked with Alyssa’s. With a small nod she silently asked if Alyssa was still sure. In response Alyssa lifted her hips, begging.

Without looking away from her eyes, Kali moved in, her lush mouth closing over Alyssa’s sex. Using her fingers, nails digging in gently, Kali opened Alyssa, revealing her swollen clitoris. The first touch of her tongue was gentle, but as Alyssa wriggled Kali’s tongue moved quickly, firmly. Sliding up and down, she lapped up Alyssa’s juices. With her other hand Kali slipped two fingers inside Alyssa’s tight, wet sex, pushing and exploring, filling Alyssa up. Unable to bear it, Alyssa threw her head back, arching her back and pushing down onto Kali’s mouth and fingers. Other hands pinched and stroked, faster, harder.

When Alyssa fell over the edge, her cries and quick breaths built into a primal scream that echoed through the room adorned with naughty fairies and cherubs. Bright lights flashed before her eyes, as every muscle in her body tightened, spasms and explosions rocked her body.

Once her breathing returned to normal Alyssa let her eyes flutter open, taking in the suddenly silent room. Walker and Kali sat on either side of her head, the girls gathered behind them. As one they started clapping and cheering, as the room exploded with noise.

Smiling, Alyssa sat up with Kali and Walker’s help. When she saw all the faces staring at her she flushed with heat. How could she do that in front of all these people? Who was this brazen, bold woman that had possessed her body?

But she squashed the feeling as she took in the smiles and joy on everyone’s faces. She let their encouragement fill her, lifting her up until she felt brave enough to stand tall and take a little bow to the accompaniment of more whistles and cheers. She felt like a Greek goddess standing naked before the room full of people. A beautiful, strong, free goddess.

Taking her hand Kali lifted it into the air. “I believe I can speak for all of us when I say thank you to Alyssa for making such a beautiful sculpture for Castle O. You truly embody the spirit of Castle O and I hope you and Walker will become regular visitors.”

More cheering as Alyssa nodded. Walker snaked an arm around her waist as he whispered in her ear. She turned her head slightly so her blond hair fell forward in a cascade of mussed up curls, masking her face as she tried to catch his words over the cheering. “Are you okay? Was it okay?”

Alyssa looked up at him, nibbling her lip as she nodded.

“You want more?”

Did she? Want more?

To her own surprise, her insides clenched deliciously at the idea of more.

“Yes,” the word was utter in a husky voice she didn’t recognize as she looked into Walker’s gorgeous eyes.

“Good, I have something planned. Come on.”

Alyssa’s legs felt wobbly and weak, the world a little too bright yet dark around the edges as waves of pleasure continued coursing through her body as she walked down the stairs of the stage. At the bottom Kent waited with a silky robe that he wrapped around her shoulders. The smooth material felt cool against her heated skin.

Kent moved in close, their faces a breath apart as he folded in half from his great height and brushed a kiss against the corner of her mouth, his large hands on her shoulders. “You are stunning. Welcome to the Castle O family.”

Straightening up again, he smiled, which Alyssa returned. The feeling of acceptance and belonging was overwhelming. This group of people wanted her for herself. Her lips quivering a bit, her breath still a little too shallow and quick, she said, “Thank you. It’s been amazing.”

Walker tightened the robe around her. “Oh, it’s not over yet, that was just a teaser. Follow me, gorgeous.”

Taking her hand they walked through the crowd, everyone smiling, many of them touching and caressing those around them. Obviously they had enjoyed the show and would be using it as inspiration for the rest of their evening.

They exited the Play Hall and turned left, moving down a door lined hallway. The ceilings arched over their heads, ornate moldings and soft colors setting off even more artwork. Normally Alyssa would have insisted they stop so she could appreciate the art, but her curiosity, and the ache between her legs, kept her bare feet padding down the cool marble floors.

For a moment she wanted to race back, suddenly realizing she didn’t have her shoes and clothes, but then she noticed her shoes dangling from Walker’s left hand, her clothes over his arm.

Trust him to take care of her, and everything else in their lives. She looked up at him, her love for him bubbling over. Not many men could fulfill their lover’s fantasies. Not the way Walker could. Today Walker was recreating fantasies that Alyssa had never told a soul, instead, keeping them hidden like naughty little treasures in her mind. She had never told anyone that she wanted to kiss a girl or that she dreamed of being on display for the pleasure of others. She had always been immensely shy. Preferring the quiet comfort of her art over the presence of people. Even though Walker had helped to free her of some of the pressures of her shyness, she still became skittish when sharing her sexual thoughts and fantasies. How Walker knew her secret thoughts, she had no clue, but the fact that he could be so in tune with her desires created a glittery ball of pleasure in her stomach that shimmered its way through her body, making her feel like hugging herself as she twirled her way down the hall.

Looking around she realized they were by themselves so she did just that. Moving away from Walker with a giggle she threw her arms around herself as she started twirling and spinning, laughing as her robe flew open. The wind of her twirls tickled its way around her naked body.

Laughing, a deep and sexy sound, Walker stepped into her spin, grabbing her around the waist and swinging her into a circle, her legs leaving the ground as he spun. She threw her head back, closing her eyes. She had never felt so free, so confident, so damn happy.

Kicking his leg out wide, Walker planted himself, stopping their twirls, letting her drop into his arms. Alyssa pressed her body into his chest, snuggling in, taking in the musky scent of his body wash. Walker nestled his nose into her hair, breathing in deeply before he spoke. “I love you so damn much. Do you have any idea how fucking hot you were back there?”

Tilting her head back, she eyed him coquettishly. “I love you too. So why don’t you show me. The girls were amazing but I want you inside me.”

Walker stroked a finger down her cheek. She turned, pulling it into her mouth, sucking. He groaned, settling backwards into the wall for support, his eyes hungry as he watched her mouth. Licking his own lips.

When he spoke his voice was nothing more than a gravelly whisper. “I, um, yeah, so good. Come. Gift. Now.”

As he started walking she laughed staying latched onto his finger, suckling it as he moved towards one of the many tall doors that lined the ornate hallway.



Turning the doorknob he backed into the room, pulling Alyssa along like a feisty puppy on a tug toy. He stepped to the side, giving Alyssa a view of the room. She stopped abruptly, staring. Her mouth released his finger with a

They were in one of the infamous Castle O private playrooms.

During her time at the Castle working with the models, she had overheard them talk about the opulent rooms, but she had never seen one herself.

Now she stared past Walker with curiosity… and anticipation.

Unlike the massive rooms she had come to know at Castle O, the playroom was much smaller. The size of a large bedroom. The center of the room was filled with a stately, dark mahogany four-post bed. It was covered in sumptuous dark blue velvet and silk bedding. To the side was a large stone fireplace flanked by two throne-like chairs. Their arms were elaborately carved from matching mahogany wood, the seats and backs plush, in shimmering dark gray brocade.

Sitting in one of the chairs was her Adonis, looking as smoking hot as the fire in the fireplace. He had removed his tuxedo jacket, and the bright white starched shirt hung open, revealing an exquisitely chiseled torso. The sleeves of the shirt had been rolled up revealing hard, veined forearms. His feet were bare and in his hand he held a glass of champagne. When she looked into his dark eyes, they crinkled up in the corners as he smiled. Standing, he walked over and took Alyssa’s hand. Turning it in his large hand he bowed forward, brushing a kiss onto the palm. Straightening, he gently placed the champagne flute in her hand.

Alyssa’s breath caught, she felt herself flush, her exposed nipples suddenly rock hard, her insides clenching with desire. The way the Adonis was looking at her, made her feel like a sex kitten from one of those old pin up posters. Any idea of covering up or being shy flew from her mind. Lifting the champagne glass she took a sip as she turned to Walker, her eyes bright and questioning.

“Alyssa, I believe you remember Roman from earlier this evening?” Alyssa nodded. “I noticed a certain look in your eye and thought perhaps you would enjoy some special time with him. And myself, of course, if you would like me here.” Walker added with a lusty laugh.

BOOK: A Tease - A Castle O Quickie
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