Untamed: An Alpha's Promise (Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Romance)

BOOK: Untamed: An Alpha's Promise (Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Romance)
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This is a work of fiction. Any names, characters, places, events, and incidents are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons--living or dead--is entirely coincidental.


Untamed: An Alpha's Promise copyright @ 2013 by Evelyn Glass. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.


Untamed: An Alpha's Promise is Part 2 and sequel to
Untamed: An Alpha's Touch
of the Untamed series published by E-Book Publishing World. To get the latest news on Part 3, be sure to follow author Evelyn Glass on Twitter at






It was the same in every dream. They were running, always running.


Howls echoed through the trees, and instinctively her hackles raised and her teeth clenched together. Her frozen breath chuffed in the darkness in tiny puffs of mist, mingling with his. As long as she could still hear him and feel him next to her, she knew she was safe. But the enemies were out there, ready to take her down if she couldn’t keep up. They had come for the Alpha, but she was the easier kill.


Her Mate growled low in his throat and slowed his pace, edging slightly ahead of her to protect her with his powerful form. The first time he did it she stepped nimbly around him, but when she did it again he blocked her outright from the path. She whined at him and tried to edge past, but he nipped at her and stopped her in her tracks. And she realized why - they were not alone.


Their enemies were closer than she had realized, closer than their echoing howls in the surrounding forest had suggested. She heard and saw nothing, but she trusted her Mate’s instincts. She knew his behavior in the face of imminent danger. He was poised and alert, waiting for the strike, the ridge of fur on his back raised, his ears alert.


The black wolf appeared from between the trees just a few hundred yards ahead, his yellow eyes glittering in the moonlight as he stepped onto their path. In a flash, her Mate left her side, running at full speed to challenge the larger wolf. Their bodies collided in a sickening thud, and she heard the snarls and the ferocious snapping of their teeth as they became a blur of fur and fangs in the snow.


The black wolf’s Mate crouched back, her head lowered, as if ready to leap into the fray at a moment’s notice. The white wolf was smaller than the two males but known to be quick, vicious, and merciless. She took her eyes from the action only once, to issue a sharp warning bark to another pack member who was obscured by the pines.


Three against two, outnumbered and outweighed. She and the white wolf locked eyes across the writhing bodies of their Mates. The white wolf’s cold eyes gazed back at hers without a hint of fear. She sat so still that she nearly blended with the snow. In the moonlight her eyes took on an eerie glow.


She could not stop the whine that escaped her when the white wolf yelped again to the hidden ally and she heard his deep returning bark from the undergrowth. They were coming for her. She had no one to protect her or the life inside her. Blood sprayed from one of the fighting wolves and she crouched low, frozen in terror. Her only thought was to safeguard the vulnerable new life inside her at any cost, even if that meant leaving her Mate behind. He would want her to protect herself.


And then the third enemy wolf came out from his hiding place. He moved beside the white wolf and licked her muzzle in a sign of submission. There was barely time to register the russet fur and black-tipped ears before a gust of wind engulfed them all in a blinding cloud of powdered snow.




Charmaine Vella woke with a start and bumped squarely into the heated, muscular form of the man beside her. For a moment she forgot her nightmare and allowed herself to revel in the thrill of waking up next to Parker.
, she thought, curling herself up against him.
Let me lie here with him for just a second and enjoy this
. She breathed in his familiar spicy scent, musk and pine and wind, sharpened just a bit with the tang of last night’s sweaty romp. Her stomach flip-flopped with luscious memories of the night before; of the way he had made her beg for him and then taken her until she begged him to stop.


With a soft rumble he registered that she was awake and his hand drifted over her curves. Skillful fingers that knew just how to touch her began their exploration of her body, lazily trailing down her back and across the curve of her hip, over the plump swell of her ass. Her breath quickened from his touch.
My God, this man.


“Parker!” she groaned, “You know I have that meeting this morning…” But she couldn’t bring herself to pull away as he awakened her with tempting strokes, capturing her tender nipples between his fingertips and pinching just firmly enough to make the blood rush everywhere.
Yes, yes, more of that…
She arched into him and gasped from the sensation of his fingers on her flesh.


“Still sore from last night?” he murmured into her shoulder blade, his stubble rasping against her skin. The butterflies in her stomach released all at once and she felt the telltale flush of heat between her thighs as he kissed her shoulder and nuzzled her back.


“Mmhmm…” Charmaine sighed, every cell in her body humming. His fingers found their way to the warmth between her thighs and he cupped her mound as if to reaffirm his possession of her sex before teasing her slick entrance with gentle fingers. Barely brushing against the swollen bud of her clit, he groaned to feel it plumping with his touch. “The meeting, Parker…” she protested weakly as she willed herself to pull out of his embrace.


But then he began nibbling that certain spot on the back of her neck, and she felt his insistent morning erection pressing into her buttocks. Between her thighs she was slick and lush, lubricious and hot where his fingers danced against her. She covered his fingers with her own, trying to stop him, but within seconds she gave up and just enjoyed the way they fluttered across her sensitive clit before dipping into her.


“I love how wet you get for me…” he murmured against her neck, his teeth grazing that nerve again. Charmaine shuddered against him.


Oh, God, I can’t—


“Come on,” he teased. “You’d risk death for me but not the wrath of your brother? Stay in bed, let me touch you for just a little bit…” That adorable growling sound he made when he was really aroused rumbled in his throat as his hands skimmed her body, and her stomach flip-flopped.
Mmm, maybe just another minute…


His cock nudged between her thighs and she shuddered as it slipped against her wet heat, buried between her folds but still just outside of her, moving in a slow rhythm that sent little shocks up her spine. His lips found the nape of her neck and hovered against it. Warm, ragged breath traced her hairline.


I need to feel him inside me again. Now.


And then Parker turned her face to his and captured her mouth, slipping into her as easily as breathing, filling her with exquisite slowness and holding her still until she quivered with the need for him to move in her.


Not a chance in hell of getting out of this bed…




Half an hour later, the hot water caressed her exhausted muscles as she soaped the memory of their morning lovemaking off her skin. She sighed happily, grateful for the long drive into town that would help her refocus her mind on the business at hand. It had been hard to leave Parker in all his naked, sweaty glory, but Charmaine really couldn’t be late, not today.


She smiled dreamily as she twisted her locks in the towel, remembering that day in the hospital when they’d met. He’d loomed in the hallway, six feet of sexy, green eyes blazing, and just moments after he’d threatened to kill her if he had to, he wound up pulling her into his arms and out of harm’s way. The moment he touched her, she
. They’d pulled apart in shock and she’d realized where she had seen those sea-glass eyes, heard that voice breathing her name. He was the wolf from her vision, the man whose destiny was entwined with her own, and he recognized her as the woman from his own dreams. It was pack legend she’d never believed in until that day in the hospital: fated Mates.


Her memory danced with recollections - his eyes hazy with lust, and his words in the hospital garden, like a promise:
I don’t think I can just kiss you.
Everything she’d ever believed about love, marriage, and Mates was turned upside, and she was amazed and confused before she finally understood:
Oh, this is what all the fuss is about…


She and Parker had both wanted to be responsible and stay away from each other, to honor the treaty between their rival packs which strictly forbade their relationship. But what difference did the law make in the face of love? Who cared about ancient territory lines and old grudges when they were meant to be Mates?


As she padded back into the bedroom with her towel wrapped tightly around her, she gazed at him, sprawled across the bed and stilled by post-coital slumber. His strong jaw was covered by an extra day’s worth of growth that her fingers fondly remembered rasping against her skin. Dark lashes shuttered closed, covering those incredible eyes, a singular shade of green. Even in sleep, his sensual mouth was relaxed and kissable. He was the most incredible man she’d ever met, the only man she’d ever loved, and flawed though he was, he was pretty damned perfect.


Unfortunately, he was also forbidden.















Charmaine stomped on the gas pedal of the Jeep to make up the time she’d lost and glanced at the clock. She would make it, but just barely.
Please, please let there be no traffic in town,
she thought as the speedometer crept up along the flat, empty stretch of highway. She couldn’t be late, not this morning. It was already getting harder and harder to go to work and deal with her brother Christopher’s bullying without making things more difficult for herself by letting her pristine work ethic slip even a bit.


Even in his weakened condition, her father was in the office every day. Heart attack be damned; the company he’d built from the ground up was his baby, so he couldn’t stand not to be there. Charmaine had always thought she’d fill his shoes someday, but César Vella would retire as CEO of his company and pack Alpha long before she was ready to assume leadership. With several surgeries behind him and more ahead, it was unlikely that he would be at work longer than a few more months.


Her father’s recent heart attack had placed her in a difficult position. She needed some assurances for herself before he passed the torch, but time was running out. She’d known Kevin Tyndall--the Vella Pack Beta--all her life. After all, he was also her best friend Scottie’s father - but what she needed permission for was, well,
It was also unprecedented. Her father, in his position as Vella Pack Alpha, was the only person who could help her, and certainly the only one who would even consider it. She’d been holding off because of his illness, but she was afraid she’d miss her shot. She had to talk to him about it, and soon.


She and Parker could only sneak around for so long, and though their immediate families knew of their relationship, others in their respective packs couldn’t be counted on to let the violation slide. Their forbidden union was a convenient excuse for anyone on either side to initiate war. With precious territory on the line and old grudges fresh in the minds of some of the pack members, they couldn’t afford to be seen with each other. Even a hint of their relationship was dangerous - at least until they were officially recognized as Mates by the Council.


It all swirled in her head as she raced into work. She was breathless but on time, even managing to pour herself a cup of coffee before joining her father in the conference room. “Morning, Pop,” she murmured, kissing his pale cheek as she slid into her customary chair beside his. It was shocking to see how frail César was becoming. He seemed diminished even after just a weekend. He covered her hand with his and smiled lovingly at his only daughter.


“Morning, Sweetheart. We’ll start in a minute,” he began. Even his voice seemed smaller.


“Did you see my sales stats from last month?” She hoped it didn’t sound as eager as she felt, but the squeeze of his hand meant he’d registered her tone.


“You did well,” he conceded gruffly, which was high praise coming from her father, and she flushed with pride.


“You decided to join us, I see.” Her brother’s voice rang out from the doorway and she forced a smile as he sauntered into the conference room.


“Hello, Christopher.” She stood to greet him and he loomed over her a few extra seconds before leaning in to kiss her cheek.
Hmmm, what is he ready to gloat over?
Charmaine thought as his lips brushed the air next to her. Since childhood her oldest brother hadn’t shown her an ounce of kindness unless he wanted something in return. She couldn’t imagine she had anything he wanted from her these days, but somehow he always felt the need to make her feel about two inches tall - just like he was doing now.


“Has Pop told you the news?” He folded his arms over his chest and watched her face carefully for a reaction.


I’ll bite
. “No, is there news? Have I missed something?”


Christopher smirked. “Well, you didn’t miss it, per se… only senior management knows at the moment. I just thought maybe Pop might have been catching you up just now, since you’re always so interested in the company business.” He spoke as if her years of service to the company were some silly hobby or passing interest rather than her career. She’d put in her time since she was barely in high school and earned her position. He knew better than anyone besides her father how important the job was to her.


Condescending bastard
, she thought, but she kept her face stretched into a smile. “Nope, he hasn’t said a word. I’m guessing you’ll tell all of us at this meeting, though. Am I right?”


“Not this meeting,” he replied, carefully straightening his tie in the reflection of last year’s sales award plaque without even glancing in her direction. “But stay tuned.”


Charmaine resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Same old Christopher, always goading her. They have always had a strained relationship. When they were children, she had looked up to him, despite his complete lack of interest in her. After years of his sneering and scorn, she stopped attempting to impress him, but she never stopped trying to compete with him. Christopher had been furious to see her name plate moved above his on this year’s sales plaque. With him, every competition was personal, every other person’s victory was something he should never have lost. He was particularly insulted to lose to Charmaine - younger and female and therefore inherently inferior to himself.


And when he found out about Parker, he went ballistic. Never mind that he hadn’t even been alive when the old battles over territory waged and had no personal stake in the lingering hostilities; he acted as though the blood feud was his own and she’d deliberately chosen Parker as some way of defying him. His reaction stabbed at her even in memory:
You’ve been raised a princess, but instead of fulfilling the role you’ve decided to whore yourself to the enemy. If I had my way, you’d be out of this pack forever. Be Parker Kreuger’s whore, but be clear on one thing, sister: this pack doesn’t need you.


Christopher had made it quite clear that as long as she was with Parker, she was all but dead to him. At work he was forced to keep up the charade of a loving family, but Charmaine went to great lengths to avoid being anywhere near her brother alone. His words still rang in her ears sometimes at the strangest moments, reminding her that what she was doing, no matter how right it felt, was very wrong indeed in the eyes of pack law.


What do you expect?
She chastised herself. As the rising Alpha of the Kreuger pack, Parker was the sworn enemy of her family. The Vellas and the Kreugers had over a hundred and fifty years of history together, almost all of it adversarial and violent. Neighbors held at peace by a tenuous treaty that was only twenty years old, Charmaine and Parker’s fathers had worked hard to keep the fragile peace, but there were too many pack members on both sides for whom the rivalry would never be buried.


Getting others to accept their relationship, even if they were officially recognized as fated Mates, would be a continual battle. But acceptance was one thing; the law was another. They could be together if the treaty was renegotiated. If they did it the way she hoped, with her father’s support, she and Parker could come out gradually, in their own time.
No big deal, just two Lycans in love who happen to be from different packs
. She could keep her job at Vella, and things could carry on just as she wanted.
And I could get my happily-ever-after…


Her reverie was broken as the others filed in. Christopher uttered a terse greeting, looking pointedly at the clock before he called the meeting to order and directed the staff’s attention to the reports in front of them. As he droned on about the importance of the next fiscal quarter, there was no hint of any big announcement. So had he been bluffing? Or was there something more on the horizon? She studied her father, but César’s face was exhausted and closed.
What am I missing?
she thought.
What the hell is Christopher up to now?


Six months ago she would have fought tooth and nail to know every detail about the company and secure her place as its next CEO. Now her greatest priority was convincing her father to run interference with the Council and get the restrictions of the treaty lifted. Otherwise, her relationship with Parker would have to remain a secret from their respective packs. Without the revision of the treaty, they would never be able to freely be together, not unless she did the unthinkable: give up her Vella name, her pack identity, the life she loved and everyone in it, and step across enemy lines.


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