100 Perks of Having Cancer: Plus 100 Health Tips for Surviving It (109 page)

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Authors: Florence Strang

Tags: #Health; Fitness & Dieting, #Diseases & Physical Ailments, #Internal Medicine, #Oncology, #Cancer, #Medicine & Health Sciences, #Clinical, #Medical Books, #Alternative Medicine, #Medicine

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Peanuts, 286

Prayers, 48, 94–95, 127–129,

249, 273, 288, 292, 294–295,

Pecans, 286


333–334, 381–382

Pedicures, 20–23

intercessory, 128, 187

children, 25–27, 249, 294,

Pepita Brittle, 155, 158

Premarin, 11


Seeds, pumpkin.

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS),

parents, 170–171, 294–295

Peppermint, 75


siblings, 223–224, 243, 288,

Perfluorinated compounds

Preparation H, 77

294–295, 316

(PFCs), 104

Present, living in, 337–338,

social, 80, 109, 145, 146,

Perfluorooctanic acids (PFOAs),

367, 401–402, 407, 432

259–260, 358–359, 339


Preservatives, chemical, 181–

Research studies, 415–417

Personal care products, 181–183,

182, 184–185

Resentment, 257

184, 431

Prostate, 150, 154, 286

Residences, 169

Personality, 339

Protein, 31, 39–40, 99, 123,

Respiratory ailments, 239

Pesticides, 378

142, 154, 267, 325, 350,

Resveratrol, 265, 281

Pets, 130–131, 146

384, 387–389

Rice, 172, 350

Phobias, 208

powders, 40, 385–386

Richards, Ann, 173

Phosphorus, 268, 275

Psychic’s Bible
(Struthers), 282

Riding gunshot, 122

Phthalates, 23


Running, 332

Phytoestrogens, 384

ogy (PNI) system, 258–259

Rutledge, Rob, 364

Phytosterols, 154

Psychoneuroimmunology, 180

Rye, 350

Pine nuts, 286

Public speaking, 373

Pistachios, 285

Pumice stones, 21, 22

Saints, 94–95

Plans, survival, 429–432,

Pumpkins, 305–306

Salads, 157–159


Salicylic acid, 88

Plants, 102

Quercetin, 88


Plastics, 174–176, 303, 431

Quinoa, 267–269, 350

Dead Sea, 237

Polycarbonates, 174, 176

Fleur de Sel de Camargue

Polyphenols, 265, 293

Radiation, 71, 98, 224–228,

French Sea, 238

Polysaccharide krestin (PSK),

236, 239–240

Himalayan Pink, 237–238

96, 281

measuring, 225

Kosher, 238

Pomace, 57

types of, 224–225

sea, 235, 236

Popcorn, 103–104

Radiation Risk Calculator, 226

table, 235, 236–237, 271



Santa Claus, 317

Smoke, secondhand, 403, 404

Standley, Loretta J., 312

Scotch Natural nail polishes, 23

Smoking, 178, 228, 317, 362,

Starches, 172

Seaweed, 236


Stevia, 248

Seeds, 29–31, 158, 166, 167

quitting, 405

Strang, Florence, 5, 9, 79, 130,

chia, 30, 51, 53, 158

Smoking point (oils), 57

156, 168, 205, 214, 223,

flax, 29–30, 51

Snacks, 155, 287, 289–291,

249, 364, 377, 428

hemp, 31, 53


Strang, Lew, 170

pumpkin, 153–155

Soap, 334–335

Strang, Madeline, 170

vegetable, 53

castile, 85, 335–336

Strength, inner, 54, 360

Seidler, David, 240


Stress and stress management,

Selenium, 98, 285

Socks, 331

80, 106, 107, 109, 118, 120,

Self, 282, 283, 320, 360

Soda water, 299

131, 141, 146, 162–163,

Self-esteem/love, 73, 146, 279,

Sodium laureth sulfate, 183

215–218, 240, 258–261,

320, 333, 407, 410–411

Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS),

264–265, 341, 358, 360,

Self-exams, 431, 433–434


366, 381

Self-healing, 199–200, 257–258

Sorghum, 351

Strontium, 363, 431

Self-tanners, 221

Soups, 64–65, 307–308

Struthers, Jane, 282

Seventh Generation (company),

Soy, 40, 384–390

Sugar, 172, 244–248, 302, 333


cancer recurrence and, 385,

Suggestion, power of, 311–314

Sexual activity, 10, 355


Sulforaphane, 420

Shopping, 148, 153, 328–329

fermented, 386, 389

Sulfunic acid, 393

Christmas, 141

hydrolyzed, 386

Sun protection factor.

Siblings, 223–224, 243, 288,

isolates, 385

Sunglasses, 222

294–295, 316

processed, 385–387, 389,

Sunlight, 168, 219–222, 275,

Sick leave, 32



Siegel, Bernie, 48, 134, 180,

supplements, 386, 389

Sunscreen, 219–222

200, 260, 333

Soy sauce, 390

Support systems, 6, 57–61, 274,

Sigmoidoscopy, 149–150

Speaking up, 106

288, 292, 359

Silent Spring
(Carson), 17

Specific absorption rate (SAR),

Internet, 61, 359

Simply Scrumptious Granola,


Surgery, recovery from, 131, 169


Speltz, Ann, 27

Survival rates, 178, 214, 401

Skills for Healing retreat,

SPF, 221

Survivor events, 383


Spiegel, David, 358–359

Survivors, 428–429, 433–434

Skin, 293

Spinach, 72

as a group, 383, 418–419

care, 111–115, 237, 411–413

Spirituality, 107, 215, 406–408,

Sustainability, environmental,

irritants, 84, 85, 183, 402



Skin Cancer Foundation, 276

Squash, 374–376

Sweet potatoes, 171

Sleep, 11, 135–137, 317, 354,

St. Michael of the Saints, 94

Sweeteners, 244–248


St. Peregrine, 94

Swimming, 115

cycles, 370–371

Stand Up 2 Cancer, 246–247,

Sleep apnea, 369

418, 419

T-shirts, 383

Smiles, 109–110

Standing, 161–162, 317

Tamoxifen, 38, 353


100 Perks of Having Cancer

Tanning beds, 221

Vacations, 168–169

distilled, 299

Taste buds, 402

Vegan Chocolate Beetroot

filtered, 296–297, 303


Cupcakes, 201–204

mineral, 300

dandelion root, 46

Vegetables, 51, 52, 157–158,

pharmaceuticals in, 297

peppermint, 75

349–350, 399

purified, 298–299

turmeric, 255

cruciferous, 194, 280,

spring, 299–300

Teenagers, involvement in lives


tap, 296–297

of, 144

greens, 157–158, 192

vitamin-type, 302

Teff, 351

washing/peeling, 379

well, 301–302

Teflon, 424–425

Virtue, Doreen, 283

Water bottles, 298, 303

Telomeres, 52

Visualization, 76, 240, 407

Waxing, 37

Terman, lewis, 338

Vitamin A, 45, 171, 194, 306,

Weight, 36, 123, 348, 355

Thiamine, 285

346, 374–375

Wheat, 351

Thompson, Craig, 246, 247

Vitamin B-complex, 98, 350

When a Parent Has Cancer

Thyroid, 83, 235, 285, 355

Vitamin B6, 372

(Harpham), 27

Time, marking of, 309–322

Vitamin C, 72, 113, 194, 202,

When the Body Says No

Titanium dioxide, 220


258, 261

Toilet flushing, 121

Vitamin D, 241, 274–278, 361

White Sauce, 421, 422

Toluene, 23

Vitamin E, 52–53, 58, 306

Whole Grains Council, 351

Tomatoes, 158, 176

Vitamin K, 45, 47, 277, 285

Wholemega (supplement), 53

Toxins, environmental, 67, 178

Vitamins, 277

Wine, 262, 265

Trainers, personal, 36

megadoses, 241

Winfrey, Oprah, 325–327

Trees, 169

multi-, 240–242, 277

Workouts, at-home, 34

Triclosan, 83

Volunteering, 80–81, 359

Worries and worrying, 27,

Trihalometyhanes (THMs), 163

Votatile organic compounds

319–320, 337–339

Triticale, 351

(VOC), 84

Tryptophan, 137, 154

Vulvovaginal atrophy (VVA), 12

Xylitol, 248

Tuna, 166

Vulvovaginal atrophy

Turmeric, 254–256, 306


Yacon syrup, 248

Year My Mother Was Bald, The

U.S. Environmental Protection

Walker, Timothy, 364

(Speltz), 27

Agency (EPA), 83, 104, 163,

Walking, 34, 250–252, 317

Yellow (color), 102

296, 378

Walnuts, 51, 158, 284

Yoga, 215

U.S. Food and Drug

Water, 118, 119, 163–164,

You Can Heal Your Life

Administration (FDA), 296

295–303, 318, 321, 404

180, 257

Ultrasounds, 226

artesian, 301

UVA (ultraviolet A) rays, 220

bottled, 298, 303

Zeaxanthin, 280

UVB (ultraviolet B) rays, 221

coconut, 302–303

Zinc, 154

About the Authors

Florence Strang, B.A., B.Ed., M.Ed.,
is a regis-

tered psychologist with more than twenty years

of experience in the fields of education and

psychology. After being diagnosed with stage-3

breast cancer, she began to blog “The Perks of

Having Cancer,” as a way to help her stay positive

through difficult cancer treatments. Her story

is told in
Woman’s World Magazine
(April 2012)

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