100 Perks of Having Cancer: Plus 100 Health Tips for Surviving It (101 page)

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Authors: Florence Strang

Tags: #Health; Fitness & Dieting, #Diseases & Physical Ailments, #Internal Medicine, #Oncology, #Cancer, #Medicine & Health Sciences, #Clinical, #Medical Books, #Alternative Medicine, #Medicine

BOOK: 100 Perks of Having Cancer: Plus 100 Health Tips for Surviving It
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have a choice in getting cancer, but you do have a choice in the attitude you

bring to it. When you use all of the resources within and around you to give

the best fight you possibly can to beat this disease, then you are living your

life as a survivor. When you continue to take on new challenges, set new

goals for yourself, and attempt to fulfill lifelong dreams to the best of your

ability, you are a survivor. Living with a survivor’s attitude does not neces-

sarily mean that you will outlive the cancer, but it will give you the best

chances of doing so. It will also ensure that you make the most of whatever

time you have left on this earth, whether that be four months or forty-four

years. The way I see it, cancer may one day take my body, but it will never

take my spirit. I AM A SURVIVOR!

Repeat after me: I AM A SURVIVOR!


Make a Survival Plan (Hmm . . . Better Use a Pencil)

Plan ahead or find trouble on the doorstep.


The best laid plans of mice and men often go astray.


(Burns said this after he accidentally mowed over a

perfect mouse’s nest in a field.)


100 Perks of Having Cancer

would love to hear these two great thinkers debate their points. While it

may sound like conflicting pieces of wisdom, the fact is, they are both

correct. Plans are necessary whether you are building a house or going out

to dinner with friends. But trees fall on almost-finished houses, and baby-

sitters cancel at the last minute. Therefore, it is necessary to make plans but

be prepared to change them.

I feel justified in adding my own quote:

Over time, you will change your plans, but your plans,

when followed, will ultimately change you.


I found “Susan’s Survival Plan,” dated 2006, in the documents section

of my computer. I wrote it just after I finished chemo. It included:

Exercise at least 45 minutes, 5 times a week

Vegetarian diet, no hydrogenated oils.

Selenium supplement daily (someone in the waiting room told me this).

Look into beginning osteoporosis prevention medication (was I really

looking for MORE medication?).

Daily breast (chest wall) and lymph node self-exams (paranoid, ya


Use paraben-free soap.

This plan, which sounded great to me at the time, obviously had its

flaws. As I learned and researched and spoke to other experts in the field,

I’ve changed some things. This part of my survival plan now looks some-

thing like this:

Exercise 4 to 5 hours a week (I break it up for convenience).

99% plant-based diet (no meat, dairy, eggs, processed, or artificial any-

thing. Organic when possible. . . . I still like wild salmon one or two times

a month).

Perk #100: I Am a Survivor!


Take omega-3 in the form of chia seeds or supplements, vitamin D, aci-

dophilus, shiitake, maitake, and reishi mushroom supplements, and cur-

cumin supplements daily.

Take plant-based calcium and strontium when I can, for bones.

Monthly chest wall and lymph node self-exams.

Ultimate goal to eliminate all harmful synthetic chemicals from any

personal-care product that I use.

Eliminate exposure to plastics whenever possible.

Include meditation and mindful breathing in my daily routine.

There are dozens of other things on “the plan” as I continue to gather

information from reliable sources. My survival plan is evolving, and so am

I. In fact, even in the course of writing this book, I’ve made changes.

If you are faced with a health crisis of any kind, making a plan can be

very empowering. I called mine a “survival plan,” but you might be more

comfortable with the term
recovery plan
healing plan
. The point is, you are

taking charge of your health. There is no “one size fits all” when it comes

to “surviving” cancer. While there are general things like healthy diet and

exercise that are an important component of any good health plan, how you

choose to implement the plan must fit with your lifestyle and philosophy.

No matter where you are in your cancer journey, and no matter what

stage, think about these three areas of your life and make a plan that you

can follow.


Consider what you are putting in and on your body. How can you make

your body stronger and more immune resistant? What healthy physical

changes (such as diet, exercise, taking supplements, avoiding toxins, and so

on) can you make today without sacrificing your happiness? (And how do

you know you
be happy with a change?)


100 Perks of Having Cancer


Are you fully aware of the mind-body connection? What practices, such as

positive thinking, visualization, affirmations, and others can you include in

your daily life that will enhance its power to help you heal, not only your

body, but your mind as well?


Are you practicing exercises to build your spiritual muscle? Prayer, medita-

tion, practicing gratitude, being with others, and spending time in nature

are all good spiritual exercises. Are you surrounding yourself with those who

are positive, loving, and respectful of you? Are you engaging in activities

that maximize your joy?

Your survival plan is a reminder that you are working toward an ulti-

mate goal of living a full, rewarding, healthy, and happy life, no matter

what your diagnosis or prognosis. So grab yourself a pencil, and make sure

it has a big eraser!

You are not helpless in giving your body and mind

what they need to be healthy and resist illness. Get

your information, make your plan, and start living.


Cancer Plan 4 Life

ongratulations on reading this book and empowering yourself with the

tools you need to live your life as a survivor! Remember, being a survivor

is not about the presence or absence of cancer cells in your body. It is all

about attitude. When you use all of the resources within you and around

you to give the fight of your life to survive cancer, to prolong your life, or

to prevent a reoccurrence, then you ARE a survivor.

We believe that the key to cancer prevention and cancer survivorship lies

in making healthy lifestyle choices. In this book, you have been presented

with literally hundreds of healthy living tips for body, mind, and spirit. The

vast majority of these tips deal with improving the health of the body

through proper nutrition, exercise, and taking supplements as needed. How-

ever, we believe that true health is only possible when you also address your

emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. Affirmations, prayer, medita-

tion, and forgiveness exercises are some of the tools talked about in this

book to help you achieve a state of balance and peace.

If you have not already done so, now is the time to make your Survival

Plan. We do not expect that you adopt every practice in this book. Take what

resonates with you and leave the rest. As your plan evolves, you will find

yourself coming back to this book as you move closer and closer to your

goal of achieving optimal health.

Some people are very self-motivated, and they will take their plan and

run with it! Others may need a little more guidance and structure on their

I 433 J


100 Perks of Having Cancer

journey to optimal health. It is for those people that we have created a life

transforming four-week program called Cancer Plan 4 Life (www.cancerplan


Cancer Plan 4 Life (CP4L) is essentially “cancer rehab.” It is a four-week

online cancer survivorship program designed to increase your chances of

surviving cancer and reduce your risk of a reoccurrence. While there is no

guaranteed cure for cancer, research shows that proper diet, exercise, and

lifestyle choices can significantly impact longevity and survival rates.

Our wish for you is optimal health. Optimal health means performing

at your personal peak level of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual

functioning. It involves setting health goals that you can realistically achieve

to feel your personal best! CP4L empowers you to make positive lifestyle

choices that will help you to achieve your optimal level of health, no matter

what your diagnosis or prognosis. If you are serious about living the sur-

vivor’s lifestyle, you owe it to yourself to check out www.cancerplan4life


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