0-69 in 5 Minutes (15 page)

Read 0-69 in 5 Minutes Online

Authors: Jasmine Black

Tags: #humor, #erotic romance, #comtemporary romance book

BOOK: 0-69 in 5 Minutes
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Damn it, woman. I know
what your mom will do.” He gripped her wrist and led her hand to
his crotch. “It seems that she mixed me up a
special drink.”

She clasped her fist around his engorged
cock. His husky moan filled the darkened room, sending pleasure
between her thighs. She dropped her hand.

Crap. Why wouldn’t she stay out of this?
Probably because the woman believed she was close to holding a
grandbaby. “Noah, I am so sorry about her. She’s acting worse than
her normal self. It’s like she’s in a race to get me pregnant.”

Well, I don’t need her
help to get hard. And I don’t need you running around in skimpy
clothing and lingerie. You drive me nuts with your smile, your
eyes,” he gripped her face and stared into her soul, “and, oh God,
your legs.” His lips brushed across hers.

She wanted another kiss, longer and deeper,
but he released her and stepped back.

Valerie, I want you. More
than you’ll ever know. And it’s not just because of the

I want you, too.” She
twined her fingers in his hair. “Kiss me.” Her breasts warmed in
anticipation of his mouth on her lips, neck and body.

No, baby, I can’t do
this.” He removed her fingers from his hair. His hand trembled
touching hers.

What’s wrong? We’re both
adults. I want you. You want me. And I have a few condoms. Let’s
just have some fun.”

That’s what’s wrong. I
don’t want to have fun. I don’t want to fuck you and leave you.
Trust me on this one, I’ve had enough flings. They don’t interest
me anymore. We can tell your family the truth together.”

And what happens to me
after you leave, Noah? I’m tired of being the butt of Tyler’s
jokes. Tired of him spreading lies about me to the men in this
town. Tired of no one wanting a serious relationship with

can start dating for real.
want to get to know
you and see where this leads. Not leave you.” He kissed her
forehead, worked down her temple, across her cheek, and found her

Goosebumps spread up her arms. This
incredible guy—holding her, kissing her—wanted to date her. Her
head spun at the thought and her heart pounded in her chest. No way
could she keep him happy. She stepped back from his tempting lips
to clear her mind. “What about when you get bored with me?”

He grabbed her hand and pulled her close
again. A light chuckle tickled her neck. “Bored? There’s never a
dull moment with you.”

You have a point.” The
poor guy had put up with more than his share of drama. “But…I can’t
keep a guy like you happy…satisfied. And, I’m not sure I’m ready to

Keep me happy? Oh Val,
you have no clue how ready I am for a woman like you. For once in
your life, give a good guy a chance.”

Was Noah the good guy she’d been looking
for? She prayed he was. Prayed he wouldn’t break her heart like the
others. “Okay, we’ll tell ‘em, together.”

He sighed. “Since that’s settled, I hope
you’ll help settle something else for me.” Cupping her butt, he
lifted her with ease.

As she wrapped her legs around his waist,
they fastened over his hips as if they belonged there. Pressed
close to his body, his unsettled dilemma pushed against her own.
“God Noah, take me to bed and make love to me.” The words slipped
out of her mouth before she could stop them. Just a few minutes
ago, they’d agreed to start dating and she’d already used the word
love. She had to stop pushing so hard, but she wanted him. Needed
him in her life.

That’s exactly what I’m
going to do, sweetheart. This little black number works better than
any pill.”

He kissed her gently, and she yielded to
him, gave of herself freely, holding nothing back. No more
reminding herself he would leave in a few days and their fling
would be over. She could hold him and let her feelings grow.

Cool satin sheets caressed her back as he
laid her down on the bed. His lips molded to hers. Kiss after kiss,
he gently stroked her cheek with his fingertips. “You’re so


Shh. Val,” he whispered,
“I’m falling for you so fast. I don’t know what to do. One minute
I’m pushing you away to protect my heart and the next minute I’ll
do anything to get near you.”

His eyes blazed with desire as he untied the
ribbons on the bodice of her nightie and exposed her breasts. Her
puckered nipples burned, waiting for his touch as he stared at
them. “Please, touch me. I need you to touch them.”

He tugged on one nipple and a moan escaped
from her throat. His touch elicited pain deep within her core,
needing him to fill her. “Such sweet torture. I want you inside me.
I need to feel the length of you inside me. Please.”

You don’t have to beg
need to be
.” He
stripped his clothes and rolled on a condom.

Tell me how to please

Baby, stop second
guessing yourself and just make love to me. Don’t fuck me. I don’t
want that.” He kissed her, ran his tongue over her top lip. “I want
to feel your heart beat beneath mine. I want to know it means more
than a good time for you.”

Without another word, he slipped his length
inside. They both cried out in ecstasy as their bodies became one.
Lovingly, he moved inside of her, giving more than he took. His
fingers twined with hers over her head as his lips continued to
sweep across hers. Tears clouded her eyes.

Slow, tender, stroke after stroke, they
moved in silent rhythm until their bodies exploded together in
sweet rapture. He kissed her temple and whispered in her ear, “I
can’t believe you’re mine.”

* * * *

Val sat on the couch in the cool night air,
hands trembling; she picked up the phone and dialed. On the third
ring, a familiar voice gave a throaty hello.

Daddy, it’s me.

She heard clanging and a few groans. Most
likely him turning things over as he searched for his glasses.

It’s two in the morning.
Is everything all right, pumpkin?”

Yes, Daddy. It’s just
that…well, I needed to talk to you about Sam and

Hold on. Let me change

Noah lay in her bed sound asleep. Their
love-making had been sweet and sensual. Each gave to the other,
instead of taking. Her heart warmed at the thought of his kindness.
If it was a dream, then she didn’t want to be awakened.

You there,

Yeah, I’m

I didn’t want to wake
your mother up. What’s weighing heavy on your mind?”

Familiar comfort washed over her like it had
when she’d been a child with a booboo. And later as a teenager when
she needed someone to talk to. Her father had always been there to
lend support. “Everything that’s happened lately. I need to talk to
you about Sam, the engagement, the drag issue…I don’t know where to

After everything Tyler
put you through, it’s natural to have doubts. Sam appears to be a
great guy. Just take your time and don’t rush things. I know your
mother pushes you, but I’m proud of the way you’ve stood your
ground with her.”

Guilt began to gnaw at that same spot that
had afflicted her since she’d made up Sam. Noah was right; she had
to tell them the truth. “There’s nothing to be proud of,

Of course there is.
You’re living your life the way you want to. Mom can be very
persuasive, but you’re waiting to start a family until the time is
right for you. Sweetheart, I have faith in you. And you’ll know
when the time is right to settle down.”

A lump lodged in her throat. How could she
let her father down when he’d just told her he was proud of her?
Words failed to form in her mind.

Get some sleep,
baby-girl. Things will look better in the morning.”

She waited until she heard the phone click.
No way would things look better in the morning when she had to face
Noah. A man she wanted to get to know and figure out what was
between them. Yet, she’d only known him for three days. On the
other hand was her father, the man she looked up to. The man who
had and would always be there for her, no matter what happened
between her and any guy. How could she tell him she’d lied about

Come morning, she would have to decide which
man to disappoint.

Chapter 12

Noah turned the wrench and tried to
concentrate on his work. After last night, he needed some time to
think and getting out of Val’s house without waking her seemed the
only way. Manual labor helped to clear his head.

Yes, he wanted her.

Yes, everything he’d said was the truth.

But what was he going to do about Bambi? He
needed the money to get her out of his house, yet he couldn’t
expect Val to pay him now. The money he’d get for this job, plus
what he had in the bank, would cover her debt. However, it would
wipe him out, and his bills would have to run a little late this

Noah Precious Kittler!
Where have you been and what’s going on?”

He jumped at the familiar voice of his older
sister and hit his head on the hood. “Ouch. Damn it, Sadie
pain-in-my-ass Ledbetter. You scared the hell out of me.” He laid
the wrench down and peered around the car.

Uncle Noah!” His
three-year-old niece, Emily, ran smack into his legs and wrapped
her tiny arms around him.

Hey, princess.” He
reached down and lifted her in his arms as he looked at his sister.
“Sorry about the language. I didn’t know she was with

Don’t change the subject.
You’ve had me worried to death.” Even though she barely stood
five-foot-three with sparkly blue eyes and brown curls, she could
make him squirm with one certain look.

He tickled Emily’s side
eyes lit up. She giggled and wiggled.
only Sadie would be this easy to manipulate.
“When I called, I told you it was just an episode and things
were fine.”

Noah.” She placed her
hands on her hips and gave him the mother stare.
That certain look.
you think I wouldn’t come over here to check on you?”

You didn’t?”

Yes, I did. You can
imagine my surprise when you weren’t home and I saw
in the

He turned his attention back to Emily. “Hey
sweetie, I got some candy in the office. Why don’t you go get a
piece?” She slid from his arms to the floor and ran off. Her brown
curls bounced as her tiny legs moved as fast as they could, which
were about four steps to his one. If only he could chase her and
escape the third degree coming his way.

What are you

And here it comes!
He turned back to face her wrath.

You just got free from
her and you let her move back in!” Sadie thumped his chest. “Didn’t
you meet anyone with half a brain on Friday?”

Oh yeah. And two gorgeous
legs, full breasts and a tight ass.
smile tugged on the corners of his mouth.

You did!” Her sky blue
eyes lit up. “Tell me about her.”

Her name’s Valerie, she’s
a few years younger than me…”

Than I.”

Whatever.” He rolled his
eyes, picked up the wrench and went back to work.

Sadie followed him. “Keep going. What does
she look like, what does she do, when are you seeing her again and
when are you kicking that B-I-T-C-H out? Do you need me to do

Good Lord, slow down,
woman.” He chuckled. “Bambi’s not staying long. Just few days, I
swear. I don’t know when I’ll see Val again, but I’m sure it’ll be
soon. The two of you will get along great.”

His “big” sister placed
her hand on his arm. “Noah, you are over
, aren’t you?” She thumbed toward
the house.

He stopped working and stood up straight. “I
am completely over her.”

Good, because when I came
over Saturday…”

What was Bambi up to now? “Yeah?”

I’m pretty sure she was

Fuck!” Unsure what to do
with the information, he looked out the window to clear his mind. A
black caddie pulled into the driveway. He didn’t have a Cadillac
scheduled to work on today, nor did he know the three burley guys
dressed in black who climbed out. Well, two were burly. The third
one was a little shit. He might not be able to judge a woman’s
character very easily, but when it came to men, he could spot
trouble a mile away. “Sadie, lock yourself and Emily in the office.
Don’t come out until I tell you to, and keep Emily quiet.

The car doors slammed. Sadie jumped.

Don’t ask questions. Just
do it!” He pushed her toward the office and she scampered off as
the front door opened. Hopefully, Emily would stay quiet and they’d
go unnoticed.

A few seconds later the guys entered his
garage. “Good morning, gentlemen. What can I do for you?”

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