0-69 in 5 Minutes (13 page)

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Authors: Jasmine Black

Tags: #humor, #erotic romance, #comtemporary romance book

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He grabbed a nipple and pinched it like he’d
seen her do the last time. Soft cries caused the hairs on his neck
to stand up. Rubbing and squeezing her breast, she moaned and
ground her ass into his thighs. Instead of pushing his hand away,
she wrapped one of her own on top of his and gripped it.

Beautiful, natural breasts. Puckered, rosy
nipples. No scars from implants. A slender waist and curvaceous
hips which fit his hands magnificently. Her body represented true
femininity without anything fake.

He gripped her hips and pumped them.
Watching her mouth curve as she licked her lips sent a surge of
adrenaline through his body, made his dick twitch. She screamed out
in ecstasy as her pussy pulsated around the length of him. Her body
shook, and he lost control, shooting his seed.

Gently, he withdrew and pulled her close.
The smell of sweat and sex mingled as their bodies pressed
together, her head buried in his shoulder. She fit perfectly in his
arms and he wanted to keep her there for the next twelve days. Feel
her soft skin next to his. Touch her breasts. Taste her lips of

But then he’d have to give her up. Walk away
like nothing had happened. If he was to do that, he’d have to stop
making love to her. Or else he’d not only lose the best woman he’d
ever known, he’d lose his heart too.

Chapter 10

Bree took a deep breath and knocked on Val’s
door. She wiped her nose on the ragged tissue once more and stuffed
it into her purse. The midmorning sun blazed down, warming her bare
shoulders exposed from her halter top.

Val,” she hollered out.
Her head throbbed, and she winced. What was taking her so long? She
didn’t have clients on Sundays.

Finally, after sweat
formed on her brow, the door jerked open. Sam stood in his jeans,
barefoot and shirtless. Damn if he wasn’t chiseled. Her big sis had
scored one hell of a hottie this time. Ripped muscles bulged in his
neck, pecs and biceps.

Whoo! Where had that thought come from?
Maybe she liked men a bit more than she’d thought. Last night must
have opened her eyes.

Morning, Sam. Is my
sister dressed?” She inched her way into the house and brushed her
boobs against his magnificent chest. A chill ran through her

He stepped back as if she were the black

A laugh escaped her, but then slashing pain
made her grimace. “I don’t bite. Where’s Val?” She purred and blew
a breath across his neck.

She’s in the salon.” He
turned his face away and closed the door as Val appeared from the
dining room.

Hey, sis. What brings you
here?” Val smoothed down her rumpled hair and stepped into the
living room.

Yeah, they’d been getting it on. Finally,
Val had gotten laid. Lord knew she needed it. The girl was way too
uptight, but she had to put a stop to it. “Oh, Val!” She used her
best woe-is-me voice and flung her arms around big sis. “I had a
fight with Lexi. It was so awful.”

I’m sorry.” Val wrapped
her arms around Bree and hugged her back. “What

Tugging on Val’s hand, she ushered her to
the couch.

I’ll leave you two alone
for awhile.” Sam left the room.

Good. She didn’t want the two of them
getting too close. It would ruin her whole plan to get Mom’s
attention. After she had the first grandchild, the two of them
could screw all they wanted.

I got upset with her
dating other people. I asked her to stop, but she refused.” She
turned on the tears. “So, I fooled around with someone else, and
she got jealous. We had a big fight, name calling and everything.”
Grabbing a tissue from the coffee table, she wiped her nose. “I
can’t go back there, sis. Not tonight anyway. I…I think we might
have broken up.” The tears flowed freely now. They’d had a fight,
but it wasn’t that big of a deal. It would blow over in no

Oh, honey. You can stay
here.” Val wrapped her arm around her shoulder and pulled her

I can? Thank you so much,
Val. What would I do without you?” The awful stench of cleaner
stung her nose. She blew again. Who the hell liked to live in a
place cleaner than a new car? “But…no, I can’t intrude on you and

Intrude? Nonsense. Stay
here tonight, calm down and things will look better in the

Thank you.”
Operation-keep-Val-away-from-sperm launched into full swing easier
than she’d thought it would. She hadn’t had to plead or beg. Maybe
she should take advantage of the situation while she had the
chance. “Could you make me your famous chocolate chip


An hour later, Bree sat on the edge of the
tub and savored a warm cookie while she talked to Lexi on her cell
phone. The house smelled of fresh baked cookies, double fudge
brownies, and a carrot cake. Her stomach rumbled. She hadn’t eaten
all day, choosing to skip breakfast because of queasiness.

Lexi, I told you already.
I’m not mad at you. The only reason I’m staying at Val’s tonight is
to keep her and Sam apart.” She took another bite. The warm gooey
chocolate strung in the air as she pulled the cookie back from her
mouth. “These cookies are great. I should cry on big sis’s shoulder
more often.”

Lexi apologized for their little tiff as
Bree inspected her teeth in the mirror. No one liked to be caught
with chocolate clumps between their pearly whites. “Yes, I heard
you. I told you I was sorry about lying to Blade, but I explained
all of that to you last night. And if Val and Sam have a baby
before I do, then Mommie Dearest will have no need to lavish gifts
on us. Grandparents are overly excited about the first baby.” The
front door banged and voices floated from the living room. “Look, I
gotta go. I hear a commotion in the living room. I’ll call you

She snapped her phone shut
and rushed through the dining room. Once inside the doorway to the
living room, she froze in her tracks.
the hell?

* * * *

Val panicked as relatives bearing gifts and
food dishes filled her living room. Her mother gave orders and
directed everyone around.

Mother,” she whispered
through the side of her smile, “what’s going on?”

Dear, while I am very
upset with you right now, I am also ecstatic. How could you keep
such wonderful news from me?”

She grabbed her mother’s arm and pulled her
off to the side. “What news are you talking about?” Aunts from
Dad’s side set up hors d'oeuvres in the dining room and on a card
table. Cousins stacked gifts on the coffee table. Bree stood in the
doorway looking as confused as Val felt.

Rita told me all about

The forced smile she’d plastered on her face
a few minutes ago disappeared. “Mother! About what?”

About you and Sam getting
married. She said there was a rumor going around the hospital that
you said you were Sam’s fiancée. I figured that was the big news
you had at dinner Saturday and I ruined everything with the
oysters. So, I want to make it up to you.”

My news?
Confused by the comment, she shook her head but
let the issue slide for now. “By giving me a shower?” Could this
get any worse? Noah was outside on the back porch talking to his
sister on the phone, but he’d be wondering about the commotion
soon. Then she’d have to explain another mess.

Just then Noah walked in. His eyebrows
quirked and his gaze darted around, looking at the bustle of

Ooh, Judith! Is this the
entertainment?” Aunt Delilah ran her two inch, airbrushed
fingernails—the ones she had skillfully designed—down Noah’s chest
and ground her hip on his crotch. “Yummy, like a juicy

Oh my, God!
She felt her face flush. Her whole family was
nuts. She wanted to run and hide, but she couldn’t leave Noah alone
with these horny middle-aged women. Or her young, vivacious cousins

Delilah, keep your hands
to yourself. He’s not a stripper, that’s Sam.” Her mom used it as
an excuse to stop their conversation and go back to

Val shook her hands through the air and let
out a grumble.

Well, well. He sure is
going to be eye candy at Christmas. I could just lick him like a
peppermint stick.” Aunt Delilah moistened her lips with her

Noah’s face turned bright red, and he moved
to stand behind Val. He wrapped his arms around her waist. Heat
flowed up her breasts when his hands rested on her stomach and
pulled her back into his embrace. His minty breath tickled her ear
as he spoke softly. “What’s going on, sweetheart?”

My mother is throwing us
a wedding shower.”

His grip tightened. “Why would she do

Another fine mess her lies had gotten her
into. “Just humor her, please. I’ll explain later.” She patted his

The last time you said
that, I ended up in the hospital, dear.”

Her stomach twisted from
the rough tone used to say “dear”.
God, let him hold his temper for a couple of hours.

Val, Sam, you two come
sit on the couch so we can get this party started.” Her mother had
actually saved her for now, but she’d have to explain later when
they were alone.

Mom, where’s Rita?” She’d
like to wring the woman’s neck.

She had to work an early
shift today, so she won’t be able to make it. It all transpired so
sudden, she couldn’t swap shifts. Now sit down.”

Val took Noah’s hand and led him to the
couch. A few more people wandered in, including Lexi. Bree looked
surprised, but plastered on one of her fake smiles. Maybe the two
of them would smooth things over tonight.

Since it looks like we’re
all here, let’s get started with our first game.” Delilah moved
around the room passing out clothespins. “Okay, everyone pin the
‘penis’ to your shirt. If you’re caught saying the word
, then the person
who catches you gets to take your ‘penis’. The one with the most
‘penises’ at the end of the party will get a prize.”

What on earth was her aunt
raving about? She looked down at her clothespin.
Oh my, gosh!
The wooden
pin had two fuzzy pom-poms glued to the end of a drawn-on penis.
Too embarrassed to look at Noah, she fumbled with the hem of her
tank top.

For the next thirty minutes they played more
embarrassing games. Like running with toilet paper rolls between
your legs and putting the roll on a plunger. And sculpturing a
penis out of Play Dough. The prizes weren’t any better: sex
position dice, penis shaped cookie cutters and candles, and edible
underwear. How much more did poor Noah have to sit through?

Now, for our last game.”
Her aunt passed out a Ziploc bag to everyone while her cousin
distributed small glasses of water. “When I say go, open your bag.
The first one to pour their water into the baby food jar, drop the
Alka-Seltzer in and get the condom on the jar wins.”

In about the span of five seconds after the
word “go”, Noah jumped up from the couch. “Done! Finally, I

Hoots and howls came from the guests as well
as a few “no fair” comments.

Oh, hell yeah! That’s my
“Way to go, honey.” She rubbed his
back. Her breasts warmed thinking about how good he was with his
hands. All this talk about sex turned her on. Part of her could
hardly wait until everyone left so Noah could make love to her
again. The other part feared explaining the whole shower mess. But
watching him excited and proud of himself at their wedding shower,
shot a pain through her heart.

In a few days he’ll be
gone and this…this…well, implausible bubbling inside at the thought
of marriage will turn into disappointment.
Especially since Noah showed signs of a being an incredible

* * * *

Noah watched Val’s
delicate hands fumble with the curly ribbons. A long
echoed in his
ears—reminded him of the sound of a zipper—as she dawdled over the
knotted bow. Her long magical fingers worked to loosen the knot as
they had worked on his knots a few hours ago. She was talented,
gorgeous and, for this brief moment—his.

His heart swelled with pride and a grin
tugged at the corners of his mouth. She would make a beautiful
bride one day.

Come on slow poke, just
rip it off,” one of her cousins—Natalie, maybe—hollered

Oh, no. I’ve already
ripped two and I have a whole stack of gifts to get

Who knew women believed such crazy
superstitions? He’d never heard of anything as foolish as every
ribbon you break at your shower equals the number of kids you’re
going to have.

The thought of Val with a rounded belly
enticed him, yet saddened him at the same time. She’d be a great
mom. The kind of mother he’d want for his children. If he was ever
blessed with any. He’d messed up so many times with relationships
and fate had never been on his side. Thoughts of Molly surfaced.
No…he wouldn’t go there. Not today. Not now.

He pushed the sad thoughts from his mind as
Val lifted a spaghetti strapped, ivory satin negligee from the box.
Lace trimmed the bottom edge. It was the right length to skim
across her glorious thighs and tease him. She glanced at him, and
her face flushed pink.

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