0-69 in 5 Minutes (11 page)

Read 0-69 in 5 Minutes Online

Authors: Jasmine Black

Tags: #humor, #erotic romance, #comtemporary romance book

BOOK: 0-69 in 5 Minutes
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She took a piece of ice
and ran it over her lips, down her neck and cleavage.
Damn this shit’s cold.
But she’d have to keep playing. Her nipples puckered from the
cold, but hey, if he thought he’d done it to her, then all the
better for her.

Dick. I want dick
Not that she wanted
, but it was an easy score, and
she didn’t even have to leave home to find it.

Oh God, yeah!” He
abandoned Lexi on the couch and stood before her. Grabbed a boob
and squeezed. “I’ve been trying to get in your pussy for months.
What changed your mind?”

His hand massaged her
breast, and oddly, it didn’t feel too bad. “Hearing how good you
are in bed.”
She hated listening to Lexi brag about their sex, but Blade
was a moron. “Lexi tells me you’re like a raging bull.”

You want me to show you,
don’t you?” He gripped her hand and guided it inside his pants to
his cock.

It wasn’t anything impressive to touch.
Could’ve been bigger. “What are you going to do with that huge
cock?” She kissed his neck to hide the laugh she felt threatening
to snitch on her lie. Catching a glimpse of Lexi, Bree noticed
she’d downed her shot and slipped off her pants as well.

Going to show you what no
other man has in the past.”

Oh, here we go
. All men said that cheesy line to
her. If she’d had the right dick she’d never’ve chosen chick.
Whatever. Men just didn’t understand a woman’s needs like other
women. Or how to lick her pussy the way she liked.

Well then, show me.” She
bit her lip and hoped to hold down the vomit forming in her throat.
Then she grabbed the bottle of tequila. Lexi sat, mouth hanging
open and anger in her eyes. “What?” What the fuck was she mad at?
The bitch. Not once had she cheated on her. Never hid anything from
her, until now.

The plan had hit her on her way home. She
hadn’t had time to tell Lexi. Blade was on her couch, willing and
able. The time was right. If she wanted to get her mom’s attention
and all the gifts that came with it, she’d have to bite the bullet.
Do the unthinkable. Give her a grandchild.

Hell, why not. Her parents would spring for
a nanny and a personal trainer. Her body would be back in shape in
no time, and the nanny could raise the brat.

You’re going to fuck
Blade and not invite me?”

She stopped and stared at Lexi. The thought
hadn’t crossed her mind; however it would be easier to do the task
with a pair of boobs to fondle and a pussy to lick. Why not?

I’m sorry, baby. Of
course you can come.”
And come and come as
long as it’s me making you.
She held out
her hand and took Lexi’s. “But
get to fuck him tonight.”

Jackpot!” Blade screamed
out and rushed to the bedroom, clothes flying off as he

Childish behavior. Could she really let this
idiot father her child? She thought for a moment. Why not? She
didn’t want the bastard anyway.

His chiseled body helped put her in the
right mind set, but Lexi had what she really wanted. An hourglass
shape. Cute little B cups with upturned rosy nipples and short
natural red hair—both on her head and between her legs.

She felt moisture form between her own legs
thinking about touching Lexi. It had been ages since they’d fooled

Blade lay on the bed naked, staring between
the two of them. She took off the rest of her clothes and kissed
Lexi’s lips, soft and sweet, swollen from Blade’s kisses. Their
breasts rubbed each other, and she heard a deep husky moan.
Goosebumps ran down her spine.

She grabbed Lexi and pulled her into an
embrace. Ran her hands over Lexi’s ass and slipped her tongue
inside her mouth. Oh sweet Jesus. The taste of tequila on Lexi’s
tongue, the smell of strawberry shampoo and their bodies rubbing
together almost made her forget her mission.

I’ve missed you.” she
murmured in her hair, drinking in the smell. Then she released

The bed creaked and dipped
under her knee. Thank God Blade was rock hard, because she didn’t
want to touch him or put her mouth on that vile thing. “Fuck me
from behind.”
That way I don’t have to
look at your face

Whatever you say,
Princess.” He moved behind her, wrapped his arms around her waist
and kissed her neck.

Musky cologne filled her nostrils and
tingles crept down her neck. The smell of man wasn’t bad. Quite
electrifying, really. His body pressed against her back and the
hard planes of his chest felt like virginal territory to her,
different from the soft curves of Lexi. It had been some time since
she’d been with a man.

Anticipation grew as he touched her hips.
Trailed a hand down between her legs and found her wet.

Yes.” He groaned on her

Lexi slid on the bed in front of her and
took a breast in her mouth. Flicked her nipple. Bit it. Tugged on
it. At the same time Blade slid a finger inside and rubbed her clit
with the palm of his strong hand. She twined her fingers in Lexi’s

Heat ran through her body and her knees
trembled. This was heaven having two people caress and touch her.
Why hadn’t she joined them before? She could have kept her eyes
closed and not seen Blade’s face.

Blade withdrew his finger. “I have to get a

No! I want to feel all of
you. I want to know what a man feels like inside.”

I don’t want kids.” He
started to pull away.

She had to think of something fast. “Don’t
worry about it. I’m on the pill and I’d never trap you.” That was
an understatement. The last thing she wanted was a relationship
with someone ugly.

The lie worked, because he moved back and
bent her over. Blade was stupid. Why would she be on the pill if
she didn’t sleep with men? She giggled inwardly. This was too

Lexi lay down beneath them and licked Bree’s
clit. Easy, hot and fun. Blade slid his cock inside as Lexi
continued to lick. Oh hell. It did feel good. Better than a dildo
or vibrator. He moved in and out in an expert fashion. Her titties
bounced and Lexi grabbed one and squeezed.

She’d never felt anything like this. Being
fucked and licked at the same time. Her knees shook as Blade
pounded her. He moaned and screamed out. A wave of excitement ran
through her. Blade had never moaned for Lexi the way he was for

Power. She held power over him with her
sweet ass and tight pussy. Stroke after stroke he groaned until his
dick jerked inside her and she felt warm liquid squirt inside. He
collapsed against her back and pulled out.

The deed was done. Now all she had to do was
wait and see. See if they’d spawned her goldmine.

Chapter 9

Noah read the labels on his medication
bottles, afraid to look at Val. For some odd reason she appeared to
be pissed at him. The last thing he wanted to do was to start an
argument while she drove through traffic.

What had happened to make her so mad?
Experience had taught him to let a female cool off before asking.
Maybe he should have her take him to his sister’s house. He
couldn’t go home, she might see Bambi. Seventy-two hours with Val
ticked off screamed “bad idea”. He didn’t need to be watched
anyway. No other doctor had ordered ’round-the-clock-care. Nor had
they given him all of this medication before.

He unscrewed the tops, popped the pills in
his mouth and washed them down with a bottled water Val had bought
him at the gas station a few minutes ago. She hadn’t said a word to
him all morning besides asking if he’d wanted a drink.

When they reached Val’s house, she turned
off the car and walked inside without as much as a grunt. Left him
in the car to walk in alone! This had to stop.

He marched into the house and found her on
the back porch. She stood with her back to him, spraying glass
cleaner on the windows and scrubbing. Poor birds already thought
the panes were invisible.

What did I do to deserve
the silent treatment?” Hell, they’d only met two days ago and he
felt liked they’d been married for months. Stepping up behind her,
he took the cleaner from her hand and spun her around to face

Warmth ran through his body at the feel of
her soft skin. The smell of roses and jasmine turned the warmth to
heat. Even with her mad, he wanted her, felt aroused in close
proximity to her.

Lips of satin parted, possibly to speak, but
he couldn’t hold back any longer. He’d waited for a kiss from the
moment he saw her this morning in a yellow silky tank top, thin
khaki short-shorts and a pair of beaded sandals at the end of her
incredible legs. All that creamy flesh had driven him mad with

He covered her mouth and sought entrance.
Licked the crease. Pried at it with his tongue. Her lips clamped
shut and refused to open, yet she didn’t squirm from his embrace.
That part encouraged him. Perhaps a different approach might work.
He nipped at her upper lip. Sucked it.

Tightly closed lips relaxed and she yielded
to him. In fact, she bit his lip. Dug her nails in his back and

Ouch!” He pushed her a
safe distance from him. “That hurt. What’s wrong with

Anger flashed in her eyes. “I thought you
liked it rough. Kinky.”

What the hell gave you
that idea?” He rubbed his lip where her teeth had sunk into the
tender flesh.

Since you’re going to be
staying here for the next three days, I thought you needed some
clothes from home.”

He scratched his forehead. Had Val met her or seen her shit?
Either way, he had some explaining to do.

Baby, I can

I’m not your baby, and
that’s what every other guy said.”

I’m not every other guy,
and I’m not Sam White an imaginary guy you’re in love with. I’m
some stranger you picked up two nights ago and made a business deal
with. Then you jump to a conclusion about me based on your jackass
ex. You owe me the opportunity to explain.”

Explain.” She sat down in a
chair, arms crossed and a scowl on her face. “I’m

When I told you I was
divorced, it was the truth. However, I didn’t tell you when I got
Or how many times.
He paced the concrete floor, searching for words
to calm her down.

Go on.”

My divorce was final
Friday. The night we met. My sister signed me up for speed dating
as a way for me to celebrate. All that shit you saw in my house is
my ex-wife’s stuff. She hasn’t moved it out yet, but we’ve been
split up for months.” He looked at her eyes, wondering if she
believed him. “I didn’t lie to you.”

What about in the
hospital when you said you didn’t like women who took their clothes
off in public? Either you’re extremely kinky, or your ex-wife’s a
stripper.” Her foot started to tap.

Man, he hated that about Bambi. Let it eat
at him day in and day out while they were married. Other men,
looking, groping, even sleeping with her. “I’m not proud of what
Bambi does for a living, nor do I condone it.”

Then why did you marry

Because I believed her
when she told me she’d quit. Because I have faith in people. I
believe they’re telling the truth. Sometimes it bites me and
sometimes it doesn’t. But I prefer to trust people before jumping
to conclusions or thinking the worst.”

Val glanced down and let out a sigh. “So,
she didn’t quit?” As her tone changed from anger to concern, she
dropped her arms and her jaws relaxed.

He sat down on the edge of the coffee table
in front of her. “She quit, for about two months. She gave me a sad
story about not having the opportunity to better her life. So, I
married her. Gave her anything she wanted. A house, a job, money. I
would have given her a family, but she didn’t want it.” That had
hurt the most. He wanted children and Bambi couldn’t have cared

Val reached out and took his hands in

Then she started
partying, staying out late, not coming home. She’d gone back to the
life she said she wanted to leave. I tried to deal with it, but I
couldn’t. The last straw was when I found drugs. Truthfully, she
was homeless and used me for a place to live. That’s why her shit
is still at my place.”

Noah, I’m sorry. Sorry
for getting mad and sorry things didn’t work out for you. I guess
you loved her a lot.”

Sad thing is, I don’t
think I really did. I mean, I thought I did, but who I loved didn’t
exist. The person she is, isn’t the person I saw. By the time I saw
the real Bambi, it was too late.”

Heat rose up his neck and face. The
temperature climbed to an alarming rate and it was only about eight
in the morning. Blue dots flashed before his eyes.

Are you okay?” Val

He heard her voice, but he couldn’t see her
for the spots.

Noah? Your face is red.
Do I need to call the doctor?”

It’s a little hot out
here.” Sweat dripped down his forehead, and he wiped it off with
his t-shirt. When he dropped his shirt, Val stood in front of

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