Zoran Chronicles Volume 1 A Dragon in Our Town (50 page)

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Authors: Vic Broquard

Tags: #fantasy

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“Besides, dear,” Bernard had the last word, “there are no dogs on Asami.”
Everyone roared.

Zdenka then pointed out, “Do you realize that those girls are likely Baron
Hajime’s own daughters? Goro is too young to have fathered them. What kind of a man
would do that to his own daughters?”

“Dear daughter, he might not be their father,” Janos pointed out. “There are
many bastard Duskas around on most worlds. Some like Zoran here run off never to be
seen again by their barons. Some get disowned, and yes, many barons father children
out of wedlock. I even knew of cases where female Duskas had children out of wedlock
as well. Women are not immune to lower moral standards either, my dear.”

“He’s right. Look, a baron might have four children. Only one can inherit his title
and position. The others make their own way on their worlds. There must be lots of
Duskas running around that we know nothing about,” Zoran added.

“Oh, yes, I see your points. Still, what kind of a mother or father would allow this
to be done to their children?” Zdenka retorted.




Chapter 22 An Unexpected Visitor


With the young women making good progress, Zoran began to turn his attention to the
next major problem to be solved — that of the Yellers. It was mid-May and the
construction crews were constantly busy. No one needed his direct assistance so he
began to work out how he could uphold his bargain with the warlords.

As he was sketching out options on paper, Lida contacted him mentally from
Zoran, Lida here. Assassins came after me and Leo again! Three of Uncle
Milan’s men were killed this time. They almost got to us!

Are you safe? Unharmed?
Zoran asked, suddenly worried about her safety once

Yes, we both are okay. Kazimir sure wants me dead. We’ve figured out that if he
kills me, he is going to name one of his bastard sons his heir. You know that he’s had
lots of affairs with other women, especially since mom had her accident. What are we
going to do?

I have an idea. Hook up Duke Leo with us will you?

Shortly, Leo’s mind joined theirs.
She’s safe, Zoran. Almost got to us, but we
stopped them. Three security men lost their lives though. The assassins are getting
bolder with each attempt. Dad’s worried, though he isn’t saying anything about it.

Leo, Lida, I have an idea. Why not do what I did? Cleverly disappear and have
no one know where you are at, some place that is relatively safe. You can disguise
yourselves, use different names or something and secretly come and live here with us.
Admittedly, the accommodations are not what you are used to having, but if no one
knows where you have gone, you ought to be safe here. We’ve thrown off one major
assault already. Killed all his Mages, so Kazimir is going to be hard pressed to
duplicate that action again.

We could come and live with you, little brother?

Sure. If you use a different last name, for example, those of us here can keep
your secret, though you will have to be careful that Uncle Milan’s engineers and
workers don’t see you and recognize you.

This isn’t good, Zoran. The construction of the new Circle is moving along faster
than Brother Jiri expected. I’m going to have to be here in about a month for the
formal ceremony that activates it. I’ll be a baron then too, Zoran.

So soon? That’s great. Once you are a baron and Lida is your baroness, if I
understand the rules, then that nullifies Kazimir’s heir selection. Lida cannot be a
double baroness. It’s not allowed. That will nullify her being heir here, then he can
select another heir. Lida, you ought to be safe after that.

I’ll ask Uncle Milan about that. It sounds right, Zoran. I just have to stay alive
until then.

Zoran, I hate to be parted from my Lida, but I am really worried for her safety.
This time it was way too close for comfort. Can you take her for a month until the
ceremony makes me a baron?

I don’t want to leave you, Leo.

I don’t want to leave you either, Lida, but I want you to be safe. It’s just for a
month or so. After the ceremony, we’ll be left alone. Please, do this for us, Lida.

Okay. I guess we can chat a whole lot.

Okay sis. Here’s what you do. Pack all the things you need and then in secret go
down to Uncle Milan’s Circle. Go around and around it many times before you head off
here. That confuses the trail and no one can track you. Make doubly sure that you have
gone around many times, sis. Otherwise, a priestess can see where you have gone. Just
tell Uncle Milan that you have gone into hiding until it’s safe for you to return as a

Okay, I’ll come tonight after supper. Leo, are you sure about this?

Yes, my love. This way I know that you will be safe. Please Lida.

Okay. After supper Zoran. Thanks little brother.
Zoran smiled, he was anxious to
see his sister again. He really did miss Rayna and Lida more than he admitted.

Zoran explained what was going to happen to his friends and they set to work
clearing out another storage room. “We’re rapidly running out of places to put people,”
Zdenka teased him. “I hope she won’t mind our living conditions here. It must be
nothing like she is used to having.”

“She’ll adapt, I’m sure,” he replied.

Just after supper, they all gathered around his Circle in the basement. Soon they
saw the Circle activating, but Zoran noted that the Circle once again gave him total
warning that someone was coming through. Once more he began to ponder the unique
bond between himself and his Circle. Many of these effects were not known or perhaps
knowledge of same was buried in the old documents of Bandar Zar.

Lida appeared, dressed in a cloak and carrying a pack. He suspected that she had
reduced her whole wardrobe into that pack. “Hi little brother!” she rushed to him and
gave him a big hug. One by one, she hugged all of the others.

“Well, we have a room fixed up for you. I’m sorry that we can only offer you crude
accommodations,” Zdenka said apologetically. They led her up to the fourth floor room,
next to the two teens from Asami, who came out to see what was happening. Yes, they
looked a bit strange wearing light cotton everyday dresses with the very latest in high
fashion high heels. The shoes were completely out of place!

Zoran noticed Lida observing this detail, and he introduced the two teens, saying
that Lida was a friend who had come for a month’s visit. Once inside her room, Lida
commented, “Well, Zdenka, this will do fine. Thanks for having me. I’ll try to lend you a
hand around here. I was still getting my magical training. Ah well, sooner or later I will
get that done. Say, what’s with those girls and those really high heels? Bit strange.”

Zdenka giggled, “Wait until you hear about them! Say, why don’t I continue your
training while you are here? That way, the time is not wasted?”

“Can you? Oh that would be fabulous! I can help out around here somehow, I’m
sure,” Lida volunteered.

“Indeed, you can!” Zdenka just had another bright idea. She and Zoran then spent
an hour relating the events of their honeymoon, ending up with the rescue of the two
mermaids. “They still have the healed holes up and down their legs, but the real problem
is that their ankles no longer bend enough for them to have their feet flat on the floor.
The only way they can walk is in those really high heels. In time, we are hoping that their
ankles and calf muscles will adjust and allow their feet to go flat as they are supposed to.
They are now doing pretty well walking. They have to take stairs a bit slowly, but daily I
see improvement.”

“Can I help them with their reading and writing skills?” Lida volunteered.

“Yes, that’s what I had in mind. Glad you thought of that too,” Zdenka replied,
relieved that Lida had been so observant.

A week later, Lida had already learned three more spells. “Honestly, Zdenka, you
are the very best magic teacher I have ever had!” Zdenka, always conservative, didn’t
truly believe her. After all, she’d only been doing this for a couple of months!

Zdenka kept a close eye on Lida and the two Asami teens. Soon, she was
impressed with Lida. Under her care, the two began progressing far more rapidly than
before. Lida somehow knew just the right thing to do or say at the right time for Akira
and Chika to grasp the material at hand. She began to see that there was more about a
Duska than just Shadow Walking and warnings of peril.

Each evening as they dined together, Zdenka saw the strong bond of brother-sister love, similar to that between her father and herself. She resolved to invite his
sisters here for visits as often as possible, once they had their castle built. If only this
Kazimir threat was over, life could be so wonderful!

Late May, Lida took Zdenka aside. “Do you realize both Akira and Chika are
Duska? I mean really Duska! They only lack the Ceremony of Ascension to fully activate
all of their potential.”

“Zoran said so too. He’s planning to ask Priestess Anezka to do it whenever she
returns here,” she replied.

“Well, if you do it sooner, these two will learn things about twice as fast as they
are now. Let me talk to Zoran about it. Honestly, they ought to have had that done for
them years ago! Come on, let’s go find little brother and get him hopping.” Zdenka
grinned — how Lida could handle her brother.

They found him studying the maps trying to work out a solution for the Yellers.
“Zoran, you positively
get the Ceremony of Ascension performed on Akira and
Chika this minute!”

“What? Oh, I was, as soon as Priestess Anezka comes back here,” he replied,
wondering what had set her on the warpath.

“That’s not
enough. It
their birthright, you know. Besides, they will learn
everything at least
as fast once that is done. If you don’t contact Priestess Anezka
minute, then I will!” Zdenka grinned. She’d never seen his sisters handle him

“Well, I figured she might be really busy getting ready to activate Leo’s Circle,”
Zoran replied, wondering if that would mollify her. It didn’t.

“I know for a fact that she has almost
to do at all until Jiri gets it done.
She’s sitting around being bored. Now you get her here
, Zoran.”

“Okay, okay. If you are sure that she isn’t needed there, then okay I will.” Zoran
replied. He relaxed and made contact with Priestess Anezka.

Hi, Zoran here. Yes, all is well. Say, are you busy right now? Can you take a day
off and visit us here in Brn? I have a little ceremony that I’d like you to perform.

Sure. Honestly, it has been rather boring here. I’ve read all the novels that your
Uncle Milan has. About two more weeks, maybe three and we’ll have made our second
Circle. Incredible, isn’t it?

Sure is. Thanks. When can you come?

Give me an hour and I’ll drop in on your Circle. Is that okay?

Sure. Thanks a bunch. I’ll explain more when you come.

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