Zippered Flesh 2: More Tales of Body Enhancements Gone Bad (48 page)

Read Zippered Flesh 2: More Tales of Body Enhancements Gone Bad Online

Authors: Bryan Hall,Michael Bailey,Shaun Jeffrey,Charles Colyott,Lisa Mannetti,Kealan Patrick Burke,Shaun Meeks,L.L. Soares,Christian A. Larsen

BOOK: Zippered Flesh 2: More Tales of Body Enhancements Gone Bad
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Called “one of the most clever and original talents in contemporary horror” (
), Kealan Patrick Burke is the Bram Stoker Award-Winning author of five novels (
Master of the Moors
Currency of Souls
The Living
, and
), nine novellas (including the
Timmy Quinn
series), over a hundred short stories, and six collections. He edited the acclaimed anthologies
Taverns of the Dead
Quietly Now
Brimstone Turnpike
, and
Tales From the Gorezone
. An Irish expatriate, he resides in Ohio. Visit him at or find him on Facebook at



Charles Colyott lives on a farm in the middle of nowhere (Southern Illinois) with his wife, daughters, cats, and a herd of llamas and alpacas. He is surrounded by so much cuteness it’s very difficult for him to develop any street cred as a dark and gritty horror writer. Nevertheless, he has appeared in
Read by Dawn II
, Dark Recesses Press,
Terrible Beauty Fearful Symmetry
, and
Horror Library
Volumes III, IV, and V. You can contact him on Facebook, and, unlike his llamas, he does not spit.



Bryan Hall is a fiction writer living in a one hundred year old farmhouse deep in the mountains of North Carolina with his wife and three children. Growing up in the Appalachias, he’s soaked up decades of fact and fiction from the area, bits and pieces of which usually weave their way into his writing whether he realizes it at the time or not. Several of his stories can be found in print magazines, online e-zines, and in upcoming anthologies. The short story collection,
Whispers From the Dark
, includes fourteen of the best shorts he’s published to date. His first novel,
Containment Room Seven
, is now available from Permuted Press. In August 2012, the first novella in his “Southern Hauntings Saga” was released by Angelic Knight Press and the series is now ongoing. You can visit him online at



Rick Hudson was born in Derbyshire, England in 1966 and has lived in Manchester most of his life. He has been writing professionally since 1984 and his fiction has appeared in numerous magazines and collections as well as being broadcast by the BBC. He is the author of two novels:
Dr Twelve
(2010) and
(2012). Whilst working in horror fiction, his literary ability and talent as a writer have been praised by the wider literary community:
Punk Globe
described his writing as “Nothing short of brilliant and inspiring” and invited its readers to “marvel at Hudson’s mastery of language and literary technique.” Academic writer Catherine Pattern (University of Winchester) claims that his fiction is marked by “remarkable writing skill, phenomenal ability to use language and the lyrical, striking and often beautiful style he employs.” Rick cites his influences as Martin Amis, William Faulkner, Ted Hughes, Thomas Ligotti, Monty Python, Alice Cooper, and HP Lovecraft. Rick is also an English Literature academic—specializing in the study of horror, sf and fantasy fiction—and lectures at a number of universities in the North West of England. He welcomes the opportunity of contributing work to US magazines and publishers, and very much invites visitors to his Facebook page—although he does warn you that this can be “anarchic at best.”



Shaun Jeffrey is the author of five novels, including the
The Kult
, which was filmed by independent production company, Gharial Productions. He has also had numerous short stories published in publications such as
Dark Discoveries
Cemetery Dance
. Besides writing, he is a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, and he has recently started participating in off-road races that incorporate obstacles and mud ... lots of mud. For more information, check out



Christian grew up in Park Ridge, IL and graduated from Maine South High School in 1993. He has worked as an English teacher, radio personality, newspaper reporter, and a printer’s devil.
His short stories have appeared in
Chiral Mad
(Written Backwards), and
A Feast of Frights
(The Horror Zine Books) and
Fortune: Lost and Found
(Omnium Gatherum). His debut novel,
Losing Touch
, with a foreword by
New York Times
bestselling author Piers Anthony, will be published by Post Mortem Press in 2013.
Christian received his bachelor of science in broadcast journalism from the University of Illinois and studied secondary English education at National-Louis University. He lives with his wife and two sons in the fictional town of Northport, Illinois. Follow him on Twitter @exlibrislarsen or visit for more information



Lisa Mannetti’s debut novel,
The Gentling Box
, garnered a Bram Stoker Award and she was nominated in 2010 both for her novella, “Dissolution,” and a short story, “1925: A Fall River Halloween.” She has also authored The
New Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn
, a compilation of novellas—including “Dissolution”; a macabre gag book,
51 Fiendish Ways to Leave Your Lover
(2010); two nonfiction books; and numerous articles and short stories in newspapers, magazines, and anthologies. Her story, “Everybody Wins,” was made into a short film by director Paul Leyden, starring Malin Akerman and released under the title
Bye-Bye Sally
the film has been posted on YouTube.
Lisa lives in New York. Visit her author Web site at, as well as her virtual haunted house at



Shaun Meeks lives in Toronto, Ontario with his partner, Mina LaFleur. Shaun’s work has appeared in
Haunted Path
Dark Eclipse
Zombies Gone Wild
, and
A Feast of Frights
from the Horror Zine, as well as his own collection,
At the Gates of Madness
. He will also be featured in the anthologies
A Six Pack of Stories
The Horror Zine 4
, and
Fresh Grounds Volume 3
, and will be releasing a new collection with his brother called
Brother’s Ilk
in late 2012 and his new novel,
, in early 2013. To find out more, visit him at



Kate Monroe is a redheaded author and editor who lives in a quiet and inspirational corner of southern England. She has penchants for the color black, horror, and loud guitars, and a fatal weakness for red wine. Her interests in writing range from horror to erotica, taking in historical romance, steampunk, and tales of the paranormal on the way; whatever she dreamed about the night before is liable to find its way onto the page in some form or another. Check out her web site at



Christine Morgan divides her writing time among many genres, from horror to historical, from superheroes to smut, anything in between and combinations thereof. She’s a wife, a mom, a future crazy cat lady and a longtime gamer who enjoys British television, cheesy action/disaster movies, cooking, and crafts. Her stories have appeared in many publications, including
The Book of All Flesh
The Book of Final Flesh
The Best of All Flesh
History is Dead
The World is Dead
Strange Stories of Sand and Sea
Fear of the Unknown
Hell Hath No Fury
Dreaded Pall
Path of the Bold
Cthulhu Sex Magazine
and its best-of volume
Horror Between the Sheets
Closet Desire IV
, and
Leather, Lace and Lust.
She’s also a contributor to
The Horror Fiction Review
a former member of the HWA, a regular at local conventions, and an ambitious self-publisher (six fantasy novels, four horror novels, six children’s fantasy books, and two role-playing supplements). Her work has appeared in
Pyramid Magazine
GURPS Villains
, been nominated for Origins Awards, and given Honorable Mention in two volumes of Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror. Her romantic suspense novel
The Widows Walk
was recently released from Lachesis Publishing; her horror novel
The Horned Ones
is due out from Belfire; and her thriller
Murder Girls
was just accepted by Skullvines. She’s delving into steampunk, making progress on an urban paranormal series, and greatly enjoying her bloodthirsty Viking stories.



JM Reinbold is the Director of the Written Remains Writers Guild in Wilmington, Delaware. She is the author of the novella “Transfusions,” published in the anthology
Stories from the Inkslingers
(Gryphonwood Press, 2008). “Transfusions” was nominated for a Washington Science Fiction Association Small Press Award. Her poetry has appeared in
Red Fez Magazine
Strange Love
(2010), and
A Beat Style Haiku
(2012). In 2011, she received an honorable mention from the Delaware Division of the Arts Individual Artist Fellowships for her novel 
Prince of the Piedmont
. She has been selected twice (2008, 2012) by the Delaware Division of the Arts as a fiction fellow for the Cape Henlopen Poets & Writers Retreat. In 2009, her novel-in-progress,
Summer’s End
, was a finalist in the Magic Carpet Ride Magical Realism Mentorship competition. She is currently working on a mystery/crime novel, a number of short stories, and haiku. You can visit her online at



Malina Roos writes everything except romance because she has problems yanking axes out of young lovers’ heads. Her work can be found in
Death to the Brother’s Grimm
from Omnium Gatherum Media, and
Spinetingler Magazine
. Her great passions are writing, reviewing books, her three dogs, and her spouse, who mysteriously dies in most of her work and now sleeps with one eye open. She is currently working on several short stories and a novel.



Daniel Russell has been writing horror since 2004 with many short stories published in publications such as
Andromeda Spaceways
Inflight Magazine
, and
The Zombie Feed
from Apex. His debut novel
and short story “By the Banks of the Nabarra” were both nominated for Western Australia Tin Duck awards in 2011, as was the story “Broken Bough” in 2012. He is the author of
Come Into Darkness
The Collector Book 1: Mana Leak.
His novel
Mother’s Boys
is due for release in 2013 from Blood Bound Books and his work will also be appearing in Brett McBean’s final novel in his
Urban Jungle
trilogy. Daniel is currently the Vice President of the Australian Horror Writer’s Association and was a special guest editor of
Midnight Echo



A resident of North Carolina’s Outer Banks, Sessler searches for that unique element that twists the everyday commonplace into the weird. Last year, he sold his first published story, “Tourist Trap,” to the
State of Horror: North Carolina
anthology, edited by Armand Rosamilia. Having his second published story, “The Perfect Size,” appear in
Zippered Flesh 2
enthuses him immensely.



L.L. Soares’s fiction has appeared in dozens of magazines and anthologies, including the original
Zippered Flesh
collection. His first novel,
Life Rage
, was released in 2012 from Nightscape Press, and is available from the usual places. His second novel,
Rock ‘N’ Roll
, should be out by the time you read this, published by Gallows Press. His other books include the short story collection
In Sickness
(with Laura Cooney) and the upcoming mainstream novel,
, due out in May of 2013. He is an Active member of the Horror Writers Association (HWA), and a former chairman of the New England Horror Writers (NEHW). He also cowrites the Stoker-Nominated horror movie review column, “Cinema Knife Fight,” with Michael Arruda. CKF currently has an official web site, a staff of writers, and new content every weekday at Check out his site at



Jonathan Templar has written a large body of acclaimed dark and speculative fiction, much of which has been published in anthologies and compilations from a range of publishers. Jonathan’s recent work includes the story “The Meat Man” in the charity collection
Horror for Good
and “Basher” for the shared world anthology
World’s Collider
. His novella
The Angel of Shadwell
, the first in a series of stories for steam-punk detective Inspector Noridel, is to be published by Nightscape Press in September 2012 and his first collection of stories,
The Geometry of Hell
, is due later in the year. Jonathan has an author site with a full bibliography at

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