Zane (Alluring Indulgence) (14 page)

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Authors: Nicole Edwards

BOOK: Zane (Alluring Indulgence)
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V screamed his name as her orgasm tore through her, altogether throwing her off
balance with its intensity.

was on his feet, holding her in his arms, pulling her against his chest as her
body trembled from the aftershocks. How did he do that? He barely touched her,
and she came apart like this was her first time and she didn’t know what to

her heart rate finally returned to normal, V looked up at him, noting the
adorable smirk on his handsome face. The man was truly beautiful: dark hair,
square, rugged jaw, smoldering smoke-blue eyes, and a wicked, mischievous smile
that could light up the darkest corners of her soul.

knew she was falling for him, knew she would do herself a favor by staying as
far away from him as she could, but she couldn’t bring herself to do so. The
three months he was in the hospital was torture. Even if she asked Zoey about
him all the time, V had refused to go see him.

didn’t want to feel anything for him, yet here she was, overcome with emotions
that were better left alone. This was supposed to be about pleasure, about
extreme sexual gratification. There should be no room for emotions and feelings
and all of that lovey dovey crap that she didn’t want any part of. She just
needed to feel safe for a little while. Needed to know that they were tucked
away where no one could hurt either of them and as long as Zane took control,
she didn’t have to think anymore.

here they were finding solace in one another while at the same time avoiding
those crucial conversations that should be had between two people who care
about one another. There was no doubt in her mind that she cared about Zane,
but V was terrified to admit it to herself. But this she could do. Mind numbing
bliss at the hands of the sexiest man she had ever laid eyes on.

Zane put his hand on her shoulders, easing her down to her knees, V didn’t
question him or herself. She knew what he wanted, but more importantly, she
knew what they both needed. A break from reality. This was their chance.

to her knees before him, V unhooked the button on his jeans, lowered the zipper
and then pulled the denim down his thick thighs. She glanced up at his eyes
before letting her gaze drift down his impressive chest, his washboard abs and
that sexy as hell “V” that dipped in below his waist. The man was yummy.

your mouth on me,” Zane urged, one of his hands looping into her hair, a sharp,
intriguing tingle shooting from her scalp straight down her spine. She liked
when he took charge, showing her exactly what he wanted.

his thighs, V allowed Zane to control her movements and to her delight, he did
not disappoint in the control department. Just like everything about Zane, he
was fluidly graceful and powerful, exuding that alpha persona with ease. There
was no doubt he was the lead now, just like every other time and V gave herself
over to him.

it, V,” Zane groaned as he continued to thrust slow and easy against her
tongue, holding her head immobile. The delicious way he owned every move she
made and the tingle that bolted from her scalp to deep down in her core had V
moaning around his erection.

never would’ve imagined being the type to enjoy giving a man a blow job, but
with Zane, V was learning so much about herself. With him, it was different.
Everything was different. Hell,
was different. She wanted him, pure
and simple, any way she could have him.

hand gripped her hair more firmly as he pulled his cock from her mouth, holding
the firm, thick shaft against her lips. “Lick me,” he instructed and V stuck
out her tongue, gliding over the smooth underside as she looked up at him.

like that,” he crooned, moving his hips so that his cock slid back and forth
over her tongue. “Open your mouth.”

slowly opened wider, and when Zane moved closer, she knew what he wanted. She
eased her tongue farther down his shaft as he pulled his cock higher, giving
her access to his scrotum. V began licking tentatively, teasing him more than
anything, but never took him fully into her mouth. That was what he wanted, and
based on his groans, she knew he wasn’t going to tolerate her teasing much

the way,” he demanded, his voice sterner than ever before. “Suck my balls into
your mouth.”

did as he instructed, sucking him fully into her mouth, using her tongue to glide
back and forth over the sumptuous, hairless skin.

yeah,” Zane groaned again, pulling her hair as he slid from her mouth. “It’s
too good, baby.”

she begged to differ. V was pretty sure that nothing with this man was too
good. She knew that no matter how high he took her, there was always so much
more in store and she found herself aching for him.

the bed,” Zane instructed as he removed his jeans and boxers, dropping them to
the floor in his haste.

crawled onto the bed, turned over onto her back, but apparently Zane had other
ideas because he deftly flipped her onto her stomach, his hands groping her ass
and holding her still.

his warm body came down on top of her, the evidence of his desire pressing
intimately between her thighs, V wished like hell he would move things along.
She wanted to feel him inside of her. His mouth came down to her ear, his heated
breath teasing the hair at her nape.

you know how bad I want to fuck your ass, V?”

words sent sparks of pure unobstructed heat straight to her core, making her
body tense in anticipation.

can’t stop thinking about the night when Beau had the pleasure of burying his
dick in your sweet pussy while I fucked your tight ass. Do you remember that

knew she did. There were times when V relived the most erotic experience she
had ever known, and she ended up with chills. It was the most sensual moment of
her entire life, and despite her original reluctance, V had given in to both
men, and when they both entered her at the same time, she realized she would
never know anything quite as omnipotent as that. She even secretly wished for
it to happen again, but she had never requested it, nor would she now.

remember,” she whispered.

snaked his arm beneath her neck, cupping her head and turning it so that she
was practically looking up at him while her body was flat against the bed. He
was so damn hot, his heartbeat pounding a steady rhythm that she could feel
against her back.

you enjoy it?”

wouldn’t lie to him. “Yes.”

me how much you enjoyed it,” he urged, sliding his cock between her thighs and
aligning with the wet, aching entrance to her pussy.

loved it,” she moaned as he teased her, slipping the very tip of his cock
inside of her, but never giving her exactly what she wanted.

want to do it again, V.” Zane placed light, fluttering kisses against the side
of her mouth. “I want to watch Beau lick your sweet pussy. Hear the way you moan
when he reams your ass with his tongue. Watch while you fly apart with us both
buried inside of you again.”

dark tone turned her to mush. She tried to spread her legs, attempting to get
him deeper because she needed for him to fuck her. It wasn’t just the threesome
that turned her on, but the way Zane controlled it. He directed every movement,
ensuring her pleasure more so than his own. She knew that the Walker brothers
shared women. That wasn’t a secret. And V was pretty damn sure Zane and Beau
had done it on more than one occasion, but the way they treated her as though
she were the only one that mattered... That had been explosive.

so wet, baby,” Zane whispered against her ear, using his teeth to nip at her
earlobe as he continued to tease her, slipping a little more into her body with
each passing second. He was heavy against her, and he limited her movements
with his muscular body on top of hers. It felt so damn good. He was pressed perfectly
against her, the hard planes of his chest against her shoulder blades, the
sculpted muscle of his abs against her lower back.

she begged, trying to wiggle beneath him.

pleasure,” Zane growled before slamming into her, ripping her orgasm straight
out of her with the brunt force of his penetration.

never expected to come like that, never even knew it was possible, but here she
was, her body spasming out of control as Zane hefted himself off of her,
raising her hips until she was on her knees before he began pounding into her
once more.

he slapped her ass, V screamed, another orgasm exploding within her depths. She
could barely hold her body up, and the impact of his hips ramming into her,
continued to push her farther and farther up on the bed, but Zane didn’t slow
his thrusts, hurtling her into the abyss again.

Zane gripped her shoulders with both hands, holding her still as he pistoned
his hips over and over against her backside, his cock buried deeper than she
thought possible.

Zane growled, and V was overcome once more with another release so powerful,
she feared she might lose consciousness.

one final, soul wrenching thrust, Zane groaned his release, falling forward on
top of her, kissing her lightly on her temple as V allowed the darkness to consume

Chapter Eight



following morning, Zane awoke with the sun shining through the plate glass
window that peered out over the creek bubbling gently just a few yards away.
He’d always loved waking up to the peace that he’d found in his home, but this
morning was exceptionally gratifying. There beside him, snuggled against his
side was the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on.

was naked and warm and more tempting than he thought possible. Except, he
wasn’t about to wake her again, even if his desires were insatiable. After all,
he had woken her in the middle of the night, sliding into the warmth of her
body as she wrapped herself around him tightly. Zane wasn’t sure he’d ever tire
of being with her, especially like this.

her closer, he spooned against her back, sliding his legs against hers and
holding her in his arms. Her hair teased his nose while the scent of her
relaxed him, her supple, smooth skin felt so delicate beneath his palms. This
woman did something to him that Zane hadn’t thought possible. When it came to
V, he knew it wasn’t just sex he wanted, although they certainly caused sparks,
there was no doubt about that. He loved the way she handed the control over to
him without question.

watching her sleep could comfortably become one of his favorite pastimes. He’d
never had the luxury of waking up beside her until now and Zane was pretty sure
he’d never forget this moment.

stirred slowly, snuggling closer as she ground her ass against his groin. He
was hard pressed not to slide between her thighs once more.

morning,” he greeted her tenderly, his lips against her ear.

the long strands of her hair away from her face, Zane studied her profile and
his heart nearly jolted out of his chest when she smiled. Honestly, he had
expected V to freak out after having spent the entire night curled up against
him so seeing a smile was a pleasant surprise.

you sleep well?” He knew she had, or at least he knew
had. V wasn’t
the only one who didn’t like spending the night with someone. Zane definitely
didn’t do it often, and not at all since he’d starting seeing V.

hmmm,” she mumbled, pulling the covers up over her head.

slid beneath them and pressed his lips against her smooth, warm back. Cuddling
had never been his thing, but he found that he liked the idea when it came to
V. He found a lot of things he enjoyed when V was around.

cell phone rang a little while ago,” Zane told her as he continued trailing
kisses down her spine.

that was the wrong thing to say because V flew out of bed, stealing the sheet
as she went and leaving him lying there totally naked, staring after her as she
traipsed across the room to the phone she had left on the counter in the

V exclaimed, thumbing something into her phone as she stared intently at it.
“Shit! Shit! Shit!”

wrong?” He rolled onto his back, sliding his hands beneath his head, his body
stirring to life at the sight of her in his house, with his sheet wrapped
around her. It wasn’t covering nearly as much as she probably wanted it to.

supposed to be at work!” V bit out, glaring at him from across the room.


are you smiling at?” she asked as she marched over to the side of the bed,
leaning down to pick up her clothes.

she managed to retrieve them, Zane had her flat on her back on the bed once
more, hovering over her. He was still smiling while she looked none too happy.
Little did she know, but he had already talked to Zoey that morning. As a
matter of fact, Zoey had called his phone a few seconds after she had called

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