Zane (Alluring Indulgence) (10 page)

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Authors: Nicole Edwards

BOOK: Zane (Alluring Indulgence)
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wasn’t doing himself any favors teasing her like this. His cock was rock hard,
and his jeans were damn tight, but he couldn’t help himself. “I’m tempted to
slide my hand beneath your skirt just to feel how wet you are,” he told her,
watching the way her eyes closed briefly and she licked her lips. “You’d like
that wouldn’t you, V?” Gripping her chin more firmly, he waited for her to open
her eyes. “Tell me.”

eyes fluttered open, but she didn’t look away. He could see the anticipation in
her heated gaze. Vanessa Carmichael was a naughty girl at heart, but she very
rarely let herself get out of control. He’d seen it though, so he knew it was
possible. Zane was bound and determined he was going to make it happen again.

maybe, I should just sneak you out to my Jeep and let you ride my cock. How
does that sound?”

sharp intake of breath, followed by a low moan told Zane he was positively
affecting her. When she slid her hand down between his legs, rubbing his aching
cock through his jeans, he damn near lost it. They were in the middle of
Moonshiners, with remarkably little privacy between them, yet she was daring to
tease him back.

me, V. What do you want?” Zane knew where this was leading, and he needed her
to make the call. All she had to do was say the word, and he’d drag her
somewhere with a little more privacy and give them both what they needed. “You
want me to take you in the bathroom? Or in my Jeep?” He knew he couldn’t leave
the question open ended, so he was now giving her a choice.

V whispered, her eyes still pinned on his face.

pulled away slightly, doing his best not to jump up from his seat and drag her
to the back hallway. He spared a glance around the room. Noticing no one was
paying any attention to them, he gracefully slid out of the booth, taking V’s
hand in his and pulling her along with him. As patiently as he could manage,
Zane led her through the bar, looking around to ensure no one was watching
them. When he was satisfied they were in the clear, he dragged her along behind
him until they reached the bathrooms at the end of the hall.

God for single person restrooms, especially vacant ones. Zane opened the door,
pulled V in behind him and then shut and locked it behind them. Within seconds
he had her up against the small sink, her butt pressing against the porcelain
and his erection grinding between her thighs.

didn’t speak; she just threw her arms around his neck, pulling his head down to
hers as her mouth met his. In a frenzy of tongues and teeth, Zane lost himself
in her taste. The way she moaned into his mouth made him harder than stone and
eager to slide his cock into her sweet, warm depths.

took the reins, rapidly unhooking his belt buckle, then easing his cock out of
his jeans after unhooking the button and lowering the zipper. While she focused
on him, Zane slid his hands up beneath her skirt, jerking her panties out of
the way, successfully ripping the delicate fabric in his haste. Apparently,
that turned her on because V was once again devouring his mouth, sucking his
tongue roughly.

had to pull back enough so he could lift her legs around his waist, but he
didn’t waste any more time.

baby,” Zane groaned as he slid his cock inside her wet pussy, watching as her
eyes closed. “You’re so fucking wet for me, V. God, baby!” Zane couldn’t stop
the rambling, couldn’t slow down if he tried.

his hips forward, he buried himself to the hilt in her enticing body, thrusting
fast and hard until V was scoring the skin of his arms through his shirt as her
pussy gripped him like a velvet vice.

it, baby,” he said, trying to keep his voice low enough no one would hear them.
“You like being fucked, don’t you? Almost as much as I like fucking you.”

V begged. “I need more, Zane. Fuck me harder.”

aimed to please, so he began ruthlessly pounding inside of her, his teeth
clenched as he fought the urge to come hard and fast inside of her.

V began moaning louder, Zane crushed his mouth to hers, swallowing her cries as
she moved her hands to grip his hips, pulling him deeper as she lifted her
legs, tilting her pelvis until he was as deep as he could get.

me, Zane,” V groaned, her pussy milking him, tightening almost painfully around
his shaft.

her ass so she didn’t move, Zane plowed into her over and over, willing her to come
around him, but unable to say a word because his mouth was fused with hers.
When she bit his bottom lip, pain ricocheted through him, going straight to his
dick, and he couldn’t hold back any longer. V’s nails dug deeper into his ass,
and she moaned one last time as her body spasmed out of control, milking his release
from him as she came around his cock.

had a feeling he was going to need to work on his stamina if he planned to keep
up with her.




V was coming down from the potent sexual high, she couldn’t believe what they
had just done. Well, she could believe it. Sort of. The attraction between them
had always been like this. Combustible. It was the only way she could describe

since the first time they had sex at her house several months ago, it’d been explosive.
Back then they’d only spared a few minutes to discuss the necessities – birth
control, condoms, and diseases. Once they’d come to a decision that they were
both comfortable with, they hadn’t looked back. No holds barred fucking at its
finest. Never did they make love. What happened when their bodies came together
could only be described as hardcore fucking. It was vehement, erotic, and
beyond good.

legs were shaking as she put her feet back on the floor, Zane’s hands firmly on
her hips, holding her steady. He was still holding her close as his semi-hard
cock slid from her body. The man was a machine and V knew that, in just a few
minutes, he’d be rarin’ to go again. She, on the other hand, needed a little
more time.
Holy shit
. That was one of the most explosive orgasms she’d
ever experienced.

all right?” he asked, looking down at her from beneath that sexy as hell cowboy
hat. V was surprised it still sat on top of his head.

than all right,” she confirmed as she tried to right her clothes, pulling back
from him.

watched as Zane took a moment to clean up before tucking himself back in his
jeans and fixing his clothes. He looked as if nothing had happened while she
knew from the image reflecting back at her from the mirror above the sink that
she had the just fucked look on her face. Her hair was in disarray, and she
could see the telltale scrape along her jaw from the stubble on his face.

realized her panties were torn, and managed to slip them down her legs while
Zane was turned away from her. She glanced around the small bathroom and knew
there was no way she was leaving them there. Since she didn’t have any pockets,
she wasn’t sure what the hell she was going to do. Zane solved her problem when
he turned to face her, that wicked gleam in his eyes as he held out his hand.

she dropped her panties into his hands and watched as he slipped them in the
front pocket of his jeans.
Oh, God!
How was she going to be able to look
at him knowing her torn panties were in his pocket?

give you a minute,” Zane whispered, dropping a quick kiss on her lips before
slipping out the door.

swiftly locked the door, realizing she was in the men’s bathroom. Staring back
at the woman in the mirror, she couldn’t resist the urge to smile. Even with
her heart raising all kinds of questions, V did her best to ignore the
overprotective organ. What she had just done was wild, crazy and ultimately the
most exciting thing she had ever done. From the minute Zane had started talking
dirty to her at the table, V knew she had to have him.

was right, yesterday was just a tease, and she had wanted him again as soon as
he walked in the door tonight. Running her fingers through her hair, trying to
put it back in place, she accepted the fact there was no disguising what just
happened between them.

on the water, V quickly washed up. When she felt semi-presentable, she unlocked
the door and then stepped out into the hall, finding Zane leaning against the
wall waiting for her. His head was down, but she knew he saw her. Taking
tentative steps, she approached him and waited to see what he was going to say

will have you again before the night is over,” he warned her, and V smiled once

he took her hand, she allowed him to lead her back down the hall and into the
open area of the bar. Thankfully, everyone seemed to be minding their own
business. She had no idea how long they were gone, but it didn’t seem like it
was too long. As she slid back into the booth, she was reminded that she didn’t
have panties on as the cool, silky material of her skirt brushed against her
butt. Her face heated, and she looked up to see Zane staring back at her.

you’re beautiful,” he whispered and V wondered whether he actually meant to say
the words.

minute later, Zoey and Kaleb returned to the table, and if either of them knew
what just happened they were kind enough not to act as though they did. V would
have given anything for another beer, but she knew she couldn’t afford to take
the chance of lowering her inhibitions any more than they already were. She
didn’t even want to think what she might do if she were actually drunk around



Chapter Six



backfill your position when you take over the club at AI?” Kaleb asked a short while
later when he and Zoey returned to the table.

felt V’s eyes on him.

going to manage one of the clubs?” V turned slightly in her seat to look at him

That was the plan at least. Not that he wasn’t sure of his decision, but he
hadn’t had the opportunity to speak to Travis and he still wondered whether he
would get any pushback from his oldest brother.

club?” V clarified, and Zane glanced down at her, his arm still looped
over the back of the booth behind her.

He wasn’t quite sure whether she was trying to go somewhere with her questions,
or if she were just confirming.

was thinking V would be a perfect person to manage the spa,” Zoey added when
the table fell silent. Zane had still been watching V, so he noticed the way
her eyes widened in shock as she looked back at her friend.

spa?” Kaleb questioned, glancing between the two women. “That’s a fantastic

– I –” V stuttered, but didn’t complete her sentence.

what?” Zane found himself unable to stop himself from touching her. He let his
right hand slide down, and his thumb sweep back and forth over the silky skin
of her neck, just below her ear, beneath her hair.

was planning to talk to Kaleb and Sawyer about it myself,” she answered,
glaring at Zoey.

far as I’m concerned,” Kaleb added, “it’s a done deal. If you want to talk to
Sawyer and Travis, I suggest you do it soon. We’re looking at some applications
that we received in the last few days because we’re hoping to get a jumpstart.
Travis is at the point that he is sparing no expense to get AI off the ground.”

Travis gonna be back?” Zane asked.

be today or tomorrow. They had something monumental go down at Club Destiny in
recent days, and the McCoy’s insisted that he come up there.”

happened?” Zoey’s interest matched what Zane’.

didn’t go into detail when I talked to him last night, but from what I
gathered, Luke McCoy went off the deep end.”

didn’t know Luke McCoy other than the bits and pieces he had gathered from
Kaleb and Travis. Since he never made it to the groundbreaking ceremony, he
didn’t get a chance to meet anyone that his brothers were working with in

are you going to name the club?” Zoey turned her attention back to him.

idea.” He hadn’t thought that far ahead. He wanted to talk to Sawyer to get an
idea of what he might’ve been planning for the other club, to give him some
ideas. Truthfully, Zane didn’t see any of it mattering for at least a couple
more weeks, maybe months, so he assumed he still had some time.

the next few minutes, Zane half listened while Zoey and V discussed various
things, most of them related to clothes which made him want to laugh. Zane
wasn’t all that familiar with girl talk, and honestly, even sitting here with V
was different from any other relationship he’d ever been in.

Zane didn’t have serious relationships. Not even in high school. The women he
associated with knew not to expect much from him because quite frankly, he
didn’t have much to give. He spent most of his time working, the rest of it
hanging out with either his brothers, or a couple of his close friends, mostly
Beau. When it came to socializing with women, Zane tended to gravitate toward
the horizontal conversations versus anything else. For some reason, the women
didn’t seem to mind. Just as long as he spent more than one night with them.

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