Zandor (6 page)

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Authors: M.J. Fields

Tags: #Men of Steel#3

BOOK: Zandor
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“There you go, ride it out don’t stop. I got you.”

I held tight to him and grinded into his hard muscular thigh. I felt the explosion and then the sweet burn of ecstasy spread through me

When I was done he let my leg down and rubbed my back, “I’m proud of you. No inhibitions, taking it right here. So fucking hot. So beautiful.”

His praise continued as his hands ran up and down my body.

“OH FUCK NO!” I heard Tiffany scream.

I stepped back regretfully and looked toward her. Drew looked at her and the shame in that boys eyes was apparent.

“Fuck you Drew, step the fuck off,” she shoved him.

“It’s not what you think Tiff…”

“You buttoning your pants walking in with that skank ass bitch isn’t what it seems?”

She held up her hand to stop him.

“Tiff it was a fucking blow job. It was….”

“Hope it was worth it. Hey Xavier, how would you like your dick sucked?”

Xavier looked at Tiff smiling his fool head off, “How would you like me to lick your pussy?”

“Sounds good,” Drew stepped toward her, “Back the fuck off Drew. This shit is done.”

Xavier grabbed her and yanked her into him and kissed her hard on the mouth holding her face in his hands. He pulled back
. “You passed the taste test, let’s go.” He grabbed her hand and looked back at Zandor. “Let’s roll!”

“Tiffany!” Drew yelled.

She didn’t look back, but I did. He looked hurt, man that…

“You heard him, let’s roll
.” Zandor tugged at my arm.

.” I looked around. “He brought us.”

“Yeah well, you’re leaving with me. I’ll text him.”

I had no time to answer. He was dragging me out by my arm.

One Rub Pubic




We walked out the door and I looked at my car
. “Aww, fuck no!”

She was sitting a little lower than normal. I grabbed my phone and hit the flashlight app and shined it on her.


I heard Xavier chuckle and I whipped around
. I was gonna go off on his ass.

“What man, seriously if you weren’t a Motherfucker this shit probably wouldn’t have happened.”

Tiffany grabbed his shirt and buried her head in his chest and started shaking. “Listen Twit, you might wanna pretend you’re cryin’ because this shit isn’t funny at all. Christ, look at you.”

I rubbed down the side to see if it was dirt or it had been keyed
, and my worst fear came to fruition.

I swear to you if Bekah wasn’t standing there I probably would’ve cried like a baby.

I stood back and tried to calm down. I felt a hand on my back and looked over at Bekah, she genuinely looked concerned about me. I threw my arm around her shoulder and took full advantage of the situation.

“You alright?”

“Yeah,” I punched in George’s number. “Hey it’s me, my car’s fucked up. Can you get it towed to Justice’s place? Cool. Nah, I’m good,” I looked down at Bekah and rolled my eyes and she rubbed my back. I rolled em again just to see if she’d continue, and she rubbed harder. I did it again and gained myself a smack in the stomach. “Don’t do that Kitten, the Steel will hurt your little paws.”

Now she rolled her eyes and walked away. Damn she was quick.

“Is it in? No I want the fucking Kubang, or Levante whatever the fuck they’re calling it now…Seriously…fucker! Fine the X7 then…Fuck him, I called it first…No he gets the 5, I get the 7…I’ll text you the address…You the man, George.”

I took a few more seconds to look at my Baby and then over at Xavier
. “Call a cab.”


The cab pulled in front of Hot Buns place, and Xavier and Tiffany ran up the stairs groping each other. Bekah was walking in and I paid the driver.

“Wait up
.” I yelled and she turned around and looked at me.

“I don’t think…”

“There you go with that again.”


I held the door open. “Thinking. Now get up there.”

She didn’t move she just looked at me
. “I’m not gonna try to fuck you, Bekah, what kind of man do you think I am?”

I walked past her and ran up the stairs and looked down
. “Need some help?”

“No…I just…”

I ran back down and grabbed her and threw her over my shoulder. Damn, that made her squirm. “Easy Kitten, or we’ll both go tumbling down these things.”

I set her down in front of me
. “You’re gonna entertain me until Xavier’s ready to leave.”

“He’ll be here all night
.” She rolled her eyes.

, he won’t. Steel boys don’t play that way.” I opened the door and Xavier was opening a bottle of wine and looking down at Tiffany with a shit-ass grin on his face.

“Easy girl, let’s have a drink first
.” X smirked, walked past her and sat down. “Hey Tiffany. Grab four cups, would ya?”

I sat on the couch and patted the spot next to me
. “Come on, Bekah. I won’t bite.”

“Maybe she will
.” Tiffany sat on Xavier’s lap and wiggled around.

“You two gonna take it in the bedroom or just
do it right here in front of us?” Bekah elbowed me pretty damn hard in the side and Xavier looked at me.

, do you remember that time we…”

, I do. That shit is between you and I,” I warned.

“Oh no, spill it Xavier
.” Tiffany wheedled.

“Yeah I think you should
.” Bekah turned her entire body toward him.

“My first time…”

“Xavier, enough.”

“No way
, I wanna know.”

“He was there. Two best friends. Just like this
, but darker.” Xavier chuckled .

All right Xavier, let’s not bore them with the teenage years.” I really was hoping he’d shut the fuck up, the drunk bastard.

“They don’t sound all
that boring.” Tiffany leaned back on him and he groaned.

“I’m gonna use the bathroom
. Do whatever you got to.”

When I came out
, they were gone, thank God. I saw Bekah’s room light on and looked in. She was changing into her night clothes. I think so, anyways, she had on a T-shirt and shorts. A far-fucking cry from the tank and thong I saw this morning.

She turned and saw me.  Didn’t try to hide, we kind of shared a moment you know.

I walked in her room.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

I sat on the edge of the bed and pulled off my socks. “You wouldn’t make a friend sleep on the couch would you?”

“You were leaving…”

“No I wasn’t, never had any intention of it, now get your ass in bed.”

I stood and took off my pants and turned around. She was trying not to smile, still
fucked-up and adorable.


“You’re in your underwear.”

“I can lose ‘em if you want
.” I ran my finger under the waistband of my Calvin Klein’s.

“NO!” She covered her mouth.

“Fine, but I’m pretty sure you’d like what you saw.”

, those things leave little to the imagination now don’t they?”

I smirked
. “You been imagining what my cock is like Kitten?”

“Well I kind of got off…”

“Don’t you say it, you remind me and I’m gonna be all over you. So I’m warning you, Kitten, we either talk about something else or you take your clothes off and lay down next to me and let me take you to the stars.”

“The stars
, huh?” she lay down on the opposite side of the bed.

“Maybe beyond them, you’ll have to tell me after
.” I rolled over and sat up.

I took my shirt off and
lay down a little closer to her and propped myself up on my elbow.

Her eyes were heavy and glassy, but still that brilliant blue that drew me immediately to her
. “You’ve got the most beautiful eyes, Bekah.”

She giggled
. “Are we going to throw pick-up lines at each other now?”

I smiled at her
. “Give me your worst.”

She rolled to her side and grabbed the biggest pillow I had ever seen in my life and flopped it between us
. “What the hell is that?”

“Henry,” she giggled.

“Henry? What the hell’s a Henry?”

“Only the best snuggler in the world.”

“Oh, I see. Like a teddy bear?”

“No like a stuffed Henry Cavill.”

“No clue who that is.” I truly didn’t. “Old boyfriend?”

“Man of Steel? The superman movie…”

Oh, that explains the underwear, I like my thought better

, an actor. Bekah, that shit’s not real, okay. You want a man of Steel you got the real thing right here and this thing’s a cock block.”

“Is that a mirror in your pocket?”


“Worst line I’ve ever heard. Is that a mirror in your pocket? You say no and then they say well that’s weird I’ve been seeing myself in your pants all night.”

“That’s fucking lame.”

“Whatever, let’s hear the worst you’ve used.”

“No way.” I flopped back on the pillow.

“So not fair, spill
, Aleszandor Steel.” She smacked me in the stomach.

I grabbed her hand real quick and held it to my stomach
. “Roses are red, violets are blue. I love spaghetti, now let’s go screw.”

She laughed out loud
. “You’ve used that?!”

“Yeah I have
.” I rolled over and pulled her hand up to my neck. “Is it gonna work?”

I had her hand so she couldn’t sock me.

“Is your Daddy a farmer? ‘Cause you have some great melons.”

“No shit? That’s pretty lame. Did it work?”

“Yeah it did actually.”

“I got one, my name is Pogo you wanna ride my stick

“That’s not even funny
.”She giggled.

“Your turn.”

We heard a bang against the wall followed by a giggle. “
That’s not gonna happen there sexy, I get top.”

“Fuck that….Holy fuck.”

“That’s right, just fucking lay there and take the best fuck of your life.”

Bekah and I looked at each other and laughed
. “Do you have fucking ear plugs in here?”

“Seriously it’s your brother, you
him through his first why not hang out for the sequel?”

I grabbed Henry and threw him on the ground, and pinned her hands to the mattress
. “That’s top secret information, damn it!”

She was
squealed. “He was watching you with his co…”

“Don’t say it
, Bekah. I won’t be held accountable for what I do to you.” I said it smiling, but I wasn’t fucking around.

“Don’t you think that’s wrong? I mean he and you both banging girls on a couch and you’re doing what?”

“Helping him keep his shit in check. He’s a Steel, we don’t blow it that fucking fast. We believe in ladies going first.”

“Well if you say it that way then…no y’all are still disgusting.”

I couldn’t help but smile at those eyes. “Tell me your secrets Bekah?”

“I don’t have any
.” she yawned.

“So what’s up with you and your father? Why do you call him sir?”

She tried to move her head to avoid eye contact and I held it between my hands. “Military brat, and my Dad’s a colonel.”

, so why the hostility?” I didn’t realize I was rubbing her face until she put her hand over mine stopping me.

“Zandor, we’ve crossed some lines already tonight. I work with you almost every day,
You’re a lot of fun, but you’re not good for me.”

“How do you know that?”

“I just do. Hell, I’m not good for me.”

I really wasn’t getting it, what the damn problem was, why she was fighting against this but I told her I’d be her friend right? What the fuck was I

The banging started again
. “They’re against the wall?”

“Her headboard is right against my damn headboard.”

I felt a crack on my head, “Fuck!”

“Oh my God
, are you okay?”

“That shit hurt
.” I rubbed my head.

She reached up and rubbed it
too. “Better?”

Keep on going girl

I opened my eyes and she was staring at my lips. I was laying on her. Pinning her to the bed and if not for the damn comforter between us she’d feel my dick growing at a crazy rapid speed, “Bekah…”

She let go of my head and gripped the sheets and let out a very slow sweet breath.

I willed myself to do the right thing and rolled off of her, regretfully.

She sat up, “Alright I am wasted. I’m sorry, you’re a very beautiful man, even fun—now.”

“I was fun before
.” I smiled.

Her eyes traveled down me. I wasn’t ashamed of shit. I put my hands behind my head and watched the expression go from shock to desire.


eyes snapped up to mine.

“You could tuck him in.”

“WHAT?” She blushed.

“I mean if you weren’t such a blanket hog he wouldn’t be gettin' you all hot and bothered right now
, Kitten.”

She whipped the covers over me
.“Do you have no shame?”

“Come on
, you saw what I got down there. Let me ask you Bekah, does it look like something to be ashamed of?”

She shook her head no and
covered her face.

“Then tell me, what’s the problem?”

“I’m on a diet. Oh, and I work for you.”

, you’re fired.”

She looked at me
. “That’s sexual harassment.”

“I know what it is. But I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t play that card.”

She leaned over and grabbed that damn pillow and I stared at her ass. Her on all fours was gonna be a lot of fun.

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