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Authors: M.J. Fields

Tags: #Men of Steel#3

BOOK: Zandor
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Men of Steel

Book 3



MJ Fields

This book is intended for adult readers only.

Published by

MJ Fields

Copyright 2013 MJ Fields


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Spending the better part of the year in Europe has been an amazing experience. I’ve learned a lot that will help our newly acquired family business, and I’ve made several contacts that I feel have become allies in this cutthroat world.

I missed my brothers and the shore. I’d spent time with Xavier, quality brother time at some real hot clubs that Sabato Costa introduced me to. Sabato was a player, different than I was, he played ‘em hard. Wined ‘em, dined ‘em, and hardly ever sixty-nined ‘em. We went to lunch, drank a bit too much
, and ended up at a kink club.

At first it seemed like a
high-class strip club until I caught on to the fact that the women on the stages tied to crosses and suspended from swings were there for pleasure. They weren’t paid to be there, they were members. There was very little they wouldn’t do and most of them were more experienced at the BSDM scene than I was. I met women who wanted to be spanked and even beaten and whipped. These women wanted pain and marks left on their bodies. Some even asked to be cut. Blood play was not my thing. I played along with most other things until I figured out what it was that truly pleasured me.

My biggest indulgence was bondage and orgasm denial.
I loved the trust the women at the clubs gave freely. The way they enjoyed the feeling of someone taking the time to pleasure them was beautiful. I was never a man who enjoyed rabbit action. I was never with a woman to just get off. I could masturbate if that’s what I was after. I love the art of seduction. Giving and receiving pleasure not just by touch but by words. I love watching a woman’s excitement grow and watching her cum.

My brother’s history of loss in love made me very aware of
what I wouldn’t seek, which led me to who I was as a lover. I carefully chose who I was sexually active with, mainly women who were not available. Older women who needed a taste of pleasure. I loved to give them back their sexuality. I love women too much to disillusion myself that there is only one mate for me.

I tried to figure out what the hell caused my sexual mentors to lose their fucking heads over a girl. Both of them had been there once and vowed not to ever go back. Jase was fucking married now and if I didn’t get back soon I was afraid Cyrus was gonna be
, too.

I’m a lover, not a husband or boyfriend. I never gave a woman false hope and I never lied to get laid. We each have our thing in
life, our hobby, our obsessions, our go-to activity when we need a break from reality. Sex was mine.

When I arrived home
, I realized I was too late. Cyrus was mush. I ended up buying a club to protect Cyrus’s new love, and now I was hiring people at the shop so that he and Jase could have more personal time. I would be working at the family’s tattoo shop, which was completely separate from Steel Incorporated. We kept our new life from the old. We protected ourselves and each other from the negative that the unexpected windfall of money and power could bring to us if people knew. We kept the shop to keep us grounded.

We decided to hire more help, burning the candle at both ends was taking its toll. I never wanted or expected to look up when I heard a southern drawl at the front desk and have everything I knew I wanted fucking crumble and blow away in the proverbial wind.







I walked into the back room of the shop. It was almost closing time. It had been one hell of a busy night and we all had people waiting for work to be done. The best part of tonight was we had a ton of nipple piercings. Not sure what the hell that was about but I’m not one to bitch about playing with titties for three hours. I fucking loved those things.

Whatever you call them; jugs, bouncing Buddhas, humpty dumplings, Bobbsy twins, Picasso
’s cubes, holy grail, flying saucers, double whoppers, knockers, honkers, tannin’ cannons, Congo bongos, two bald men in a sling; to me they’re tits.

Tits—I fucking love them, all of them. Augmented, curvaceous, eggplant, fried eggs, pear, round, saggy, swooping, small, tubular, and triangular to name a few. No two were the same, not even fake titties.

You can’t have tits without nipples, and I have to admit I love those just as much. Nipples- flat, puffy, short, long, that doesn’t matter a bit either. I love to touch them, suck them, bite them, and fuck them. I love clamping them and I love releasing them. If they’re short you can wrap them bitches making them hard, long, and sensitive as fuck. I love to drip hot wax on them and I love to peel that wax off scraping my teeth over them. I love rubbing the tip of my cock across them and I love to cum all fucking over them.

I Fucking. Love. Tits!

“What the hell are you doing?” I heard Cyrus ask as he entered the employee lounge.

“Cleaning the coffee pot.” I was
, too, probably for longer than necessary but I had tits on the brain, “And thinking of tits.”

snickered, “Lots of them tonight.”

“No shit, great fucking…”

I stopped talking when Bekah walked in, “You don’t have to stop on my account, remember I was there?”

She smiled and walked to the closet to grab her coat.

“Yeah, Z let’s talk about tits,” Cyrus chuckled, “What’s your favorite type bro?”

I looked at him and rolled my eyes, “Yours, your tits are my favorite Cyrus. When are you gonna let me pierce you?”

“You first, bro.”

Fuck it why not
? “Hey Bek--ah.” I loved saying her name.

“Yeah, what’s up?” she threw her black trench coat on and shoved her arms in.

Black trench coats are fucking hot. Hit above the knee, would be sweet if she had on some red stilettos, fishnets and

“Zandor?” she looked at me curiously.

“You’re gonna pierce my nipple.”

started walking out of the room, “Um, I don’t think…”

“Didn’t ask you to, let’s go,” I walked into my room and took off my shirt and laid down.

She walked in, eyes as big as saucers and she swallowed hard, “Do you think I’m ready?”

I looked up and Cyrus
stood in the doorway with a shit-ass grin on his face.

“You’ve seen ten done in the past four hours. Ten people, twenty nipples, you can do this.”

“What if I…”

“Bekah, can you follow instruction?”

She nodded her head
, and I knew she could. Bekah could definitely follow instruction. I had been training her for two weeks.

“Get the supplies
, Bekah. Alcohol, towel, fourteen gauge, gloves, I want a ring not a bar, forceps, and an ice pack.”

She shook her head nervously as she grabbed the tray and cleaned it. She set everything on it and I noticed her hands trembling ever so slightly.

“No need to be nervous. I know you can do it or I wouldn’t ask you to. Do you understand?”

nodded and set the tray on the stand beside me, “Very good. Now clean me.”

I laid back and looked over at Cyrus who
tried his damnedest not to bust a gut. I winked at him and he couldn’t hold back.

Bekah jumped and the tray fell to the ground, “Oh God, I’m sorry I didn’t…”

“Stop. Breathe. Start over. Cyrus, you and the others can take off. We’ll lock up when we’re finished.”

She looked quickly at the door and then back at me, “Maybe he should do…”

“Stop. Breathe. Start over. If I didn’t know you were capable, you wouldn’t be doing this.”

She swallowed hard and did as she was told, like a good little

She took her time cleaning me and I kind of liked it, “Both or one?”

“What do you think?”

“Well they’re your tit…nipples,” she
turned red and I thought it was kind of funny.


I put my hands behind my head and got comfortable.

She applied the forceps
, let out a deep breath, and looked up at me.

“You’re doing
good. Now when you stick the needle through don’t twist, just straight through alright?” She nodded. “Good girl, Bekah. I know you can do this, you watch carefully when I teach you.”

She counted, “One, two, three,” and shoved
the needle through.

“Now the ring. Follow right through, nice swift move and we have this. You’re doing great.”

She did exactly as she was instructed.

She smiled and sat back and wiped her forehead, “Holy shit.”

I held the ice pack to my chest and sat up.

“Did it hurt?”

“No,” I answered and stood.

“Not even a little?”

“Maybe a pinch, but a little bit of pain is sometimes a good thing.”

She looked up at me. When I didn’t
laugh she cleared her throat and stood.

I watched as she cleaned up
. “Here, do you remember where the towels go?”

She took the towel and I saw a little scowl come and go quickly which
kind of amused me.

“Is there anything else?”
She walked out of the back room.

“You need to learn to lock up, follow me
.” I could have sworn I heard her let out a puff of air in protest but when I turned around, she gave me that same sweet southern little grin that landed her ass in this position.

“Do you have somewhere you need to be
, Bekah?”

“Um, no, yes…”

“Well which is it?” I stopped and turned and she ran into me. I grabbed her elbow so she didn’t fall, and she looked up at me. Blue eyes a blazing.

She pulled back and looked away, “Yeah
, I’m meeting friends for drinks.”


I showed her the alarm system and walked her through the process of locking up.

Again I heard her grumble

“Do you like your job here?”

She gasped and looked at me, “Yes.” Her voice squeaked.

I let her chew on that for a minute, “I’m glad. Where are you parked?”

“Out back.”

“Good, I’ll walk you. Gets dark back there.”

I instructed her again on the alarm, and she did well.

We walked out into the parking lot and I pressed the remote start on my car and she purred.

“Nice car.”

“She’s a beauty,”
and my baby

Bekah giggled.

. She’s a sixty eight Cougar, completely overhauled and bad as fuck.” She giggled and I looked up at her. “What?”

“You like your car.”

“No Bekah, I love my car.”

“Boys and their cars
.” She said over her shoulder as she got in her little Honda.“Goodnight.”

I hopped in my Baby and waited for
Bekah to pull out. I saw her mouth moving and was pretty sure she was swearing. She looked over at me and then banged her head on the steering wheel.

I got out and she rolled down the window
. “Everything okay?” I asked.

“Nope, SHE is a bitch and SHE won’t start

“Hop out, she’s probably pissed at ya. Let me give her a try.”

I sat in the car, little fucking car, and tried to get her going, “Come on baby, you can do it.”

I tried three times and nothing.

I looked at the dash, “You leave the lights on?”

“Nope, probably the alternator thingy. It needs to be replaced and I haven’t had time.”

“You sure?” I got out and took the keys and handed them to her.

“Probably” she huffed.

“Leave it here till tomorrow. I’ll give you a ride.”

She followed me to my car and I opened the door for her and shut it behind her. See
, I can be a gentleman. Momma Joe didn’t raise a bunch of douchebags.

After I got in she smiled, “Thanks
, and sorry about that.”

I reached behind her and rested my hand on her headrest as I backed out of the parking lot.

“Where to?”

“Um well, home I guess.”

“I thought you were going out? I can take you.”

“No, not a big deal. It’s been a long day and tomorrow I need to get my Bitch fixed.”

“That’s why she’s giving you trouble, calling her names isn’t a good idea.”

She smiled, “So I should baby my car?”

“Nope, take care of her. Maintain her and when you get in to go for a ride you can push her as hard as you want.” I gunned it and my Baby’s purr came alive in a roar.

laughed out loud.

We pulled up in front of her place and she looked up at the window and I heard her sputter
. “Wrong house?” I asked.

“Wrong time
. Apparently Tiff has company.”

“That’s a bad thing?” I threw my Baby into park and looked at


“You have a hard time making up your mind don’t you?”

“No, thank you for the ride,” she went for the door and fumbled looking for the handle.

“Let me.” I reached over her and opened the door and slowly, then very slowly moved back. I watched her face and her eyes widened.

“Thanks for the ride
.” She jumped out of the car and ran through the front door that I assumed led to her apartment above the bakery.

It was dark, the neon light didn’t flash the name but sure as shit I could read the little sign in the window, ‘Hot Buns fresh daily’.
Mmm Mmm Mmm, love me some hot buns


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