Zahin's Intended (Sukaraian Warriors Book 1) (3 page)

BOOK: Zahin's Intended (Sukaraian Warriors Book 1)
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Chapter 6


     Cadas followed me out of Elaina's quarters.  I made sure the hallway was empty before I turned and addressed him.  "Cadas, you are under orders not to reveal anything you have seen or heard here.  Do you understand?'

"Yes Commander."  He hesitated. "Commander, I have never seen anything like her.  It was difficult to remain professional. I have never seen breast so large before.  They looked soft and I just wanted to squeeze them.  I wanted to part her legs and explore her pussy.  Did you see the small stuff of hair down there?"

"I did. I wanted to spread her wide and stick my cock in her just to see what she felt like.  I also have never seen pink nipples before.  She is a beautiful human.  What device did the scanner find?"

"I'm not sure.  It was located in her arm and since I didn't know what its use could be, I let the scanner dissolve it.  She seems to be fine without it.  Zahin, we have been friends for many years.  May I ask what you plan to do with her?

"I'm not sure Cadas.  Right now she is off limits to everyone."

"Damn Zahin!  After seeing her spread out naked on the bed, my cock is hard as a rock."

"Mine is to my friend.  I suggest you find a female tonight and fuck her long and hard.  That might help get your mind off Eliana.  I hope Tula will help me do the same."  Both males smiled.  About that time Gannon came down the hall with the tray of food so I ended our conversation.  "Good Bye Cadas."  Cadas turned and went in the opposite direction.  Gannon stopped in front of me.  "Thank you but I will take the tray in."  He looked surprised.  "I didn't realize we had a guest in the VIP Quarters."  I smiled at him and said "Dismissed."  His face fell and he turned and walked away.  I carried the tray of food in but Eliana was already asleep.  I watched her for a few minutes, then decided to let her sleep.  I left the food there so she could eat when she woke up.

     I walked down the hallway toward my quarters.  My mind stayed on Eliana and all that I had learned tonight.  Earth.  That was what she called her planet.  I wondered how far away it was, and how the Agrarians found it.  I wondered if everyone looked like her.  I would have to ask her the next time I saw her.  Hopefully tomorrow she will be more comfortable.  Smiling, I thought of how she thought she could keep me from seeing her naked.  She thought I would keep my back turned.  She would learn soon enough that I always got what I wanted, and I wanted her.  She had huge breast, at least by Sukaraian standards.  She also had wide hips and was very curvy, very different from Sukaraian females.  As I entered my living quarters, I could hear Dar and Tula.  I walked to the door and just watched.  They must have been at it for a while because they were both naked and sweaty.  Dar was lying on his back and Tula was on top of him with his cock buried all the way.  She was moving up and down, and both were grunting and moaning.  I studied Tula.  Her body was thin and muscular.  She didn't have many curves, at least not like Eliana.  Tula was a typical Sukaraian female.  Just remembering Eliana's curves, my cock somehow grew harder.  I walked up behind Tula.  Neither one had noticed me yet.  I made sure my cock was lubricated,   "Hello Tula."  I said.  She turned her head and smiled at me. I bent over her naked backside and rammed my hard cock up her ass, just the way she liked it.  "Oh yes Zahin!  Fuck me hard!  Both of you, I want it hard and fast!"  That was all it took for me and Dar.  We had fucked enough females at the same time to know how to work together.  Dar held Tula slightly elevated by the hips.  As he pulled out, I slammed in, when I pulled out he slammed in.  When Dar yelled out, I knew he was emptying himself in Tula.  We didn't have to worry about offspring because it was not her yearly cycle.  I fucked her ass a few minutes longer and then emptied into her.  I was still hard, and still thinking about Eliana.  Tula turned to me "Oh Zahin, I hope you’re not finished.  I haven't been able to stop thinking about you.  I was hoping you would make it tonight."  I could tell that Dar was finished but I was just getting started.  "Thanks Tula, I am going back to my quarters."   Dar said.  "You’re welcome Dar.  Hopefully we can do this again soon.  I do like when I'm fucked by two males at once.  It feels so good."  I picked up my comm link. "Justyn, are you available to come to my quarters?" “On my way Commander."

Tula looked at me.  "Who is Justyn?"  "He was the other male in my ready room today when you came for a visit."  "I remember him.  I have seen him around, but I wasn't sure what his name was."  My door chimed.  "Enter."  Justyn walked in with the biggest grin on his face.  "Justyn, Tula likes two males at once, you may join us if she has no objections.  He looked at Tula and she licked her lips.  "You may join us." She says.  I look at Justyn, “Do you want her pussy or ass?"  The look of surprise startled me, and then I realized he'd never done two on one before.  "Ah, the ass?  I've never did an ass before."  Tula looks at him "That's fine as long as you do me very hard."  She smiled.  I laid down and she slid down my cock.  I could tell she has been fucked a lot.  She leaned over me and Justyn slid into her ass.  It was lubricated with my cum.  We start our rhythm, it took a few minutes for us to work together.  We both fucked her long and hard.  As I thrust in and out, I closed my eyes and all I could see was a light haired, pale skinned, blue eyed Goddess.  A few hours later when were all spent, Justyn thanked Tula and me, then bid us goodbye.  I turned to Tula as she starts to speak "Zahin, do you mind if I spend the night?  I want to wake up in your bed, I want to be with you because I have had feelings for you for so long.  I know your father has been pushing you to take an
, and I think I would make a good queen."   She looked at me expectantly.  I just stared at her.  Finally I let out a sigh and say "Tula, I am not ready to take an
.  You knew when you came here tonight that it was just sex, and nothing more.  Go back to your quarters.  Good night Tula, and thanks."  I know I may have sounded harsh, but this has been the arrangement for many planet cycles while on a mission.


Chapter 7


     I don’t know how long I was asleep, but when I woke up, Zahin was gone.  I couldn’t believe I fell asleep.  There was a tray of food, but it was cold and I didn't recognize anything on it.  I think it was almost breakfast time so I decided to wait.  About an hour later the door chimed.  When I said "Enter", Zahin walked in.  He was so handsome, he literally took my breath away.  "Good morning Zahin."  He looked at me, and finally said "Good morning Eliana.  Did you sleep well?"  "I did, thanks."  "Gannon is bringing food up, I hope you’re hungry.  I know I am starving."  He smiled at me and my insides melted a little.  "I am hungry.  I didn't eat the other food.  It was cold, and I didn't know what it was."  I laughed.  My door chimed again, and then another male came in.  He came to an abrupt stop when he saw me.  He just stood there and stared.  You would think I would be getting used to it, but I wasn't.  "Gannon!"  That got his attention.  "Just set the food down and you’re dismissed!"  I didn't miss the steel in his voice.  Gannon set the food down and left immediately.  Zahin uncovered the trays.  The food was odd in color and I didn't recognize anything. “The blue colored food is Kataiw, it is from a flying creature on my planet.  The yellow strips are from a beast that we hunt.  It is called Banta. “I looked at my cup and it had some kind of red drink in it.  I decided I would just try it.  "It's sweet!"  I smiled.  He started eating, so I did the same.  Soon I had the biggest smile on my face.  "It tastes like bacon and eggs from home!"  I laughed.  I ate everything on my plate.  He looked at me.  "I am glad that you like it.  It is food from my home world."  "I love it!"  He smiled at me.  "I love to hear you laugh.” He said.  My smile faded for a moment, then was back full force.  I finally asked the question that had been on my mind the most.  "Zahin, why does everyone stop and stare at me when they see me?”  “I’m sorry if that bothers you Elaina.  You have to understand, everyone on our planet has black hair, dark eyes, and dark skin.  I have never seen another being with hair or skin the color of yours.  I have never even seen blue eyes before.” “So I’m a freak here then.”  I said sullenly.  “No” he said, “you are a Goddess.”  I smiled.  “Blonde.”  “What?” he ask.  “Blonde, that’s what color my hair is.  Light blonde.”  Now he was smiling.   He then said “Can I ask you something?  Is everyone on your planet like you?  Pale skin, blonde hair and blue eyes?”  He looked so sincere.  I laughed and said “Not at all.  There are all kinds of people and nobody looks alike.  Some are tall, some short.  Some are fat and some skinny.  The people there have all different types of skin colors, eye colors, and hair color.  Their hair can be black, dark brown, light brown, dark blonde, light blonde like mine, or red.  Even the red can be light or dark.”  He stared at me in amazement, then laughed.  We spent all morning talking about my planet and his.  It was very nice.


     We spent a lot of time together this past week.  When he wasn’t working, he was with me, in my quarters.  We talked about the differences in our planets.  I now know that I will never go home, because nobody has heard of Earth.  Maybe it’s just meant to be this way.  I have started to develop feelings for Zahin, of course he is the only one I have seen except when Gannon brings my food.  He doesn’t talk though, he stares at me, sets the food down then leaves.  It’s kind of funny.

     I’m sitting here waiting on Zahin.  He always comes by at this time.  I feel restless, slightly agitated but I’m not sure why.  I suddenly realize that it’s getting close time for my cycle.  I also realize I haven’t had sex in almost three months, since I caught Steven and Stacey together.  It seems like so long ago.  I wondered if they were together.  I quickly turned my mind to something else.  I don’t want to think of them tonight.  I just want to think of Zahin. I wondered what he looked like naked, and what he would be like in bed.  I’m daydreaming when I hear my door chime.  “Enter.”  When Zahin walked in, all I could think was how much I wanted him.



      I had been visiting Eliana every day for seven moon cycles.   She was very beautiful, and interesting to talk to.  I have never been able to talk to a female like this before.  When I entered her quarters, I looked at her and come to a complete stop.  She had a hungry look in her eyes, and she was looking at me like I was her favorite food.  I slowly walked toward her and stopped just inches away from her.  I was instantly hard.  "Hello Eliana."  "Hello Zahin.  I’ve been waiting for you."  Her smile was slow and seductive.  Her eyes were warm and full of passion.  I had never seen her like this, although I’ve thought about it every night.  I hadn’t been with another female since Dar and I shared Tula the first night she was here.  She walked over to me and put her hands on my chest, then raised up on her tiptoes, and her lips touched mine.  I jumped back.  “What are you doing?”  I ask.  She looked at me for a few seconds then said “I was kissing you.”  “Kissing?  What is that?”  “Let me show you.”  Eliana reached up and put her arms around my neck.  I instantly put my arms around her and pulled her body up against mine.  She felt so good, so warm and soft.  She reached up and pulled my head down, then our lips touched.  It felt different, but good.  Then she started licking my lips and I gasp in surprise.  When I did that, she put her tongue in mouth.  My tongue instantly sought hers and they tangled.  Then she was moving her tongue in and out of my mouth so I mimicked her movements.  It was like our mouths were fucking.  I thought I would come just from kissing.  My hands started roaming, and the first thing I went to touch was her enormous breast.  They were so soft, except for the nipples, they were very hard.  It made me want to pull them, so I did.  Her breast felt wonderful to touch. She cried out and at first I thought I had hurt her, but when I stopped she cried “Please Zahin!  Please don’t stop!”  I couldn’t resist bending down and taking one in my mouth.  Elaina moaned in pleasure.  I sucked and licked one nipple before moving to the other side.  Eliana had her hands in my hair, and was pushing her breast further into my mouth.  I straightened back up and pulled her dress over her head.  She was standing before me naked, and my cock was so hard it was almost painful.  She started kissing me again, and then she reached for my shirt.  I quickly shed all my clothing.  As she looked down at my cock, she gasped.  “Zahin, you’re so big.  I’m not sure you’ll fit in me.”  "We will go slow and make sure it fits." She smiled at me. “I want to taste you first Zahin.  I’ve dreamed about this.” then she dropped to her knees.  “Eliana what are you doing?”  Surely sex was not that different on her planet, and what did she mean by taste?  She grabbed my cock and started stroking me up and down.  I looked down in time to see her mouth open wide and take my cock in it.  She started sucking me.  “Oh Goddess Elaina!  I am not sure what you’re doing, but please, don’t stop!”   I couldn’t take much more.  I grabbed her head and held it in place.  My hips started moving and I was fucking her face.  I had never done that before, and I was about to empty myself.  I held her face still as I came.  “Swallow my seed!  OH, swallow it all Eliana!"  I was so overcome with lust, I grabbed her and threw her on the bed.  Tell me you want me Eliana.  She looked up at me and smiled.  Her eyes were glazed over with lust.  “I want you Zahin!”  That was all I needed.  I spread her legs and almost thrust hard in her, then remembered how different we might be.  I decided to take is slow to start with.  I eased into her, and she was so soft, so tight it almost hurt.  I would retreat, then thrust in a little further.  Finally, I was sheath all the way, and she felt amazing.  I started thrusting in and out, and she was matching my movement by meeting me halfway.   Every time I thrust into her, she would arch her back and push her hips forward to meet me.  Then she screamed my name.  “Zahin, I’m coming!  Oh God I’m coming!  Ahh!”  She contracted around me and it felt like she was pulling my seed from me. “Oh Goddess Eliana!”  I emptied everything I had into her then rolled to the side so I wouldn’t crush her.  She was so small.  I gathered her in my arms and we fell asleep.

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