Zahin's Intended (Sukaraian Warriors Book 1) (2 page)

BOOK: Zahin's Intended (Sukaraian Warriors Book 1)
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     Suddenly he was in front of me.  My body tingled as I looked into his eyes, his dark brown chocolate eyes. He was the sexiest thing I had ever seen, and if I had not been so terrified, I might even have thought I could trust him to help me.  I wasn’t willing to trust anyone of this planet though.  I really wanted to go home.  He scooped me up and threw me over his shoulder.  He was so muscular and hard that it hurt my stomach every time I bounced up and down from his running.  I screamed at him to put me down and kept pounding my fist on his back, but nothing happened.  Then we were on a ship.  Another damn ship!  I scooted back until I was against the wall.  He then explained that he was the Commander of the ship and he was from a planet named Sukara, and that I was safe.

"Hi Zahin, my name is Eliana.  I'm human form the Planet Earth.  Can you please take me home?"  My voice was shaky and I was about ready to cry.  I couldn't take much more.

     He just looked at me for a moment, then called someone named Frith.  He then explained that I needed to talk so they could understand and program my language into their translators.  I smiled at him because he obviously had no idea I could understand everything he was saying.

"Please take me home.  I didn't even know life existed on other planets.  I don't know if my friend Adriana got away or if those slimy bastards have her somewhere.  My parents are probably worried to death.  Please, please help me!"  By the time I stopped with my ramblings, Frith had finished the scan.  The Commander then grabbed my elbow and started leading me down the hall.  I was still terrified, but I was so exhausted that I couldn't have got away even if I tried.  Where could I go anyway?  We came to a stop in front of some metal doors.  They slid open and revealed a bedroom.  We glided in the room, and I took a look around.  He then led me to a smaller room that looked like a bathroom.  THANK GOD!  I'm sure that I reek.  I had no idea how long I was asleep while on the other ship, but my hair was oily and matted together.  I hoped they had a bath or shower.  Zahin was courteous enough to demonstrate how the water turned on and off, then said “I wish you could understand me.  It is so hard not being able to talk to you.  I hope you understand that I will leave you alone for a while so you may bath and rest.  I will return later."  Then he turned and left.  I smiled to myself because I could understand him perfectly.  I quickly showered and twenty minutes later I was sound asleep.



     I made my way back to the bridge only to find Dar patiently waiting.  I escorted him to my ready room.  "Where could the Agrarians possibly have found a species as beautiful as her?  Goddess Zahin, she makes me hard just to look at her."  Zahin looked at his best friend, and even though he understood, he didn’t like to hear anyone talk about her like that. 

"I don’t know Dar.  The Agrarians must have found new territory.  I think this is something we should look into."  The door chimed

"Enter."  Zahin watched the captain of his guard, Justyn enter. 

"Prince Zahin, what are your orders concerning your guest?"

"Right now Justyn, I just need her door guarded.  She cannot leave her room as of yet.  I also don’t want her walking around unescorted because she is a very beautiful female.  I want her kept safe."  Justyn had not gotten a good look at the female.

"As you wish Commander."  Justyn remarked.

"Will you take her for your own?"  Dar ask.

     "I am not sure what I will do, but right now she’s off limits."  Zahin replied, everyone else moaned.  Sukaraian males were very sexual creatures, as were their females.  It was not uncommon, and actually normal for males and females to have many different sexual partners.  Only when the male would take an
did things change.  The male may still seek out different females, but the
could only have sex with her male, or any male that he invited.  This was our way so there was no question if young were conceived.    Zahin had Raaka back home, and although she was the one he used most often, he also had many more.  The ones currently at the castle now was Raaka, Daksha, Naisha, and Margi.  Females would come and go all the time.  Sometimes he had even more females there, but there was always at least four.  He enjoyed the females in groups and by themselves.  They were all at least six foot tall, with dark brown or black eyes.  Their hair was black and fell below their shoulders.  Their skin was very dark and their bodies thin and muscular.  Their breast were small, and did not get much fullness until they had young.  The females would have their cycle once a year, thus preventing overpopulation.

"Some of our males will be upset.  There are fifty males and only twenty females on board.  We have been on board for twenty one moon cycles, and they are already feeling the effects of lack of female companions."  Justyn said.

"At least not many know she is on the Vimana."  Dar replied.

     The door chimed "Enter."  Zahin responded.  Tula walked in.  She was one of the twenty females on board and was the navigation’s officer.  She knew we visited Ketu to gather information, but she did not know we had a guest on board the Vimana.

"Tula, I thought you were off work today.  What are you doing here?"  Zahin asked.

"Looking for you.  I was going to see if you would like to have dinner with me tonight in your quarters?  Your room and bed are so much bigger than mine, and I thought we might have a repeat of last night?"

She looked around and then noticed Dar and Justyn in the room.  A very seductive smile spread across her face.  "Ah Dar, I did not see you when I first came in."  She walked up to him and put her hand on his chest.  "Maybe you could join us tonight."  She then smiled at Zahin as she walked up to him, then preceded to rub her body up and down his.  "You know how I like two males at one time."

     Zahin looked at her as he was thinking about it.  Dar looked at Zahin.  It wasn’t like him to hesitate.  They had shared many females in the past, especially while in space since the males greatly outnumbered the females here.  Zahin finally responded. "I am not sure Tula, I have a lot to do.  If I can join you and Dar later, I will."  She smiled and turned toward Dar.  "I will see you tonight." Then she turned and walked out the door.  She made sure to sway her hips as she left.

"I can’t wait until later.  She is great in bed."  Dar said.

"That she is.  I hope I get to join you.  If not maybe Justyn would be interested?"  Replied Zahin.

"I would be interested.  I have never bed Tula, but I hear she likes it hard and all night."  All three men smiled at each other.

"What work do you have tonight?"  Dar asked Zahin.

"I have to make sure our guest is taken care of.  I hope to get some questions answered."

"I would like to know where she came from."

"When I get some answers, I will let you know."


Chapter 3


     I woke sometime later.  I had slept for several hours after taking a shower and washing my hair.  I felt so much better.  I found a comb and got all the tangles out of my long blonde hair.  My clothes were torn and very dirty.  I refused to put them back on so I used a sheet and made a toga style dress.  I hurt all over, especially my face and arms.  What was I going to do?  Everything and everyone I knew was gone.  I had no idea how I would ever get home.  I sure couldn't tell them where Earth was located.  Tears came to my eyes.  I kept telling myself I was not going to cry, but sometimes I couldn't help it.  The door chimed and after a few minutes it opened and the alien named Zahin walked in.  He was better looking now that I could really look at him up close.  His eyes were the color of chocolate, and they were without a pupil making them look like solid chocolate.  They were mesmerizing to look at. His lips were full and soft.  I found myself staring at his lips.  I longed to step forward and kiss him just to see if his lips felt as soft as they looked.  His hair was black and looked like silk.  I shook myself out of the trance I was in and stepped back.  Then I started laughing.  I couldn’t help it.  How much worse could things get? Within the last two months, I had lost my boyfriend, my two best friends, was kidnapped by green slimly bastards, and was thinking of kissing the alien in front of me.  Its official, I’d lost my mind!

"Can you understand me now?"  Zahin had a hopeful, almost excited look in his eyes.

"I could understand you before.  You couldn't understand me."  His smile was wide.

"I am glad I can now talk to you.  What is your name?"

"Eliana Smith."

"Nice to meet you Elianasmith."

"No, it's just Eliana.  Smith is my last name so it’s two words, not one."

"Nice to meet you Eliana."



     She smiled and I was lost.  She looked like a Goddess standing before me.  If possible, her hair was lighter now than when I had seen her earlier.  Her eyes was such a light colored blue and they shined like jewels.  Her lips were so pink and plump.  She had her lower lip between her teeth biting on it, and I longed to lean forward and take it between mine.  Her skin was pale, almost the color of the sheet she had wrapped around her.  I wondered if she was naked beneath it.  I couldn't tell much about her body because it was hid behind the sheet.  I would have loved to pull it off and examine her.  My cock was so hard.

     "I have ordered some food, as I thought you might be hungry.  I hoped we could share a meal and you could answer some questions, and I can answer yours."  He smiled, and she couldn't have resisted even if she’d wanted to.  He was the only one that had been nice to her since she had been taken.

"That sounds good to me.  I’m starving."

"Good.  Then afterwards I will take you to medical and we can heal your bruises."  Her smile slipped.  Just thinking about how she got those bruises sent a chill through her body.

“Thank you.  Can you get me something else to wear?  My clothes were dirty and ripped.  I have no desire to put them back on.”

“I doubt we have anything that will fit properly because you are very short, but I will see what I can find.”  She frowned slightly.  She’s was at least a foot smaller than him, but 5’6 was hardly considered short.  She wondered what their women looked like. 

"Who were those slimy green bastards?"  That was how she referred to them now.

"They are called Agrarians.  They are traders and most of their trades are illegal.  They only care about making credits.  They will sell anything, as you can tell.  I must tell you I have never seen a being that looks like you before.  Where did they take you from?"

"My planet, Earth.  My friend and I was camping.  The next thing I knew I was running for my life.  I didn't see or hear a ship of any kind.  They just appeared from behind some bushes near us.  I don't know if my friend got away."  She sniffed as tears began to fall from her eyes.  She had not cried since this all began, but thinking about Adriana, she couldn't help it.  She wondered if they caught her, and what was happening to her.

     I startled and touched the comm unit on my belt. "Cadas!  I need you to the VIP quarters right away!"  "On my way Commander."   With my harsh command Eliana jerked and stepped back.

"What’s wrong?"  She asked Zahin.

"You’re leaking!  There is water coming from your eyes!"  I had never seen eyes like hers.  They were light blue, but the little black dot in the middle was getting bigger, and water was coming from them.  I hoped they hadn’t been damaged by the Agrarians.


Chapter 5


     Before I could respond, the door chimed and in walked a male carrying a bag.  He stopped in his tracks when he spotted me.  He just stared.  I felt a little uncomfortable.  I noticed that he looked like Zahin because he also had dark skin, dark eyes, and dark hair and was very muscular.

"Cadas!  There is something wrong with her.  The black in her eyes are growing and water was coming from them!"  They both turned and looked at me, and I turned red.  It started from my chest and went up my neck and face.  They both got a horrified look on their face and rushed forward.  Zahin scooped me up and laid me on the bed while Cadas had some type of scanner over top of me.  I started to panic. "STOP!"  I yelled.  They stilled and looked at me.  "There is nothing wrong with me."

     "Why were your eyes leaking?  Why did you change colors?  Why did the black dot in your eyes get larger?"  They both looked at me expectantly.  I blew out the breath I didn't realize I was holding.  "The black circle is called a pupil.  It gets larger or smaller depending on the light.  It enlarges to let more light in so I can see, or constricts to limit the amount of light when it is too bright.  The water coming from my eyes is called tears.  Humans shed tears when they cry.  We cry when they have extreme emotions such as sadness or joy.  I was remembering when the Agrarians kidnaped me and was wondering if they got my friend as well."

"And why did you change colors?"  Cadas asked.

"Humans turn pink or red when they're embarrassed."

"Human, is that what you are?" Zahin asked.

"Yes." I replied.

"Cadas, why your here you can heal Eliana's bruises and make sure there is nothing else wrong.  Eliana, please let Cadas heal you.  It will make us both feel much better."

I wasn't sure what to do.  I wanted to let him, but I was scared.  They had both been very nice, but I really didn't know them at all.  Cadas was looking at me expectantly.  I swallowed hard and nodded.

"I need you to undress and lay on the bed."  My hands were shaking.  The only person that had ever seen me naked was Steven.  Both Zahin and Cadas was looking at me. I would almost think they were excited for some reason.  All doctors see their patients naked.  Right?  I looked at Zahin "Could you both turn away while I get undressed?  And could you keep your back to me while the doctor heals me?"  Zahin looked at me with surprise.  "What is a doctor?"  I looked at him, then to Cadas, and back to him.  "Cadas is a doctor, right?"  Zahin responded "Cadas is a healer."  Ok, so they call them healers here.  I waited and finally both men turned around.  I unwrapped the sheet and laid on the bed.  I used the sheet to cover myself up.  Both men turned around and I looked at Zahin.  "I asked you to keep your back to me."  "I never agreed to do that.  You are an unknown species onboard my ship.  I need to know as much as possible about you so I can keep you safe."  I couldn't argue with him.  This was his ship and if he decided not to let me stay, I didn’t know what I would do.  They just wanted to see me because I was different.  Right?  I could close my eyes and pretend they were both doctors and I was getting my yearly exam.

    Cadas held the scanner device over my face where the bruise was.  It tingled, then he moved down until both my arms were healed.  "I need to remove the sheet so I can scan you.  I need to make sure the Agrarians didn’t place anything in your body."  This was it.  I had my eyes closed as Cadas slowly removed the sheet.  I heard two loud gasp and my eyes flew open.  "What's wrong?"  Both men were looking at me with wide eyes and both had their mouth open.  I looked down at my body and didn't see anything wrong.  I looked back up at Zahin and noticed he was swallowing hard.  Cadas finally scanned me and I grabbed the sheet and covered up.  "Is everything Ok?"  I asked.  Cadas looked at me.  "I’m not sure since I have no knowledge of your species, but you appear to be normal.  I did find one implanted object but the scanner dissolved it."  Cadas just kept staring at me.  When I looked at Zahin, he was staring as well.  "Are you men alright?"  Zahin appeared startled.  "What is men?"  "That is what you and Cadas are.  Your men."  Zahin thought for a minute then smiled.  "We are males and you are female."  I nodded so he knew I understood.  Zahin then turned to the doctor.  "Cadas, I need to speak with you outside for a moment."  He looked at me. "I will be right back."

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