Read Yours to Savor Online

Authors: Scarlett Edwards

Tags: #Contemporary Adult Romance

Yours to Savor (38 page)

BOOK: Yours to Savor
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“Well, it’s not like things are crowded here on the beach.”

“True. But you didn’t even let me show you what I had planned for us today. Let me take you out on the water, instead.” He lowered his shades and smiled. “I think you owe me that much.”

“We do have the full day free.” Sandra shrugged. “Sure, why not? We can go on your

When he glowered at her for calling
a boat, as she’d known he would, Sandra laughed and tugged him forward. It didn’t take long before they were drifting far from shore. “Can you show me that island again?” Sandra asked. “The one from our first date?”

“Of course. It’s close by.” Brandon pointed to his left. “Over there. Why don’t you steer?”

“Oh, no—” Sandra began, but Brandon had already slipped around her and was placing her hands on the wheel. Sandra sighed and tried to steady her grip. It didn’t help that every breath she took made her insides churn with Brandon’s intoxicating, masculine scent.

He whispered directions in her ear, his stubble scratching against the smooth side of her cheek. He pressed his face into hers, directing her head the right way, leaving his hands cupped over the top of hers to maneuver the levers and knobs that made up the complicated panel.

Close to the island, Brandon turned the engine off, and walked out to the deck. He had a strange, bemused look on his face, almost like a cat. His eyes shone with mischief. “Remember how I asked you once if you’d jump in the deep end on a whim?”

“Yes…?” Sandra answered, not following.

“It’s time to find out.”

Without warning, Brandon yanked his shirt over his head, tossed it to the side, and dove—
—headfirst into the freezing water.

Not knowing whether to believe her eyes, Sandra ran to the edge, gripping the railing. “Brandon? Brandon!” She couldn’t see him anywhere. Was the man
? “Brandon!” All she could see were the quiet, little waves of the tide… and the spot of bubbles where he dove in. Panic quickly replaced disbelief. “Brandon! Brandon, where are you?”

She heard a splash near
’s hull, and looked just in time to see Brandon surface from the icy sea.

“Brandon! What the hell are you doing? Have you lost your fucking mind?” She had no idea what she would do if something happened to him. She could tread water with the best of them, but it’d been ages since she’d been swimming. She could barely operate the damn boat to get to shore if he got in trouble, and besides—

Brandon’s laughter broke into her thoughts. “Jump in!” he yelled. “The water’s great!”

Sandra’s mouth dropped open, and she stared at him. “Jump in?
? Did you hit your head on the underside of your yacht when you were coming up?”

Brandon laughed again, and leaned back to start paddling away from her. “Nope, I’m quite sane, kiddo. Now, jump in before I come up there and make you!”

Sandra gaped at him in disbelief.
Is he for real?

“Come,” he beckoned. “It’s just a little water.” He splashed a handful on the deck, and a tiny spray of the cold liquid hit Sandra’s leg. She stepped away.

“Just a little water at
fifty degrees
!” Sandra shot back.

Brandon frowned, used a hand to push his hair out of his eyes. “Nah, I’d say it’s about sixty, sixty-five.” He grinned. “Now jump in! Otherwise I’m quite seriously going to come grab you and throw you in.”

Sandra stepped away again. “You’re insane.”

“And you’re stalling. Come on!” he urged. “Be spontaneous for once! Or are you scared?”

? She thought they’d established after the ballet that she was no such thing. Sandra crossed her arms. “Not scared. Just practical.”

“Oh, Henry would have
to hear that from you.”

hit a nerve. From the twinkle in Brandon’s eye, she knew he very much intended it to. So, he thought he’d equate her with Henry, did he? With her boring, decidedly
spontaneous ex?

To hell with that
. A flash of anger shot through Sandra. Brandon wanted to see her freeze to death? Fine. She’d do it. But only because he’d have to live with the guilt after.

She brought one foot up to take off her shoe, then the other. With a mocking smile, she tossed them close to Brandon’s shirt. Next, she reached down, and pulled the white blouse over her head. She hesitated only a moment before unbuckling her jeans and sliding them down her legs.

She stood there in her lingerie, not taking her eyes from Brandon. The air
cold, not exactly, and with no clouds in the way, the sun overhead warmed her skin.

I’ll do more than meet his challenge
, she thought stubbornly.
I’ll one-up him

She reached back and unstrapped her bra. The look of surprise on Brandon’s face was absolutely worth it. And, before her rational mind could summon any second thoughts, she ran to the edge and flung herself into the air.

She screamed as she flew, and then she hit the surface. The shock of the cold made her gasp, and she lost all the air in her lungs. Underwater, she tried to turn herself right side up, but got turned around and lost orientation. She opened her mouth without thinking to suck in a breath. Cold water flooded up her nose, down her throat, suffocating her. In a moment of panic, she opened her eyes to see, but the ocean was so dark, and the salt stung so much.

She kicked her feet feebly, trying to right herself, but the cold made her muscles slow and clumsy. She was sinking, she knew, even as she flailed her limbs to reach the surface, sinking like a chunk of iron ore.

Sandra felt

Suddenly a strong hand circled her arm. She found herself being dragged up, toward the surface. When her face reached the blessed air, she sucked it into raw lungs, coughing, sputtering, spitting up water… but she was alright.

When the coughing faded, and she could see again, she found Brandon right there beside her, holding her up with one hand while the other clung to
‘s hull. Concern was painted clear on his face.

“Jesus Christ!” he swore. “Are you alright? I didn’t know you couldn’t swim!”

swim,” Sandra retorted. And then, without warning, she started to laugh. She didn’t know what had possessed her to do it. Brandon stared at her, dumbfounded. She took the chance to push herself away from him, floating on her back, and splashing water at his face. “You know, you were right. The water’s not that bad once you get used to it!”

the one who’s fucking insane,” Brandon muttered, and pushed off after her.

Chapter Twenty-Five

Later that day, Sandra found out what it was like to make love on a secluded beach while sharing the warmth of a man she was steadily falling in love with.


And what it was like to be pressed up against every single surface of that man’s yacht, as his passion overwhelmed her body.


By the time
docked back at the mainland, Sandra already knew that this was one of the best days of her life.

When Brandon led her through the doors of the house where he was staying, Sandra had to stop and stare.

“Wow,” she breathed. “This place is amazing.” Enormous oak beams stretched across the ceiling, reflecting gold in the waning sunlight. Lacquered, hardwood floors glistened as if they’d just been shined, and vibrant native carvings and other west coast art decorated the walls.

“I’m glad you think so,” Brandon said. “Of course, you know that every grand tour begins in the master bedroom…”

He trailed off. Sandra yelped as he grabbed her, catching her by the waist before she could jump away. Laughing, teasing, tickling each other, they made their way to the bedroom in a titillating tangle…

Where Sandra was greeted by the sight of Clarisse, lounging in the middle of Brandon’s satin bed, not a care in the world.

“What…?” Sandra began, not understanding. Clarisse wore a rich, red silk robe. Her hair was damp as if she’d just gotten out of the shower, and she had a book perched on her legs. Sandra took a second look, and realized to her horror that Clarisse’s sash was undone.

Sandra was overcome by a sick, sinking feeling. It inched through her like a fungal mold spreading under the skin. Suddenly, she understood. She pushed away from Brandon.

She’s not just his assistant. Of course she’s not! The pearl necklace. The way she acted around him at the ballet. She’s his…

The magnitude of the conviction slammed into her. She could barely stand. Sandra felt dizzy, unsteady,
. The signs had always been there, no matter how much she’d wanted to deny them. Suddenly she felt like hurling. Clarisse was on the bed…
for Brandon!

It took all the strength Sandra had left to step away from Brandon without faltering. She turned for the door.

“Sandra. Wait.” Brandon reached out and took her arm.

The weight of his words almost stopped her. Hearing him say her name, feeling his warm touch on her skin almost made her pause. But the guilty look on his face left no doubt in her mind.

“Who is she to you, Brandon?”


“No.” Sandra snatched her arm from his grip, determined not to feel vulnerable to him. She had to get away. “Don’t tell me. Goodbye, Brandon.”

“Sandra.” This time, it was Clarisse who spoke. She’d risen from the bed, laid the book down, and used her reading glasses to mark the page. She was all cool, collected composure as she faced Sandra. “I think you and I should talk.”

Sandra looked from Clarisse to Brandon, and then back again. Her mind was still reeling from the revelation. Some small part of her desperately hoped it was just a misunderstanding. Yet her
told her it wasn’t.

She shook her head. “No.” She felt like she was on the verge of a breakdown. She had to get out before either of them saw it. “No.”

“Sandra. Please.” Brandon looked straight at her, and the guilt she thought she saw before was gone. Now, there was only sincerity in his eyes. Had she made a mistake? “It’s not what you think. I promise.”

Somehow, Sandra found herself nodding. Her dratted vulnerability to Brandon was taking over again. But, she couldn’t just walk away from the best thing to ever happen to her—not unless she was entirely sure he was a cheating bastard.

Clarisse smiled, tying her sash and gesturing at the door. Sandra stepped aside to let her through, then followed.

Clarisse picked up a silver drawstring purse from the floor, and was waiting for Sandra by the sliding doors that led to a spacious balcony. Outside, the final rays of the sun reflected off the magnificent, glassy sea. The tranquility of nature seemed to be out of sync with the nauseating emotions roiling through Sandra’s body.

BOOK: Yours to Savor
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