You're Still the One (29 page)

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Authors: Darcy Burke

BOOK: You're Still the One
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November, Ribbon Ridge

the corner of the waiting room sipping her coffee. The place was full to bursting with Archers and had been for hours while they awaited the birth of Alaina and Evan's baby. Aubrey joined her, stifling a yawn since it was well past midnight.

“If this goes on much longer, they'll need to bring us blankets and pillows,” Bex said.

Aubrey nodded. “No kidding. I just hope Alaina's doing all right. I know first labors can be long, but this marathon might deter the rest of us from getting pregnant.”

Bex chuckled but didn't voice her differing opinion. She and Hayden were getting married in March, and they were ready to start a family as soon as possible.

“So I guess we're not having our Only Child Club lunch tomorrow,” Bex said. Alaina had gone into labor eight days before her due date. Bex had been welcomed into the club with open arms, and last month she'd invited Hayden, saying he deserved an only-child status as much as any of them. Hayden had appreciated her inclusion but said he didn't qualify. He'd found his place in his family and wore it like a banner.

“Guess not,” Aubrey agreed. “We'll be too tired anyway. I imagine we'll all be stumbling through our workdays as it is.”

Tomorrow was a brew day for Bex, but she thought she might have to readjust her schedule. Maybe she'd take the day off and just work on Saturday. That way she could finish painting the bathroom she'd started last weekend. She and Hayden were updating the house on Quail Crest. Someday it would become the tasting room, and they'd build a new house nearby, but they hadn't found property yet. Right now, they were both too focused on their jobs and, more important, each other.

Crystal Donovan, Alaina's best friend and the only person allowed in the birthing room besides Alaina, Evan, and the medical staff, came running into the waiting room, her face beaming. “It's a girl!”

Everyone shouted with joy and exchanged hugs and laughter.

Crystal finished hugging Emily. “They're getting cleaned up now and you can all go in to see them in a few minutes.”

Hayden found Bex and kissed her temple. He held her close, whispering, “Maybe that'll be you next year. I'd like a baby girl with dark curls and jade green eyes.”

She snuggled against his chest. “If it's a boy, we'll just try again. And again. You know I'm not having just one.” She wanted her children to have what she hadn't—a large, loving family.

He laughed softly. “I know.”

A few minutes later they were all ushered into Alaina's birthing room. They barely fit, but no one wanted to take turns. Evan stood next to the bed holding his daughter. Alaina looked exhausted but happy and still more beautiful than anyone had a right to be.

Emily went to her son and asked softly, “May I?”

Evan handed her the tiny bundle and glanced briefly around the room. “We're naming her Alexa.”

Emily looked up at him, and from where she stood, Bex could see the sheen of tears in her eyes. A sheen that was reflected around the room.

“That's perfect,” Emily said, dropping a kiss on her granddaughter's forehead.

Everyone took turns either holding Alexa or cooing over her, but they kept the visit brief to let the new family rest. Kyle rubbed his hands together and surveyed the room. “Who's next? Don't look at me and Maggie. We're still newlyweds.” They'd been married all of about six weeks.

Tori slowly raised her hand, her gaze fixed on her husband. “I guess it's us.”

This was met with gasps and a squeal from Emily. “Really?” she asked.

Tori nodded as Sean pulled her against him. “I'm not that far along. Probably late June.”

“Good thing your house is going to be done soon,” Dylan said with a wink. He was overseeing the work, and it was due to be done in just a few weeks—in time for Christmas.

Tori looked at Hayden. “And don't worry, this won't impact the new facility at West Arch. It'll be up and running before the next harvest.”

Hayden smiled at his sister. “I'm not the least bit worried, sis. We Archers know how to get things done.”

They did. Whether it was building something, working together, or opening their home and family to everyone they met, the Archers were a special breed. And Bex felt so honored and happy to be a part of them.

“Come on, let's clear out and give these people some much-needed rest,” Liam said, prompting them all to say good-bye and take their exits.

Bex and Hayden left the room hand in hand. She felt the silver ring on his hand—the one she'd given him years ago and had only recently engraved with the words
family is love

They made their way down the corridor and said good night to the others as they left the hospital. It was freezing cold so they hurried to his Pilot, which he'd regained from Kyle. He fired up the heat and the seat warmers.

“It's so great that they named her after Alex,” Bex said.

“It is.” Hayden had been seeing a therapist this fall and had made great progress working through his anger and grief regarding Alex. He wasn't mad at him anymore, and he'd gained a better understanding of bipolar disorder and how it had affected Alex in particular. Maggie, since she'd treated Alex, had actually been a huge help. “I wish Alex could've seen her.”

Bex reached over and touched his arm. “I know. I do, too. And maybe he can.”

Hayden cast her a warm smile. “I'm so glad you knew him, that I can share memories with you.”

“I am, too.” Alex was one of the things they talked about in Only Child Club since Alaina and Sean hadn't known him. The rest had told enough stories that they felt like they did, however.

By the time they reached their house on Quail Crest, it was two in the morning. The sky was clear and full of stars, reminding Bex of that night on Slide Mountain. She'd wanted so badly to be exactly where she was right now—at Hayden's side with their future stretching before them. Full of anticipation and hope. And love.

He took her hand again as they walked toward the house but stopped short and pointed at the sky. “Did you see that?”

She shook her head. “No, what was it? A satellite?”

“A shooting star.” He pulled her into his arms. “I saw one this summer when we were on Slide Mountain. I thought about making a wish, but at the time I was certain nothing I ever hoped for would come true.”

“And now?”

He smiled down at her. “I made a wish.”

She curled her hands around his neck. “What was it?”

He kissed her lips softly. “I don't think I'm supposed to tell you.”

She arched a brow at him, burrowing closer into his warmth. “So we're keeping secrets now?”

“Bex, you ought to know by now that my heart, my soul are completely open to you. You have me lock, stock, and barrel.” His eyes were clear and blue as they gazed into hers. “The wish wasn't for me. It was for Alexa. I hope she knows a life as rich and loving as I have. As

Bex's heart was so full of love for this man. “You are the most generous person I know. I'm the luckiest person.”

am. It took me a long time to realize it, but I'm so fortunate to have this life, this love. I might not have been planned or expected, but the best things in life rarely are. Just goes to show that if you open your mind and your heart, you never know how things will turn out. And maybe, just maybe, you'll get a happily-ever-after.”

He kissed her again, and she knew she'd found hers.

The end


Have you read the entire Ribbon Ridge Series?

If not, be sure to check out all of Darcy's contemporary romances featuring the Archer family!

Where the Heart Is
(Derek and Chloe)

Only In My Dreams
(Sara and Dylan)

Yours to Hold
(Kyle and Maggie)

When Love Happens
(Tori and Sean)

The Idea of You
(Evan and Alaina)

When We Kiss
(Liam and Aubrey)

Available now!


grateful to my editor, Nicole Fischer, for her excellent insight with this story and these characters. This was an emotionally tough book to write, and it wouldn't be where it is without her help.

Thank you, Cyndi Barber, for arranging an amazing day at WillaKenzie Estate. Special thanks to Ronni Lacroute for taking time to talk with me. I especially loved watching the new tanks being unloaded via crane and of course the delicious harvest lunch. Sometimes the writer life is really hard, but I try to be up for the challenge!

Hugs to Rachel Grant for brainstorming naughty beer names with me. Our IM conversations could be their own book.

Thank you to Justin Azevedo at McMenamin's Wilsonville Brewpub for the incredible tour and information about brewing. I had a great time and now want to make my own! And of course name it inappropriately.

I want to give a special nod to two very important people. First, to my beautiful friend Dominique Dobson, who was suddenly faced with an unimaginable situation. Your grace and courage will inspire me forever—I love and miss you something fierce. Second, to my dear friend Jenni Miller-Duhl, who was shocked with tragedy. You have always been a model of motherhood and a study in taking the high road. I feel so fortunate to have you both in my life. To quote the theme song from
The Golden Girls
, thank you for being a friend.

Thank You!

Thank you for reading
You're Still the One
! It's been a wonderful journey to write about the Archers. They feel like family to me, and I hope to you, too. Thank you to everyone who's sent me notes about the characters and stories—you've touched me with your support and feedback. And don't think this is the end! While this is the last of the Archer siblings' books, I have plans for many more stories set in Ribbon Ridge about people you've already met. If you're guessing the Westcott brothers are next, you're correct!

Ribbon Ridge is a fictional town based on several cities and towns dotting the Willamette Valley between Portland and the Oregon Coast. It's pinot noir wine country, very beautiful and picturesque—and a short drive from where I live. My brother actually dwells right in the heart of it in a tiny town with no gas station or grocery store (he recently informed me they now have a smallish grocery store/carniceria). There is, however, an amazing antique mall in an historic schoolhouse.

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for the latest information and to say “hi,” follow me on
(@darcyburke), check out images of the northern Willamette Valley and other things that inspired this series on
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Thank you again for reading and for your support!

About the Author

is the
USA Today
bestselling author of hot, action-packed historical and sexy, emotional, contemporary romance. Darcy wrote her first book at age eleven, a happily-ever-after about a swan addicted to magic and the female swan that loved him, with exceedingly poor illustrations.

A native Oregonian, Darcy lives on the edge of wine country with her guitar-strumming husband, their two hilarious kids who seem to have inherited the writing gene, and three Bengal cats. In her “spare” time, Darcy is a serial volunteer enrolled in a twelve-step program where one learns to say “no,” but she keeps having to start over. She's also a fair-weather runner, and her happy places are Disneyland and Labor Day weekend at the Gorge.

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By Darcy Burke


Ribbon Ridge

Where the Heart Is
(a prequel novella)

Only In My Dreams

Yours to Hold

When Love Happens

The Idea of You

When We Kiss

You're Still the One


Secrets and Scandals

Her Wicked Ways

His Wicked Heart

To Seduce a Scoundrel

To Love a Thief
(a novella)

Never Love a Scoundrel

Scoundrel Ever After

Regency Treasure Hunters

The de Valery Code

Romancing the Earl

Raiders of the Lost Heart

The Legacy of an Extraordinary Gentleman

The Untouchables

The Forbidden Duke

The Duke of Daring

The Duke of Deception

The Duke of Desire

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