Your Soul to Take (Rise of the Fallen) (16 page)

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groaned, put my face in my hands, and started shaking my head. “What is
with every single girl I know?”


blows up at me, Shannon stops by the house today to tell me she’ll wait for me?
And you, you’re confusing the hell out of me. I think my brain is going to

that again?”


The other part.”


Before that.”

saw where she was going with it. “Yeah. Psycho Shanria stops by my house
to tell me she likes me and that she’ll wait for me and Jess to break up. Oh,
and to hurry up.”

swear I’m going to kill that bitch.”

me about it. At least Jess wasn’t there for

just grateful your sister came up first. Did she read you the riot act?”

don’t even want to know.”

don’t have to. She pretty much let me have it, but in a sisterly kind of way. I
know you can’t stand her, but I kinda like the twerp.”

growing on me, too, now that she’s not a stuck-up cheerleader bitch.”

surprised she let you out of the house,” she said with a little giggle.

didn’t I dragged her and Elizabeth here to keep them safe.”


realized she had no idea what was going on. “I went to train with Raven
this afternoon. She left.”

go where? I thought she was supposed to be training you?”

attacked my sister and killed Jenny is still out there and it’s attacking even
more of the Changed. I guess there’s been a few attacks in the surrounding

did this happen?”

don’t know. Raven said I should keep an eye on my sister and Elizabeth.”

about the other Changed?”


there are a couple dozen of them in Cedar Creek alone…”

Shit. I don’t know.”

be right back. I’m going to contact Darius. Stay here.”

hi to Dad for me,” I said with a grin.

funny. Don’t move.”

watched her run out the food court entrance and into the brightly lit parking
lot. I sipped at my coffee and was watching the people around me when my phone
started ringing. I pulled it out of my pocket and Jess’ face was on the screen.

baby,” I said when I answered it.

She sounded better but still a little down.

you feeling?”

What are you doing? Want to come over?”

at the mall with the brat and one of her friends, want to come up here?”

I’ll be there shortly. Where will you be?”

in the food court sipping Starbucks and missing you.”

earned me a little giggle. “I’ll be there shortly.”

Pssssst. Guess what.”


love you.”

love you, too.”

hung up and I shoved my phone back into my pocket. Clarisse came in with a worried
look on her face. “I contacted Darius.”


on their own. They’re searching for whoever is doing it, but can’t guard

should we do?”

the ones closest to us safe,” she said and nodded toward Cae and Elizabeth,
who were walking toward us. My sister didn’t look too happy to see Clarisse.

guys didn’t buy everything in sight?” I tried to keep my voice cheerful

Hi Claire,” my sister said and leveled her gaze at her.

kiddo. Just discussing the game plan to keep you two safe. So far we’ve come up
with strength in numbers, public places, and not letting you out of our

Sometimes I
was in awe at how smoothly Clarisse could spout out the bullshit.

also contacted the head of the Reapers. They are all out searching for whoever
is doing this. Don’t worry. They’ll catch him.”

seemed to mollify both the vampires. “Jess called, she’s on her way up
here, so if we have anything else related to this, we need to get it over with

turned and gave me a dirty look. Well, Elizabeth didn’t, but Cae and Clarisse

my sister said with a sneer that rather worried me.

Smooth move, asshat. Your sister told me,” Elizabeth said and punched me
in the arm.

It was all my fault. Leave your brother out of it.”

two girls turned and looked at Clarisse. “Huh?” They did the unison.

the first time since I met her, Clarisse looked fragile. “I said it’s not
his fault. I kissed him.”

on earth would you kiss
?” My sister actually sounded disgusted.

shot her an angry glare. “Look, Cae. I don’t know how to tell you this. I
know he’s your brother. I know you have a certain image of him, but… Your
brother is hot.”


Close your eyes. Turn toward him and open them quickly.”

did exactly as she was told. For the first time in her life. “I still
don’t see it. He looks like Connor to me.”

looks like Connor because he changed in front of you slowly, day by day. Look
at his arms. Look at his chest. He’s twice the size he used to be. Look at his

my sister said and looked to her friend who was nodding emphatically.
“Ewww. You, too?”

shrugged and said, “Not interested, but he is hot. You’ve got your brother
filters on.”

was blushing. I could literally feel the heat pouring from my face. “Okay,
guys. Enough.”

all turned and looked at me and started laughing.

did I miss?” We all turned to Jess with a steaming cup of Starbucks in her

going to go underwear shopping and were laughing at your brother’s discomfort.
Do you want to go with us or hang with the worm here?” Again, Clarisse
flabbergasted me. She should quit being a demon and be a spy.

take the worm. Thanks though,” she said with a smile.



Chapter 23


to go for a ride?”

looked more like herself than she had in quite a while. I smiled at her and
gave her a quick peck on her lips. “Where to? Not that it matters, I’d go
anywhere with you.”

don’t know. It seems like all we do is go to the mall. I was thinking maybe the

plan,” I said and stood, offering her my hand to help her up. She took it
and it felt good to touch her again. “One sec, I’ll text Cae I’m leaving
and have her catch a ride with Claire or Elizabeth.”

pulled out my phone and did just that, leaving another note to stay with Claire
until I met up with them later. Slipping it back into my pocket, I offered Jess
my arm. “Well, aren’t you the gentleman tonight.”

Should I ever be ungentlemanly around my lady, please, striketh me down.”

giggled and took it and we headed out into the parking lot. “I’m sorry
about earlier today,” she whispered and squeezed my hand.

washed over me again. If anybody owed anybody an apology it was me.
Unfortunately it was one that would never come. I did the next best thing.
“No you don’t. Ever. I love you. If you’re ever sick or whatever, I’ll
always be there for you.”

love you, too,” she said and hit the unlock button on her key fob.

mustang blinked and beeped merrily a few cars away. I followed her to the
driver’s door and opened it for her, closing it softly once she was inside. I
blew out the breath I had been holding in, swore I would never kiss anybody
again as long as I lived, and walked around the car. She reached across the car
and popped the door open for me. With a smile, I slid in.


welcome. It was the best I could do without getting out of the car, walking
around, and holding the door open for you,” she said.

such a gentleman,” I replied with a wink.

started the car and backed out of the spot. “It’s nice to be alone with
you. It feels like it’s been forever.”

has. So. Whatcha wanna do at the park?” I wiggled my eyebrows while I

on the swings?”

can do that,” I said and gave her a quick kiss as she put it into drive
and took off. “Hey, lady. Keep it under forty. We’re in a parking



I can!” She laughed and had a point.

take me to get my license this week?”

Don’t you have to work?”

I got laid off.”

Who was it? I’ll set the building on fire for you?”

It’s not a biggie. I have enough money socked away for your present,” I

is it?”

gonna tell you. You’ll have to guess.”

thought about it for a few minutes on the drive to the park. “I give up. I
can’t think of anything. Unless it’s jewelry, which I don’t wear, so if you
waste money on sparkly stuff I shall have to swat you.”


I guess you’ll just have to surprise me then.”

I will.”
I’ll surprise me, too.

were at the park within ten minutes. We chatted the whole way and Jess even
took one of her hands off the steering wheel to hold my hand. That made up for
the week I had been having. I missed her and for some strange reason I felt
like I just got
Jess back. I lifted her hand to my lips and kissed it
as we pulled into the park.

parked and we got out and headed toward the playground together, laughing like
a couple of little kids. “Push me?”

ran toward the swings. Sitting down, she waited for me to catch up. I walked up
behind her, gave her a little kiss on her neck, and pushed.

wobbled for the first few pushes, but then we both fell into the rhythm.
“Not too high!”

won’t,” I said with a laugh. “What are you doing this weekend?”

don’t know. I hadn’t thought about it. Got anything in mind?”

about if we go to the park. Then we could go to the park. Maybe top it off with
a trip to the park?”

like the perfect weekend,” she said and I could hear the smile in her

felt the sudden, unavoidable urge to hold her. On her backward swing, instead
of pushing her, I caught her in my arms. “Gotcha,” I whispered into
her ear.

gonna do to me?”

Maybe kiss you?”

yeah? Well… You gotta catch me!”

pried herself loose and bolted toward the tornado slide and jungle gym. I
cheated. I full on used my powers of good for evil nefarious purposes. I caught
the woman I loved in my arms and carried her to the slide.

You cheated,” she said with a pout.

kissed her. “How did I cheat?”

used rocket boosters or something.”

looked down at my feet and behind my back. “Nope. I forgot to bring them
with us. That was pure talent, baby.”

Okay then. You may kiss me some more then.”

did as she asked and leaned forward, pushing her back against the cool metal of
the slide. I knelt down in the mulch in front of her and wrapped her in my

tasted sweet like strawberries and hotter than the sun. I could feel her melt
beneath me as her lips opened to mine. The only sounds around us were the
crickets and the soft moans that escaped from Jess. They drove me on. My hands
slid down from her face, over her shoulders, and onto her chest. I cupped her
for the first time.

expected a moan of protest and for her to push me away, but she didn’t. She
reached down and unzipped her hoodie, allowing me even more access. I broke our
kiss in surprise.

okay,” she whispered and reached up, pulling me back in for more kissing.

slid my hands back over her chest and squeezed gently. Her soft moans turned
into one long gasp of pleasure. She bit my lip, none too gently, either. It was
my turn to moan. Her tongue invaded my mouth and her fingers dug into my back.

pulled away long enough to whisper, “I love you.”

love you, too.”

up, she pushed me back, but she didn’t stop there. She kept pushing until I
fell backwards onto the mulch. Smiling, she slid off the side and straddled my
hips on the ground. It was her turn to be in control.

grabbed my hands and put them on her hips as she leaned in again, her mouth
finding mine. She kissed me like she had
kissed me before. Still
full of love, it was also filled with wanting and urgency. While she kissed me,
she started grinding her hips against me…

my God,” I groaned into her lips.

she whispered and continued.

started panting into the kiss. Finally her lips just rested against mine as she
fought to breathe, the passion between us intensifying even more.

was going crazy with want and I could barely stand it. Jess sat up and
continued. She looked down at me with all the love in the world and with
glowing green eyes. Glowing in the darkness of the night. Glowing…
Oh, shit.

called out my name, arched her back, and two white feathery wings erupted from
behind her.

screamed and fell to my chest, passed out cold.


* * *


lifted Jess and got her into her car. She lay nestled into the passenger seat
still unconscious and wrapped in her wings. I had to physically restrain myself
from reaching out and touching them, they were that soft.

I got behind the wheel of her mustang. I had never driven a car before, but I
couldn’t see it being harder than a scooter. Or so I kept telling myself.

buckled up and pulled my cell from my pocket, dialing her dad after I backed up
out of the spot. He answered on the third ring.


Mr. James. It’s Connor.”


had a little accident.”

on my way!”

Stay there. I put her in her car and am driving there.”

confused. I assumed you meant with her car?”

sir. She… I don’t even know what to say. Her eyes started glowing and she
sprouted wings, sir. She changed.”

I see. I’m glad you were there then. May I speak to her? Is she afraid?”

passed out, sir.”

you, Connor. I’ll see you shortly,” he said. “Call me again if she
wakes up before you get here. I’ll calm her down.”

luck would have it. She did wake up as soon as we pulled into her driveway. She
opened her eyes, saw her wings, and screamed again.

Look at me. You’re going to be fine. I promise. We’re back at your house. I
called your dad. He will explain everything! Jess!”

screams turned into sobs as she looked at me with wide frightened eyes. She
started hyperventilating. “It’s okay, baby,” I kept repeating over
and over while we slowed to a stop.

I’m… I’m a freak. Why are you not screaming?”

you’re my angel,” I said softly.

seemed to help. I could see her visibly relax as she looked down at the
feathers around her. She even reached out her hand and gave it a tentative

James was standing on the porch waiting. I half expected him to have his wings
out, but he didn’t. He looked like his normal self. He ran to Jess’ door and
pulled it open.

she said as her voice started trembling again.

okay, sweetie. Daddy will explain everything. Come inside.”

reached in and pulled her into his arms, lifting her like the little girl she
would always be to him.

scared,” she whispered.

have nothing to be frightened of. I’ll explain in a moment.” He turned to
me and gave me a sad look. I offered him a reassuring smile. “Would you
care to join us, Connor?”

you want me to, sir.”

involves you as well. Come on.” He turned and carried her up to the porch.
I walked around him and opened the door for him.

entered the house and set Jess down on the couch. I stood behind him, not
wanting to be in the way. “What’s going on? How does this involve Connor?
What the hell am I?”

sweetie. Us. All of us. Even Connor. And it involves him because he saved your
life and tried his best to give you a shot at being human. Apparently your body
picked the stronger route.”

walked over to the mini-bar he had set up in the living room and pulled out
three glasses and poured some amber colored liquid into each of them. My
parents drank, so I knew it was whiskey of some sort. Probably scotch by the
fancy crystal bottle it was in. He picked up all three glasses in one hand,
gave one to me and Jess, and sat in the chair across from her. He took a small

did the same and shuddered at the taste. Jessie stared at hers and then back at
her dad. “Go ahead, sweetie. You will never be able to get drunk, but it
does have a calming effect on one’s self. Or so I learned over the years.”

confused. Are you trying to tell me that you’re like me?”

James nodded and stood. With a soft
he called his wings. They
weren’t as pristine white as his daughters, but they were still majestic.
“I am.”

about Mommy?”

no. Your mother was a beautiful human being and yet more angelic than the best
of us.”

She looked at me with pleading eyes.

looked at Mr. James who shook his head slightly.
Not yet.
I could read
it in his face. “I’m not human either, but I’m not the same as you and
your dad.”

looked terribly confused. “I don’t understand.”

to our world, sweetie,” he said and sat back and began his tale. He told her
of the creation of the earth and the angels. He told her about the war and the
split between the Chosen and the Fallen and their different views of the world.
He didn’t sound angry or bitter, nor did he highly embellish the Chosen’s role
in the war like I half expected him to.

James sat in silence for a moment and let it all sink in before he continued
with his tale of how he met her mother and fell in love and the disaster it
always brought to the offspring of such a pairing. My heart broke as I heard
him describe how he had loved her mother and how overjoyed he was when Jess
came into the world and then it shattered when he told her of her mother’s
loss. No matter the bad blood between Chosen and Fallen, no man should have to
go through what he did when he lost his love.

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