Read Your Soul Contract Decoded: Discover the Spiritual Map of Your Life With Numerology Online
Authors: Nicolas David Ngan
Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Numerology
served its negative contextual purpose. You have then transmuted
it to light and have moved one step closer to the source.
in addition to Divine Healing (appendix E: 1), i would
recommend using it in conjunction with body cellular emo-
tional deprogramming therapies like EFT (Emotional Freedom
Technique), Matrix Re-Imprinting with EFT and SRT (Spiritual
Response Therapy) to remove the deeper layers of the program-
ming stored in your cells.
There is another parallel process that is helpful in clearing
your programming. it is taking an action in the opposite direction
to what the program wants you to do. For example, if you are in
fear, which is only held within the ego mind, about facing a par-
ticular situation in life that a karmic aspect is manifesting, then
turn to face it. Take the best possible decisions and actions you
can from that space to engage with and transform the issue. You
will find that, when you do this, the layer of fear, worthiness or
disempowerment, or whatever the karmic program is, will have
dissolved. You will still be standing there much stronger and that
layer of the program will not, it will have disappeared. Then you
will realize the tricks your ego has been playing on you. The layer
of programming that seemed so real is now gone. it was not as
Real with a capital ‘R’ as your mind perceived it to be. It is actually
only temporarily real with a small ‘r’.
let’s be honest here: all of this is not going to happen over-
night. it will take time, courage, energy and perseverance to work
through all the issues in your soul contract. But it is better to be
under way than to remain at the mercy of your karmic program-
ming. Take your spiritual Map of your life in one hand, your
healing tools and recommendations in the other, and put them
into action. The more you use them, the faster you will come into
alignment with your soul Destiny and eventually a satisfying and
more fulfilling life.
You are important in the global scheme
of things
This ascension awakening process is not about waiting for one
specific moment where you turn to a being of Light and transcend
this dimension. it is about a continuous process of raising your fre-
quency by transmuting the layers of separation programming in
your consciousness. all the tools provided in this book are designed
to help you do this. This is so that eventually you reconnect to the
one consciousness that we all ultimately are, all That is. You
need to work on yourself regularly. it is better to be doing the right
thing, in the right way, at the right time to raise your consciousness
than bumbling around, lost in the darkness of unconsciousness,
which is the experience of the majority of humanity. This is where
people do not have the appropriate consciousness raising and
healing tools available to them. if enough of us do this, then eve-
ryone raises in consciousness because each species on Earth is
connected to a unique morphogenetic grid (Ref 36) that links all
its individuated embodied sparks of consciousness and surrounds
the Earth. This enables all members of the species to communi-
cate with each other through the grid. The human morphogenetic
grid is called the christ (Unity) consciousness grid.
The hundredth-monkey concept (Ref 36) postulates that when
approximately 1% of a population of a specific species has grasped
a concept, it propagates to the rest of the population through its
morphogenetic grid. This was discovered through the observation
of a small number of monkeys of the same species on different
islands around Japan that were observed washing potatoes in
the sea before eating them. When about 1% of them had learnt
this technique, suddenly all of them started doing it, despite the
fact that they were geographically separated by the sea. The only
explanation scientists could come up with to explain the commu-
nication of this knowledge to the entire group was the existence of
a morphogenetic grid.
Whenever you clear a specific separation program within
your consciousness, the effect of this goes up through your con-
nection to the Christ Consciousness Grid. This then benefits all
those other embodied human souls who carry the same pattern.
if enough of us do this, then we can create a permanent clearing
and raising of consciousness for the whole of humanity. if the only
thing you ever did in this lifetime was to engage with your own
personal ascension/awakening and healing process, you have still
served the whole of humanity. However, if you also manifest your
soul Destiny, then you are making an even bigger contribution to
the raising of human consciousness.
The actual number of people required to reach a critical
mass, to change human consciousness on a specific issue may
be a lot less than 1% of the world’s population. assuming a
world population of seven billion at the time of writing, this is
70,000,000 people. This is demonstrated by the global Maharishi
Effect (Ref 37). His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi introduced
Transcendental Meditation (TM) to the West. in the development
of the Transcendental Meditation and TM-sidhi program, scien-
tific studies have demonstrated that it only takes the square root
of 1% of the human population, 8,366 people, to be in a state of
very high brainwave coherence, to create coherence in the collec-
tive consciousness, and generate a unifying and integrating effect
in the life of society. This is where the higher consciousness of the
few raises the lower consciousness of the many (Ref 38).
Therefore you are important in the global scheme of things
as you start to transmute the negative context of your soul
contract, align to your soul Destiny and start to manifest your
Divine Purpose. as you rise in consciousness, you become one of
the 8,366 people required to reach a state of Unconditional love
(540 on the David Hawkin’s Scale of Consciousness; Ref 35) which
would then trigger all of humanity to awaken back into the Unity
consciousness that we all are.
Manifesting your divine purpose
Within you is hidden your Divine Purpose. You may have incar-
nated on Earth many times, but have never actually managed to
manifest this because you were not at a sufficiently high enough
state of consciousness. The timing also was not quite right yet,
until now. This can only come through you when you have cleared
enough of your contextual karmic programming to enable you to
cross the threshold of what i call soul integration. This is where
the presence and consciousness of your soul has embodied enough
to overcome the karmic drag of your separation programming –
where you have reached sufficient consciousness using the process
outlined above so that your soul rather than your ego is now
leading your life. The remaining karmic programming can then
be peeled away much more easily as it no longer has such a strong
grip on you. The acceleration of the raising of your consciousness
is now under way. once the ego has started to surrender to the
soul and spirit, the part of you not embodied, the real work can
begin in your mission on planet Earth. Your Divine Purpose will
manifest through your soul contract in the gifts you will deliver
to the World by transmuting the negative context of your karmic
patterns. This is about coming into the positive qualities of your
goals, fully manifesting your talents and soul Destiny. This is the
true meaning of your life, this is why you have come to Earth. You
are here to deliver this Divine Purpose to humanity as your piece
of creating Heaven on Earth.
Creating Heaven on Earth in your life
in the Western cultural context/story, Hell is perceived as some
place you go to in the bowels of the Earth, or on the astral plane
if you have not come up to the mark in this lifetime in the eyes of
some judgemental, vengeful, omnipotent Male god. if you behave
yourself and earn and learn your way out of the existence of the
Earth plane, then you will obtain enough Brownie points! These
might just be enough for you to make it to Heaven/the Higher
dimensions – some abstract place up in the clouds of the astral
plane where all is bliss, love and joy. something we believe we can
never obtain down here on earth while incarnate.
However, Hell is not necessarily some place you go to after
your physical body dies and your soul leaves for the astral plane.
Hell for a lot of people on Earth is the lives that we experience
when our ego is in charge of the show. When we are at the mercy
of all the unconscious programs just playing out in our lives that
we feel we are helpless to change. it is like we are a tenant in our
own body, a passive observer in our own lives, and someone else is
running the show. We have just come along for the ride, but have
to take the hit for whatever happens.
creating Heaven on Earth is not a process where we suddenly
transition from one state of being to another. The term Heaven
on Earth has the connotations of a Male God, flicking a switch
and hey presto, there you have it, Heaven on Earth has manifested
around us, been delivered to us by an outside authority. it is some-
thing we perceive will be done to us and that we have no control
over. That we pray will happen sooner rather than later, especially
given the state of the world at the time of writing this book in early
2012. These are all projections from the limited state of separation
consciousness of our human ego, none of which are Real.
The reality of how this process can actualize in your life
is quite different. You are personally and directly in charge of
creating Heaven on Earth in your life in each and every moment.
There is nothing you need to earn or learn. This is because
the creator embodied. You just deliberately forgot this when you
incarnated so you could engage with this reality as if it was really
Real. Now it is time to become conscious of who you really are, by
transmuting your separation programming and manifesting your
Divine Purpose. The process of life is you as the creator, creating.
No outside authority is going to create Heaven on Earth in your life
for you. You are the authority in your life.
as you ascend in consciousness, using the comprehension
of your soul contract and applying the recommendations for
working through your spiritual Map of your life, you can start the
process of living Heaven on Earth. This takes time, in fact prob-
ably the majority of a lifetime. There will be rough patches, but it
is quite achievable if you are dedicated, focused and courageous in
the pursuit of creating this graceful state of existence in your life.
The experience of living Heaven on Earth is about moving
into a place of total surrender to the flow of Spirit. Being grounded
in your body, emotionally clear and present enough to be able to
connect to and feel in your heart in each moment what is the next
right action. We defined this earlier on as the Spiritual Signature.
You can tell what this is by the heart expansion that happens
when your actions are aligned to your soul’s desires. sometimes
the next right action makes no logical sense. Just trust that your
spirit knows what is optimal for you. god indeed has a plan for
your life as you are one and the same. Ultimately, you at a human
ego personality level are not in charge. surrender, access and start
to flow with this Oneness that has always resided in you and your
life will start to flow synchronistically, abundantly and lovingly.
This is despite what your ego mind is thinking as it tries to figure
it all out and control it all out of fear that it could all go wrong.
god is very organized; you just need to get your ego out of the way,
through transmuting enough of its separation programming, and
allow your Divine Purpose to manifest through you.
How you are changing our Earthly reality
as you enter into this transitional process, it is important to under-
stand how the Earthly reality works. Up until the end of the 20th
century, all of us were living in a consensus reality, where we were
all unconsciously agreeing to live by the same pictures of reality
of how things were in life. Pictures of reality are beyond your con-
scious beliefs: they are initially unconscious, deep soul programs
you have come to play with in this reality. For example, one picture
of reality is ‘that there is never enough’. if enough people hold to
this picture of reality and transmit it into the consensus reality it
becomes a strong thought-form that affects everyone else through