Your Orgasmic Pregnancy (11 page)

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Authors: Yvonne K. Fulbright Danielle Cavallucci

BOOK: Your Orgasmic Pregnancy
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You’re in charge, which can mean increased pleasure for you if you know what you’re doing.
Your lover can stimulate your clitoris with his or her fingers.
They can play with, touch, and enjoy the sight of your breasts and other parts of your body.
Blood will flow more freely to your male partner’s erectile tis- sue, allowing for greater stimulation and pleasure.
Being upright can help you avoid nausea.


Start by kissing and em- bracing as you lie next to eac other. Then slowly position yourself so that you’re sit- ting upright on top of your partner, straddling their hips, making sure to put most of your weight on your knees (see Figure 3.1). This position is ex- cellent for late pregnancy.
Lean back on your partner’s thighs (see Fig- ure 3.2).


Figure 3.1
Woman-on-top position



Figure 3.2
Woman-on-top position with woman leaning back onto her partner’s thighs



Figure 3.3
Woman-on-top position with woman’s legs squeezed together


Variations include:
  • To increase friction, squeeze your legs together inside your partner’s to create asnuggergenitalfit(see Figure 3.3). Usethis positionduringthefirsttrimesteronly,asitrequiresthewoman to place some weight on her belly.
  • Turn to face yourpartner’s feet, givinghimafullrearview, and see the sparks fly (see Figure 3.4).


Figure 3.4

Woman-on-top position with the woman turned to face her partner’s feet



How You Can Help Her
It’s important to check in with her regularly to learn what feels good and what doesn’t —for example, whether she wants her breasts massaged and, if so, how and for how long. Her comfort is of the utmost importance. Also, don’t rush. Making her feel cared for, especially as she prepares for her own caretaker role, will increase your shared intimacy. Helping her to relax will enable her to let go in the sack, which will benefit both of you.
for partners


Modified-Missionary (T1 only)
Lie on your back (for no more than five minutes), with your knees open and drawn up toward your chest. Rest your feet on your lover’s chest (see Figure 3.5). Putting a pillow under your bum may help. Be sure to communicate as you figure out what is a comfortable, easy thrusting pace.
Benefits of Modified-Missionary
Angle allows for clitoral stimulation.
It’s a relaxed position for you; you don’t have to do as much work.
You can look into each other’s eyes and kiss.


Figure 3.5
Modified-missionary position

Other variations include:
  • Straightening your legs and resting them against your lover (see Figure 3.6).
  • Having your partner kneel between your legs (see Figure 3.7).


Figure 3.6
Modified-missionary with the woman’s legs straightened out


Figure 3.7
Modified-missionary with the preggie’s partner kneeling between her legs

your e

Lying on your back, with legs hanging off the side of th bed. Have your partner get down on his or her knees to achieve penetration (see Fig- ure 3.8). A pillow beneath the knees may make this more comfortable.


Both partners lie on their sides, facing the same way. The pregnant partner draws her legs up to allow easy rear access, affording her partner maxi- mum depth control (see Figure 3.9).


Figure 3.8

Modified-missionary with the woman on her back, legs off the side of the bed, and her partner on their knees


Figure 3.9
Side-by-side “spooning”
Benefits of Side-by-Side
Allows for deep penetration.
Your sweetie can stimulate your clitoris as you lean back.
Sex can be leisurely, comfortable, relaxing, and can go on for longer than with other positions.
Allows for lots of body contact and caressing.
You can fall asleep in this cuddle position.

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