Your Irresistible Love (13 page)

Read Your Irresistible Love Online

Authors: Layla Hagen

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Adult

BOOK: Your Irresistible Love
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She gives me a doubtful look.

“Not yet.”

“That’s more like it. Why haven’t you?”

“I. . . It’s complicated because of my work clause.”

“What do you mean?”

“I have a strict no-fraternizing policy in my work contract.”

“Biggest bullshit I’ve ever heard.”

“Well, believe it or not, it’s an actual clause. We had some bad press a few years ago when one of our consultants got involved with a very well known, very married CEO. His wife was New York royalty, so she destroyed my colleague, and did some serious harm to the company name.”

Pippa presses her lips into a thin line. “Okay, but you’re on your own here. Your boss can’t find out.”

I paste a mischievous smile on my face. “That’s what I’m banking on.”

“Now we’re talking,” she says.

I’m uneasy, because Dirk is sneaky, but if I play my cards right, he won’t find out.

“How about you? Are you dating anyone?”

“Nope. I’m divorcing my ass of a husband.”

“Oh. I’m sorry.”

She lowers her eyes to her plate. “Haven’t gotten to the part where I want to date again. I’m going to grow cobwebs down there soon.”

I snort into my pizza, and we both roar with laughter.

“You know what the antidote to that is?” I ask.

“Two more margaritas and a hot waiter to go?”

“I was going to suggest shopping, but your way will work better.”

Pippa shrugs. “I’m not going to go home with a waiter. I don’t really do one-night stands. But there’s no harm in delighting my eyes.”

“None at all,” I say. Suddenly, I want to brighten up her mood. “We should schedule a girls’ day out.”

Pippa perks up. “How about Saturday?”

“Well, Sebastian returns Saturday.”

“Ah, I see. Let’s check our calendars to see when we both have a free weekend.”




It’s only back in my apartment that I start feeling the effects of the two margaritas. Or were there three?

I discard my clothes and collapse on my bed, but don’t fall asleep. The smartphone on my nightstand beckons.

With uncertain fingers, I pull it to me and call Sebastian. He answers after three rings.

“Hi.” For some reason, I’m feeling shy. 

“Hi, back.”

The sound of his voice sends tendrils of heat through my body. “I know you’re busy, but I wanted to hear your voice.”

“Mmm. . . so my plan is working.”

“What plan?”

“Not calling you so you’d miss me.” 

“You little player,” I giggle, my body aching for him. Oh, God, how will I survive until Saturday? “Thank you for the chocolate. And the flowers.”

“I wish I was there to see your smile when you received them.”

“Why are you spoiling me like this, Sebastian?”

“It’s called courting.”

I squirm in my bed, my toes curling up. I’ve never been courted before.

“I wish you could return sooner,” I admit.

“Me too.”

“So, what will I receive next?”

“Like I’d tell you. You’ll love it.” His voice drops an octave on that last note, and it’s so damn sexy. “What did you do today?”

“I actually did some work in between daydreaming about you. Then Pippa took me to heaven.”

He laughs softly. “What?”

“It’s a place downtown with delicious margaritas, crusty pizza, and hot waiters.”

“Pippa gave you margaritas in a place with hot waiters? I need to have a talk with my sister.”

“Oh, she wanted to have some girl time.”

“By taking you to the male equivalent of Hooters. So, how hot were these waiters?”

Now it’s my turn to laugh. I pull the cover up to my chin, enjoying this immensely.

“Like I’d tell you,” I tease. “Payback for not calling me yesterday.”

“Did any of them hit on you?” His tone is still playful, but I detect a hint of uneasiness in it.

“Oh, yeah, one of them did. He took my number, said he’ll take me to dinner this week.”

“You gave him your number?”

My stomach clenches at the disappointment and hurt in his voice. It’s time to end my little joke.

“I’m kidding, Sebastian. No one hit on me, and I didn’t give my number to anyone. I honestly didn’t even notice the waiters until Pippa pointed them out. That’s how wrapped up I am in you.”

“Good,” he says. “Because that’s exactly how I feel. You are mine, Ava. Mine.”

I fist the bedsheet, breathing hard. “Yours,” I agree.

“I have to go now, but I promise I’ll call tomorrow.”



I spend the next day drafting more campaign proposals based on the latest feedback I got from the team. Massaging my temples, I try to come up with some more ideas. I’m pleased the team seems to accept Martha. Unfortunately, Martha isn’t too happy in San Francisco. A little digging reveals she longs to return to Seattle, where she’s from. I have lunch with the marketing team; and when I return to my office, I find a cup of coffee on my desk, and a note.


You’re too tense today.



P.S. It’s with almond milk.


I can’t believe he remembers I like almond milk in my coffee. I gulp down some of the invigorating liquid, and as I play with the note between my fingers, a question springs to my mind.

How does he know I’m tense? He could have guessed, but it’s unlikely. Hmm. The presents always arrive when I’m not in the office. I narrow my eyes as I peek outside the door, watching the assistants in an entirely different light.

Sebastian has a little spy/helper.




“Are you putting everyone you know on this courting thing?” I ask Sebastian when we talk in the evening.

“What do you mean?”

“I know you have someone delivering your gifts in the office, and then I came home and the cleaning lady told me your mother dropped by today and left me some pudding.”

“Ah, yes.” He laughs into the phone. God, I like the sound. “She did mention you’re too skinny.”

“Skinny? Has she seen my butt?”

“Not as close as I have, but my mother has a good eye. If she deems you skinny, you’d better believe it.”

“I called her and thanked her for it. It’s delicious.”

“That’s my family. They like you.”

“So you didn’t put them up to this?”

“Trust me, you can’t put my family up to something they don’t want.”

“Do they pity me? Because I don’t know anyone outside of work here?” 

“Ava, you’re the least pitiable person I know.”

“Oh yeah, I’m Ava, hear me roar.” I try to let out a growl, but I sound very silly. “I’ve been jogging after work. To relieve some of that tension you know so much about.”

“What? Alone?”

“Relax. The beach was full when I got there, so no one tried any funny business. Also, I wore a totally unflattering t-shirt.”

“Everything looks flattering on you,” he replies.

“Charmer.” Secretly I swoon.

“Well, since you’ve been busting your ass with jogging, I’d better tell my mom to keep feeding you. Wouldn’t want it to shrink.”

“Can we stop talking about my ass?” I giggle into the phone, biting my lip.

“I happen to think it’s a wonderful ass. Round and perky, begging for a little smack.” I ignore the smack comment, even though it sends heat right to my core.

“When did you inspect it so well?”

“Oh, lots of opportunities. You know, your little suits aren’t as safe as you think. They fuel the imagination.”

“Your imagination,” I correct him. “I doubt everyone looks at me with such ideas.”

“I’d better be the only one.”


There is some commotion in his background, and someone’s calling his name. I can’t believe he still has meetings at this hour. “I’ve got to go,” he says. “I miss you.”

“I miss you too.”




Thursday after work, I decide to treat myself and go to the spa. After another visit to Andrew, some of my tension has bled away, but Andrew can’t give me what I really need. Only Sebastian can, and there are still forty-seven hours until his return.

Yep, I’m counting the hours.

Feeling mischievous, I decide to spoil myself with one more treatment at the spa.


“So how was your day?” I ask Sebastian that evening.

“Same as the others. I had a few New Yorkers in meetings. They are starting to get on my last nerve. Why do they have to sneer every word in that affected accent?”

At once, I get defensive. “Well, it’s better than your neither-here-nor-there San Francisco accent.”

“Are you kidding? It’s much clearer.”

“You really want to engage in a battle of accents, Sebastian? I’ve lived in New York forever, and had decent stints in Australia and even England. I can take you.”

“I bet you can,” he says. His voice is suddenly throaty, a sign he’s not talking about accents anymore. As a matter of fact, neither am I.

“I was at the spa today.” My voice is as throaty as his.

“Oh, the princess needed another massage?”

“Yeah, I have so much tension in my body.” I stretch in my bed, guttural sounds escaping my throat.

“I have a cure for that. It’s much more efficient, trust me.”

“So much teasing.” I barely keep my voice from faltering, but two can play at this game. “Do you want to know what else I did at the spa?”


“I got a Brazilian wax,” I whisper.

“Jesus, are you trying to kill me?” He lets out a low growl, which makes my skin tingle.

“Mmm…” I say in my best seductive voice. “The skin there feels so smooth.”

“Ava, if you don’t stop, I’ll get on the first plane home.”

I laugh. “Maybe that’s my plan.”

“What are you wearing?”

I shift against my pillows, my senses alert. We’re slipping into dangerous territory. “A black nightgown.”

“Describe it to me.” His tone is commanding and oh, so alluring. It turns me on like nothing else.

“Guess,” I whisper.

“Is it lace?”


“Oh, fuck, Ava. You are killing me here.”

“Back at you.”

“What other nightgowns do you have?”

“I have a red one with lace, and a white one.” I stop, feeling self-conscious. I admit I love sexy nightgowns; but what’s he going to think about me? That I moonlight as a high-end call girl?

“Go on,” he invites.

“Come back to me quickly.”




The next day at the office is brutal. I barely have time to eat lunch, and hop from meeting to meeting the entire day. Also, I don’t receive any present from Sebastian. I suppose that means the courtship period is over. I can’t help but feel sad about it. On the bright side, Sebastian will be home tomorrow.


Logan returns in the afternoon, sporting bloodshot eyes and dark rings under them. He was gone this week too.

“How was London?” I ask him when he passes by my office.

“Bloody jet lag.”

“I see you picked up the slang,” I say appreciatively. 

“How was your week? I haven’t had any time to read your e-mails, sorry.”

“No problem. I want to have a short meeting Monday morning and bring you and Sebastian up to date. I’m working on the agenda right now, and I’ve checked Sebastian’s business calendar and yours. You’re free.”

“You’re amazing. Yes, of course we can meet Monday morning. Now I’ll go home and sleep until then.”

I smile, watching him leave. I roll up my proverbial sleeves and throw myself into work. Having everything ready for Monday morning means I’ll have to come to the office tomorrow too. That’s okay. I love my job, and I got where I am by busting my ass and going that extra mile every single time. I sort of lied to Logan anyway, since I’m not only going to update him and Sebastian on what occurred last week. I already have some partners in mind that could help us bring the show to the next level. The ones they’ve worked with until now are good, but I’ve worked with better in the past. They’re more professional, even though a bit pricier. I can make a good case to convince both of my bosses. 

The show is still three months away, but these suppliers need to be booked early. In fact, they’ll probably claim this is too short notice for them to take us on. I can work my charm on them if it comes to that.


I lose myself in my work, and only realize what time it is when my phone buzzes.

“Why aren’t you home yet, you little workaholic?”

“Sebastian, this is creepy. Do you have someone watching me?”

“Of course not. Who does that?”

I lean back in my chair, holding the phone to my shoulder and flexing my wrists. They’ve grown stiff.

“How do you know I’m not at the apartment?”

“Mmmm, I can’t say, but you’ll see as soon as you get there.”

I sit up straight, my heart doing a somersault. Is he at my apartment? Maybe he decided to return earlier.

“I’ve got to go.” He ends our conversation on that mysterious note.

I’m out of the office in a few minutes.


Once inside my building, I look for Sebastian in the small lobby, but he isn’t there. Since this is a complex of serviced apartments, quite a few people have keys to my place. Oh, God, did he convince them to let him inside my room? My heart hammers against my rib cage as I step into the elevator and then continue down the corridor leading to my apartment.

With trembling hands, I unlock the door and push it open. The lights are out.


No answer. Disappointment washes over me as I switch on the light. I notice the package on my bed. It’s a rectangular box tied with a ribbon and a note.


Thought it’d be best if this wasn’t delivered at the office.



So that’s why I didn’t get a gift today. Smiling, I sink on the bed and open the gift, careful not to damage the box, because it’s so pretty. I cover my mouth with my hand. Inside the box is the most luxurious nightgown I’ve ever had the pleasure to see. Silk and lace.

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