Read Your Irresistible Love Online

Authors: Layla Hagen

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Adult

Your Irresistible Love (24 page)

BOOK: Your Irresistible Love
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“Like anything you see?” she asks. Tears spring to the corners of my eyes. This can’t be happening to me. I can’t witness my man cheating on me. Again. I simply can’t take it. . . not from Sebastian. My heart grows so heavy, I feel like I’m choking. I bite my forearm, afraid a sob might come out, giving me away. How much bad luck can I have? Isn’t it dreadful enough that I walked in on my ex, John, doing it with that ho? Do I now have to watch the man to whom I’ve given myself completely do this here? My eyes water. Damn it, I don’t want to cry. This can’t be happening. I must look away and cover my ears. Yeah, that’s what I should do. But like the masochist I am, I keep looking. This is like watching a car wreck, only now I see my life getting wrecked.

“I’m not here for any of this.” Sebastian’s voice is brisk, but it does nothing to calm me. Sweat dots my palms. I tug at my lower lip with my teeth.

“Oh, really? I bet I can change your mind.”

“Listen—what is your name?”


“Listen, Simone, I don’t get involved with people I work with.”

“Why not make an exception? Don’t you like what you see? I won’t tell if you don’t. It’ll be our secret.”

“You are a beautiful woman, but I’m really not interested.”

“Ah, you’re playing hard to get. That’s no problem. I can make you hard in an instant.”

“Simone, please return to your work.”

“Let me suck you off,” she says in a very seductive voice, letting her bathrobe fall to the floor. She’s completely naked. “You can come all over me if you want to.”

Sebastian rises to his feet, Simone’s robe in his hand.

“Put this on. Now,” he commands. 

I don’t dare to breathe. Simone puts on her robe.

“I can give you my number and we can meet after work,” she says.

“I will tell you this one last time. I am not interested in you. If you don’t stop this right now, I will have your contract with our company dissolved.”

Simone steps back as if Sebastian’s cracked a whip in front of her.

“Get over yourself, Bennett. I can sue you for sexual harassment.”

Sebastian laughs. “Please, try. I can afford the best lawyers. They will destroy you in court. I’ll make sure no one hires you again. Ever. You know I have the power to do that.”

Simone whirls on her heels and leaves the room.

I blink, stunned. He actually told her no? My mind must be playing tricks on me. She’s the most beautiful model I’ve ever seen, and she practically offered herself to him on a silver platter. Relief washes over me, and I begin—of all things—to sob. 

Sebastian turns around, startled, and heads straight to the back of the room. To me. I pull myself to my full height.

His eyes widen. “Ava, what. . . Were you here the entire time?”

“I didn’t mean to. I came here to search for some clothes,” I babble, speaking so quickly I’m afraid he won’t understand a word. “I didn’t hear you come in, and I didn’t have a way to get out. I wasn’t spying, or. . .” I take a deep breath, fighting tears. “It’s not my fault.”

“What isn’t? Babe, you’re not making sense. Talk to me. I want to understand.”

I can’t open my mouth, because if I do, I’ll break down. It was always my fault. With Trey, it was my fault that I traveled so much. He had no choice but to cheat. With John, it was my fault that I wanted to surprise him on our anniversary. I mean, who goes to their boyfriend’s apartment without calling first? They always blamed me.

Sebastian puts his arms around me, snapping me back to reality.

“Shhh, Ava, relax. Why are you trembling?”

“You told Simone no?” The words come out as a question.

“Of course I did.”

“You didn’t even hesitate.” I still can’t believe it.

“I had no reason to. I have you.”

I breathe in and out rapidly, searching for words to tell him how much this means to me. He’s single-handedly restored my faith in humanity. I hadn’t had any idea I had lost it so completely, until I thought I was losing him too.

“You’re a great man, Sebastian,” is all I can whisper, though it doesn’t even begin to cover what I feel for him. Someone calls my name outside, and I pick out the dresses I chose earlier, carrying them on my forearm. I want to stride toward the door, but Sebastian remains in front of me, blocking my way.

“Ava. Wait.”

“The crew outside needs me.”

“They can wait a few more minutes. Why do you want to avoid me? Did I do something wrong?”

“No, absolutely nothing.”

He tilts my head up, looking at me with desperation. Oh, damn. How do I explain this to him without coming across as a clingy, insecure little girl? This isn’t me. I’m a strong woman. I didn’t have a privileged upbringing, and I had to fight for everything. I don’t regret it, and I am proud of how far I’ve come. But after being cheated on twice, my confidence in this department vanished into thin air. I can do a lot of things. Put a campaign together from the ground up? Check. Make my clients gain a significant advantage over the competition in just a few short months? Check. Make a man love me enough to keep it in his pants around other women? Im-freaking-possible. Or so I thought, until Sebastian.

“That’s the thing. You’re too perfect. If I stay in here with you one minute longer, I might say something silly.”

“Like what?” he asks, exasperation on his beautiful features.

“Like, I love you.” I catch my breath.

His frown melts into the sweetest smile. “Let’s be silly together. I love you, too, Ava.”

“You do?” My knees weaken. As if realizing that, Sebastian wraps his arms around me, pulling me close to him. I rest my hands on his chest. 

“Yes, and I’d never cheat on you. That’s not the kind of man I am. It’s a privilege loving you.”


He kisses me with tenderness, his hands cupping my cheeks and drawing me up to him. His arms give me warmth and a sense of safety. God, this feels so wonderful, so absolutely wonderful, that I don’t want to worry about anything. My eyes brim with tears. I’ve never felt so cherished or loved.

Our kiss grows more urgent, and Sebastian pushes me further, until we reach a wall. Unhitching his lips from mine, he kisses my neck, dropping his hands to my thighs, his fingers lifting my dress until they touch my bare skin. I shiver, heat pooling between my legs. 

“I want to make love to you, Ava,” he murmurs against my skin.

“Not here. The people outside. . .”

“Let’s go. Right now.”

Sexual tension crackles between us. It’s so thick and loaded that one single spark would be enough to make us both forget where we are. He locks his gaze on mine, and the mix of emotions in his eyes almost convinces me to give in to his request. The need to be alone with him hits me hard.

Swallowing hard, I say, “I still have to check on a lot of things. Give me two hours, and then we can leave.”

Leaning in to me, he says in a tight voice. “Two hours.”










Chapter Thirty





I watch her from afar for the next two hours. Ava’s her confident self again. She orders everyone around and keeps checking every little detail that could lead to confusion on the presentation day. As I expected, she treats Simone as if nothing happened.

Ava is a strong, independent woman. The thought that the lowlifes who cheated on her made her doubt herself even one bit, makes me want to find those idiots and smash their faces. She’s amazing, and any man who doesn’t see that is a fool. Their loss, my gain.

I almost came undone seeing her like that inside. My beautiful Ava was so fragile, so scared that I might hurt her. I flex my palms, rage coursing through me. No one will hurt her again. I’ll see to that. I want Ava just the way she is. She wiggled her way into my every thought, filling a void I thought would remain unfilled. I won’t ever desire another woman.

After precisely two hours, I walk up behind her. She’s dismissed almost everyone, and she’s now looking for something in her bag, with a lovely frown on her face. 

“Your two hours are up,” I tell her over her shoulder. She flinches, but then turns around, a grin spreading on her face. 

“I know.”

“Where do you want to go?”

“Home, but I’m starving. Let’s pick up some food on the way.”

“That’s my girl. Nothing can stave off your appetite.”

“Nope, not really.”


We buy tacos on our way home and devour them in the car. She’s silent the whole way, as if struggling with something. She wants to tell me something, but I won’t pressure her. When she’s ready, she’ll talk. Once inside the apartment, that moment seems to arrive. Ava looks up at me, her face flushed.

Leaning against the kitchen island, she says, “Sebastian, I want to apologize for the way I reacted back there.”

“What exactly do you think you must apologize for?”

“Crying. Trembling. Basically, losing my shit. You didn’t have to see me like that.”

“You were vulnerable.” I push a strand of hair behind her ear, kissing her forehead. “When you moved in here, I told you I wanted to know every part of you. I meant that. I’m not here just for the fun or sexy times. I’m here to love you. Every part of you.”

Her tiny body squirms, and she offers me a shy smile. 

“I want to make one thing clear. The fact that those assholes cheated on you is not your fault. Trust me. You’re wonderful.”

“You, Mr. Charmer, must give me the name of the charm school you attended. Men worldwide need to follow suit.”

“Oh, it’s Mom’s school of I’ll-kick-your-butt-if-you-mistreat-a-lady. It was very effective.”  

“Well, I’ll let her know she did a wonderful job.”

“She did. Now,” I drop my head to her ear and whisper, “I believe we have unfinished business.”

Instantly, goose bumps form on her arms, which is one hell of a turn-on.

“Is that so?” Her voice is playful and, at the same time, uneven. “I don’t remember.”

“You don’t?” I feather my lips on her neck and shoulder, enjoying hearing her breathing pattern become more labored.

“No, was it dessert?”

“You can call it that if you want to.”

I hoist her up in my arms and she tilts her head back, laughing. I’ll never get enough of her laughter. After getting us to the bedroom, I lay her on the bed and lean against the windowsill. 

“Strip,” I tell her.

Ava wets her lips and unzips her dress in one swift move. She picks up the hem of the blue fabric, pulling the dress over her head. I suck in my breath when she remains in nothing but her bra and thong.

“Take off your bra.” 

As her breasts spill free, my erection threatens to explode in my pants. I lean down to her, kissing her lips, cupping one breast greedily, letting my hand slide further down.

“You soaked your thong.” I groan, stroking her slit with my finger over the damp fabric. Shuddering, she closes her eyes. I discard my clothes fast, and take her thong off too. She moves to the center of the bed, watching me. She’s so fucking sexy.  

I join her in the bed, wrapping my hand around my erection, pumping up and down, squeezing it the way I like it.

Ava’s eyes widen in surprise. 

“Touch me,” I tell her. Obediently, she closes the distance between us, coming so near that her delicious breasts touch my chest. She looks me straight in the eyes as she takes over stroking me. “God, you’re good, baby. So good.”

I want to drive her crazy tonight. I want to drive her crazy every night. Tasting her mouth, I claim her lips, dragging my knuckles down the sides of her body, enjoying the goose bumps forming on her skin. I squeeze her sweet ass with both hands. She’s gorgeous, perfect, and knows what to do with that hand of hers.

In one second, I change everything. I kiss her hard, pushing her back on the bed, parting her legs with my knee. I move my mouth downward, paying attention to first one of her breasts, and then the other. The way she arches her back drives me crazy.

“You’re fucking perfect,” I mutter against her skin as I continue my descent, settling between her legs. I run my tongue over her inner thigh, inching toward her sex with exquisite slowness. By the way she digs her nails in the mattress, I know I have her exactly how I want. I place my mouth on her clit, sucking it gently.


She pushes her heels firmly in the bed, her breathing becoming more labored. That’s it. Lust shoots through me. I plunge one finger inside her, and another one, caressing her inner flesh. I crook my finger. She fists my hair, moaning. I continue to kiss her until I feel her tighten around my fingers, right before crying out from the orgasm. Watching her come apart completely burns my control. I grind my erection against her still sensitive flesh before driving into her, stretching her tight passage. Her breasts press against my chest. 

“You feel amazing,” I tell her. 

“You make me feel things I didn’t even know existed.” She pants underneath me, her skin glistening with sweat. 

“I’m very pleased to hear that.”

She giggles in my ear, and I swear it’s the damned sweetest sound. I make her moan. Hard. I plunge into her faster, deeper, spreading her legs wider apart. I watch her unravel, fighting to keep my control, to last longer. Breathing through my mouth, I time my strokes, rocking in and out of her as she succumbs to her orgasm.

I spiral over the edge, coming hard, burying my head in her neck, screaming out her name at the same time she calls mine. Afterward, she cuddles against me, and I cradle her in my arms, kissing her forehead. This woman makes me want to have her and protect her. It’s the first time I want to give a woman everything.

As her breath falls into that peaceful pattern that indicates she’s asleep, I’m more certain than ever that I’ll never want another woman. She’s it for me. The one. I’ll be damned if I’ll let her slip away.


BOOK: Your Irresistible Love
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