Young Women Reform: Novella 1 (4 page)

Read Young Women Reform: Novella 1 Online

Authors: Candace Mia

Tags: #spanking, #sex with younger women, #spanking younger women

BOOK: Young Women Reform: Novella 1
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He had to make covers for the books. He found
a place that had royalty free stock photos. He downloaded a few and
then taught himself to use the photo editing program on the
computer. He liked the covers he made. He couldn’t wait to put a
story out, but he thought he’d wait on that. He’d have to edit a
story first, and he didn’t want to do that tired.


Brody woke up early the next day. He was able
to work for a while before breakfast. He felt clear-headed and
good. He supposed that was because of his excitement over the
prospect of publishing. He was a bit disappointed when there was a
nock on his door. He wasn’t that disappointed, though. He was
pretty hungry.

“I would like for you to start your lessons
with Penny immediately after breakfast,” Ms. Pennington said at the
table, then blew steam off the top of her second cup of coffee.

“Yes, ma’am.”

After breakfast he moved to the library.
There, he looked over Penny’s academic file again. She was actually
ahead of Resling, but not by much.

She showed up a few minutes after he got
there. The little woman stood in the doorway, grinning.

“Come in,” he said. He turned a chair to face
the chalkboard. “Have a seat.”

She walked in and plopped down in the chair.
She crossed her arms in front of her and got a “I dare you to,”
look on her face.

“All right,” he said. “You seem to have some
trouble with reading. I’d like to see where you are.”

He wrote the word
on the board.
“Okay,” he said. “What’s this word?”

“I don’t know,” she said in a childish

“Okay. Let’s sound it out. What sound does C


“Good. What sound does the a make?”


“Good. What sound does the t make?”


“Okay. So sound the word out.”

“Alligator.” She laughed like a child.

“Hmm?” He thought of what had worked with
Resling. It was worth a try. He moved behind her and put a hand on
her shoulder. “I know you can do it. Sound it out and tell me what
word that is.”

“Caa. Ahh. Ligator.” She pulled her shoulder
from his hand than giggled wickedly.

He moved in front of her. He knelt down.
“Listen, Penny. I know you can do this. We can do it the easy way
or we can do it the hard way. I know that you know what the hard
way is too, so let’s just avoid that and learn to read.”

“No,” she snapped. “I don’t like

“Okay. I’ll give you one more chance. What is
the word?”

She made an exaggerated motion of putting her
fist on her chin like she was thinking. “Let’s see. The word is,
‘fuck you, Mr. Wakefield.”

“Hmm. I see then.” He stood up. Did he really
want to do this? Yes he did and no he didn’t. He was nervous and
excited. But whatever he felt, he needed to succeed to keep his
boss happy. And this girl was practically begging for it.

He stood up. He reached down and gripped her
little arm.

“Ouch. Stop it.”

“Say the word.”

“No. Let go of me.”

He lifted her up by the arm. “Last chance,”
he said, thinking he might have said that already.

“I’ll bite you,” she screamed.

He sat down in the chair. He pulled her over
his knees. She wasn’t a strong girl at all. She squirmed, but he
was able to hold her down with a forearm. And below that forearm
was the biggest part of her. He wasn’t even sure this was legal. He
knew in the outside world a man would go to jail for this. But she
was a prisoner. Was it okay to spank a prisoner? He suppose what
was legal here was what Ms. Pennington said was legal.

He brought a hand down on that ass. It wasn’t
hard. He was too hesitant for it to be hard. He left his hand
there. He could feel her butt moving under his hand. It was so much
more tone than the one he’d touched yesterday. Both butts had their
own appeal.

“No,” she said. “I won’t do what you

He realized he’d not hit her hard enough. Ms.
Pennington had hit her hard, and had gotten a very different

His hand didn’t want to leave that butt. His
cock had risen. But he had to keep focused. He had to get this girl
reading. He brought his hand up. He brought it down again. This
time it was hard enough that she screamed.

“Ow. Please. That hurts. Stop.”

He didn’t think he needed to hit her again.
But spanking her had felt so good, feeling that butt smash under
his hand, then feeling its youthful resilience. He hit her

“It’s cat,” she cried out. “It’s cat. I’ll
read. I’ll read.”

“Good,” he said, then let her go, despite the
burning hardness in his cock. He got out of the chair. “Now stand
or sit,” he said. I don’t care. But when I put a word on that
board, you read it.”

“Okay,” she sobbed.

He wrote the next word on the board. “What is

She looked at it, still sobbing.

“Sound it out.”

She looked at the board for a little while,
snorted and the said, “Ca . . . an . . . dy. Candy.”

“Very good.” He wrote the next word.

She got word after word. She was getting
faster too. Her sobs went away. And she’d sat in the chair.

“You’re doing great,” he said sometime later.
“Now we’re going to try some sentences.” He wrote the first
sentence on the board.” He turned around to see her shaking her

“You can do this. It’s just like what you’ve
done before. It’s just that the words are together.”

“No,” she snapped. “I hate this. I don’t want
to read anymore. Just leave me alone, asshole.”

“Really? Do we have to go through this

“No. We’re not going through anything. I just
want to quit.”

“You can’t quit now, so you might as well

“No, asshole.”

He moved across the floor. He lifted her by
the forearm again.

“No. I’m sorry. I’ll read.”

“Too late now.” He knew of no reason it
should be too late. But he’d started this. A part of him really
wanted to do this. He supposed it was too later for him, because he
didn’t want to turn back. He sat down in the chair and pulled her
over his knees again.

“No, don’t. I said I’ll read. I said I’ll

He lifted her dress this time. She was
wearing a pair of cotton panties that covered most of her butt, but
he could see a little of her cheeks coming out the bottom.

“No. Don’t look at my butt. Please. I’ll

He brought a hand down hard on her butt. Part
of his hand hit the bare part of her bottom, creating a loud clap.
She screamed.

He hit her again, this time his entire hand
on bare skin, catching the top part of her leg with and the bottom
part of her ass. This produced even more clap.

He pushed her off him. She landed on the
floor, where she struggled to get her dress pulled down and get to
her feet. She put and hand on her butt as she looked at the board,

“The . . . eee . . . the. Caaa . . . aahh . .
. taa. The cat. Ch . . . ayyy . . . sss . . . daaaa . . . chased .
. . the . . . mmouse. The cat chased the mouse.”

“Very good.”

“Thank you,” she said, whimpering.

“Now let’s do a few more.”

They would read a few more sentences, then
they moved on to a book. It was a child’s book, but it was much
better than how they’d started. And she was reading fast, only
having to sound out some the words.

He would quite on time to do a little more
editing before lunch. It was Penny who came and got him. She was
smiling, but this time her face didn’t look mischievous. She looked
kind of proud. She was holding the children’s book.

“Are you ready?” he asked.

“I think so,” she said, in a sweet little

Lunch was like lunch the day before, except
it was wraps instead of sandwiches. He still enjoyed it very

Toward the end, Ms. Pennington said, “So how
were Penny’s lessons today?”

“If you would ma’am, Penny would like to
demonstrate what she can do.”

He looked at Penny. She just sat there with
her head down, a slight smile on her face.

“Well, Penny,” Ms. Pennington said. “Don’t
keep us in suspense.”

Again, Penny just sat there. They waited a
tense ten seconds or so.

“Well, Mr. Wakefield,” his boss said, haughty
and angry. “I hope you don’t expect me to make her do it. The most
I can get her to do is cry.”

“No ma’am,” he said. “Come on, Penny. Do it,
just like you did in class today.”

Still, she just sat there.

He looked at his boss. She looked like she
wanted to burn a hole through him with her eyes. In that moment, he
wouldn’t have been shocked if she had such a power. “Maybe you need
to have a few moments alone with your student,” she said,
irritation shaking her voice.


“Yes ma’am,” he said, then got up. “Come on,

Penny just sat there. He didn’t want to jerk
her from that chair. But he thought the worse thing to do would be
to test Ms. Pennington’s patience.

He took Penny by the forearm and lifted her
from the chair. She whined but didn’t say anything.

He took her out into the hall. He turned her
to him. “What are you doing?” he asked. “Why won’t you read?”

She shrugged and grinned at him wickedly. “I
don’t want to. And you’ll get in trouble for not teaching me.”

He knew he couldn’t fool around. The most
important woman in his world was waiting.

“I will bend you over right here in the hall
and spank your naked butt.”

“No you won’t. You’re afraid of Ms.

She had that right. But he thought she had
the wrong idea about what Ms. Pennington would have to say about

He grabbed her and brought her under his arm,
bent over.

“No. Don’t. Don’t spank me.”

He had her bent in front of him. He reached
down and pulled her dress up.

“No,” she said. “I don’t want you to see my
bare butt. Please leave my panties on. Please.’

He quickly slipped the panties to around her
thighs. She was able to wiggle and squirm in this position. For a
little while, he felt almost hypnotized, watching that butt quiver
as she moved it. He knew he was going to be walking back in the
dining room with a hard on. But there wasn’t much he could do about
that at this point. He brought a hand down. That skin felt so
amazing. It was so smooth and tender. Beneath it was a firm base.
It felt so good that he just gripped it for a little while, before
hitting her butt again. The he alternated between the sides,
watching and feeling the girl’s butt wiggle.

“No. Please. Okay. I’ll read.”

He let her go. She stood up, but not before
he got an eyeful of the two brown lips between her legs. Evidently,
Ms. Pennington trusted these girls with razors.

“Let’s go,” he said. “Now.”

She led him back into the kitchen, where she
gingerly took her seat. He stood, avoiding contact with Ms.
Pennington. Penny opened the book and read through her sobs.

“D … ahh . . . nnn . . . eee. Danny . . . had
. . . a . . . Dog. It was red. Its . . . nnn . . . aaaam . . . was

She went on to read five pages.

“Stop,” Ms. Pennington said.

Now he did make eye contact with the woman.
It was clear she was amazed. “I couldn’t get her to make words, and
you got her reading books. I don’t know how you do it, but keep it

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Take the rest of the day off again. You’ve
earned it.”

He considered bringing up that he needed the
address. It seemed almost like it would be a good time. He supposed
he’d wait, though. He didn’t even know if he’d make money to be
sent to him. Instead, he just went to his room.


He was finished editing the story within a
few hours. It was easy to set it up at both places. Kindle made you
charge at least 99 cents. Smashwords let you give your book away.
He tried to imagine why anyone would pay to read his story. It
seemed like they would want to get to know his work first. He gave
the book away at Smashwords. It would have to get through
Smashword’s approval process, then the book would go out to several
retailers. That story set up, he moved onto the next one. He did a
short workout and ate dinner with the ladies. Other than that, he
stayed focused on editing. Before he went to bed that night, he had
a second story out.


Brody got up early again the next day. He
checked to see how his books were doing. He looked first at Kindle,
where they were still in the review process. He checked at
Smashwords, where he’d not sold a single copy. His free story had
been downloaded over 300 times, though, which seemed very
promising. He had breakfast with the ladies, where he was informed
that he would eventually need to teach both girls at the same time
and then more as they came. But today, it would just be Resling

She came into the library where he was.

“Okay. Yesterday you learned how to do the
times tables. We’re just going to review that today and then move
onto some reading. But today, you can draw the lines.” He held a
piece of chalk. He went and sat. “Okay. Show me one times one.”

She smiled. She seemed a little nervous, but
much better than yesterday. She moved to the board and drew a line.
“One times one is one.”

“Very good. Now show me one times two.”

She did. They did fine on all the ones. She
had the concept down. She got through the twos easily, and then
halfway through the threes. Then she stopped. She’d just erased the
board, when she said, “I don’t think I can do anymore.”

He was taken aback a little by this. “Why

She shrugged. “I think I just forgot.”

“Oh. I see.”

She was smiling at him. He knew what she
wanted. He got up from the chair and walked up to her. He placed a
hand on her side. “Go ahead,” he said. Do three times five.”

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