Young Women Reform: Novella 1 (2 page)

Read Young Women Reform: Novella 1 Online

Authors: Candace Mia

Tags: #spanking, #sex with younger women, #spanking younger women

BOOK: Young Women Reform: Novella 1
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The nock soon came to the door.

“Come in,” he said.

The door opened. It was Penny. Her eyes were
damp with tears. She spoke quietly. “Dinner is ready.”

He followed her. It felt awkward. He had to
wonder what had happened to the poor girl. He felt like he’d gotten
her in trouble. He should have handled the earlier situation
himself, before Ms. Pennington got here.

Still, he didn’t feel too bad. His main
objective had to be self-preservation. He had to make sure he
wasn’t kicked out of this place.

She led him through a big commons area. There
were staircases to each side. There were several rooms on the
downstairs and upstairs. They went toward the back of the house
into a dining room. Ms. Pennington sat at the end of the table. To
her side was another girl. She was a white girl, but with tinted
skin. She had pretty brown hair and a pretty face, but she also had
that look like she might be mischievous. Even sitting in the chair
she looked like she was a combination of two bodies. She was thin
on top, but she seemed to fill out the chair a lot. She was wearing
a dress of the same material as Penny’s.

She was smiling at him like she had wicked
intentions. He was beginning to think these girls hadn’t seen a man
in a while.

Penny took a seat. There was one spot with a
plate left. It was between Penny and Ms. Pennington. That’s where
he sat.

“Mr. Wakefield. This is Resling.”

“Hi,” the girl said. Her voice was soft and

“Hello,” Brody said. “It’s nice to meet you

At that, she giggled. Even Penny giggled.

“These girls are not used to being addressed
properly, Brody,” Ms. Pennington said casually. “But I’m sure
you’re not as worried about that as you are hungry. Please help
yourself.” She motioned at the table. “We are not used to preparing
for a man’s appetite, so I had Resling prepare a lot.”

There was fried chicken. There was mashed
potatoes and gravy. There was corn, and there were biscuits. The
aroma made his mouth water.

He helped himself to some of everything,
passing each tray after taking food from it.

Ms. Pennington must have not been a strongly
religious woman, because everyone was allowed to get started before
any prayer was offered.

Prison food was atrocious. This food was so
good he felt like he lost track of where he was. He took just a
little at first, but as he ate, Ms. Pennington was pushing more
food onto his plate. He found it hard to top. There was real butter
to put on those roles. He’d not had real butter for over twenty
years. He was way past full when Ms. Pennington interrupted his

“You have come to us during a quiet time. It
is the quiet after the storm so to speak.” She looked sternly at
the two girls sitting at the table. They were looking down as if
ashamed. “There is a juvenile facility for girls not far from here.
Many are not ready to reenter society when they turn eighteen. Some
will not be allowed to reenter society because of the harshness of
their crimes. I developed this institution for both types. It has
been up and running for two years now. A few girls were able to
earn their GEDs and also learn social skills so that they were able
to leave. A few girls could not obey the rules and found themselves
in adult prisons. A large group of girl recently conspired together
and tried to escape. They were all caught. The only two girls who
did not try to escape are sitting with you now. But I’m not
convinced that they didn’t at least consider it. And they did not
inform me of other girls’ plans.”

She glared at the two girls again, who were
still looking down.

“I was teaching these two when the rest tried
to escape. I was not having a lot of success teaching most of the
others, so I thought it might be better to hire someone more
skilled in the art of teaching simpletons. And I can devout my time
to other things, like teaching them social skills and

He didn’t know what he was supposed to say to
all of this. He just nodded.

“Good,” she said. “I will get you caught up
on their lesson plans tomorrow. It shouldn’t take that long. They
haven’t gotten far.”

She looked hard at them. It was almost like
she was daring them to contradict her.

“Girls. Clean up. Mr. Wakefield, you may
retire to your room.”


Brody was glad to be in his room. He was
digesting the huge meal. His stomach hurt, but he thought he’d do
it the same if he had it to do all over again. He’d loved every
bite. He turned on the television and was surprised to find many
channels. He settled on a news channel but it was in the
background. He was exploring the PC. There was a word processor
program where he could type. He was so excited he got into his bag
immediately. He’d written several novels over the years, and many
stories too. He located a notebook of several stories. He started

He’d not typed for years. He was amazed that
he’d not forgotten how. Typing was like eating. As he was moving
the words from the notebook, he was absorbing the stories. He had
no idea how good they were, but to him, they seemed very good. He
gave each story its own file. He knew he’d need to go back and edit
them, but for now, he just wanted to type. He was lost in it. He
thought he could go all night. Then he was interrupted by a sound.
It was a nock at his door.

“Come in,” he said.

The door came open and there stood Penny
again. She was smiling at him this time. She was wearing much less
clothes this time. She had on a pair of boxers and a night shirt.
He could make out her little but round titties under that

He felt a part of him come to life quicker
than it had in many years. His cock burned and swelled. He was very

She strolled into his room.

“Wha . . . Wha . . . What?” was all he could
get out.

“What are you doing?” she asked, smiling at
him. “Do you want to play with me?”

He did. But he didn’t. He wished she would
just go. He didn’t know how much he’d be able to resist her if she
got much closer. And she did get closer. She was right up to him.
He could smell her. She had that mixture of sweet and wilds scents
women took on. It was so intoxicating. He felt like he could bite
her. He was definitely in trouble.

But then someone else bust into the room.

She was wearing a long blue robe that looked
like it was made of satin or some other comfortable material. Her
hair was down. She looked like she might have just woken up.

Penny turned to her and her whole body
cringed, like she wanted to squeeze herself into a ball.

Ms. Pennington grabbed the little woman by
the arm. She brought her into her in a powerful motion. With eyes
that looked like they could come out of her head, Ms. Pennington
spoke to the now terrified Penny.

“You dumb girl. Don’t you think I know when
you leave your room? How could you possibly be so dumb?”

Using just the one arm, she threw the little
Mexican across the floor.

Penny hit the bed and then fell to the floor.
“No, Ms. Pennington, please. Don’t do it in front of him,

Ms. Penington moved to his bed and had a seat
there. Brody was both horrified and curious about what was to
happen next. Ms. Pennington reached down and grabbed the girl by
the forearm.

Penny tried to resist, but her strength was
no match for that of the badass woman. She was quickly pulled up on
Ms. Pennington’s lap.

The bigger woman didn’t bring her across her
knees. She brought her long ways across her leg and then trapped
Penny’s body between her body and her arm so that Penny’s young
rump was facing him.

He couldn’t believe it. It was clear that Ms.
Pennington planned to spank this girl. Then Brody was set in a true
state of shock when Ms. Pennington used the hand on her free arm to
jerk down Penny’s boxers.

He had the strangest mixture of feelings just
then. He felt guilty for sitting there and doing nothing as Penny
squirmed and cried. But he also couldn’t take his eyes off that
bare brown butt. It wasn’t nearly as petite as the rest of her. It
had relatively long crack, like it had kept growing tall while the
rest of her stunted. The cheeks went out a bit, giving it the
overall shape of an upside down heart. For a brief instant, her
cheeks were spread. What he saw increased the guilt, because he
wasn’t supposed to see something so personal in this situation. But
he still looked at the two lips, a much darker shade of brown than
her butt. He could even see the puckered place between the two

Then a hard hand came down on that naked
butt, and the cheeks closed.

Penny screamed even louder than the clap of
the hand on her butt. Ms. Pennington hit the girl’s rump several
times as Penny squirmed and bucked. Her movements were ineffective
for escape. Brody felt so bad for her, yet a part of him burned so
hard seeing this. He knew he should look away, but he couldn’t find
the ability to do so.

Ms. Pennington dropped the screaming girl to
the floor, where she sobbed and struggled to pull up her

“Now get to bed,” Ms. Pennington said, which
caused the girl to get up and run out, still working her boxers

Then Ms. Pennington’s stare moved to him. It
felt like she could look right inside him and see his dirty lust.
He felt so ashamed.

“As I said,” Ms. Pennington offered. “You
have to be very stern with these girls. It’s all they understand in
the beginning.”

At this, he could only nod. He wasn’t sure he
really agreed, but he definitely would not cross her, not with how
good it had felt to be able to type his stories in.

Ms. Pennington got up. “I’m glad to see you
discovered the computer and have started to enter your stories. But
maybe you should think about resting now.”

He nodded again. “Yes ma’am.”

With that, she left him there. He went right
to bed. He couldn’t believe the thoughts in his head right now. He
tried to resist them for a little while, but they wouldn’t go away.
They just felt too good.


The next morning, a tired and shy looking
Penny came and got him. He was already up and typing. He went to
have breakfast. The eggs were real. So were the biscuits and gravy.
Once again, he ate too much.

After breakfast, Ms. Pennington took him to
the house’s library. There were many books there, but she focused
on a prep book for the GED. He’d seen older versions of this text
before. She showed him where the girls were in their studies. She
was right. She’d not gotten far with them.

“How long will you need to prepare before you
start teaching?” Her look was stern, but he didn’t’ think she
expected the answer he had ready.

“I’m ready,” he said.

She smiled, but it still had that dominant
quality to it. “I’ll send one of the girls in.”

She left him there and he waited. Within
minutes, Resling showed up.

“Come in,” he said. “Sit down.”

He was at a long table. She came down and sat
opposite him. Her brown eyes were big right now. She was staring at
him like she was a little girl and they were getting ready to go on
some carnival ride.

He looked at where she was in her studies.
“It looks like your biggest trouble is math, so let’s start there.
I see you haven’t been able to get through your multiplication

She shook her head at that, still

He got up. He’d been here before. It had
always been with a man, but he’d been here before. “This will be no
problems at all.”

There was a standing chalkboard. He got up
and in front of it. He drew a single vertical line. “Okay. This is
one, one time. It’s one times one. How many is that?”

“I don’t know,” she said.

He looked back at her. She wasn’t staring at
the board. She was staring at him. “Don’t look at me. Look at the
board. It’s one, one time. How many lines are there?”

She glanced at the board, frowned, then she
looked at him. She wasn’t looking at his face, though. She seemed
to be checking out his body. She smiled again.

“Hmm,” he said. “With you, I think ‘I don’t
know,’ means ‘I don’t want to do it.’ He thought for a second. He
supposed he could threaten her with Ms. Pennington. But he thought
he should try something else first.

“Turn your chair toward the chalkboard.”

The young woman scooted her chair around.
Then he moved behind her. “Now look at the board.”

She did, but only briefly. Then she looked
down, like she was afraid of the board. He’d thought going behind
her would take away the distraction and get her to focus on the
board. He wasn’t sure what to do. He didn’t want to fail. He
couldn’t fail.

He put a supportive hand on her shoulder. She
turned her head to it, still smiling big.

“Now look at the board,” he said.

She did. And she held her stare there.

“How many lines?”

“One,” she said.

“Good. So what is one, one time? What is one
times one?”


Very good he said, squeezing her shoulder. He
moved back to the board. He drew another line. He then moved behind

“That’s one two times. How many is it?”

Again, she only looked briefly at the board.
He put his hand back on her shoulder and gently rubbed it. “How
much is one times two?”

She looked at the board. A second later, she
said, “Two.”

“Very good.”

He would continue this through all the ones.
Then he used the same trick with the twos. The trouble started when
she got to two times two.

With him rubbing her shoulder, she looked at
it. She then shook her head and looked down. He’d seen a similar
thing before. Math required mental manipulation. Some people had a
low tolerance for such a thing. It was like a block. You just had
to break through that block.

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