Young-Minded Hustler (25 page)

BOOK: Young-Minded Hustler
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“Raequan has very little brain activity. The bullet severed his spine. We're doing everything possible to save him. He's in critical condition and if by miracle he pulls through, your son will be paralyzed from the neck down for the rest of his life. Raequan will need twenty-four-hour care should he live. At this time, he requires more specialized care than what we can offer. With your permission, he will be airlifted to Cleveland Clinic. They have specialists with years of experience to take over his care. The nurse will give you all of the information you need. You can meet him there but we cannot allow you to ride with him in the helicopter. Good luck to you and your son.”
It was as if the doctor just shared a movie synopsis with Cherise. All she heard was “little brain activity” and “paralyzed.” Cherise was overwhelmed. There was no fighting off the panic attack that time. Luckily for her, the nurses knew how to get her through it. She didn't know what to do next. Her world had crumbled and she was alone. There was too much weigh on her shoulders. Cherise's soul was shattered.
“What am I supposed to do now?” Cherise asked toward the sky.
Three months later, life at the McGee house had slowly returned to normal. The boys' health had returned, Princess was being a brat to her big brothers, and Shy had returned to work on a part-time schedule. Prince and Jayden still had doctor appointments and Shy didn't like to be away from her children for too long.
Shy and Karl lay cuddled up on the couch watching a movie together. He had become a constant and consistent support system for Shy. Karl was happy to have such a strong, independent, and loving woman in his life. Until they met, neither realized just how lonely life had become. It was love for them both. Shy tried not to fall in love but her heart had other plans. Karl was comfortable and genuine. With the support of her children and after long talks with Bossy, Shy believed that Melvin would be happy for her. She believed her late husband could rest peacefully knowing his family was in good hands. For Karl, Shy had been sent from the heavens. Happiness for him had also been elusive. After his son was murdered and the failure of his marriage, he'd been a lost soul. His life had consisted of nothing but work and home. Meeting a woman like Shy had been a long time coming. There was nothing he would not do to make her happy.
“Stop playing around, boy. I can't hear the movie.” Shy giggled.
“I thought you liked when I kissed on your neck,” Karl said softly between wet kisses.
“Oh, yeah? I thought we were supposed to be watching this movie. You know what that does to me, especially with those strong hands of yours rubbing my back.” Shy complained but her body language signaled differently. Shy loved that Karl was affectionate. His touch always calmed and relaxed both her body and mind. “We're going upstairs if you don't control those hands.”
Karl picked up the remote control and stopped the movie. Shy grabbed the back of his head and pulled him closer. They kissed softly, enjoying the warmth and feel of one another. Without saying a word, Shy stood up and led Karl to her bedroom. All of the kids had gone with Quincy to visit The Ohio State University and Ohio University. It was rare for Shy to have the house to herself and she had been taking full advantage. Inside the bedroom, Shy fell back on her bed and pulled Karl down with her. The couple picked up where they'd left off downstairs.
“Aw damn, who could that be?” Shy asked in response to the ringing doorbell.
“I'll go answer the door and you go fill the tub up. We can make this an evening to remember,” Karl said with a smile.
Shy watched the man she loved walk out of her bedroom. Her heart skipped a beat. She loved that man wholeheartedly. With a smile on her face, Shy went into her bathroom to prepare for an intimate evening. The Jacuzzi tub was filling with hot water while Shy lit candles and searched for her Raheem DeVaughn mix CD. His melodic voice would be perfect to help them relax. After pushing play, Shy undressed and slipped into her full-length terry cloth robe. Shy hadn't heard Karl return and was startled when she turned around.
“Boy, you scared the shit out of me. Why do you have that look on your face?”
Shy immediately knew that something was wrong. Her shoulders slumped with thoughts of another dilemma for her to muddle through.
“Promise me you'll stay calm,” Karl said with concern.
“Why? Who was at the door?”
“Just stay calm and remember you can't control anything if anger has control of you.” Karl spoke with great concern.
“You're starting to piss me off, Karl. Who's at my door?” Shy had become impatient.
Shy thought she'd heard wrong.
Did he just say Cherise?
She stood with a look of anger on her face. If Cherise had drummed up the courage to make a random visit to her house, the beat down of the century was about to pop off.
“Did you say Cherise?”
“She just wants to talk with you. I know how you feel about her but this may be a good thing.”
Shy looked at Karl as if he'd sprouted a second head. There was no way Cherise being within striking distance could be a good thing, at least not for Cherise.
“I only say that because you must have questions that you need the answers to. You've been so busy taking care of your kids that the paternity issue with Raequan has been lingering. This is your opportunity to get the answers you need.”
Shy thought for a minute. Karl was right. She did have a few questions for Cherise. The problem was getting the truth out of Cherise would be an issue within itself.
“Where is she?” Shy relented.
Karl and Shy walked into the dining room hand in hand. It was the closest room to the front door. Karl wanted Cherise to have a clear exit in case the meeting went horribly wrong. Shy was shocked by what she saw. Cherise looked awful. There were dark circles under her weary eyes, causing her to look aged. Her hair needed to be combed and the clothes she wore looked two sizes too big. She looked so miserable, Shy almost felt sorry for her former best friend.
“Shy, I know you don't want to see me but I have nowhere else to go. No one understands what I'm going through but you. I started to call but I knew you wouldn't have answered. It won't take long, I promise. Can we please talk?” Cherise pleaded with watery eyes.
Shy didn't answer. She took a seat opposite the woman who'd betrayed her. There was sincerity in Cherise's eyes offering Shy hope that she would get the truth about what happened all of those years ago.
“You probably heard but Raequan was shot a few months ago. He's in Cleveland Clinic Hospital. They say he'll never walk again if he makes it. My son is paralyzed and suffering,” Cherise cried.
“Yeah, I heard,” Shy said dryly.
There was no compassion from Shy. After everything Cherise and Raequan had done to her family, Shy felt karma had come full circle, giving them exactly what they deserved.
“The doctors are telling me that he'll need around-the-clock care for the rest of his life. He can't move from the neck down. He won't be able to use his arms or legs. Raequan is an invalid. He had no health insurance and I have no money to speak of. I was robbed of everything that I had in my safes. Everything has fallen apart. All of my friends have abandoned me, I was beaten and left for dead in my own home, my connect wants his money, and I can't think straight. I don't know what to do,” Cherise said through tears. Her every word was drenched in emotional agony.
“What do you want from me?” Shy asked, unmoved.
“I know I don't deserve it but I want your forgiveness. I want my friend back.” Cherise sniffed.
Karl saw the anger and hatred Shy was nursing reflected in her eyes. There were far too many unanswered questions for Shy to forgive. Cherise's every sin against Shy had not yet become clear. At that point, forgiveness was out of the question.
“What am I forgiving you for? Fucking my husband and making a baby with him? The fact that you looked me in the face every day knowing the betrayal you'd committed? Am I forgiving you playing me for a fool? What the fuck?” Shy was indignant.
“You don't understand,” Cherise stammered.
“Damn right I don't understand!” Shy yelled as she jumped up.
“Shy, calm down,” Karl instructed, his hand gripping her wrist.
After a few deep breaths, Shy was able to calm down. She sat back down and looked Cherise in the eye. There was nothing but grief and the reflection of a broken woman. Still, Shy felt no empathy. Her twins underwent multiple surgeries and were living with one kidney each due to Raequan's jealousy. Shy felt Raequan had brought on his own suffering. Cherise had raised him to be a jealous, materialistic thug who disrespected the game at every turn.
“I'm sorry Shy. You've always been a good friend to me. I was stupid and reckless. My life was nothing compared to yours. We were children and I didn't understand the weight of my selfishness. Your family treated me like I belonged from the start. All I wanted was to be like you. You had it all and I had nothing,” Cherise rambled on, trying to explain.
“Right, my parents never mistreated you. My sister bought you the same things she did me and I was closer to you than Tara. What have I ever done to you for you to hate me?” Shy was choked up.
“Nothing. That's what I'm trying to tell you. Shy, you didn't do anything. It was about me, not you. I just wanted to be happy and loved. You had a man who loved and respected you; what did I have?
“How long were you sleeping with my husband?” Shy snapped.
“It wasn't like that at all.”
“Tell me what it was and, Cherise, I want the truth.”
Cherise paused to gather her thoughts. It had been her intention to confess and ask forgiveness for her sins. Though Shy looked angry, Cherise knew the pain she carried had to be overwhelming. She had to set things right by being honest. Cherise had it in her mind that by repenting, she could get on the right path. Her life was a living hell that needed a water hydrant to put out, or at least simmer down.
“The night we celebrated our high school graduation was the first time. You were passed out from drinking too much. Melvin knocked on our door wanting some weed when B-Boy invited him to have a three-way. We'd had an argument and I wanted to show you that you weren't any better than me,” Cherise explained in an even monotone.
Shy couldn't believe what she was hearing. She remembered that night vividly. B-Boy had hit Cherise and she tried to help, only to be insulted. It was nothing. The former best friends had fights much more serious. For that pettiness, Cherise betrayed her in the worst way. Shy's heart broke. Cherise went on and Shy listened intently.
“You have to understand that was the only time Melvin willingly betrayed you. He loved you and felt horrible for what we did.”
“Don't lie to me, that wasn't when you got pregnant so it didn't stop then,” Shy fumed.
“I said willingly. It was a couple of years later when me and B-Boy were living on Sherwood Street. We were smoking, drinking, and playing cards. B-Boy had got his hands on some GHB and slipped it in Melvin's drink. Melvin thought he'd passed out when he woke up on our couch the next morning. I washed him up and we dressed him afterward. You don't know half of the stuff B-Boy made me do. B-Boy felt Melvin was leaving him behind as he rose in the game while he kept pounding the pavement. It's no excuse but B-Boy was as jealous-hearted as I was.” Cherise tried to make the situation sound logical. Finally confessing to the rape of a man she truly wanted to be with was long overdue. “That same scenario happened one more time. Melvin had no memory of the threesome. He had no idea that Raequan was his.”
The truth gave Shy back the respect she'd lost for her husband. They had been so close with a relationship that should've lasted a lifetime. At the same time, she was furious about the way B-Boy and Cherise had taken advantage of him. Shy didn't know whether to choke the life out of Cherise or thank God. She had been thinking the worst about Melvin and Cherise. Shy worried they had an ongoing affair behind her back. Not knowing the truth led way to multiple possibilities, all of which deeply hurt Shy. The truth sounded like fiction until B-Boy was added to the mix. He was Satan himself. Shy put nothing past him.
“He was a good man, a good person, period. If I recall correctly, my husband was damn near taking care of your dysfunctional family because B-Boy was a worthless provider. Why would you do that to him?”
Shy needed to know what Cherise's motive was behind it all.
“Like I said before, I wanted your life,” Cherise said matter-of-factly.
Karl was outdone. He tried to put it all into perspective. A grown couple had drugged and basically raped a man they called a friend. Cherise was a psychopath as far as Karl was concerned. Shy had all the facts, which was the point of it all. If she was satisfied with Cherise's explanation, it was time for her to go. Karl couldn't stand to be around a woman with no soul.

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