
Read Always Online

Authors: Deb Stover

BOOK: Always
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By Deb Stover


A Contemporary Romance Novel


Originally published as
A Matter of Trust
in 2000 by Kensington Publishing.

© 2000, 2013 by Debra S. Stover AKA Deb Stover.

All Rights Reserved

Cover design by Deb Stover.



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"Erotically charged and emotionally heartwarming..."

RT Book Reviews


Dr. Dolittle Meets Northern Exposure


Gordon closed the door behind her and walked woodenly to the bed.


He wanted to forgive Taylor. Desperately. But he couldn't trust

her. If he allowed himself to trust her, she'd have the power to

hurt him. No matter what, he couldn't give her that power ever



The floor creaked just beyond Gordon's door, and he held his

breath as the doorknob turned. His heart thundered and he wanted desperately to call out to her.


Slowly, the door opened, and Taylor stood framed by firelight.


"Dear God."
His gaze drifted down the length of her, savoring

every inch of bare leg. His body sprang to life even as his mouth

formed the words, "Taylor, don't..."


"I've been lying awake, and I can't stop remembering." She padded barefoot to his bed. "Look at me, Gordon."


He raised his lashes and met her gaze. Something bright and hot

and dangerous burned in her eyes. "Do you know...?"


She put her knee on his bed and cupped his cheek with one hand, then brought her other knee onto his bed and framed his face with both hands. "I only know this," she whispered, leaning closer to cover his mouth with hers.



Novels by Deb Stover


Shades of Rose

A Willing Spirit

Some Like It Hotter

Almost an Angel

Another Dawn

Stolen Wishes

Always (A Matter of Trust)

A Moment in Time

No Place For A Lady

Mulligan Stew

Mulligan Magic

The Gift




"The Enchanted Garden" in
A Dangerous Magic

"Keeper Of The Well" in
Murder Most Romantic
; Gramercy

"Punkinella" in
Vengeance Fantastic

Citizen Daisy
" in
Some Enchanted Evening
; Zebra

"Skin Deep" in
Irresistible Forces

"Witch Stitchery" in
Enchantment Place

"When It’s Wright" in
Cast Of Characters
; Fiction Studio


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