You Got Me (7 page)

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Authors: Mercy Amare

BOOK: You Got Me
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Ready to go inside?” he asked.

I took a deep breath. “Sure.”




I took Roxy's hand as we made our way inside the tiny trailer I called
. I was still unsure why I brought her with me, all I knew was that I couldn't leave her alone all weekend. Not after last night.

I wondered what my mom would think. Would she believe that we were only friends? Why wouldn't she believe it? It's true. But did I want more? If I was being truthful with myself, I would say yes, but I couldn't. Mostly because Roxy was fucked up enough without adding me into the mix. I would end up breaking her heart, and I couldn't do that.

“Mom?” I said, entering the house.

Aiden?” I heard her from the other room. She came into the living room, looking very tired. Her hair was pulled up into a messy bun on top of her head, and she looked like she didn't get any rest all night long. She was exhausted, as usual. It hurt to see her like that.

I hugged her. “Hey mom, I'd like you to meet my friend, Roxy. Roxy, this is my mom, Barbara.”

“It's nice to meet you,” my mom said as she gave Roxy a hug. I could tell that it made Roxy feel uncomfortable, but she hugged her back.

You too, Mrs. Dixon.”

Please, call me Barbara,” Mom insisted. She then turned to me. “It's so nice you brought a
. Do you have classes together?”

No,” Roxy answered. “We, uh... We met on the roof.”

I jumped in. “I went up there because Gary had the room... occupied. I needed to study. When I went up there, Roxy was playing guitar and singing.”

“A musician,” my mom smiled approvingly. “Well, Roxy, it is very nice to meet you. I'm so glad you could come.”

Where's Aaron?” I asked.

He's in my room, asleep.” She frowned. “The pain medicine they gave him knocks him right out.”

How did he take surgery?”

Aaron was so brave. He had such a great doctor. We had to go all the way to Mobile to do it. I missed an entire shift at work.” I could hear the worry in her voice. We couldn't afford medical insurance, and I knew it would be an expensive visit.

Who was his surgeon?” Roxy asked.

Dr. Gibson.”

Your dad?” I asked.

She nodded. “Yeah. That must have been the call he got after the game.”

“Wow,” Mom smiled. “He's such a nice man. So good at his job. He really made Aaron feel comfortable.”

Roxy smiled. “Yeah, he is a great surgeon.” She said it as if she had experienced it first hand. I remembered what she had said about being in the hospital for 4 months. Was Dr. Gibson her doctor then? What happened to her?

“Since you're here, I'm going to head into work early. I need to make up my hours from last night.”

Why don't you just rest? You look tired.”

Aiden,” she said in a stern voice. “You know trips to the hospital aren't free.”

I know, Mom.”

Give Aaron a dose of medicine at 1 o'clock. It taste nasty, and he doesn't like to take it. You just have to bribe him,” she instructed.

I nodded. “I've got it covered.”

She kissed me on the cheek. “Nice to meet you Roxy. Bye, Aiden.” With that, she was out the door.



I liked Aiden's family a lot. Aaron was a very sweet little boy, and Grace immediately took to me like I was her new best friend. Barbara was at work practically the whole time. I was beginning to wonder when she slept. She worked so hard for her family. It was obvious that she loved them a lot.

I also loved watching Aiden with his siblings. They were all so close, and honestly, I was a little jealous. I wondered what kind of person I would be if I had grown up in a normal family. What would it be like to have a brother or sister?

Saturday night, Aiden hung out with Aaron in the other room, watching cartoons, while Grace and me painted our fingernails. She was the definition of a girly girl, completely opposite from me.

“I love your hair,” she said, smiling.

Thanks.” I suddenly felt a little shy. What was with everybody giving me compliments lately?

I wish my mom would let me put a strip of pink in my hair.”

I looked at her beautiful blonde hair. “Your hair is so pretty like it is.”

She rolled her eyes. “It's so boring.”

I laughed. Were all 15 year old girls so dramatic?

“So what's up with all the writing on your arms?” When she said it, she wasn't judging me. Just asking why I did it.

I decided to answer her as best as I could. “I just write opposite of what I'm feeling, and it helps me feel better.”

She pointed to the spot that said '
I'm awesome
'. “I like that one the best,” she smiled. “And it's true. You are very awesome.”

Umm... Thanks,” I answered. It felt weird accepting a compliment.

Are you and my brother dating?”

No,” I quickly answered. “We are just friends.”

Does my brother know that you're just
?” she asked. “Because, he looks at you like he's dying of thirst and you're a tall glass of water.”

I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing. “No he doesn't.”

“Pu-lease,” she crossed her arms over her chest. “I've known him for 15 years, and he's way into you. You know, he's never brought a girl home before.”

Part of me wanted what she said to be true, but the other part of me, the rational side, knew better. I'm screwed up. Aiden knows it. “He can do so much better than me.”

Grace smiled. “I knew it! You so like him too.”

I rolled my eyes. “I do not.”

“Whatever, you so do.” She blew on her freshly painted nails. She was obviously satisfied with herself.

Geez, this girl should be a interrogator.



I laid beside my brother on the bed. We were watching Spongebob. Roxy and Grace were in the other room, painting their nails. I could hear them both laughing. I couldn't help but smile. Roxy was really fitting in with my family, and I liked it. There was nowhere else I would rather be.

Aaron seemed to be feeling better, which was a relief.

“Do you want to tell me what happened?” I was dreading this conversation. My sweet brother didn't get into fights.

He sighed angrily. “Some of the boys at school don't like me. They're bigger, and mean. I tried to stand up for myself, and then they pushed me off the top of the monkey bars.”

“Did you talk to your teacher about this?” I asked.

He shook his head. “If I did, they would just be meaner.”

“Did it just start recently? Or has it been since the beginning of the year?” I asked.

He looked away, and got quiet.

“You can tell me.”

It started after football season started. They're fans of Alabama.”

I stiffened at that. These kids are 7 years old, and in the second grade. Too young to get so angry about football rivalries. “So they don't like you because of me?”

He nodded. “But its ok. I can take it, honest.”

Next time, when these bullies start in, walk away. Promise me, Aaron. They're not worth it.”

I promise.”

And just remember,
won the game last night.”

We both bumped knuckles, and Aaron smiled proudly. “It's because they have you. You're the best football player, ever.”

We both turned our attention back to the TV. I was satisfied with our talk, but still saddened. I couldn't blame the kids for the way they acted, but I could blame their parents. So much hate over college football. It was ridiculous.


A few hours later, we all decided to go for ice cream. Grace was dying to ride in Roxy's car, so it was the perfect opportunity. Roxy drove and I let Grace ride up front. The back seat wasn't as small as I thought it would be.

Oh my god!” Grace squealed as she looked around the car. “It's so beautiful.”

I couldn't help but laugh. “Grace, it's just a car.”

She gasped. “It is not just a car. It is my dream car. One day, I will have a car like this. Except mine will be yellow... or red. I haven't decided yet.”

I like orange,” Aaron said, proudly. “It Auburn's colors.”

I'd rather go to Florida,” she admitted. “It's warmer, and the guys are hotter. I'm so over Alabama guys.”

She's just mad cause Chad dumped her for Jennifer,” Aaron rolled his eyes. I couldn't help but laugh. He had to learn that from Grace. “And Chad is going to Auburn. She doesn't want to go anywhere near him.”

He didn't dump me for her!”

Wait, so you're basing your college decision around a guy?” I asked.

She sighed. “I was in
with him, and he cheated on me. I don't think I'll ever recover. This is going to affect every relationship I have for the rest of my life. Seeing him around my college campus certainly isn't going to help me recover. The damage is irreversible.”

You have 3 years of high school left. Between now and then, lots of boys will come and go,” Roxy said. I could tell she was trying not to laugh at how dramatic Grace was. “You have to do what's best for you.”

I hope not too many,” I added. “But Roxy is right. Heartbreak is part of life. You'll probably break some hearts yourself.”

Grace seemed happy. “You know what, you're right. I just have to break their heart
they break mine.”

That's not what I meant.”

How many hearts did you break?” Grace asked Roxy.

I've actually never had a boyfriend,” she admitted.

As she confessed this, I'm pretty sure everybody in the car was looking at her with their mouths open. Grace was the one to speak. “Seriously? But you're... hot...”

Roxy's cheeks were turning red. She quickly turned the subject away from her. “What about you, Aiden? How many hearts have you broken?”

None,” I answered quickly.

Grace laughed. “Pu-lease. He broke so many hearts that they almost renamed the town Heartbreak, Alabama.”

“I went through a... stage... for a little while.” I gave Grace a look that said
shut up, or I will hurt you.

But don't worry, he won't break your heart,” Grace told her. “He likes you too much to do that.”

The car fell into an awkward silence. I silently plotted my revenge for Grace.

“Well, I'm going to go to Auburn and play football just like you,” Aaron said proudly. And just like that, the awkwardness was gone. I'd have to thank him later.




I was sad to leave Aiden's house on Sunday night, and I could tell that he too didn't want to leave. I had a lot of fun hanging out with his family. Before leaving, Grace gave me a hug. I liked her. She was the little sister that I never had. Sure, she was a little crazy, but she was fun.

I love your family,” I told him as we drove out of
Shady Grove Trailer Park

They love you, too. Especially Grace,” he smiled. “I'm really glad you could come with me.”

Me too.” I meant it. “It was a lot of fun.” I wanted so badly to ask Aiden why he invited me. I thought after my panic attack Friday night that he would never speak to me again. I was glad that I was wrong. “So, why did you invite me?” I finally asked. My voice was shakier than I thought it would be. So much for being brave.

I...” he cut off. I could see the look of uncertainty on his face. “I don't know. I just... I didn't want to go without you.”

I couldn't help but smile at his words. Now, more than ever, I wished that I was normal. Aiden, he deserved so much better than me.

What am I thinking? He doesn't
like me
like that. We're just friends. I mean, he hasn't even tried to kiss me or anything. It was obviously he wasn't into me like that.

I suddenly thought about what Grace said...
He looks at you like he's dying of thirst and you're a tall glass of water
. It couldn't be true. I was sure that all he saw was a sad girl. Maybe that was why he was my friend. He thinks he can fix me. If only he could.

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