You Are My Air: Breathless Book 1 (25 page)

BOOK: You Are My Air: Breathless Book 1
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"Yeah," Ford answered with a snort of disdain. "The guy is a real tool. He keeps bothering her and won't accept that it's over."

"He won't be a problem anymore," I told Ford, who looked at me curiously as I gave him a small smile. "I sent him on his way when he tried to hijack our date last weekend. I don't think he'll be bothering her anymore." I told him what happened and that got a wide grin out of him, making him look almost boyish even with the scruffy beard.

"Well, it's good to know that Natie isn't with another pussy who won't stand up for himself," he said with a wry twist of his mouth.

"Thanks," I said with amusement, wondering when we had stepped into an alternate universe where bullies apologized for what they had done, and their victims ended up kind of liking them.

Ford's face turned serious again. "Are we good?" he asked with conviction. "I don't want there to be bad blood between us, and I don't want to mess up your relationship with my sister. I think she really likes you."

My anger just bled away. What good was holding on to it, if the cause of it was sitting here next to me apologizing? I had worked with enough kids and teenagers that had been damaged by divorce that I could understand what had caused Ford to lash out at the people around him. I didn't doubt his sincerity at all. Holding on to this grudge was pointless now.

"We're good, Ford," I said with a nod and a genuine smile. "It's water under the bridge now."

His relief was almost palpable as he sighed with relief. "I am sorry, David, and if you still keep in contact with your friend could you tell him that? I'm sorry I can't remember his name." His face looked pained with that admission.

"His name is Ben Wiley," I said. "And I'll tell him when I see him next week."

He glanced behind me for a second. "Here comes Natie. I'd better get back to my seat."

I watched Ford scoot back over to his chair, pondering the unexpected turn of events tonight, until I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder. I could smell her before I even turned to look at her. Natalie's smile made my chest tighten again and when she said my name, a rush of pleasure filled me. I took her hand in mine as she sat down and smiled back at her feeling deep things for her that filled me with fear. It occurred to me that if I could let go of the resentful anger and hurt I had for her brother for all these years, maybe I really could let go of the fear and anger that had kept me alone for so long. I didn't want to go back to that dark place and be that sad angry person anymore. The light on this side was too beautiful to be denied anymore. The person I was becoming again was someone I really wanted to be, and I wanted to be that person with Natalie.







I woke Sunday morning to the feel of soft kisses on my face and the masculine scent of David all around me. I opened my eyes sleepily to find his face hovering above mine with a gentle smile on his face. He bent his head down and kissed my lips slowly and softly, letting me feel everything he was feeling. It was amazing and terrifying; I didn't want it to end. I had never felt quite this depth of emotion in his kiss before, and it blew me away. I curled my fingers into his hair and kissed him back, trying to show him that I felt the same powerful connection between us. When it ended, I was breathless and rattled to the core. Was I falling in love with this man?

Ty moe povitrya,
" David whispered as his eyes filled with affection, and he brushed my hair from my face. I gave him a questioning look, wondering what he said. "You are my air," he whispered again. "It's a Ukrainian endearment, sweetheart." He didn't elaborate; he just kissed me again, breathing me in and overwhelming my senses. Desire pooled inside me, rising up and threatening to drown me. I moaned into David's mouth as he slid his right hand down my body and squeezed one of my breasts then pinched my nipple firmly. His hand continued down my belly until his fingers slid between the folds of my pussy, finding me already wet and ready. He moaned low in his chest and lifted his head. "I need you, Natalie," he said softly, his blue eyes needy and desperate.

"Please, David," I begged shamelessly. I couldn't get enough of him. I couldn't breath without him inside me. He shifted until he was on top of me, his weight resting on his forearms and his hips lined up with mine.

"Put me inside you," he whispered as his soft beard ghosted across my cheek. "Please."

I reached down and gripped his cock; the soft skin stretched over unbelievable hardness. I rubbed the tip through my wet folds then watched David's face as I lined him up with my entrance and felt him slowly slide himself into me. His eyelids fluttered, his lips parting as he sighed with pleasure. He stilled as he hit the end of me, shuddering as he fought for control. I did that to him, and the thought filled me with a deep feminine satisfaction. It felt so good that I almost came, but I fought it down, knowing that waiting until he let me come would make it that much better later. David taught me that.

Finally, he began to move slowly inside me. It wasn't the usual hard dominate fucking that I loved, but equally as intense and just as pleasurable. He took his time, taking us there slowly but surely, yet still enjoying the ride along the way. He began kissing me again, his lips slow yet demanding on mine. I dug my nails into his back, knowing how much he loved it when I marked him.

"Don't come until I say," he whispered against my lips. I smiled. I was already going to do that anyway. His control in bed was such a turn on, and giving my pleasure over to him was easy and always felt right. No one had ever put so much effort into making sure I got as much pleasure out of sex as I could, then David.

My climax began to rise up inside me, David's deep measured strokes taking me higher and higher. I felt my body tensing up. "Hold on, sweetheart," David said softly. "Wait for me. I'm almost there." His voice was strained and tremulous, his body shaking as he chased after our release.

I decided to help him along as my control started to slip. I latched my teeth into his lower lip, biting down hard and sucking on it aggressively. He gasped then let out a low moan. His body tensed, and his thrusts became deeper and harder. "Now, Natalie," he groaned out. "Come now."

I screamed his name as the orgasm propelled me into ecstasy, my body flooding with pure pleasure. My nails sank deeper into his back as his body contracted and expanded, his cock jerking inside me as we came. He bellowed out my name as he pushed deeply into me, our bodies pressed together tightly, our mouths breathing each other in.

When it was over, David still hovered over me with his lips next to my ear. "
Ty moe povitrya,
my Natalie," he whispered shakily. "You are my air." A burst of pleasure that had nothing to do with sex hit me, and I knew the truth. I was desperately in love with this man, but I didn't dare to tell him yet. I knew he was afraid. I saw the fear ghost across his face almost every time we connected on a deeper emotional level, and I didn't want to overwhelm him or frighten him away. I would bide my time and wait for him to admit the truth to himself and accept it, because I knew he loved me too. I felt it in my bones. I just needed to be patient while he worked through his fear and figured it out for himself.

He rolled over onto his side, leaving me bereft as his softening cock slipped out of me. However, I got over it quickly as he wrapped himself around me and pulled me close, tucking my head under his chin and twining his legs with mine. I pressed my hands to the fine hairs on his chest, feeling his heart still beating fast from our love making. There was a long pregnant silence, and for one brief second I almost thought he was going to tell me that he loved me, but he sighed deeply and the moment was gone.

"What do you want for breakfast, sweetheart?" he asked me in a gentle tone.

"I already had what I wanted," I told him as I smiled.

"And it was incredible." He nuzzled his nose into my hair. "But when the high wears off we'll be hungry."

"I want an omelet with ham and cheese."

"I can do that," he said. "Anything else?"

"Fruit and coffee."

"I've got all that, and some champagne and orange juice if you want a mimosa."

"Oh my God," I blurted out as I pulled my head back to look at him with a wide grin. "You
the perfect man, aren't you?"

"I'm not perfect," he admitted with a smirk. "I'm just a great planner. That and chicks always go crazy every time someone mentions even the possibility of a mimosa."

"Is that how you lured all those unsuspecting women into your bed?" I regretted the question as soon as it came out of my mouth.

A flash of shame crossed his eyes. "I never made breakfast for any of them," he said in a monotone as he averted his gaze from mine.

"David." I touched his cheek as I said his name softly. "I'm sorry. I was just joking around." He looked back at me, his face softening.

"I fooled myself into thinking that it didn't bother me at the time," he said. "I wish I could take back all the meaningless sex I had. I was miserable and couldn't even admit it to myself. Sex without an emotional connection doesn't do it for me. It never has and I was a deluded idiot." His face was distraught, and I hated Paige even more.

"What did she do to you?" I asked in a trembling voice as anger at this woman I didn't even know came over me.

"She took everything from me," he whispered as his eyes darkened with anger and pain. He shut his eyes and pulled me in close again. "But I'm fighting to get it back."

I cuddled in close to him, giving him the comfort he so desperately needed right now. He held me for several minutes as I listened to the slow steady beat of his heart.
I love you, David.
I let the thought flow through me, willing him to feel it, even if I couldn't say it out loud yet; and I swear his arms tightened around me a little more.

Ty moe povitrya,
" he whispered in my ear. "My Natalie."

His. I was his, but he was mine too.

"My David," I whispered back, and he pressed his lips gently to my temple.


It wasn't an "I love you," but it was enough. I heard so much love in that one syllable that I knew I would wait as long as it took for him to say it out loud.


"What are you doing next Saturday night?" David asked me. We were curled up on his couch together with his arm around my shoulders, watching TV after dinner and sipping on white wine. Not only had he made me breakfast, but he had also made lunch and dinner for us. He was a very good cook, and everything had been delicious.

"I have a date with some hot guy," I replied as I put my wine glass on the coffee table and turned to face him. I leaned toward him, and lowered my voice conspiratorially. "I'm fairly certain he'll put out too."

"That's a guarantee," he said with a sexy smile as he nuzzled my earlobe until I giggled, then nipped it gently. I let out a small moan of pleasure. "I have a wedding to go to, and I wanted you to be my date."

"Are you going to wear your tux again?' I asked hopefully. I was still reeling from how hot he had looked in it last night. Of course, that hadn't stopped me from practically ripping it off of him when we got back here after the charity dinner.

"No, sweetheart," he said with amusement. "I'm just a guest, but I will be wearing a suit."

"I'll go with you, as long as I can rip it off of you afterwords," I told him sternly.

"You can rip my clothes off any time you like," he said with a wry smile.

"Who's getting married?" I asked curiously.

"My friends, Andy and Lydia," he said. "He's Jensen's best friend and they're both good friends of mine."

"So Sydney and Jensen will be there?"

"Jensen is the best man, so I certainly hope so," David said with a laugh. "And since Sydney is in the wedding too, and she and her husband are joined at the hip, then I'm pretty sure she'll be there too."

"Good." I nodded with a wide grin. "I like them a lot. Even if Jensen does curse like a sailor."

"That he does," David agreed with an answering grin. "I'm really glad you like my friends."

"Me too, and I want you to get to know Maggie as well," I said since we were talking about our friends. "I think you'll like her. Maybe the three of us could have dinner this week?"

"That sounds like a great idea," David agreed. "She seemed a bit suspicious when I took you home from the bar last weekend. I want her to know I'm a good guy, and that you're safe with me."

"She knows that," I told him with a soft smile. "I told her all about you."

"You told her
about me?" he asked with an evil glint in his eyes. "Even the biting?"

"No," I answered him with a wry smile. "I kept that to myself."

"Good," he said seductively. "Maybe I'll bite you right now."

"Maybe I'll let you."

He leaned in and started nibbling on my neck; his lips warm and soft. I shuddered, ready to see where this would lead when David's phone started ringing. We both glanced at the phone where it was sitting on the coffee table. David jerked upright when he noticed his brother-in-law Tony's name on the screen. He snatched it up and answered it.

"Tony," he answered brusquely. "Is Diana alright?"

There was a long pause, and I could just make out Tony's frantic voice, but couldn't make out any words. David's face paled and his eyes widened, and I suddenly had a sick feeling in my stomach.

"How much blood is there?" David asked calmly; his voice belying his rattled demeanor. I could hear Tony talking excitedly again for a moment. "Alright, but Tony, I need you to calm down. You need to get her to the ER, okay? I'll meet you there." David ended the call and stood in a rush, rubbing at his beard and pacing in front of the television.

"I've got to go, sweetheart," he finally blurted out. "Diana is bleeding, and Tony is freaking out. I need to get the hospital, but I can take you home, or you can stay here." He looked terrified and completely thrown off. I have no idea how he had managed to stay calm while he had been talking to Tony. One thing I knew for certain, was that I was going with him. He needed me.

BOOK: You Are My Air: Breathless Book 1
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